The Jewish Weekly Issue 290 - August 24th

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Israel will act against “terror wave”

Israel’s security cabinet has vowed to “strike at terrorists and whoever dispatches them” following two terror attacks in the past week.

A top-level meeting at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Office in Jerusalem on Tuesday saw the cabinet authorise Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yaov Gallant to “act accordingly”.

A statement confirmed that the Security Cabinet backs the IDF and security services in their actions against “terrorist elements” on behalf of the security of the citizens of Israel.

A manhunt continues for the killers of Shay Silas Nigrekar, 60,

and his son, 28-year-old Aviad Nir in Huwara in the first terror attack last Saturday. Security forces have arrested two suspects behind the murder of Batsheva Nigri, 42,

killed in a second attack in Hebron. Aryeh Gottlieb was seriously injured during the atrocity.

The latest victims in a wave of terror to strike Israel has seen 35

people killed and 140 injured this year. The total exceeds 2022, the highest year of fatalities since Operation Protective Edge in 2014.

Continued on page 2

PARSHAT KI TEITZEI SHABBAT: BEGINS ENDS London 19:48 20:50 Manchester 20:00 21:07 Leeds 19:55 21:09 Liverpool 20:00 21:13 Birmingham 19:54 21:05 Antwerp 20:26 21:36 Bournemouth 19:50 20:59 Gateshead 19:58 21:14 Jerusalem 18:36 19:49
Shay Silas Nigrekar z"l, 60, and his son, 28-year-old Aviad Nir z"l Batsheva Nigri a"h 0808 808 4567 | “When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I just didn’t know what to do. I was torn between having my treatment in Israel, where our families are, or here, where our life is in London. Then my oncologist told me about Chai. Thanks to Chai’s all-encompassing support, we’re together as a family again.” Chai Lifeline Cancer Care Registered Charity No. 1078956 CHAI GAVE US OUR MUMMY BACK Yisroel Avrum Moshe Rabinowitz z”l Yisroel Avrum Moshe Rabinowitz z”l will always be remembered for his kind words and gentle problem solving approach. His dedication to helping anyone in their time of need will never be forgotten and forever missed. MANCHESTER MOURNS MAN KILLED IN PARAGLIDING ACCIDENT IN SWISS ALPS

A recent Shin Bet security service assessment shows 200 active intelligence warnings of potential attacks. Shin Bet has prevented 350 shooting attacks this year. Some 1,560 Palestinians have been arrested and 750 guns confiscated. Most attacks are from Jenin and Nablus in Judea and Samaria.

Bicom noted roadside shootings are hard to prevent as Palestinians and Israeli settlers use the same roads. There is concern that recent shootings will see ‘copycat’ attacks.

During a hastily arranged security meeting, Gallant and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir clashed on the action to take.

Gallant raised the issue of Jewish nationalist hate crimes forcing security forces to divert resources.

He also referred to a recent campaign of incitement against IDF officers by some right-wing settlers with support of rightwing ministers.

“The campaign of verbal attacks on the IDF needs to be stopped immediately,” he said. “The attacks are irresponsible and make us look weak to our enemies. This is a security danger.”

Ben Gvir responded, “You’re to blame for the situation. I have a problem with

would “rot in jail” and the IDF would take “all steps to strengthen security”. He noted:

“We will peruse and capture our enemies.”

Negri, a mother of three daughters, was buried on Monday in Kfar Etzion. She was travelling to Jerusalem to meet cousins and prepare to open a kindergarten which she

those who try to murder Israeli citizens.

As of today, we have caught them all and we will catch these as well. We are using means, and we will use yet more, both offensive and defensive, to settle accounts with the murderers and those who dispatch them, near and far.”

Gallant spoke about Iranian funding and a proliferation of weapons under the Iranian directive.

“Iran seeks every means to harm the citizens of Israel,” he said. “We will reach the terrorists, and we will take additional action in order to ensure the security of Israel’s citizens, while exacting a price from

Tragedy in Machester Mikveh

The Manchester Kehilla was plunged into mourning last Friday as news spread that

those responsible for any harm.”

IDF Central Command Chief Maj. Gen. Yehuda Fox warned that Israel is facing a “major terror wave”.

“We are in a terror wave unlike anything we’ve seen in a long time,” Fox told reporters. “The IDF and security forces are operating daily to thwart acts of terror in villages, towns and refugee camps. Most of the time, we succeed, however, today and this week have been challenging. We will pursue the enemies relentlessly, from Huwara, Hebron and everywhere else, and hold them accountable.”

Netanyahu addressed the Huwara attack at his weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday: “The security forces are working now to apprehend the murderer and settle accounts with him, just as we have done with anyone who murders Israelis since this Government was formed. This terrorist’s day will come, and sooner than he thinks.”

The US Department of State condemned the attack and called for “immediate steps” to end the violence and incitement to violence.

Nigreker and Nir, from Ashdod, were heading to a car wash when a terrorist opened fire.

Ashdod Mayor Dr Yehiel Lasri said that the entire city was mourning following the “cruel and senseless” murders

EU Ambassador to Israel Dimiter Tzantchev was appalled by the terrorist attack.

“Violence against civilians is never justified,” he said. “The EU condemns terror.”

Opposition leader Yair Lapid blasted a “deadly and loath terror attack”.

a well known and likeable man Reb Yaakov Meir Hakohen Silbiger, 72, had been found dead in the MH Mikveh at around 5 15am. Despite the tragic circumstances, he was buried in the MH cemetery before Shabbos. YEHI ZICHRO BARUCH.




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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a security briefing PHOTO: GPO
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Diaspora communities boost ‘Masa Doctors’ programme

Israel’s 'Masa Doctors' initiative is set to bring 195 doctors from Diaspora Jewish communities into the health system.

The Cabinet backed a proposal by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Health Minister Moshe Arbel, and Negev Minister Yitzhak Wasserlauf last Sunday.

The National Resilience Ministry will allocate around NIS 700,000 to finance immigrant doctors with the potential to become integrated into the health structure.

Medics include specialists in various areas and adds to the number doctors who immigrated to Israel in the past year. They have been integrated as regular doctors in the health system.

Netanyahu said: “At every cabinet meeting, we are advancing the State of Israel new steps forward. We will approve an injection of encouragement into our health system by encouraging the arrival of doctors who are eligible to make aliyah to Israel. This is not only a Zionist effort, it will assist the health of us all.”

Arbel noted: “The major personnel problem in the Israeli health system, as it was expressed in the OECD report, requires focused effort. The Health Ministry is investing considerable effort and resources in

CAA act over Nazi memorabilia

correcting the situation with quality professionals eligible under the Law of Return. This is an important step that looks to the future and which will assist in resolving the crisis.”

Wasserlauf added: “The decision is a vital and Zionist step in deepening the unbreakable bond between the State of Israel and Diaspora communities. We will work to bring the highest medical standards in the country to benefit the residents of the south.”

The 'Masa Doctors' programme has been in operation since 2008. It includes theoretical studies and practical training for experienced and qualified doctors aged 22-40 with certificates from recognised universities. Its goal is to integrate them into the Israeli health system in a short time.

In 2022, the Government initiated a plan. Over 1,200 doctors have finished the programme; approximately 95% of the plan's graduates have made aliyah and joined the Israeli health system.

The plan is being implemented in Be'er Sheva, in cooperation with Ben-Gurion University and the Soroka Medical Center, and in Haifa, in cooperation with Rambam Hospital.

Most participants stay in or around cities they lived in during the programme.

NJA hosts virtual event

The National Jewish Assembly hosted an engaging virtual event titled ‘Does Radical Social Justice Ideology Fuel Antisemitism?’ featuring esteemed speaker, David Bernstein last week.

Campaign Against Antisemitism have written to Exeter-based auctioneers Bearnes Hampton & Littlewood urging them to withdraw Nazi memorabilia from their auction this week.

The two-day ‘Sporting & Collectors’ sale had listed items including an assortment of Third Reich daggers and a metal swastika pin. The auction also featured swastika and eagle armbands, swords, a bronze Gothe medal and belt buckle from the Nazi era.

A CAA spokesperson said: “Items such as these belong in museums and not in the hands of private collectors. To profit from items that are forever associated with the genocide of six million Jewish men, women and children is deplorable.

