Of J\ssislnnl Coach John R. Middleton little tH•ec\ be •.aid, for all of us" ho attended school duriu~ the time "l\li<l'' was pia) ing foolbull for Idaho know him to be one of the best if not the best football man in the Northwest. lie is probably the best known football player in this part of the United States. He entered Idaho nsa Sophomore from Simpson Coll<>ge, lowa, and graduated from the B. A. course in 1906. It look very little talk to persuade llfid<lleton to come back and help pull Tclaho out of a hole last fall, and to him a fair share is due for the showing Idaho's light team made the past season. In working up and perfecting new plays "Mid'' has few superiors and we bespeak exceptional success for him if he chooses to lake np coachiug as a profession.
Gus Larsou, left tackle ond captain, is perhaps til(' most consistent ltne mnu Idaho has ever hod and his loss will be ft:lt more lhau can be told. The team has alwaJS bad the utmost confidence in h im and always did their best to make n ''hole" when "Gus" carried the hall, and always went into it hard when ''Gus" was called upon to open the way, as they could always depend upon him to do his Lest, and that was a lot. lie has several times made the All-Northwest team. Last season made seven ) ears in the team for him and for the last three or four he has probably been the most pop· ular man in college. Besides being an exceptionally good football man he is a spleudid studeut aud graduates from the B.S. (E. E ) course this year.