The Jewish Weekly Issue 276 - April 27th

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StandWithJosh StandWithUs

Educating and empowering to combat antisemitism and misinformation about Israel

Antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiments are at an all-time high. Our youth are struggling with their Jewish identity and relationship with Israel. The best way to EMPOWER our students and communities is through EDUCATION.

StandWithUs UK works in schools, on campus, in communities across the UK, and online to inform students and adults.

But there is so much more work needed to be done. With each donation being doubled, please give as generously as you can.

With the help of StandWithUs UK, I lodged an appeal with the UK Charity Commissioner who ruled that BDS motions at Student Unions are unlawful. This will impact Unions up and down the country who seek to ostracise the world’s only Jewish state Josh, University Student

27 APRIL 2023/ 6 IYAR 5783 @TheJewishWeekly 276 THE LARGEST CIRCULATED JEWISH NEWSPAPER IN THE UK! 020 8203 2111 1 Sentinel Square, Brent Street NW4 2EL 1 Sentinel Square, Brent Street NW4 2EL CONTACT ROUNDTREE REAL ESTATE TODAY SALES LETTINGS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INVESTMENTS FREE Registered Charity No. 1151329. Images and names have been changed to protect identities. SCAN ME
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World leaders come to celebrate Israel’s 75th

World leaders paid tribute to Israel on its 75th anniversary of Independence.

Major landmarks across the United States including the Empire State Building in New York and Niagara Falls were illuminated as Israelis celebrated the



London 20:04 21:14

Manchester 20:18 21:32

Leeds 20:13 21:36

Liverpool 20:17 21:39

Birmingham 20:10 21:30

Antwerp 20:41 21:58

Bournemouth 20:05 21:21

Gateshead 20:17 21:42

Jerusalem 18:41 19:57

I go to Chai for the big

landmark with events across the country.

President Isaac Herzog sent a celebratory greeting to the Jewish world.

He noted: “Shalom, dear friends from around the world! As Israel reaches a historic milestone, 75 years of independence, we have the opportunity to pause and

Charities reap the rewards from marathon runners

See page 24

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reflect with gratitude on the miracle that is our Jewish and democratic state.

“This time of celebration comes at a moment of reckoning for the State of Israel and the Jewish People at large. Like many democratic societies around the world, our collective, within Israel and between Israel and our global

Jewish communities, has been facing real questions about who we are, and what we would wish for our beloved country. We must not forget that asking ourselves questions about our identity and our joint purpose is a gift. Having a country to shape together, to share together, to argue over,

Continued on page 2

StandWithUs offices are broken into on Yom Ha’atzmaut

See page 7

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Heads of diplomatic missions come together for Yom Ha’atzmaut PHOTO: GPO

Board backs Tory MP’s expulsion

The Board of Deputies has welcomed news that Andrew Bridgen MP has been expelled from the Conservative Party.

Bridgen compared Covid-19 vaccines to the Holocaust and had breached lobbying rules following an investigation.

A statement from the Board read: “Suggesting the Covid-19 vaccines are the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust is not an opinion which should be countenanced in any serious political party.”

The North West Leicestershire parliamentarian had already lost the party whip and was sitting as an independent.

A Party spokesman said: “Mr Bridgen was expelled from the Conservative Party on 12 April following the recommendation of a disciplinary panel. He has 28 days from this date to appeal.”

Bridgen has stated he will stand at the next election. He cited a culture of “corruption, collusion and cover-ups” for his expulsion in a statement.

The outspoken MP had called for a “complete suspension” of vaccines and lost the whip in January after his Holocaust tweet.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak condemned his comments as “utterly unacceptable”.

He noted at the time: “I’m determined that the scourge of antisemitism is eradicated. It has absolutely no place in our society. I know that the previous few years have been challenging for the Jewish community and I never want them to experience anything like that ever again.”

Continued from page 1

even, was a distant dream not long ago. And it is a blessing that we should not take for granted.

“These turbulent times are highlighting just how much we have built in this country over these past 75 years, and just how precious it is to so many. It is highlighting the deep caring of millions of people inside Israel and beyond it, to whom our country profoundly matters. And it is just that quality of deep caring that has helped our people survive and thrive for millennia. Let us come together at this meaningful moment to celebrate everything we have built together and everything that we have yet to build. Yom Ha’atzmaut Sameach, friends!”

US President Joe Biden led tributes as he launched his White House bid. He said: “When David Ben-Gurion declared Israel’s independence in 1948, he announced the birth of a state ‘based on freedom, justice and peace.’ Just 11 minutes later, President Truman announced that the US would be the first nation to recognise the government of Israel. Today, we are still proud to be counted among the first of Israel’s friends and allies. And the US recognises the resilience of Israel’s democracy, the bedrock for our robust and special relationship.”

The House of Representatives passed by a huge majority a resolution supporting US-Israel ties and called for an expansion and strengthening of the Abraham Accords.

The British Embassy in Tel Aviv stated that the UK was “proud to be linked to Israel’s thriving technology industry.” It added: “For the past 75 years, the UK has been clear about Israel’s right to exist and

is unequivocal in supporting Israeli security and right to self-defence, in the face of threats from its neighbours, particularly Iran. The UK has often stood at the UN defending Israel against unwarranted and disproportionate criticism.”

Foreign Secretary, James Cleverly issued a statement noting the UK’s “strong ties” with Israel in a “close and historic relationship.”

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said in in video statement: “75 years ago a dream was realised with Israel’s Independence Day. After the greatest tragedy in human history the Jewish people could finally build a home in the Promised Land. Today, celebrate 75 years of a vibrant democracy in the heart of the Middle East.”

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, also in a video statement said: “We Germans are full of admiration as we look to Israel’s development and flourishing through the decades. We want to use all the strength of our friendship to support Israel’s path to the future in freedom, justice and security with equality of social and political rights, as the Declaration of Independence promised all citizens 75 years ago.”

Israel began celebrations with the traditional torch lighting ceremony at Mount Herzl on Tuesday night. Israelis attended celebratory events into the early hours.

Herzog launched celebrations yesterday with an amazing fly-past by Air Force fighter jets and helicopters in a tribute to 120 outstanding soldiers from all branches of the IDF. Herzog and First Lady Michal Herzog hosted a 75th Independence Day reception for foreign diplomatic corps stationed in Israel.


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16 Features

20 Opinion

21 Games Letters

23 Community

30 Judaism

34 Family Fun

38 Expert Advice

40 Cookery 42 Sport

WHAT’S INSIDE THIS WEEK 04 News 15 Opinion 16 Games 18 Community 26 Feature 28 Cookery 30 Judaism 36 Kids 38 Youth The Jewish Weekly
Andrew Bridgen MP PHOTO: WIKIMEDIA Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Isaac Herzog, Defence Minister Yoav Galant and Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi PHOTO: GPO

Prayers being said for terror victim Yad Vashem mourns Rabbi Efraim Mol

The family of an 80-year-old man seriously injured in a ramming terror attack in Jerusalem on Monday afternoon have asked the public to say prayers for his recovery.

Shaare Tzedek Hospital issued a statement on Tuesday saying the victim was “sedated and ventilated in the ICU.”

The hospital added that a 30-year-old woman was in a “moderate and stable condition.”

The terrifying incident took place on Rechov Agripas near the Machane Yehudah market where the terrorist disguised as a Chareidi Jew rammed his car at speed into pedestrians.