“Bearnes Hampton & Littlewood must take steps to consider the hurt and disgust that is caused by the sale of such items and immediately remove them from sale ahead of their auction.”

Earlier this year, CAA acted against the Emporium auction house and Canterbury Auction Galleries over the sale of Third Reich items.

Last year, CAA called on Charles Hanson, who appears on BBC’s Bargain Hunt, to apologise and remove Nazi memorabilia at his auction house.

Reported items included a yellow star worn by a Dutch Jew, SS dagger and a swastika patch.

Fellow BBC Bargain Hunt expert Tim Weeks apologised after it was revealed, following CAA intervention, that Nazi memorabilia was due to be sold at his auction house.

A diverse audience of near 30 joined a thoughtful and enlightening discussion on the intersection of radical social justice ideology and rise of antisemitism.

Bernstein, a passionate advocate of free expression and a staunch supporter of the State of Israel, delivered a comprehensive and insightful presentation.

As founder of the Jewish Institute for Liberal Values (JILV) and author of 'Woke Antisemitism: How a Progressive Ideology Harms Jews,' Bernstein's extensive knowledge and expertise in the field of contemporary Jewish affairs brought depth to the event.

Bernstein's rich portfolio as a prolific commentator on antisemitism arising from so-called progressives lent authority to his exploration of this complex topic.

Participants engaged in a stimulating Question and Answer session following Bernstein's presentation, further enriching the conversation.

The event fostered a dynamic exchange of ideas, allowing attendees to delve deeper into the intricate web of factors contributing to the convergence of radical ideologies and negative perceptions of Jewish communities and the state of Israel.

The NJA remains steadfast in its commitment to providing a platform for informed and open dialogue. This event was another example of the organisation's dedication to addressing pertinent issues affecting the Jewish community.

The NJA's role in facilitating meaningful conversations aligns with its pillars of fighting antisemitism, supporting Israel, and promoting Jewish life in the UK.

NJA condemns terror attacks

The National Jewish Assembly vehemently condemns the heinous terror attack that occurred in the town of Huwara on August 19, resulting in the tragic loss of two innocent Israeli lives.

The NJA further condemns the Palestinian terrorist attack near Hebron on August 21 that claimed the life of an innocent Israeli woman and left a man severely wounded.

The brutal shootings, which claimed the lives of a father and son, Shay Silas Nigreker and Aviad Nir and an Batsheva Nigri is a stark reminder of the ongoing threat of Palestinian terrorism, which indiscriminately targets innocent Israeli civilians.

The NJA expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the victims during this time of immense grief.

A spokesman said: “This attack highlights the urgency of addressing the issue of incitement to violence and the glorification of terrorism by Palestinian factions. The NJA strongly calls for international pressure on

the Palestinian leadership to end the reprehensible practice of ‘Pay for Slay’, which perpetuates violence by rewarding terrorists and their families.

“Furthermore, the NJA decries the recurring pattern where politicians and leaders offer empty condemnatory statements following such attacks. These tweets and statements are rendered meaningless as long as the Palestinian leadership and its representatives, both here and abroad, are not held accountable for their roles in fostering an environment that encourages and incentivises violence against Israelis.”

The NJA has called on the UK government to take a decisive stand against terrorism and extremism, and urge the Palestinian Authority to hold those who incite, support, and carry out such attacks accountable for their actions.

This includes not only the perpetrators on the ground but also the voices that influence and legitimise such violence.


US backs Arrow 3 system

Israel continues its expertise in ballistic defense systems.

The Israeli Ministry of Defense, German Federal Ministry of Defense and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) are to sign a historic $3.5 billion defense agreement. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant was informed of Israel's largest defense deal last week by the U.S. of State Department.

The Arrow 3 missile defense system intercepts exo-atmospheric ballistic missiles at high altitudes. The system employs a ‘hitto-kill approach’ for intercepting incoming threats.

Senior officials from the Israeli and German Defense Ministries will sign a $600 million commitment to facilitate initiation of the project. Officials with the IAI will finalise details. Once approval from both parliaments is obtained, a full contract will be ready to sign by the end of 2023.

Gallant said: “This is a significant decision, which will contribute to Israel’s force buildup and economy. It is also particularly meaningful to every Jewish person, that Germany is acquiring Israeli defense capabilities. IAI engineers have broken new records as a result of their creativity and talent. Arrow 3 is the most advanced of its kind in the world, as well as a force multiplier in Israel's air defense, soon in Europe as well.”

He added: “Our cooperation with the US government is essential to the system’s

development process and achievement of this significant agreement. This reflects once again the powerful defense ties between the US and Israel.”

IMOD Director General Brig. Gen. (res.) Eyal Zamir noted: “This agreement holds far-reaching implications for decades to come. It strengthens the defense relations between Israel and Germany. Part of the proceeds will be dedicated to bolstering Israeli defense systems. This landmark deal will propel Israeli defense exports to a new record, following last year's 12.5 billion dollars.”

IMOD R&D Defence Director Brig. Gen. (res.) Dr. Daniel Gold added: “The collaboration with the U.S. enhances Israel's national resilience across multiple levels and

IAI 30m NIS investment

Israel Innovation Authority is investing up to 30 million NIS for infrastructure research. The initiative will address technological advancements in data processing demands for AI computation, high-performance computing and data centres across Israel.

NextSilicon will lead a consortium of four companies that have developed solutions in HPC, AI acceleration, branding and specialised memory access. The company's headquarters are in Givatayim with branches in Jerusalem, Be'er Sheva, Haifa and Yokneam.

fosters new opportunities, while upholding our technological-defense superiority and qualitative edge.”

IAI President Boaz Levy: “Equipping Germany with this system will provide the optimal response to the security and protection needs of its citizens and its surroundings. IAI has already commenced the initial stages of the transaction aligning with the objectives set by the German Parliament and in close coordination with our American partners.”

The system is co-developed by the Israel Missile Defense Organisation (IMDO) and US Missile Defense Agency (MDA). Elbit Systems developed the BMC command and control system. Tomer, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Stark Aerospace are main subcontractors.

Ofir Akunis, Minister of Innovation stated: “We are continuing the practical implementation phase of the national plan for Artificial Intelligence, which is at the top of the government's priorities in technology. The policy led by the government will position Israel at the forefront in the world in AI.”

Dror Bin, IIA CEO said: “Many startups are forced to choose between establishing expensive infrastructure or seeking services from global giants, leading to a ‘brain drain’. Israel has identified AI as a domain to maintain its leadership. This initiative provides a viable alternative for researchers and companies to continue research activities. We look forward to seeing the Israeli ecosystem utilise the infrastructure and services provided for the challenges of this disruptive technology.”

The infrastructure established by NextSilicon will provide services based on a physical service lab.

The Arrow 3 system in action PHOTO: IMOD

Bibi meets Georgian PM

CAA welcomes Qureshi judgement

Campaign Against Antisemitism has welcomed a court judgment against Abdullah Qureshi for hate crimes committed in 2021.

Judge Kulyani Kaul described charges against Qureshi’s as “terrible events for the entire Jewish community”. Kaul was unable to issue a five-year prison term under law as she was satisfied Qureshi is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili at the Kirya in Tel Aviv last Thursday.

The leaders discussed economic matters, tourism, medicine, security and artificial intelligence.

Netanyahu accepted an invitation to visit Georgia from Garibashvili.

A joint declaration of a feasibility study on a free trade agreement signed by Georgian Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiashvili and Israeli Minister of Economy and Industry Nir Barkat last May was also discussed.

Netanyahu said: “Our connections go back 2,500 years, perhaps even 2,600 years, to the Jewish community in Georgia. We have many Jews who came from Georgia as a living bridge. I myself had the opportunity to visit Georgia. I know that we can bring our relations to even greater heights, I welcome this opportunity to do this on your visit.”

Netanyahu’s Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi and Israel’s Ambassador to Georgia Hadas Ester Meitzad attended along with Georgian Ambassador to Israel Lasha Zhvania. Zhvania described Garibashvili’s visit as a “new beginning to many issues” including economic.

“There have been fruitful relations between Israel and Georgia for years, they have been raised to a higher level over recent years,” he said. “At the highest political level there are many issues to be discussed, many topics are accumulated, many are to be resolved.”