According to a preliminary police report, the terrorist, who according to a witness was smiling during the attack, hit one pedestrian crossing the road then drove into another group before crashing into a fence.

A civilian passerby who witnessed the attack shot the driver and killed him.

First responders reacted swiftly to treat eight people, most with light injuries. They were taken to Shaare Tzedek and Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. A number of witnesses were treated for shock.

The terrorist was identified as a 39-yearold resident of Beit Tzafafa neighborhood

of East Jerusalem who was married with five children. He reportedly had a history of mental health issues and security offences.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received updates as he was about to address a Memorial Day ceremony for fallen IDF soldiers and terror victims at nearby Beis Yad L’Banim.

Police Commander of the Jerusalem District Doron Turgeman left the ceremony to attend the scene.

“A few minutes ago, not far from here, there was an attempt to murder Israeli citizens,” Netanyahu said with sirens blaring in the background. “This terrorist attack, in this place, at this time, reminds us that the land of Israel and the State of Israel are acquired through many trials and tribulations.”

He added: “These terrorist attacks come with the expectation that they will overcome us and will uproot us from here, and if they could, they would murder us all. But they will not overcome us; we will overcome them. We have established an exemplary state with an exemplary army and police, at a heart-rending price.”

Please daven for a refuah shelma for Dovid ben Sultana b’toch sha’ar cholei Yisrael.

Yad Vashem has mourned the passing of Holocaust survivor Rabbi Efraim Mol z”l who passed away days before he was due to recite Kel Maleh Rahamim at the State Opening Ceremony for Holocaust Remembrance Day on Monday.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had met Efraim a few days earlier and sent condolences to the family.

Efraim, 85, led an extraordinary life and shared his experiences with groups.

Born in 1938 in Brussels, Efraim was the only son of Reuven Yoel (Youlek) and Bella, who immigrated from Poland to Belgium after World War I. Reuven was a member of Beitar and created handmade leather wallets, Bella made women’s hats.

In September 1942, the family fled to France to escape to Switzerland, but were arrested by the Gestapo in Besançon near the Swiss border. On German orders, French policemen separated Efraim from his parents. Bella gave him a picture of them both and kissed him. Efraim never saw them again. In September 1942, Reuven and Bella were deported from Drancy concentration camp near Paris to Auschwitz where they were murdered.

Police took Efraim, aged four, to a convent in Besançon. After a few weeks, he

was sent to a Jewish orphanage in Paris with other boys and girls from the convent. Efraim was adopted by the Weils, French Jews who had an 18-year-old daughter. The couple had asked to adopt a Jewish boy from the orphanage. Efraim was chosen thanks to a nurse and because he spoke French. Later that year, when the Germans and French followed Efraim’s trail, Lucie Cartier, a friend of his adoptive parents, hid them in her home and found Efraim refuge in an apartment in the suburbs of Paris. The Allies liberated Paris in the summer of 1944. In 1971, Yad Vashem recognised Lucie as Righteous Among the Nations.

In 1957, Efraim visited Israel and decided to serve in the IDF. His adoptive parents objected. Instead, he was drafted into the French army and fought in the Algerian war. After his release, Efraim immigrated to Israel and settled on a religious kibbutz and served the IDF in combat reserve units where he met a Lubavitch Chasid and was drawn to Chasidism. He joined Chabad and after five years on the kibbutz, moved with his family to Jerusalem where he worked in a defense industries factory and served the IDF combat reserves in all Israel’s wars until the First Lebanon War. After retiring, he became a scribe.

He is survived by his wife, four children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

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Abbot suspended over “deeply offensive” comments

Labour leader Keir Starmer has condemned former shadow minister Diane Abbott’s remarks that Jewish people cannot face racism as “antisemitic”.

The controversial MP has been suspended by the Labour Party pending an investigation. Labour has withdrawn the whip so Abbott joins former leader Jeremy Corbyn as an Independent in the Commons.

Starmer confirmed his views to reporters at St Giles’ Trust in Camberwell on Monday a day after Abbot’s remarks made headline news.

He noted: “I said we would tear out antisemitism by its roots. I meant it, that's why we acted so swiftly yesterday”. Starmer added: “There's an investigation going on now, I don't think anybody can doubt the change in the Labour Party when you see such swift action and an absolute commitment to zero tolerance.”

On further questioning, the Labour leader said: “In my view, what she said was to be condemned, it was antisemitic. It's absolutely right that we acted as swiftly as we did.”

Abbot’s position is growing untenable given the media coverage in recent days.

The Government's independent advisor on antisemitism, Lord John Mann, believes Abbott will retire as a parliamentarian before the next general election.

Mann described Abbot’s comments as “historically, factually and politically wrong”.

The furore followed Abbott’s claims in a letter to The Observer newspaper on Sunday in response to an article by Tomiwa Owolade which commented on an ethnic inequality report.

Owolade explained that “Irish, Jewish and Traveller people” were among the most abused. The survey revealed that over 60% of Gypsy and Traveller people reported experience of racist assault, over 55% of Jewish people reported the same.

Responding to the letter, Abbott wrote: “It is true that many types of white people with points of difference” can experience prejudice. But they were not subjected to racism “all their lives”.

Following the outcry, the Hackney North and Stoke Newington MP, issued a retraction “unreservedly”.

Abbott blamed errors in an initial draft but accepted there was “no excuse”. “I wish to apologise for any anguish caused,” she stated. “Racism takes many forms, and it is completely undeniable that Jewish people have suffered its monstrous effects, as have Irish people, Travellers and many others.”

Abbot’s remarks were roundly criticised by politicians and Jewish leaders on Sunday.

Energy Secretary Grant Shapps said: “Once again, Jewish people have to wake

up and see a Labour MP casually spouting hateful anti-semitism.”

Conservative Party chairman Greg Hands said Abbott's “disgusting” comments downplayed anti-semitism faced by Jewish people.

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan called her comments “simply unacceptable” and Starmer had done the “right thing” in suspending Abbott.

He explained: “There is no place in our society, let alone the Labour Party, for anybody with these comments. Racism is racism, whether it's against Jewish people, travellers or anybody else.”

A Labour Party spokesman said the comments were “deeply offensive and wrong”, adding that the Chief Whip had suspended the Labour whip from Abbott pending an investigation.

The Jewish Labour Movement blasted the idea of a “hierarchy of racism”.

Jewish organisations expressed outrage at Abbott who has been long criticised by communal leaders.

The Board of Deputies labelled Abbott’s comments “disgraceful” and her apology “entirely unconvincing”.

Campaign Against Antisemitism called for Abbot’s expulsion from Labour.

A spokesman said: “Abbott’s claim that Jewish people cannot suffer ‘racism’ is outrageous in itself, but made all the more extraordinary given all that has unfolded in the Labour Party over the past few years. She and her allies on the far-left of the Party could never accept how bad antisemitism had become because they do not even acknowledge that it is a form of racism. We already made complaints against her, which

the Party has never investigated. Her suspension now is past time, and must be the first step towards her expulsion from the Party.”

Gary Mond, National Jewish Assembly, said it was “amazing” Abbott was once a Shadow Home Secretary.

He observed: “Jews have suffered from racism for centuries. The Holocaust targeted Jews not just for their religion but for their race. Jews who converted to Christianity were treated exactly the same as all other Jews, being earmarked for persecution and ultimately extermination. To compare Jewish persecution with simply being “redheads” is utterly obscene. What is even more worrying is a concern that Ms Abbott's thoughts might be shared by many Labour backbenchers. Even worse, they might be shared by many of Labour's prospective Parliamentary candidates in constituencies that they might conceivably wrest from the Conservatives at the next election. Such a situation, combined with a very successful Labour performance at the general election, could spell a real problem for Britain's Jewish community.”