Zhvanioa highlighted cooperation in military, political and defence areas, as well in regional issues as “Georgia’s priorities”.

Qureshi will be sent to hospital under the Mental Health Act and can only be discharged with consent of the Justice Secretary. The judge granted a 10-year restraining order.

“There is a great risk you will commit further offences if you are not detained,’ Kaul ruled.

A CAA spokesperson applauded the ruling.

“Justice requires perseverance,” they said. “We worked to help ensure that Mr Qureshi was identified and caught, the correct charges were brought against him, he was prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and he was sentenced appropriately. This sentence helps to redress the serious harm caused to his victims by these awful crimes.

“Today’s sentence also vindicates efforts made by CAA, Shomrim, CST and others to pressure the Crown Prosecution Service into reinstating aggravated charges after they were initially dropped. The CPS claimed that it did not have sufficient evidence to make out the antisemitic element of the crimes, but we disagreed and the court found that we were right to do so. We are grateful to the CPS for making the case forcefully since then and bringing about this outcome.”

A statement added: “Today a judge has robustly reiterated the impact of these abominable crimes both on the victims and on the Jewish community more widely. The CPS must recognise that victims of antisemitic crimes cannot be made to accept deficient legal outcomes, and perpetrators are

Government backs East Jerusalem plan

The Israeli cabinet approved a NIS 3.2 Billion 2024-2028 five-year economic development plan for eastern Jerusalem at its weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday.

The decision was submitted by Jerusalem Affairs Minister Meir Porush.

The Jerusalem Affairs and Jewish Tradition Ministry will be responsible for the integration of operations.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: “Our government attends to the needs of all citizens and residents of Israel and it is strengthening our policy to benefit a united and strong Jerusalem, under Israeli sovereignty. This decision includes the massive development of infrastructure,

reform of the health system, reform of the social welfare system, increasing personal security, increasing employment and increasing eligibility for a matriculation certificate. We are building Jerusalem. We are strengthening governance in Jerusalem. We are uniting Jerusalem.”

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich added: “As one who believes in strengthening the sovereignty of all of Jerusalem, I attribute great importance to the five-year plan. We are investing in education, employment and economic development, transportation, public structures, services for residents and increasing personal security. United Jerusalem is not some slogan. It is the responsibility for every resident and for the development and prosperity of

on notice that we will not stop until Jewish victims have justice.”

Kaul observed widespread coverage of the attacks in the Jewish media caused “a deep sense of shock and insecurity” for the Jewish community. “These sorts of attacks make waves that are ultimately greater than the attacks themselves,” she explained.

The Jewish community, Kaul noted, “should not be subject to discrimination or hurt” as such attacks encouraged divisiveness and mistrust from “Jewish people to wider society”.

Kaul added that the attacks affected not only the Jewish community. She observed, one of the victims’ life had been changed in terms of “physical health and how he conducts his life”. Another victim, “by the good grace of G-d”, was not injured further.

The judge rejected Qureshi taking full responsibility nor a drunkenness defence.

In April 2022, Qureshi, 30, from Dewsbury in West Yorkshire, pleaded guilty at Thames Magistrates’ Court to two counts of assault and one count of grievous bodily harm with intent.

The assault charges in August 2021 in Stamford Hill saw five religious Jews attacked.

The incidents received media attention.

Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, condemned the attacks. “Let me be clear, racist abuse and hate crime, including antisemitism, have absolutely no place in our city,” he said.

CAA revealed CPS dropped the racially/religiously aggravated element charges in a plea deal with Qureshi. After CAA, Shomrim, CST and communal organisations appealed to the CPS it agreed to reinstate the aggravated elements.

Qureshi resisted the reinstatement. In August 2022, Stratford Magistrates’ Court reinstated charges against Qureshi who pleaded not guilty at Thames Magistrates’ Court.

In November 2022, Qureshi was found guilty of the reinstated charges.

A month later sentencing was postponed following mental health concerns. In February this year, Judge Noel Lucas ordered an interim hospital order under the Mental Health Act 1983.

Last June, Qureshi appeared at Wood Green Crown Court, where the court heard medical reports.

Eventually, Qureshi appeared at the same court via video link. He declined representation. Doctors concluded a prison sentence and recommended an order under the Mental Health Act.

Qureshi had two previous convictions, including one following violence outside a nightclub in Swansea City Centre under the Public Order Act.

Lawyers described Qureshi’s attacks in Stamford Hill as having a “significant degree of planning” and crimes possessed a “high level of religious aggravation”.

Jerusalem, our eternal capital.”

Porush noted: “After many months of expedited work, we have submitted to the government a professional and comprehensive decision that increases investment in eastern Jerusalem by 50%, to an unprecedented sum of over NIS 3 billion.’’

Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion commented: “We are proving that eastern Jerusalem is an inseparable part of Jerusalem. This five-year plan delivers an important message to the residents who, in recent years, have experienced a genuine turnaround in all aspects of life, but mainly in education.”

Prime Ministers Netanyahu and Garibashvili PHOTO: GPO Finance Minister Smotrich, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Jerusalem Affairs Minister Porush and Jerusalem Mayor Lion PHOTO: GPO Abdullah Qureshi PHOTO: FACEBOOK
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Tree of life killer gets death penalty

Robert Bowers received the death penalty earlier this month for murdering 11 Jewish worshippers at the Tree of Life Synagogue in October 2018.

Bowers was found guilty of all 63 charges in the Pittsburgh massacre in June.

Seven people were injured in the Shabbat morning atrocity including five police officers. Victims were aged 54 to 97. The antisemitic attack against the synagogue was the deadliest in US history.

US District Court Judge Robert Colville announced the verdict after the jury deliberated for 10 hours.

The ruling is the first federal death sentence under US President Joe Biden’s term of office.

Bowers gave no reaction when the death sentence verdict was read according to reports.

Most families of those killed supported the sentence for Bowers.

At a news conference, Rabbi Jeffrey Myers of the Tree of Life, who survived the attack, said the jury's decision provided closure.

“Today we've received an immense embrace from the halls of justice around all of us, to say our government does not condone antisemitism in the most violent form that we have witnessed,” he said.

In a statement, the Dor Hadash congregation thanked prosecutors who called

for the death sentence as Bowers, 50, demonstrated no remorse for his actions.

“This is a case that calls for the most severe punishment under the law, the death penalty,” US Attorney Eric Olshan said.

World Jewish Congress president Ambassador Ronald S. Lauder described the decision as a “measure of justice” for the slaughter.

“Nothing can ever bring back the people killed in the attack, the deadliest act of antisemitism in the history of the United States,” he said. “I visited the synagogue in the aftermath of the attack, and at that time, I said the attack was not only on the Jewish community, but America as a whole.”

Lauder added: “The jury’s decision is a stark reminder to remain vigilant about countering antisemitism, wherever it may hide. I call on American leaders to amplify their efforts to protect Jewish communities across the country so that such a tragedy never again takes place.

“May the survivors of the attack and the victims’ families find some comfort from the jury’s decision and may the memory of the 11 people killed be for a blessing.”

Bowers offered to plead guilty in exchange for a sentence of life without the possibility of parole, but the federal government rejected his offer.

Bowers has an automatic appeal to the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals for a review of the trial record for errors. Bowers can appeal that decision to the United States Supreme Court for discretionary review.

If unsuccessful, he can challenge his conviction and death sentence in federal habeas corpus proceedings by asserting other claims and evidence, then pursue appeals through the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals and United States Supreme Court.

Bowers is the 42nd person on the federal death row in Terre Haute, Indiana.

Federally death-sentenced prisoners can spend decades on the restrictive federal death row before an execution date is set. The last executions occurred in 2020/21 under the Trump Administration. Bowers may face another trial and possible death sentence if the Allegheny County district attorney’s office moves with state charges of criminal homicide. The office will consult family members. Bowers, 50, opened fire armed with an AR-15-style assault rifle and multiple handguns. He pleaded not guilty, arguing mental health issues resulting in delusional beliefs about Jewish people.

Prior to the death penalty verdict, Lauder said in a statement: “The Pittsburgh jury’s conviction is a vindication of the American system of justice. It is also an unmistakable reminder of Jew hatred and racial bigotry left unchecked. We call on all federal, state and municipal law enforcement agencies to take all necessary measures to protect synagogues and other Jewish institutions across the US from any similar tragedy. In the memory of those lives lost, may a dark day never be repeated.”