Jonathan Metliss, Action Against Discrimination, condemned Abbott’s “inexcusable, malicious and offensive” remarks and called for the Observer newspaper to be likewise condemned for publishing such a letter.

Metliss noted: “These are disgusting remarks and she should be immediately expelled from the Labour Party and banned indefinitely from all political activity. This shows quite clearly that antisemitism in the Labour Party is still alive and kicking and has in no way been expunged by Keir Starmer. In addition to Abbott, the cohorts of Jeremy Corbyn are still active in the Shadow Cabinet and Labour Party in Angela Rayner, Lisa Nandy, Emily Thornberry and Russell Lloyd Moules to name but few.”

CAA noted that Abbott’s “actions and statements qualify as antisemitic discourse” according to its methodology and has documented incidents involving Abbott for a number of years.

On publication of the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s report, CAA submitted a complaint against Corbyn, Abbott and other sitting MPs. These are yet to be acknowledged by the Party.

Labour was found by the EHRC to have engaged in unlawful discrimination and harassment of Jews.

The report followed the EHRC’s investigation of the Party in which CAA was the complainant.

Starmer called the publication of the report a “day of shame” for the Party.

Corbyn remains suspended from the party after comments about the scale of antisemitism in Labour.

“Abbott’s claim that Jewish people cannot suffer ‘racism’ is outrageous in itself, but made all the more extraordinary given all that has unfolded in the Labour Party over the past few years.”


Pro-government rally in Jerusalem

Hundreds of thousands of government supporters will call for judicial reform at a rally in Jerusalem today ahead of the opening of the Knesset’s summer session next week.

Justice Minister Yariv Levin posted a call to his followers yesterday. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Energy Minister Israel Katz have appealed for support under the banner: “They will not steal our elections.”

Coalition supporters held demonstrations across the country last week.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not expected to attend due to security reasons but ministers are expected to join rabbis and former members of the military.

There are reports that 1,000 buses have been booked to transport supporters to 100 locations across the country.

Organisers are running a marketing campaign to stifle opponents who have held mass rallies in recent months.

CAA helps unfair dismissal victim win ‘kippah’ case

Campaign Against Antisemitism has helped a Jewish victim of unfair dismissal win a compensation package against his former employers.

The victim was invited by his line manager to wear a kippah to a Jewish religious event the company was hosting. Approached by a supervisor with a message from a different manager not to wear the kippah, the victim refused, explaining it was a Jewish event. An hour later, the manager asked the victim to remove his kippah. The victim politely refused, even when the manager insisted. Asked again by the manager why he was wearing it, the victim replied: “I have worn the kippah at every Jewish event throughout my life. I won’t take it off, but you can dismiss me.” The manager reportedly responded: “Go then, you’re dismissed”. He also allegedly

gestured disdainfully with his hand for the victim to go while looking away.

When the victim asked for a “written reason” for the dismissal the manager reportedly yelled aggressively that no reason was required as no one else was wearing a kippah. The manager allegedly added that a kippah was not part of the uniform but the victim could stay but not wear his kippah. When the victim refused the manager again told him he was dismissed. The victim said goodbye to colleagues and left.

Contacting CAA, the victim reported feeling grossly discriminated against, noting religious symbols were worn openly at the company by staff from other religious communities. The victim suffered nightmares and anxiety. He was also nervous about displaying Jewish symbols, including the Star of David and kippah.

Aside from the financial cost of the dismissal he was deeply insulted by the

manager’s suggestion he could stay at an event if he did not wear his kippah.

CAA provided the victim with legal assistance and support free of charge. The lawsuit was settled with a compensation package for the victim, part of which he is donating to CAA to assist others who suffer discrimination at work or elsewhere.

A CAA spokesperson said: “What happened to this young victim was utterly appalling. Such racist conduct is abusive and can leave lasting effects. We are proud that this victim stood up for his rights and that he had the courage to come to us and see this case through. The business entirely deserves the financial penalty that it has had to pay. Hopefully it will think twice in future before telling its workers that they cannot engage in perfectly reasonable expression of their religious identities. We are delighted to have secured justice for this victim, and hope that it serves as an example to other victims to come forward.”

The victim was assisted by Jamie Susskind, as counsel, and Asserson Law Offices, as solicitors.

Victims of antisemitic discrimination at work or elsewhere should send details to


AAD back ‘Jewish Gooners’

Action Against Antisemitism has welcomed Arsenal FC launching Jewish Gooners Supporters Club in the battle against antisemitism in football next month.

The initiative is backed by Jewish fans and starts on the day the Gunners host Brighton at the Emirates Stadium on Sunday, May 14.

The move follows the club banning five fans for three years over Jew-hate incidents online or in the stadium. There has also been 30 banning orders for other forms of racism. Education will form part of the project.

“We applaud the sterling efforts of Arsenal to combat and address antisemitism and applaud the banning supporters following antisemitic behaviour,” said Jonathan Metliss, AAD chairman. “To its credit, Arsenal have an excellent track record in this area. The creation of a new affiliate if it helps to combat and prevent

antisemitic behaviour is welcome. It follows the model recently adopted by Watford in the Championship.”

Metliss did offer words of caution, he said: “A new separate and distinctive ethnic group could be open to attack and abuse with a new ‘Y’ word culture, promoted by Tottenham supporters, being created. Having said that, Israeli flags are now prominent at Fulham following the signing of Israeli footballer Manor Solomon and this has had nothing but a positive effect at the club. Arsenal have taken bold steps and hopefully this will contribute constructively to a racist and antisemitic free culture.”

“We’re very pleased to welcome the Jewish Gooners supporters’ club to the Arsenal family,” Mark Brindle, Arsenal’s

Supporter Liaison Officer, reportedly said. “We’ve already worked together on a number of initiatives and we’re looking forward to building on this in the future. We’ll work collaboratively, as we do with all our supporters’ clubs around the world, to celebrate and champion our diverse communities with the aim of ensuring everyone feels welcome at Arsenal.”

Earlier this year the Premier title chasers responded to two disturbing antisemitic incidents during the north London derby with Tottenham Hotspur.

An Arsenal supporter overheard grossly offensive anti-semitic statements by another Arsenal fan. On the same afternoon, there was an incident at The Cally pub in Islington, involving anti-semitic chants.

The club condemned the incident.

A club statement noted: “We recognise the impact this behaviour has on our many Jewish supporters and others and condemn the use of language of this nature, which has no place in our game or society.”

The club added: “Arsenal must be a safe and welcoming environment for everyone, and we want to be clear that any kind of discriminatory abuse is not welcome at our club. We will not stand for this kind of behaviour and will take strong action against any supporters who we establish are responsible for such acts. Anyone identified will receive a lengthy club ban and their details will be passed to the police to commence legal proceedings.”

Supporters witnessing discriminatory behaviour should report incidents to the police. If inside the stadium, reports should be made to a matchday steward or use the clubs’ ‘See Something, Say Something’ service to enable action as quickly as possible.