Tel Aviv University ranked higher than Oxford

Tel Aviv University ranks top in Israel and around the world outside the USA in the number of ‘unicorn’ startup companies valued over $1 billion established by alumni according to a new study.

According to the study, led by entrepreneurship researcher Prof. Ilya Strebulaev from Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford University heads the list. Tel Aviv has 43 ‘unicorns’.

The ranking is based on 1,100 startups raising over $1 billion from venture capital funds in the USA.

“Prof. Strebulaev's findings prove once again that TAU is Israel's entrepreneurial university, nurturing more startups, and specifically more unicorns, than any other university in the country,” notes Prof. Moshe Zviran at TAU. “We have attained this status because we serve as home to the best students in a wide range of disciplines, and also because in recent years, under the leadership and vision of Prof. Ariel Porat, President of TAU, we have become proactive in the entrepreneurship and innovation arenas. We no longer wait for the ‘magic’ to occur.”

The university incorporates entrepreneurship into the curriculum in disciplines including Computer Science, Engineering and Management, Faculties of Humanities,

Social Sciences, Law and the Arts.

TAU students can include entrepreneurship as part of degree studies to acquire tools for establishing startups that may

become unicorns.

Strebulaev's index joins entrepreneurship rankings showing TAU as a leader in producing entrepreneurs outside the USA.

“There are many entrepreneurship rankings, each based on different parameters,” explained Prof. Zviran. “All indicate TAU is the best entrepreneurship incubator in the world outside the USA.

“We made a strategic decision to position TAU as Israel's main entrepreneurial university, and proactively buttress our technological and business advantage as a means for producing startups and unicorns. These achievements have been based on the outstanding quality of our faculty, students and curriculum. The activities of our Entrepreneurship & Innovation Ecosystem are expected to bring greater accomplishments.”

TAU researchers have recently also shown Israeli citizens experienced changes in wellbeing indicators during Operation Guardian of the Walls in 2021.

The two-year PerMed (Personalized Medicine) study aimed to diagnose infectious diseases such as COVID-19 better and earlier.

Researchers equipped 5,000 Israelis with smartwatches to monitor daily health. Excess time on phone screens saw a deterioration in mood, stress, social gatherings, daily steps and sleep.

Findings were published in the journal Communication Medicine from the Nature group.

During the experiment, researchers monitored 12 different metrics. A deterioration in the two weeks before the war was observed in all indicators during the war compared to normal circumstances.

Immediately after the war, indicators returned on average to previous levels. Researchers noticed differences if residents were near Gaza. Those in the center suffered more than the north.

Prof. Erez Shmueli said: “In the past, wars were fought at the borders. Today, they are fought deep within the country. Monitoring the resilience of citizens is crucial, both as groups and individuals. The state needs to know what happens to citizens during war and provide special support to groups that are more prone to harm. In further research, it will be important to identify individuals who suffered significantly during the war and did not return to normal after it ended. Prompt and focused support for these people may prevent the development of post-traumatic stress disorder.”

The TAU study was conducted by Prof. Shmueli and Prof. Dan Yamin, Ph.D. students Merav Mofaz and Matan Yechezkel of Fleischman Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Noga Kronfeld-Schor of Wise Faculty of Life Sciences and Prof. Haim Einat of Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yafo.

Prof. Moshe Zviran Tree of Life Synagogue PHOTO: WIKIMEDIA

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The merger of Kisharon and Langdon is clearly an important development... for the many hundreds of service users who will benefit from the consolidation of these wonderful organisations – each one of which has been a jewel in the crown of the Anglo Jewish community for so many years. It also sends a very powerful message about what can be achieved when charities with similar objectives can combine their resources, expertise and networks for the greater good of our community. This is a proud moment for our community – may Kisharon Langdon go mechayil el Chayil – from strength to added strength as it embarks on this exciting new chapter of its work.

I’m very pleased to hear of the coming merger of two fantastic Jewish social care charities in Barnet: Kisharon & Langdon. Both organisations have served our community with great distinction in the past, providing supported living, personalised education & support, employment assistance, and social activities to allow hundreds of adults and young people with learning disabilities and autism to live independent lives.

I am confident that this merger will have undoubted positive benefits for social care provision in my constituency, and I look forward to hearing more on their work moving forward.

What Kisharon and Langdon have achieved is extraordinary.

Through the leadership of Langdon Chairman Nigel Henry, former CEO Neil Taylor, Kisharon Chairman Philip Goldberg and CEO Richard Franklin, they have shown professionalism, researched and identified duplication and led by example in putting service users first. The coming together of both JLC member organisations will benefit their service users, the sector and the entire community and we wish the new, stronger and combined Kisharon Langdon every success going forward.

We have a daughter who has been a Member of Langdon for quite some time and is living a full life, taking part in some employment opportunities and many organised social activities and holidays and is living as independent a life as possible. We feel very positive about the merger and are very optimistic about the future opportunities that this will create for the Members of both organisations.

merger of Kisharon Langdon.

We acknowledge the leadership of trustees from both organisations, who each put the needs of their clients, residents, families and wider Jewish community ahead of own their individual organisations in order to ensure common good and future sustainability. We wish Kisharon Langdon every success.

To find out more about the Kisharon Langdon merger, visit

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To find out more about the Kisharon Langdon merger, visit
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Central shul visits MCC museum AJEX presents CST standard

Central Synagogue were given a private tour of a new cricket exhibition ‘Cricket and the Jewish Community’ at the MCC Museum at Lord’s Cricket Ground last month.

Neil Robinson, Head of Heritage and Collections at the MCC, led a special visit for 25 shul members and friends.

Robinson took the group through various exhibits, explaining the history of the Jewish involvement in cricket both in the UK and overseas, particularly in South Africa.

Of note, Central Synagogue chairman Mervyn Druian and shul member Dr Philip Gishen were in the same class at school in Johannesburg as famous former South African cricket captain and administrator Dr Ali Bacher.

Rabbi Barry Lerer of Central said: “This was a moving exhibition demonstrating the commitment of Jewish people and communities around the world to cricket and sport generally. It was fascinating to see the role in

South African cricket played by Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis.”

Druian added: “It was a thoroughly invigorating exhibition that brought back many fond memories of my life and sporting heroes in Johannesburg. It confirmed the commitment of the South African Jewish community to the sport of cricket.

Jonathan Metliss, Central shul council member and Board of Deputies representative, organised the tour.

He said: “I was so pleased to introduce my fellow members to the exhibition and in particular to see the section on antisemitism in cricket. This is an area that must never be forgotten nor abandoned.”

Central Synagogue has embarked on an active programme of cultural events on topics of Jewish interest in its ‘Talks of Interest’ and ‘Kiddush Talks’ programme.

Information: or email bookings@centralsynagogue

AJEX JMA unveiled a new CST standard at a dedication ceremony at the Community Security Trust offices last month.

The standard will be displayed at parades, gatherings and public events to represent the esteemed contribution to Jewish life by CST.

Rabbi Major Reuben Livingstone, Senior Jewish Chaplain to HM Armed Forces and AJEX, led the ceremony. The highlight was a presentation of the new standard sponsored by AJEX member Joe Silver. The gesture reflects Joe’s appreciation for CST's support to AJEX and a symbol of collaboration, gratitude and shared commitment to safeguarding the community.

Dan Fox, AJEX National Chair, Vice Chair Mike Bluestone and Chief Executive Fiona Palmer joined CST Chief Executive, Mark Gardner, senior trustees and supporters of

Focus raises £79K in bike challenge Sara scoops King’s Scout Award

Sara Peacock received the King's Scout Award at the 20th Finchley Scout group end of summer barbecue celebrations.

She is the first individual to achieve the honour in recent history within Barnet.


Fox said: “CST is the modern incarnation of all Jewish communities’ proud and brave traditions in self-defence. It is wholly right that the work of its staff and volunteers is recognised and celebrated. The CST Standard embodies this leadership, commitment and service.”

Gardner added: “Both of our organisations are proud to protect the freedoms upon which we all depend for our way of life.”

The Prayer for the Safety of the British Armed Forces and Frontline protectors of the community, Memorial Prayer for service members and CST volunteers and Kaddish were recited.