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NJA slams Diane Abbott StandWithUs break-in shock

The National Jewish Assembly is appalled by the ignorant and insensitive comments made by Diane Abbott, who claimed that Jews have not experienced racism. Her words are a blatant denial of the experiences of Jewish people throughout history and present-day society. The NJA strongly condemns her remarks and commends the Labour party for immediately suspending Abbott from the party whip.

Abbott's attempt to compare the experiences of Jewish people with those of people with red hair is not only absurd but deeply offensive. It shows a lack of understanding and empathy for the suffering and discrimination that Jewish people have faced for centuries. It is unacceptable for a member of parliament to make such comments and diminish the experiences of a minority community.

The NJA urges the Labour party to take further action to censure or remove Diane Abbott from the party. Her comments are not only insensitive but also harmful to the Jewish community, and she should

not be allowed to represent the party in any capacity.

The NJA is concerned that the scourge of antisemitism appears to have not yet been completely expunged from the Labour party. It is essential that the party continues to take a zero-tolerance approach to antisemitism.

While the NJA welcomes Abbott's apology for her comments, it finds it entirely unconvincing. The remarks she made in her letter were not merely typos or a slip of the tongue, but rather a deliberate attempt to downplay the experiences of discrimination faced by Jewish people. The NJA calls on her to take further steps to make amends to the Jewish community for her harmful rhetoric and to show that she understands the gravity of the situation.

It is essential that the Labour party continues to make progress in rooting out antisemitism from its ranks. The suspension of Diane Abbott is a step in the right direction, but more needs to be done to address this issue.

Staff at StandWithUs UK arrived at their office on the morning of Israel’s 75th Independence Day to find it had been broken into.

In a calculated attack, the perpetrators broke through the ceiling into the office and left a lit memorial candle placed next to a StandWithUs t-shirt. The implication appeared to be a violent and threatening message aimed at the organisation and staff.

StandWithUs have reassured our community they are taking the threat seriously.

Police and the Community Security Trust are working closely with them as an investigation begins.

StandWithUs UK Executive Director,

Magen David Adom has been saving lives in Israel since long before the State was established. For over 90 years, from childbirth and tra c accidents to war and terror, MDA has been there.

You make MDA the exceptional medical emergency and blood service that it is.

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Duke of Edinburgh attends IYA award

Prince Edward, The Duke of Edinburgh, attended the Israel Youth Award charity event in London last week. The event, led by IYA’s Sir Mick Davis, was attended by guests from business and education.

Ambassadors Tzipi Hotovely was among guests who heard from two award participants who spoke passionately about their experiences of completing the award and difference it has made to their lives.

Ria Yaniv, Award Leader and Service Year volunteer, said: “As someone who just graduated last year from high school, this year has not been easy for me. It has matured me in many ways and shown me that I can do more than I thought I could.”

Maysa Assaf, a Gold Award alumna, commented: “The award taught me a lot about myself. It took me some time to realize how these moments would help me in life, but I get it after it’s been a while.”

Prince Edward is patron of the award and Chairman of The International Award Foundation.

The Duke of Edinburgh's International

Award was established in the UK in 1956 by Prince Philip to provide young people with practical tools for development regardless of cultural status, religion or background. It operates in over 130 countries supporting

one million young people from all walks of life.

IYA's activities inspire young people to undergo challenges that contribute to self-esteem.

Isaac Zarfati said: “Our staff were shaken but are determined.

We remain committed to our mission, of working tirelessly towards countering antisemitism and misinformation about Israel, regardless of this hateful attempt to intimidate us. This intimidation is indicative of what Jewish and Zionist students face regularly from those who seek to discriminate against them. It will not stand.”

StandWithUs UK is a non-partisan educational charity that educates people of all ages and backgrounds, challenges misinformation and fights antisemitism. They empower students and communities with leadership training and educational programmes on school and university campuses.

Ofcom fines Ahlebait TV

Ofcom has imposed a £10,000 financial penalty on Ahlebait TV Networks after its service, Ahlebait TV, was found to have broken their broadcasting rules.

The investigation concluded that statements in an episode of its current affairs programme ‘20th Hour’ entitled ‘Money Power, Islam and a Just Order’ amounted to antisemitic hate speech, and derogatory and abusive treatment of Jewish people.

It was also found that content had clear potential to cause significant offence. Ofcom did not consider there was sufficient context to justify its broadcast.

Given the seriousness of these breaches the penalty was imposed and is payable to HM Treasury.

Ofcom has directed Ahlebait not to repeat the programme and to broadcast a statement of the findings against it on a date and in a form to be determined by Ofcom.

Israel Youth Award PHOTO: IYA
The StandWithUs office

Israel remembers its fallen soldiers and victims of terror

Israel remembered its fallen soldiers and victims of terror at Memorial Day services this week.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog led ceremonies for Yom Hazikaron.

A one-minute siren marked the beginning of commemorations on Monday. The main ceremony took place where Israeli leaders spoke took place at the Western Wall. A two-minute siren on Tuesday was followed by memorial ceremonies at 52 military cemeteries and memorial sites. The main ceremony occurred in the Memorial Hall at Mount Herzl. Names of Israel’s fallen soldiers were broadcast on Israeli television.

Netanyahu, speaking at the state ceremony for the Fallen of Israel's Wars in Jerusalem on Tuesday, recalled when he was in the General Staff Reconnaissance Unit.

He said: “Zohar Linik from Yehud, Chaim Ben-Yona from Kibbutz Yechiam. and David Ben-Hamo from Be’er Sheba died in my arms. A few years later I lost my older brother Yoni in Entebbe.”

Netanyahu was moved to see Major-General Yossi Ben Hanan, who received the Medal of Courage, visit his brother's grave with his daughter, whom he named Yoni.

He said: “Fifty years ago, in the Yom Kippur war, Yoni rescued Yossi, who had been left injured on the Golan Heights. Yoni received a Medal for Distinguished Service. All of our families mourn beloved ones. The support of the nation gives us the strength to seize life. Bereaved families strengthen the spirit of the nation.”

Netanyahu also recalled three brothers of the Lichtenstein family. Yaakov and Avner died in the War of Independence and Eli after serving in the Six Day War on reserve duty on the Golan Heights. They were grandsons of Ze'ev Elimelech Lichtenstein murdered in the 1929 Hebron Massacre.

Their parents courage has enabled us “vanquish our enemies” and “continue building our country” he said.

Netanyahu added: “We stand together as brothers and guarantee our independence from generation to generation. We bow our heads in unending gratitude for the courage of the fallen and resilience of families.”

Herzog, speaking at the ceremony for Victims of Terrorism in Israel and Abroad on Mount Herzl, called on Israelis, as he did at Yad Vashem and Western Wall ceremonies, to cast off arguments in memory of loved ones.

Herzog recalled terror acts of the past 12 months and victims who paid the price for a sovereign liberty.

He said: “May the memories of the victims of terror attacks be preserved in our hearts and in the nation’s hearts forevermore.”

A number of bereaved families against

judicial reforms protested at ministers and coalition members attending military cemeteries despite calls for them to stay away out of respect.

In Be'er Sheva, outspoken National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir experienced jeers when he arrived and spoke. There was sporadic fighting at his presence among some families which continued after he left. A number of families visited graves before

Ben Gvir arrived.

Eli Ben Shem, chairman of Yad Labanim, Israel's support network for fallen IDF soldier, blamed Ben-Gvir for the violence. He said: “Ben-Gvir did not behave wisely. We asked him not to come but he insisted.”

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel in Rehovot

and Transportation Minister Miri Regev at Holon were similarly jeered. And in the Druze village of Isfiya Environmental, Protection Minister Gila Gamliel was unable to enter the cemetery.

Continued on page 10

Netanyahu was moved to see Major-General Yossi Ben Hanan, who received the Medal of Courage, visit his brother's grave with his daughter, whom he named Yoni.
Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Herzog remember the Israel’s fallen PHOTO: GPO President Isaac Herzog lays a wreath at the Memorial Day ceremony on Mount Herzl PHOTO: HAIM ZACH/GPO

Continued from page 8

But Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis was applauded by families in Netanya after he allowed a bereaved family member to speak in his place.

Netanyahu's speech at the national ceremony at Mount Herzl passed without interruption when he appealed for unity. “This

year more than ever, we must remember we are all brothers - Jews, Druze, Muslims, Bedouins, Circassians - all brothers in arms," he said.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant spoke without interruption at the Tel Aviv military cemetery.

Meantime, Israel UN’s envoy Gilad Erdan walked out of a Security Council hearing on

the Palestinians as it was held on Memorial Day.

“Today's debate has crossed all lines," he reportedly said. “Not only am I both appalled and outraged to the very depth of my soul, but I am sad. Today is one of the most sacred days of the year for the State of Israel. Today is Memorial Day for our fallen troops and victims of terror. The day during which every Israel remembers those who paid the ultimate price while defending the Jewish homeland."

Erdan called for the meeting to be moved on a number of occasions and asked Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov how he would respond to an event condemning Russian troops on Russia's Victory Day.

He reportedly observed: “While Israelis mourn, this council, as usual, will hear more blatant lies condemning the State of Israel and falsely painting it as the root of all the region's problems. This couldn't be any further from the truth. The only reason this conflict has not yet been resolved is because the Palestinians refuse to accept the very existence of Israel, the Jewish state. They've proven this by rejecting any peace initiative and by inciting to terrorism, brainwashing their children to hate and murder Jews. Shame”

Erdan blasted Iran as the “greatest threat to the region. Before walking out he told the council, he said: “On this sacred and solemn day during which we Israelis bow our heads to the 28,468 fallen soldiers and victims of terror, I refuse to take part in this absurd farce.”

Erdan read aloud the names of terror victims killed in the past year, lit a memorial candle and left the chamber.

Netanyahu at the ceremony for the Fallen of Israel's Wars at Yad LeBanim in Jerusalem on Monday addressed mourners. It took place shortly after an attempted terror attack. He said: “A few minutes ago, not far from here, there was another attempt to murder Israeli citizens. This terrorist attack, in this place, at this time, reminds us that the land of Israel and the State of Israel are acquired through many trials and tribulations.” he added: “These terrorist attacks come with the expectation that they will overcome us and will uproot us from here, and if they could, they would murder us all. But they will not overcome us, we will overcome them. We have established an exemplary state with an exemplary army and police, at a heart-rending price.”

At the Western Wall, Herzog said: “The siren that pierced the silence right now, making its way from one end of the land to the next, rattles our souls and makes way for remembrance, which overwhelms us with silence. What other country in the world has such a special sound? It is the sound of pain and of hope, of grief and of pride. It is the sound of the State of Israel. A sound that calls on us to pause for a moment, to lock in the sanctity, to remember and to connect together.”

He added: “Citizens of Israel, the siren this year, the intensely Israeli signature call, is a wake-up call for all of us. The cost of internal strife is heavy. At this sacred place, where so many of our soldiers swear oaths to defend the homeland, now is the time to pledge once more, we have one army and one state. The IDF and the men and women who serve it must remain beyond all disputes. All of us, from all shades of this nation, must find what connects and unites us. We must commit to the unity of Israel, to the eternity of Israel, and to the Jewish and democratic State of Israel.”

Ahead of events, Netanyahu and his wife Sara met with family members of the Widows and Orphans Organisation.

He said: “Frequently I send men into battle or on very dangerous missions and not once do I send them there without thinking about you, the families that will pay the price afterward. It does not prevent me from doing this but it means that when you do so, you always think about the price and do not do so lightly."

On the eve of Israel's 75th Independence Day, it was announced that the population of Israel was 9.7m. There are 7.1m Jews (73.5%) 2m Arabs (21.0%) and 534,000 others (5.5%).

Israel's population has grown by 216,000 in the past 12 months. During this period, there were 183,000 births, 79,000 immigrants and 51,000 deaths.

At the time of the establishment of the State of Israel, the population of Israel was 806,000.

In 2030, the population of Israel is expected to reach 11.1m, in 2040, 13.2m. It is anticipated the population will be 15.2m on the 100th independence in 2048.

The population of Israel is young, around about 28% are aged 0-14 and 12% are 65 or over.

“At this sacred place, where so many of our soldiers swear oaths to defend the homeland, now is the time to pledge once more, we have one army and one state.”
Prime Minister Netanyahu addressing the nation PHOTO: GPO Prime Minister Netanyahu with widows and orphans PHOTO: WIKIMEDIA President Herzog lighting the memorial candle at the State Opening Ceremony at the Kotel PHOTO: GPO
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Amnesty International condemned for opposition to IHRA definition of antisemitism

The National Jewish Assembly strongly condemns Amnesty International’s recent lobbying efforts against the adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) “working definition of antisemitism”. It is deeply concerning that an organisation that purports to defend human rights would seek to undermine the important work of combatting antisemitism by submitting a letter to the United Nations urging it not to adopt a widely accepted definition of this form of hatred.

The IHRA definition has been adopted by numerous governments and institutions, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the European Union, as

an essential step in addressing the growing problem of antisemitism. However, Amnesty International nebulously claims that it is being misused to suppress criticism of Israel.

NJA Vice Chairman Laurence Julius said, “Denying the right of the Jewish people to self determination is antisemitism by any definition of the word. The definition does not prevent criticism of the Israeli government - it just states that holding Israel to a higher standard than is expected of any other country is antisemitic.”

The NJA believes that this criticism is unfounded and baseless. The IHRA definition provides a clear and comprehensive framework for identifying and combating

antisemitism - the various manifestations of which may present themselves in numerous pernicious and threatening ways. By opposing the definition, Amnesty International is effectively providing cover for those who seek to use antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories to delegitimise Israel and the Jewish people.

Sadly, Amnesty International has a longstanding bias against Israel that is both virulent and riddled with falsehoods. In February 2022, Amnesty International published a poorly written and insubstantial report that attempted to slander Israel as an “apartheid state” and several Amnesty International staff have openly pledged solidarity with

Palestinian factions. The Amnesty International report further attempted to twist the definition of “apartheid” by conflating the term with Israel’s very existence.

The self-styled human rights organisation’s deliberate attempts to delegitimise Israel and undermine its right to exist demonstrate a disregard for the truth and a failure to understand the complex realities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The NJA urges the United Nations to reject any attempts by Amnesty International or other organisations to undermine the IHRA definition of antisemitism. Alongside other important measures, the adoption of the IHRA definition is essential in the fight against antisemitism and to promoting human rights for all people. The NJA calls on all organisations and governments to join in this effort and to stand against the pernicious and dangerous ideology of antisemitism.

German police investigate pro-Palestinian rally

German police are conducting an investigation into a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin where antisemitic chants were heard. Among a reported 500 demonstrators in the Kreuzberg and Neukölln neighbourhoods of the capital “Death to the Jews” and “Death to Israel” were caught on footage captured by Democ, an independent NGO.