Guests heard an account of the histories of AJEX and CST.

The Focus Foundation raised £79K in its inaugural Bike Ride Challenge from Manchester to Liverpool.

The event was held in memory of Graham Rubin who was one of Focus’s earliest champions and did so much throughout his life to support charitable causes. Focus provides Housing and Care to adults with learning disabilities, adults on the autistic spectrum and people with physical disabilities.

Fifty riders set off from Bowden Shul with the first riders arriving in Liverpool inside three hours.

Focus founder and Trustee Jonny Manson stated: “This was a fantastic event

which exceeded all our expectations. I am grateful to the cyclists, our sponsors, Dare2b and Chums, and the Rubin family for their tremendous support. Graham was a very special man who did so much to help those most in need.”

Focus Chief Executive Ivan Lewis added: “After only 20 months in existence we are supporting nearly 40 people to live successfully in the community with an improved quality of life. This wonderful support for our work will make a real difference to our members and their families.”

Participants and their families enjoyed a barbecue and children’s fun day in the sunshine at the home of the Rubin family.

To earn the coveted award, Sara accomplished her Duke of Edinburgh Gold and completed her King's Scout journey. Throughout an impressive feat, Sara demonstrated unwavering commitment to her personal development. Her journey included mastering the art of driving, enduring long-distance treks and honing her skills in netball.

Sara's association with the 20th Finchley group has been characterised by adventures and contributions to the community including conquering the terrains of the Beacons and Snowdonia and a 22-day expedition across Israel.

Sara has also impacted her local community. In a touching gesture, she collaborated with the Beaver and Cub sections at the 20th, helping them achieve the ‘My Faith’ activity badge. Sara also participated in a local food bank, organising collections

of food and clothing to aid those in need. During the ceremony, other commendable individuals were recognised.

Debra Morris and Kevin Munday claimed the Award for Merit. Kevin also won the Jack Petchey Leader award. Howard Cohen and Ray Peacock were honoured with the Chief Scout's Commendation for Good Service. And Josh Waterman received the King’s Chief Scout Award.

Sara Peacock receives the King's Scout Award Focus Foundation bike ride AJEX and CST at the dedication ceremony Central Synagogue members at the MCC Museum

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14th September Grand Rosh Hashanah biggest edition of the year containing the Aish magazine and the Israel and Health Supplements

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28th September Special Succot edition with Legacy and Food Supplements

We also have some boxes available on the front page banners and the expert and legacy sections.

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Dear Rabbi

An elderly lady friend of mine was not invited to the wedding of her eldest grandchild (the son of her son). She is still suffering and grieving.

How is it that the son’s shul continues to give him call-ups to the Torah and other honours, notwithstanding the clear breaking of the fifth commandment “honour thy father and thy mother?”

I find it difficult to reconcile the two. “He who comes to equity should come with clean hands.” How would you handle this situation?


Dear Jonathan

I don’t know the dynamics of the family in question and why the son refused to invite his own mother to his son’s wedding. At face value it is a deplorable thing to do, no question about it. Even as there is sometimes family broiges, I always advise people to suck it up for the day and, if you must, carry on the day after.

Still, to reiterate, I don’t know the specifics in this case and as it is only a friend of yours, it is perfectly possible that you don’t know the details either. At best you know the one side – that of your friend. Either way, I am not sure how that becomes any synagogue’s problem and how they should be expected to interfere. Do you think every time someone breaks one of the Ten Commandments, they ought to be denied a call up in Synagogue? I think that would mean that the Rabbi would be getting

most of the honours – and even then maybe not always – if you know what I mean.

When someone commits a very public offence which brings Judaism into ill repute then there’s a conversation to be had. But I don’t think any shul can involve itself in every broiges, farible and whatever others Yiddish words you can think of to describe what is, alas, all too common in Jewish families.

If you really want to make a difference, either get involved yourself or have someone emotionally detached get involved to resolve the conflict, at least in time for the great grandson’s Bar Mitzvah.


Dear Rabbi

Next Tuesday we are celebrating the circumcision of our first son. My wife is extremely reluctant but is going along with it even if only because I am insisting. But I was wondering whether you can share some insights into the circumcision ceremony for her benefit. Thank you in anticipation.


Dear Jack Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai was asked by his students: Why is the circumcision held on the eighth day? He answered, astonishingly: Because any earlier the parents wouldn’t be up for it. In the words of the Talmud, “Any earlier than the eighth day, the community would be rejoicing, eating and drinking in the festivities, while the parents would be in sadness.”

There’s much discussion as to the meaning of Rabbi Shimon’s cryptic answer, but here’s one fascinating insight: At the moment of a child’s birth, together with entering his new life he is also bidding farewell to his old life in his mother’s womb. Birth is not just a beginning but is also an end, which brings in its wake some sadness. In this finite world, life has both a beginning and an end. An end before it and another end after it, hopefully after one hundred and twenty very satisfying years. This doesn’t suggest anything morbid at this great moment of celebration, G-d forbid. It does however give some context to this new beginning. We celebrate this awesome new beginning even though we live in a finite word. We celebrate this new life even though life in this world can be challenging. Ultimately, it comes to this.

The opposite of beginning is not ending, it is to not begin at all. The baby is now out and about this world, slowly but surely gaining his independence, his full life, G-d willing, ahead of him. But that earlier state of being one with his mother, sharing an intimate bond that only she could feel and nobody could see, is over. This loss is of course overwhelmed by the joy and celebration of your young man’s entrance into your lives, but it is still there.

For the first seven days, while the community celebrates the new, awesome, Divine future embodied in your young man, the parents are still, on some level, connected to the past.

But then it is time for the parents to turn away from the

inward, quiet, protected past nine months and join hands with their son in the powerful stream of life that pushes us all forward.

And how do we mark this moment? We consecrate it with the circumcision, the sign of G-d’s Covenant given to our first forefather, Abraham.

Every parent’s deepest wish is that their child build a future of goodness and accomplishment

and meaning. As Jewish parents we all know we are descendants, sharing a heritage and a story spanning thousands of years, and that the only future worth building, the only meaning worth experiencing, is one connected to the past. That’s what a circumcision represents. It spans several millennia linking the past to the present and paving the way for a hopeful, meaningful future.

Follow Rabbi Schochet at: Twitter: @RabbiYYS Facebook:

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Kilayim 42 Kilayim 43 Kilayim 44 Kilayim 45 Kilayim 46 Kilayim 47 Kilayim 48 THIS WEEK’S YERUSHALMI DAF YOMI SCHEDULE: SHABBOS SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Rosh Hashanah 4:6-7 Rosh Hashanah 4:8-9 Taanis 1:1-2 Taanis 1:3-4 Taanis 1:5-6 Taanis 1:7-2:1 Taanis 2:2-3 AUG-SEPT / לולא THIS WEEK’S MISHNAH YOMI SCHEDULE: AUG-SEPT / לולא SHABBOS SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 ט י אי בי גי די וט INSPIRING JEWS ... ONE BOOK AT A TIME New from
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Building a Guard Rail

It says in Devarim 22:8: “When you build a new house, you shall make a guard rail for your roof, so that you shall not cause blood [to be spilled] in your house, that the one who falls should fall from it [the roof].”

Rashi: guard rail – a fence surrounding the roof.

It’s interesting to note that thousands of years later, the same Hebrew word for guard rail (ma’akeh) in the above verse is applicable and relevant. We speak about the same guard rail in Biblical Hebrew and in Modern Hebrew, in the Torah and in life today.

Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin, otherwise known at the Netziv, says the following:

“A person is allowed to live in his house without a mezuzah, as long as he will put one up as soon as he can get one… which is not so with a guard rail, that depends on

the construction of a house, since it is forbidden to live in a home without a guard rail, and therefore it is more appropriate to validate his building of a new home with the mitzvah of guard rail .”

How do we relate to safety rules? Just as sensible, logical rules or also as mitzvot?

Before driving a car, we need to check oil, water, and tire pressure. We need to pay attention that our windows have baby-proof bars. A vacation cabin must have a fence around the swimming pool. We do not allow our children to swim at a beach without a lifeguard. Is this banal? No – it’s a mitzvah. These examples appear to be a simple, primary level of observance but they are super important. It is forbidden to live in a house without a guard rail.