Both slogans are banned under Germany’s

Holocaust laws in the ongoing fight against antisemitism.

Nancy Faeser, Germany’s Interior Minister, reportedly wrote on Twitter: “I condemn the highly inhuman, antisemitic and anti-Israel slogans in the strongest possible terms. Now it is important to investigate quickly and decisively. The agitators must be identified and held accountable.”

In other Euro news, The Austrian parliament’s third antisemitism report has revealed worrying trends in a poll of 2000 respondents.

The survey by the Institute for Empirical Social Research on antisemitic attitudes in Austria found that over of a third of those polled think Jews are ‘trying to take advantage of being victims during the Nazi era’.

A quarter under the age of 25 held that viewpoint. Among Turkish and Arabic speakers, over half agreed with the statement ‘completely’ or ‘quite likely’.

Also, over a third of those polled held the view that Jews ‘dominate the international business world’.

Sobotka reportedly said. “It’s not a phenomenon of the political fringe groups, it comes from the middle of society. On the extreme sides, (antisemitism) becomes visible. On the right, we’ve seen extreme groups for years and decades. We haven’t paid attention to the left-wing extremism for a long time and now we see it very clearly as anti-Israelism and anti-Zionism.”

Austrian National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka presented the report to parliament.

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Herzog announces global consultation Lag B’Omer Meron concerns

Jewish world’s challenges.

Council will represent all parts of world Jewry and include invitees selected by the President.

Herzog said: “Between our Jewish communities, and between them and the State of Israel, we are growing at times more distant from one another. The gaps between us are growing wider. On some of the most essential questions, we are unable to agree. But, more concerning, often, we are unable even to discuss. That critical web of connectedness, the sense of shared purpose and destiny that has sustained our people for millennia seems to be loosening.

“I am convinced that there is no greater existential threat to our people than the one that comes from within our own polarisation and alienation from one another. What we need is a global Jewish beit midrash. As President, I have committed myself to making this happen.”

No insurance company has come forward to handle potential claims during Lag BaOmer on Mount Meron next month.

Thousands of pilgrims are expected to visit the gravesite of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai at the sacred site.

The same situation occurred last year following the 2021 tragedy where 45 worshippers were crushed to death due to poor crowd control.

A lack of insurance leaves the site's management vulnerable to lawsuits.

A Knesset meeting on Monday ended without a resolution.

President Isaac Herzog launched a global consultation with world Jewry on Sunday night.

‘Voice of the People: The President’s Initiative for Worldwide Jewish Dialogue’ fosters open dialogue between Jewish communities. The Council will meet periodically.

The landmark initiative establishes a worldwide Jewish Advisory Council under

the Office of the President of the State of Israel.

Herzog will be advised on core challenges facing Jewish people. The forum provides a platform for young Jews to make their voices heard on strategic, sensitive issues.

The initiative follows Herzog’s announcement to transform his office into a hub for dialogue within Israel’s society and global Jewish community. Recognising the State’s responsibility for the Jewish world, Herzog will create a safe space to engage with the

Herzog said the initiative was a first-ofits-kind global council for Jewish dialogue. He has invited global communities to join the consultation process from 14 centres across six continents. Strategic labs will take place in Israel, north America, South America, Europe and Australia, and virtual labs, in Hebrew and English.

Herzog unveiled the initiative at a joint session of the Jewish Federations of North America. General Assembly 2023 in Tel Aviv.

Herzog has partnered with the Jewish Agency and WZO for the project.

Yossi Deitch, the government-appointed Meron official reportedly warned the committee: “This is the largest civil event this country has ever seen. If an accident were to occur, no one is insured. It's not my responsibility, but the government's. Let them take care of it.”

“I have been working without insurance for three months now,” he added. “It's unacceptable that everyone washes their hands of the matter. The State of Israel has to take responsibility.

“There's a point where I can't continue anymore. Anyone who hears about Meron runs away from it and is not willing to take on this liability. A few years ago there was no problem insuring it, but after the tragedy at Meron, anyone in their right mind stays away from it.”

President Isaac Herzog speaking at the consultation launch
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David Saffer looks back on 75 years of The State of Israel

1948 Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion declares Israel’s independence. Chaim Weizmann de facto President. War of Independence - Israel invaded by five Arab states. IDF and El Al established. National flag adopted. Banknotes used as Palestine Pound.

1949 Chaim Weizmann elected Israel’s first President. Operations Ali Baba and Magic Carpet bring Iraqi and Yemeni Jews to Israel. Israel’s emblem - the Menorah - adopted. First Knesset elected. Israel admitted to United Nations. War of Independence lasts until July.

1950 Israel’s Law of Return approved by Knesset.

1951 The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange opens listing 544 companies.

1952 Yitzhak Ben-Zvi elected President. Israeli Pound introduced.

1953 The Israel Prize is awarded for first time.

1954 Moshe Sharett elected Prime Minister. Israel joins Asian Football Confederation.

1955 David Ben-Gurion elected Prime Minster for a second time.

1956 Israel Dairy Board is founded. Sinai campaign - Suez Crisis.

1957 National telephone network links Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa.

1958 Tel Aviv’s first supermarket opens.

1959 The Carmelit subway opens in Haifa.

1960 Shin Bet capture Nazi officer Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires.

1961 El Al flies non stop from Tel Aviv to New York.

1962 Adolf Eichmann tried and executed in Israel for his part in the Holocaust.

1963 Levi Eshkol elected Prime Minister. Zalman Shazar elected President.

1964 National Water Carrier completed from Lake Kinneret. Israel host and win Asian Cup.

1965 The Israel Museum in Jerusalem opens.

1966 Coca Cola established. Shai Agnon wins Nobel Prize for Literature.

1967 Six Day War. Israel defeat Egypt, Syria and Jordan. ‘Three Paratroopers’ Zion Karasenti, Yitzhak Yifat and Chaim Oshri pictured at Western Wall during Jerusalem’s reunification.

1968 Israel TV broadcasts. Establishment of Jewish settlement in Hebron. Hijacking of El Al airliner by PLO. Israel football qualify for Olympics.

1973 Yom Kippur War. Egypt and Syria attack Sinai Peninsula and Golan Heights. Ephraim Katzir elected President. Israel debut at Eurovision Song Contest.

1974 Yitzhak Rabin elected Prime Minister. Israel expelled from Asian Football Confederation.

1975 First IAF fighter jet operational. Israel associate member of European Common Market.

1976 Operation Entebbe. Israel forces free hostages at Entebbe International Airport. Team Israel football qualify for Olympics.

Song Contest with Hallelujah. Team Israel wins silver medal at Eurobasket championships.

1969 Golda Meir elected first female Prime Minister.

1970 Israel qualify for FIFA World Cup. Captain Mordechai Spiegler scores in the finals.

1971 Chaim Topol nominated for Oscar as Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof.

1972 PLO Black September terrorists murder 11 members of Olympic team.

1977 Menachem Begin elected Prime Minister. Moshe Mizrachi wins Oscar for Madame Rosa. Egypt President Anwar Sadat visits Israel.

1978 Camp David Accords at White House. Israel wins Eurovision Song Contest with A-Ba-Ni-Bi. Yitzhak Navon elected President. President Anwar Sadat and Prime Minister Menachem Begin share Nobel Peace Prize.