Rabbi Berel Wein goes deeper and writes that this is not only a physical guard rail but also a spiritual one, a warning sign and symbol for “don’t”, for what is not allowed in one’s house. In a new house, a new home, we need to establish rules

Ki Teitzei Sidra Summary

fallen animal on the road, there is a mitzvah to help its owner pick it up. A man is not allowed to wear women’s clothing, nor is a woman allowed to wear men’s clothing. If one sees a bird’s nest with eggs in it, there is a mitzvah to send away the mother bird before taking the eggs (shiluach haken).

3RD ALIYA (SHLISHI) – 22:8-23:7

regarding Shabbat, festivals, food etc.

If we don’t, there will be “blood” in our house as we “fall” to a “spiritual death”.

Life without a guard rail is something fearful and dangerous, but when there are limits it’s easier to move around. Limitations not only make a safer building, but serve to build up your life as well.

Our commentators give many explanations as to why the verse speaks about “a new house”.

For instance, each time we enter a new house, we rise to a new rank or higher level in life. Rabbi Nachman writes: “It is known that the evil urge frequently provokes the person who keeps rising, one level after the next, in life. Therefore, he must be very careful, about making a guard rail for his roof and his stairs, that he should make for himself a barrier and a fence in order not to fall, Heaven forbid.”

The Lubavitcher Rebbe writes that a “new house” is really a new marriage. The bride and groom need to set up a guard

rail, to establish rules and restrictions in their new relationship, around which they should put up a sign: “Caution, under construction!”.

And the commentator Degel Machaneh Efraim, Rabbi Moshe Chayim Efraim, grandson of the Ba’al Shem Tov, says that the new house is Rosh Hashanah, the new year. “This day is the beginning of your deeds (for the new year), and on every Rosh Hashanah the world is renewed and ‘a new house’ or a new world is constructed, for which you must make a guard rail”. You should take upon yourself a new restriction, build a new guard rail, in the New Year.

May we all merit to put up a guard rail – a boundary and a fence – around each new stage, each new level reached, in our lives..

Sivan Rahav-Meir is the World Mizrachi Scholar-in-Residence and an Israeli journalist and lecturer.

7TH ALIYA (SHEVI’I) – 24:14-25:19

“When you reap your harvest in your field, and you forget a bundle in the field, you shall not turn back to take it; it shall be for the proselyte, the orphan and the widow”


Ki Teitzei contains many mitzvot, a selection of which has been included here. It starts with the laws of the ‘female captive’ and her potential marriage to a soldier in battle. It then discusses the laws of a man who has two wives (this later became prohibited in normative rabbinic law). He has a firstborn son with the wife he does not love, and another son with his preferred spouse, but he must still give the firstborn rights to the son of the former, not to son of the latter. The laws of the ‘wayward and rebellious son’ are then detailed.

2ND ALIYA (LEVI) – 21:22-22:7

If one spots someone else’s animal wandering off the path, there is a mitzvah to look after it and return it to its owner; this applies to all lost objects. If one sees a

When building a new house, one must erect a fence on the roof to prevent someone falling off (see p.3 article). One must not plant certain mixtures of seeds in one’s field or vineyard (kilayim), nor may one plough with an ox and donkey together, nor wear wool and linen together in the same garment (sha’atnez). If a man falsely accuses his wife of having had pre-marital relations, a heavy fine is levied against him. Whilst men from Ammon and Moab (extant in Biblical times) are allowed to convert to Judaism, they are only allowed to marry fellow converts.

4TH ALIYA (REVI’I) – 23:8-24

A man who becomes accidentally impure must immerse himself in a mikveh. There is a mitzvah to look after an escaped slave, rather than returning him to his idolatrous master (see Ramban). The laws prohibiting the charging of interest on loans are mentioned. A vow made to

(Devarim 24:19)

bring an offering to the Temple must be kept within an allotted time.

5TH ALIYA (CHAMISHI) – 23:25-24:4

A labourer who is harvesting crops is allowed to eat from the crops whilst working, but cannot take any produce home. The laws of divorce are stated, including the prohibition of a man remarrying his ex-wife if she has had a relationship with another man in the meantime.

6TH ALIYA (SHISHI) – 24:5-13

For the first year of marriage, the couple should prioritise spending time together; the husband is not to serve in the army (other than in a case of pressing national need). When lending money to a pauper, it is forbidden to hold onto security for the loan if this will cause the borrower discomfort.

An employer should pay a hired labourer on the day that the work is done. One must not display bias for or against a widow or a convert. Paupers are entitled to certain leftover crops from the harvest in the field and the vineyard. The mitzvah of yibum (levirate marriage) is detailed – if a man dies childless, a surviving brother should marry the widow, in the hope that they will have children to continue the deceased’s name. If the brother does not wish to marry the widow, he performs a ceremony called chalitzah. All weights and measures need to be honest and accurate. The sidrah ends with the verses that we also read before Purim, on Shabbat Zachor, entreating us to remember how Amalek attacked the Israelites after their departure from Egypt.

Point to Consider: What type of vineyard produce must be left for paupers to take?

(see Rashi to 24:21)


Taken from the book of Yeshaya, this is the fifth of the ‘haftarot of consolation’ read after Tisha B’Av. Yeshaya calls out to Jerusalem to no longer be desolate and barren, but to break out into jubilant song, in celebration of G-d showing her eternal kindness and mercy.


The Five Spiritual Stages of the Creative Process

There was very little communication thus far, and no one knew why they were meeting in an abandoned junkyard.

A group of data analysts had received a strange message from their boss. It simply said to show up at a certain spot the next day at 11:00 a.m., no details or explanation included.

When the workers arrived, they saw… nothing; just a huge heap of garbage. And standing in front of it all, a huge smiled pasted on his face, was their boss. “Good morning everyone, and thank you so much for coming!” the boss called out to his employees. “At this time, I would like everyone to spend ten minutes walking around the landscape. Get a feel for the area, but whatever you do, don’t touch a thing.”

Even more confused now, the data analysts began walking around the piles of junk. What a thrilling tour it was. Heaps of cans, clothing, and all sorts of clutter were haphazardly strewn across the ground. There were a few clearings amongst the garbage, and the employees gravitated toward these areas to get away from the mess. After what seemed like an eternity, the boss called everyone to one of the clearings. The employees were surprised to see a helicopter waiting for them. A little confused, but happy to leave the garbage behind, they all climbed in, muttering to each other underneath their breath.

As the helicopter took off, the boss began speaking: “You are all data analysts. You spend your days preparing charts, making projections, and typing reports. It’s often easy to feel lost in this work, to lose sight of what you are achieving with all of your effort.”

The employees nodded, still confused as to why they had to go through all of this just to hear this message. At this point, the boss told them to look down from the helicopter windows toward the landscape below.

Below them was a masterfully designed miniature replica of their city, made out of the very garbage they had just walked through.

“We take that which is meaningless, and we turn it into a meaningful masterpiece. I wanted you to experience firsthand the power of what you do on a daily basis.”


The human mind possesses the powerful ability to create order and meaning from disorder and chaos. We find patterns in scattered texts, correlations in scrambled data, and harmony in individually meaningless pieces of information. Applying this ability to spiritual wisdom allows one to enter the gateway into the infinite, gaining access to the deepest and most powerful truths of existence.

Let us take a step back and examine the division and organization of the Chumash itself. Why is the Torah split into five separate books, instead of joined together as one complete sefer? And if the Torah does, in fact, require organization, why specifically divide it into five parts? In order to understand the answer to these questions, let us study a fundamental concept related to order, one which will shed light on all the books of the Torah.


The Vilna Gaon explains, in the name of the Arizal, that everything in the universe is comprised of five stages or parts. The Torah reflects this essential spiritual pattern, ¬and is therefore made up of five unique books. In order to understand the uniqueness of each sefer in the Torah, we must understand this five-stage pattern. To do so, let us analyze the process of transforming thought into speech and action.