1979 Israel and Egypt sign peace treaty at White House. Israel wins Eurovision

1980 Shekel is introduced. Knesset passes Jerusalem Law establishing city as Israel’s capital.

1981 Operation Opera - IAF air strikes Irgun Osirak nuclear plant.

1982 IDF invades southern Lebanon to expel PLO.

1983 Yitzhak Shamir elected Prime Minister. Chaim Herzog elected President.

1984 Shimon Peres elected Prime Minister. Operation Moses airlifts Ethiopian Jews to Israel. Terror attack on bus from Tel Aviv to Ashkelon.

Levi Eshkol Golda Meir Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion declaring Israel’s independence Israel and Egypt sign peace treaty at the White House

1985 Free Trade Agreement with United States. New Shekel introduced.

1986 Yitzhak Shamir elected Prime Minister. Chaim Herzog elected President.

1987 Dr Morris Levi performs first heart transplant at Beilinson Hospital, Petah Tikva.

1993 Israel and PLO sign Oslo Peace Accord. Ezer Weizman elected President. Israel and Vatican sign ‘Fundamental Agreement’. Conviction of Ivan Demjanjuk overturned by Israel Supreme Court. Before his death, Demjanjuk convicted in Germany for Sobibor war crimes.

1994 Israel and Jordan sign peace treaty. Israel withdraws from Jericho then Gaza. Israel admitted to UEFA. Suicide bombers strike on Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv.

1995 Shimon Peres elected Prime Minister. Save a Child Heart founded. Oslo II agreement. Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin assassinated.

1996 Benjamin Netanyahu elected Prime Minister. Team Israel qualify for Men’s 4x100m Olympics final. First suicide bombs in Jerusalem.

1997 IDF helicopter disaster in Lebanon. Israel withdraws from Hebron.

1998 ICG sells messaging program for $407m.

1999 Ehud Barack elected Prime Minister. Mobileye accident prevention system launched. Aleksandr Averbukh, World Championship bronze medal in pole vault. Israel and PLO sign Sharm-el-Sheikh memorandum.

2000 Israel withdraws from southern Lebanon. Moshe Katsav elected President. Pope Paul II visits Israel. Camp David Summit.

mission. The ‘Road Map to Peace’ presented to Israel and Palestinians.

2004 Gal Friedman wins Israel’s first Olympic gold medal (windsurfing). Prisoner swap with Hezbollah for remains of three IDF soldiers.

2005 Israel disengagement of settlers from Gaza Strip.

2006 Ehud Olmert elected Prime Minister. United Hatzalah founded. Magen David Adam inducted as Red Cross member. IDF shell Lebanon after Hezbollah attack.

2007 Operation Orchard on Syria. Shimon Peres elected President. Good Deeds Day launched by philanthropist Shari Arison. Israel Baseball League established.

2008 IAF strike Gaza Strip. Israel 15th in FIFA rankings.

Niv Adiri wins Oscar for Best Sound in Gravity.

2014 Israel-Gaza conflict escalates. Reuven Rivlin elected President. Israel joins CERN. Operation Protective Edge. First Rolling Stones concert in Israel.

2015 Israel condemns Iran nuclear deal.

2016 Today programme breaches BBC guidelines on violence in Israel and Palestine.

2017 US recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Intel acquire Mobileye for $15.3 billion.

2018 Life expectancy fifth highest globally at 80.7 years for a man and 84.2 years for a woman.

2019 US recognise sovereignty over Golan Heights. Team Israel qualify for European Baseball Championship.

2020 Israel leads way in COVID-19 pandemic. Israel-UAE-Bahrain sign Abraham Accords. Israel qualify for Tokyo Olympics.

1988 Ivan Demjanjuk (Ivan the Terrible) sentenced to death for Treblinka war crimes. Israel launch reconnaissance satellite Ofer-1.

1989 Russian Jews mass immigration to Israel begins. Mount Carmel forest fire. First suicide bombing by Palestinian terrorists near Kiryat Yearim.

1990 Israel hit by scud missile during Gulf War.

2001 Ariel Sharon elected Prime Minister. IsraAID founded. Tourism Minister Rehavam Ze’Evi murdered by Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. 40 suicide bombs include Dolphinarium discotheque, Tel Aviv and Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem.

2002 Construction of security fence begins. 47 suicide bombs include Passover seder at Netanya hotel. IDF begins Operation Defensive Shield in Judai & Samaria.

2009 Benjamin Netanyahu elected Prime Minister. Omri Caspi first Israeli to play in NBA. Crystallographer Ada Yonath first Israeli woman to win Nobel Prize. Boris Gerald World Cup chess winner. Team Israel reach Davis Cup semifinals.

2010 IDF intercepts Gaza flotilla of ships. Mount Carmel forest fire. Natalie Portman (born Neta-Lee Hershlag) wins Oscar for Best Actress in Black Swan. Israel joins OECD.

2011 Iron Dome intercepts short range rockets. Attack on Israel Embassy in Egypt. Gilat Shamir prisoner exchange with Hamas.

2012 Operation Pillar of Defense in Gaza Strip. Israel most companies listed on NASDAQ bar US.

2021 Naftali Bennett elected Prime Minister. Operation Guardian of the Walls. Meron stampede disaster. Isaac Herzog elected President. Gymnast Artem Dolgopyat wins Olympic gold.

2022 Yair Lapid elected Prime Minister. Benjamin Netanyahu becomes longest serving Prime Minister.

1991 Operation Solomon brings Ethiopian Jews to Israel.

1992 Yitzhak Rabin elected Prime Minister. Yael Arid (silver) and Oren Smadja (bronze) win Olympic judo medals. Diplomatic relations established with China and India.

2003 Israel’s first astronaut Ilan Ramon killed in Columbia space shuttle

2023 Israel’s 75th Independence Day. Sources:, jewishnewhaven. org, lonely,, carlton. ca,, virtual,,,

2013 Google buy Waze for $1.03 billion. Ilan Ramon Operation Solomon Benjamin Netanyahu The Jewish Weekly’s David Saffer meets President Isaac Herzog Yair Lapid

Bright set for “politically fiery” elections

Local elections take place across District and Unitary authorities and Metropolitan districts on Thursday 4th May.

Political commentators will analyse results in detail as a first major test of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s leadership and Labour leader Keir Starmer’s standing with a general election looming.

Barnet Borough Council (56,616) has the largest Jewish population in official census figures followed by Hertsmere (18,346) and Hackney (17,426) in England and Wales.

Bury, Salford and Camden also have a Jewish community of over 10,000 locally.

Hertsmere is the most populous Jewish borough in Hertfordshire. Numbers are up in the latest census from 14,271 in 2011 and are set to continue climbing. The borough has 110,000 residents in Elstree, Borehamwood, Potters Bar, Bushey, Radlett, Shenley, South Mimms and other villages.

Cllr Morris Bright is the longest serving Hertsmere Borough Council leader, taking office in 2007.

Bright, who is also deputy leader of Hertfordshire County Council, observed: “We have all ages, gender, faith and creed, not because we are trying to tick boxes but because we have intentionally sought to be representative of our communities over the years. We hold an annual diversity festival. A few years ago, we ran a poll, 85 percent of people felt Hertsmere was a good place to live if you are a person of religion. That’s great but I want to get as close as you can to 100 percent.”

He added: “Borehamwood is a burgeoning community, it’s important to have Jewish counsellors because it means we understand the needs of a growing population. Of 10 districts and boroughs in Hertfordshire, Hertsmere is incredibly diverse, second only to Watford. There are 51 languages spoken in our schools.”