The initial stage of every thought is a flash of inspiration, the instant when an idea enters the mind, but remains ethereal, undefined, and still somewhat elusive.

detailed pathways. At this stage, the general idea is broken down, analyzed, and understood. While the second stage is the general solution to the problem, the third stage is the detailed formula for solving the problem. This is referred to as hirhur (detailed thought), and it reflects binah (understanding), detailed intellectual understanding of the general principles of machshavah. In this stage, you can actually picture the ideas in your head, as the abstract wisdom becomes expressed in the form of detailed understanding within your imagination. This is also why the root of the word “imagination” is image; at this stage, you can picture ideas in fully developed images rather than abstract ideas. This is why thoughts of sin are called hirhurei aveirah, from the word “hirhur,” because sinful thoughts generally take the form of physically enticing images, rather than conceptual, abstract ideas.

The fourth stage is where the concrete thoughts within your mind become expressed outwards into the physical world. This is embodied in the process of speech, whereby one takes the detailed ideas from within one’s mind and shares

But moments later, you begin to gain clarity and are now able to formulate this inspiration as a general idea. You begin to conceptualize the shape of the house, the overall design, the basic theme. The details have not yet emerged, but the overall structure is in place, and the direction is clear. You know the style of the house, the size, how many rooms it will have, and the conceptual layout.

Then comes the arduous task of developing meticulously detailed plans for each aspect of the house: what style doors for each room, what type of furniture to buy, what kind of kitchen to install. You figure out which tools you need for the job, and how long it will take to complete it. This is where the general idea becomes detailed and fine-tuned, where the creative mind becomes narrowly focused, and where the big ideas are fragmented into smaller, measurable goals.

Next is the transition from mind to body, from ideas to action: Workers are hired, tasks are assigned, and construction ensues. This is the physically creative process, where the internal idea becomes expressed into the external world, where the theoretical is converted to the actual. This is the stage where most of the work occurs, where struggle arises, and where it is easiest to give up. It is at this stage that you must remind yourself of the original goal, the dream, the initial flash of inspiration. And if you keep pushing and follow through on your commitments, after what may seem like an eternity, the work will finally be done.

This initial point of thought is referred to as ratzon, and reflects the conception and root of all thoughts, ideas, and concepts. For example, if one is struggling to solve a problem, they may be lying down in bed when they suddenly experience a flash of inspiration, and the solution just drops into their consciousness. However, at this initial stage, while they may know that they have the solution, they still can’t fully grasp what it is; it’s there, but they can’t put their finger on it. Only after this initial moment does the idea begin to develop into a more concrete and expressed idea within their mind.

This is the second stage of the creative process, where the flash of inspiration becomes more expressed and further defined as a general idea or concept. At this stage, while the idea is tangible, it is still general and not fully defined, creating a klal — a framework or category. This stage of thought is referred to as machshavah or chochmah, reflecting general thought, ideas, and concepts.

In the third stage, the general idea of the second stage begins to take on detail, becoming a full-fledged, defined thought-process. The simple idea increases in sophistication and complexity, the klal begins to reveal its pratim, and general thought begins weaving and intertwining in unique and creative

them with others. Speaking, writing, and other physical expressions of one’s inner thoughts are all forms of this fourth stage, which is referred to as dibbur (speech). This fourth stage reflects the concept of process and the connection between one’s inner world and the outside world.

The fifth stage is the final, expressed form of that original flash of inspiration, now a fully expressed entity in the physical world. It is the manifestation of spiritual potential, the endpoint of the creative process. The initial flash of inspiration has now taken on shape, expressed as the words themselves, the written text, the completed action.


If you were to build a house from scratch, a creative project, you would go through these same five steps. First, you would need to create a general architectural design for the structure and layout of the house, an overarching theme. After spending a few days struggling to come up with an idea, you suddenly have a flash of inspiration. You’ve got it; you know exactly what you want to build. But strangely enough, you still don’t have any way of formulating this idea to your employees or even to yourself. You simultaneously have the idea and don’t have it — a paradox.

What was once only an idea, a dream within your mind, is now an existing reality in the physical world. You remember looking at an empty plot, and now, you are looking at a fully built house. The creative process is complete; the fifth stage is now fully experienced. In our next article, we will delve deeper into this fascinating topic and try to understand it on an ever more profound level, showing how the structure and layout of the Chumash is in accordance with this five-step template.

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is a bestselling author, international speaker, and the CEO of Self-Mastery Academy. He has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership. After obtaining his BA from Yeshiva University, he received Semicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS, a master’s degree in education from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Bernard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. To enjoy more of Rabbi Reichman’s content, to contact him, or to learn more about his services, visit his website:

Why is the Torah split into five separate books, instead of joined together as one complete sefer? And if the Torah does, in fact, require organization, why specifically divide it into five parts?

LSJS Education Page

Endings and Beginnings

The cycle of the Jewish year means that we are understandably preoccupied with endings and beginnings. As you read this, we are coming to the end of Devarim, ready to start all over again with Bereshit. We are also coming to the end of this year-long celebration of the teachers in our Jewish schools, just as the schools and teachers themselves are getting ready for the beginning of the next school year. This week will mark the end of this celebration.

In my first article, at the beginning of the academic year, I wrote that our expectation of teachers is huge. And our teachers deliver. They do an awesome job. I hope you will agree that every single one of the Teachers of the week featured on this page deserves every accolade we can shower upon them. Our teachers are your children’s role models and they

all deserve the recognition that a small percentage of them have achieved on this page of the Jewish Weekly over the past twelve months.

Who would be a teacher? At LSJS, we know what a rewarding job teaching can be. Sadly, for many people, teaching is not seen as the ‘go-to’ career. This page has been one way of raising the status and profiles of teachers in our community.

Teaching is the best career in the world – the comments from our Teachers of the week attest to that. A year ago I quoted Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l,

who wrote that teachers open our eyes to the world – they are the people who really shape our lives. How wonderful to be able to say that you shaped a young person’s life! I can’t think of many other professions where that would be true.

One of our Teachers of the week, an LSJS teacher training graduate, wrote: “I decided to become a teacher as I have always loved learning and wanted to share my passion for learning and education with the next generation”. Another wrote that he is motivated “…to give maximum effort to ensuring my pupils leave with a deep love of being Jewish, shown through

action”. These, and their many colleagues, are our inspirational role models.

I invite those of you who are deciding what to do after school, yeshiva or seminary to consider training to be a teacher. Those of you who are parents of young adults, tell them how proud you would be if they trained to become a teacher. And those of you who are teachers, know that you are doing the best (and most important) job in the world.

LSJS is grateful to The Jewish Weekly for enabling us to run this feature all year. Too often, the media has to report incidents and events filled with doom and gloom. We have been able to use the media to celebrate. This is the end of the LSJS Education Page in The Jewish Weekly for now, but certainly not the end of our appreciation for the job that our teachers do.

Teacher of the week

Yaacov Goldin

King David Primary School (Manchester)

Year 4 Teacher Computing Lead

Where did you train?


What is the best part of your job?

I love that every day is different and working with a great team of staff allows our children to have the best opportunity to succeed.

For more information on how you can be featured as the Teacher of the Week please contact

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One of our Teachers of the week, an LSJS teacher training graduate, wrote: “I decided to become a teacher as I have always loved learning and wanted to share my passion for learning and education with the next generation”.

Family Fun Ki Teitzei

Ki Teitzei is Parsha full of Mitzvot and it opens with the laws of Yefat To’ar, which gives the details of how a man must treat a woman that is captured in war whom he feels he wishes to marry. He cannot rush the process though. If he chooses not to keep her in the end, he must send her free and not sell her as a slave.

Then we learn of the laws of “doubleportion” that a firstborn son receives - the father cannot choose a favourite child instead and must follow the laws of the Torah’s inheritance. The first section ends with what happens to a Ben Sorer U’morer - a boy who doesn’t follow the path of his parents.

What happens if you find your friends lost sheep? Or watch? Or coat? Do you walk away and pretend you didn’t see

it? Absolutely not! You bring it back to them and perform a Mitzvah of Hashavat Aveida.

How we dress is also mandated by the Torah and men and women should dress how the Torah intended them to. There is a rare Mitzvah of Shiluach Haken - sending off a mother bird before taking its eggs or chicks. You don’t grab the children in front of the mother bird.

If the roof of your house is flat and is used or you have a landing on an upper floor there is a Mitzvah to build a fencekeep your house safe!

We have the laws of Kilayim - not ploughing with two distinct animals or wearing clothes containing a mixture of wool and linen and, to the Mitzvah of Tzitzit to be placed on four-cornered garments.

The laws of forbidden marriages are also detailed and one of special interest is the laws of not marrying a man from the Amon or Moav tribe. Why not? Because on the way out of Egypt they didn’t agree to bring out food to you and worse, they hired Bilaam to (attempt to) curse the nation!

We must not despise Edomites as they come from our “brother” Esav and likewise an Egyptian for we were strangers in their land. However badly they treated us, we had accommodation in a land in which we didn’t really belong so we must not treat them badly. This teaches us how grateful we must be to a country that not only hosts our nation (and that applies anywhere around the world) and perhaps our parents for giving us food and shelter too! Hmmm.

Interesting laws about interest follow soon after. It must be remembered that it applies to items other than money as well.

If you pledge to bring a Korban to Hashem you must ensure to bring it on time.

If you lend someone money and you are taking something of theirs as a security, make sure to treat them with decency. If someone works for you, ensure to pay them on time. One must also not cause animals distress and ensure not to muzzle them.

There are so many Mitzvot in this week’s Sidra, and that is one reason we are given so many years of the same Parshiot - to return to them and learn them again and see new light in them, Amen!

Ki Teitzei is the tenth Sidra in the book of Devarim.

It contains 110 verses, 1,582 words and 5,856 letters.

74 different Mitzvot, ranging from inheritance laws, to returning lost objects, to building a fence on one’s roof, to loaning with interest, collecting debt, divorce, and more. We also read about the commandment to remember what Amalek did to us.

Answers 1. Up in arms 2. Ice cube 3. All Greek to me 4. Head over heels 5. Pat on the back 6. Wide awake
I U P R M Z E N T A H S H F O N I A W P W N S L D O M O L G R C F G J E F T K U W J K R G P R V R T N F W F E E I A V T S B R I X C L H S A I P M J X O W J A Q K V G H I P L M H Z M F E N C E K T S J P C A Y H J V X V K Z B J R A N U C H B E I B Z G C P Z E J C Q H D P A Z Y E T Q D D K Word Search Dingbats 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sidra Facts □ AMALEK □ EGGS □ FENCE □ MARRIAGE □ MIKVEH □ ROOF □ SHATNEZ □ ZACHOR

Tangram Challenge!

Using all the shapes on the left can you make the rocket shape on the right?

Word Wheel

The goal of a word wheel puzzle is to create as many words possible with the letters in the word wheel.

Each word must contain at least three letters. You can only use each letter once and every word must have the letter in the centre of the wheel.

Last issue’s words

Here are some words you may have found from last week – you may have found more!


Q: How do pickles enjoy a day out?

A: They relish it!

Q: What kind of rocks are found in the Mississippi River?

A: Wet ones!

Q: A ghost was painting a picture. What did he paint?

A: A picture!

Q: What did baby corn say to mother corn?

A: Where is popcorn!

Use the area below to write the words you have found.


1. I can be tight but you can cut me. What am I?

2. If 1 equals 5, 2 equals 25, 3 equals 125, and 4 equals 625. What does 5 equal?

3. You can see through me, yet I am not transparent, you can pick holes in me, yet I occupy no space. What am I?

due dug gut rue rug rut tau tug tut ague drug duet rude rued taut true turd urea urge adieu argue audit auger guard guide gutta trued urged uteri utter argued augite guider guitar gutted gutter rutted tauter trudge turgid gaudier gratitude
Answers 1. A corner 2. The answer is 1, because 1=5 3. A lie



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Newcastle United host Liverpool at St James’ Park in a highly anticipated clash on Sunday and what could be the highlight of this weekend’s Premier League fixtures.

Eddie Howe’s entertainers began the season in scintillating style when they thrashed Aston Villa 5-1 on the opening day before losing a close fought encounter against defending treble winners Manchester City last weekend.

Julian Alvarez scored the only against The Magpies a few days after converting a spot kick as City added the UEFA Super Cup to last season’s honours with a shoot-out triumph. City missed out in the Community Shield in a shoot-out defeat to Arsenal at Wembley in the season curtain raiser.

But it’s the Tyneside clash that stands out in a few days when Jurgen Klopp’s Reds come to town.

Liverpool overcame Bournemouth 3-1 at the weekend after sharing the spoils with a

Mauricio Pochettino’s Chelsea on the opening day.

Klopp will look to burst the bubble of the Champions League newboys.

Pep Guardiola’s team travel to Sheffield United, also on Sunday, and should prove too strong for the Premier newcomers, without a point to date, although City’s boss will be missing from the dugout after ‘minor’ back surgery in Barcelona.

Guardiola will also miss City’s clash versus Fulham at Etihad Stadium. He is expected back after the international break. City said the operation, carried out by Dr Mireia Illueca, was a “success”. Guardiola will “recover and rehabilitate in Barcelona”.

Assistant manager Juanma Lillo will run first-team duties in Guardiola’s absence.

A club statement noted: “Everyone at

Manchester City wishes Pep a speedy recovery, and look forward to seeing him back in Manchester soon.”

Early joint league leaders Arsenal and Brighton host Fulham and West Ham respectively. Both are in fine form, scoring goals, and will be confident of victories.

Magpies host Reds in Premier Match of the Day AAD applaud Chelsea antisemitic stance

Action Against Antisemitism has applauded Chelsea Football Club for imposing a lifetime ban on a fan who referred to Jews as ‘Yids and ‘vermin’.

Chelsea supporter and sports journalist Dan Levene, who had himself been exposed to antisemitic abuse on the internet, uncovered over 50 antisemitic tweets including posts that referred to Jews as ‘vermin’ and ‘parasites’.

The despicable tweets were sent over a 10-year period 2012 to 2022.

“Levene maintains that the ‘Y’ word are three letters which are often thrown away by people who may claim that they don’t fully appreciate their collective meaning but everyone should be aware that it is a racially offensive word,” observed AAD chairman Jonathan Metliss. “Its use in a pejorative sense, as in this case, is a hate crime. This word and variants thereof have been used throughout history by extremists to demonise and persecute a minority.

“AAD has consistently and vigorously

campaigned for the abolition of the chanting of the ‘Y’ word, and variants thereof such as ‘Yiddo’, ‘Being a Yid’ and ‘Yid Army’ by Tottenham Hotspur supporters as provoking and acting as a catalyst for antisemitic behaviour.

“Tottenham Hotspur FC have themselves endorsed this view. This case and the statement of Levene fully support the AAD position.”

Chelsea FC have commended Levene and AAD urges others hearing and otherwise seeing such offensive words to do so.

Metliss stated: “It was encouraging that a loudspeaker announcement before last week’s Chelsea home game against Liverpool warned spectators about making racist comments and the match programme itself stated that racist and antisemitic behaviour would not be


Arsenal FC recently banned five supporters for antisemitic behaviour. The club also obtained a conviction and sentencing of a supporter for chanting ‘Hitler should have finished the job’ at last season’s

The Hammers, however, will be buoyed by a 3-1 triumph over Chelsea last time out. Elsewhere, Manchester United will be looking to bounce back from a 2-0 defeat at Tottenham Hotspur, who won for the first time under new boss Ange Postecoglou. Spurs travel to Bournemouth looking to build on an unbeaten start since the departure of talisman sharpshooter Harry Kane to Bayern Munich after a protracted transfer.

In other fixtures, Everton and Wolves meet at Goodison Park in a match both sides are desperate to win as neither team have a point from the opening games.

Everton’s Sean Dyche is already under the media spotlight as his side have shipped goals in both fixtures and they are now also without main striker Dominic Calvert-Lewin with a broken jawbone.

Burnley, also without a point, welcome Aston Villa, who bounced back from a nightmare start at Newcastle.

Pochettino’s Chelsea will demand a win over Premier newcomers Luton Town, who are looking for their first points of the season, while Brentford welcome Crystal Palace.

Spurs versus Arsenal game at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.

“Other clubs with supporters making antisemitic chants and gestures should be taking similar action,” noted Metliss.

AAD feels that the tide is turning but that more needs to be done to combat antisemitism in UK football, especially banning the chanting of any version of the ‘Y’ word.

“This would without doubt be a positive step forward in the fight against antisemitism,” Metliss said.

AAD again calls on football authorities including the Football Association, The Premier League and the EFL, football clubs (especially Tottenham Hotspur), the police and politicians, both national and local, to do all that is necessary to make this happen.


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