Around 70 percent of Hertfordshire’s Jewish population are in Hertsmere.

“Over the years their needs have changed and those needs are being met,” noted Bright.

Among challenges for the Jewish community has been adequate faith education and synagogues.

Bright noted: “For too long children travelled from Hertsmere, specifically Elstree and Borehamwood, to schools in other areas such as Mill Hill, Edgware and Finchley when it came to faith education. This has changed considerably with the advent of HJPS and Yavne College. There also used to be one big shul, but communities of different levels of orthodoxy have developed. We get requests for more

space but its limited.”

Affordable accommodation is a huge issue for all communities.

Bright explained: “For children wanting to move into the area its difficult, units have become unaffordable, there are also elders downsizing outside Hertfordshire to be near family. It’s become a cycle. We don't have enough homes for people living in the area and more people want to move into the area. We have to do more about housing.

“When people ask me about halls for faith communities what do we do firsthousing, shuls, mosques, charities? It’s a challenge as Hertsmere leader as we have to be equitable to everyone.”

Antisemitism is an ongoing issue locally and globally. Hertsmere has zero tolerance.

Bright explained: “There is a forum of faiths, leaders of different communities get together. We also have a very good

relationship with local police and meet bimonthly. We call out antisemitism and racism wherever it transpires, and it does every so often, but figures are lower than people might think for a community this size, which is due to the great relationships we have.”

The Conservatives control Hertsmere and expect a fierce battle with Labour in upcoming Council, Town and Parish elections.

Bright noted that Elstree and Borehamwood, Shenley to a lesser extent, are “politically fiery”. Over the years he has enjoyed and endured his share of headlines in the news and comments online.

Bright observed: “It’s difficult at times, some things written on social media has not been easy for my children, but I believe that good will prevail. I can’t please people all of the time. People turn against me with different political views but at the same time people will give me a chance if they think I’m trying to do the right thing. Some days it’s hard but I’ve not lost the passion.”

Hertsmere’s leader is aware of a fine balance regarding political debate for Jewish councillors as it can affect the overall perception of the community.

Bright and Labour leader Jeremy Newmark have led the way on this issue in recent times.

“We have a responsibility,” Bright acknowledged. “We don't have to agree with each other’s policies, but we have tried to bring the temperature down.” He added: “In Hertsmere we are lucky because our local MP, Oliver Dowden, is a very good friend of the Jewish community.”

Bright is upbeat but also philosophical about the upcoming elections.

He explained: “Around 50 percent of people use their vote as a referendum on the government. When my party is popular nationally we benefit locally, when it’s not then it helps Labour.

“Last year the Conservatives lost nearly 500 councillors across the country based on what people felt about Boris Johnson and the party nationally. I’ll be saying, you have a General Election next year to elect any MP but on May 4th you are voting for a local representative for four years. I’ll be asking people to consider that above national concerns.

“I like the fact that you can say to somebody, this is what we said we would do, this is what we did, can you please trust us to carry on. We are local people, live locally and sort out local issues. We have wonderful candidates from different backgrounds. Come with us on the journey because ultimately this is our area and future. If we get elected again, I look forward to leading from the front.”

Cllr Morris Bright with Prime Minister Richi Sunak and party chairman Greg Hands
A few years ago, we ran a poll, 85 percent of people felt Hertsmere was a good place to live if you are a person of religion. That’s great but I want to get as close as you can to 100 percent.”
Cllr Morris Bright

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Celebrating Israel’s 75th

It started as a simple but compelling idea. How about if the Jews – one of the world’s most consistently persecuted minorities – once again had their own country.

From the time that Theodor Herzl published his revolutionary thoughts in Der Judenstaat in 1896 to the foundation of that Jewish state, only 50 years had elapsed. However, such was the suffering of Jews around the world in that period, that this once wild idea of self-determination for the Jewish people rapidly became seen as a necessity to save the Jews from oblivion.

Pogroms in Eastern Europe, the Nazi Holocaust and severe repression in Arab countries led to migration to the British Mandate of Palestine, but it was the vision and the hard work of the pioneers who built communities and cities which made the dream become a reality.

For my generation, Israel has been a rock for the Jewish people. Even those of us who do not live there, regard Israel as a home

from home. We have family and friends there, we visit frequently. And most of us feel that Israel is there for us. It is our refuge should the world turn against us in the way it did time and time again over the centuries, most tragically during the Holocaust. However, when David Ben-Gurion and his colleagues of the Jewish People’s Council assembled at the Tel Aviv Museum on 14th May 1948 to proclaim the establishment of Israel, many people feared it might turn out to be the shortest-lived state in modern history.

Despite being faced by the might of the combined Arab armies of the region, Israel somehow prevailed. Its poorly equipped army possessed something which its

enemies did not have – a desperation to achieve and cement nationhood after thousands of years living as unwanted guests in hostile territories.

And this is what we celebrate today. Nobody can claim that Israel does not have its problems. The Middle East conflict has not been resolved. Israelis are still subject to horrific terrorist attacks, as we have seen in the tragic events of the past weeks. Politics in Israel can also be polarised and the unrest caused by proposed changes to the judicial system have caused rifts in the fabric of the country which must be quickly resolved.

However, for all its difficulties, Israel at 75 remains a modern-day miracle. Three

quarters of a century after its traumatic birth, Israel is now a diverse, sophisticated democracy and a world leader in technology. It is also the only country in the region which guarantees full civil and political rights to all of its citizens. And as we have seen in recent months, those citizens will go to considerable lengths to ensure these rights are preserved for future generations. Israel has taken in refugees from Europe, those fleeing oppression in Arab lands, as well as those making aliyah from every Jewish community in the world. We can only guess what a world without Israel would look like for the Jewish people, but we know from history that we are stronger, more vital and more confident for having a land of our own.

Happy 75th birthday to Israel. We look forward to many more.

20 OPINION 27 APRIL 2023 TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM OPINION The opinions on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper
For my generation, Israel has been a rock for the Jewish people. Even those of us who do not live there, regard Israel as a home from home.


Dealer: South Vuln: All

It was clear to West that his opponents had bid a slam on power and that most of the high cards were in declarer’s hand, so he chose the passive lead of a trump. Once dummy appeared, declarer counted eleven top tricks. If trumps were 2:2, he saw that he could make certain of a twelfth trick on an elimination play: draw trumps, cash the hearts and play a diamond to the queen – then, if that lost West would be endplayed. Declarer took the first trick in hand with the nine of trumps and cashed the jack of spades. Alas, trumps were3:1 (Oh Dear), and so the hypothetical elimination play had to be abandoned. Declarer drew the last trump and was about to play on diamonds when a thought struck him: it would cost nothing to take the heart winners first. So, he cashed the ace, queen and king of hearts then led the nine of diamonds to the queen. West won with the king and had only minor-suit cards remaining. It was clear to West that declarer had the queen of clubs, so West exited with the jack of diamonds, hoping his partner would produce the ten. Declarer won with the ace and threw a club on his good ten of diamonds: he had six trumps, three hearts, two diamonds and a club to make his contract.

NB if declarer hadn’t cashed the heart winners, the contract would have failed because West would then have had a safe exit in hearts- This partial elimination had cost nothing and in fact gained plenty Also, if West had had a heart remaining, declarer, after winning his diamond trick, would have ruffed, then cashed the ace of diamonds and ruffed the three of diamonds. If the jack of diamonds was still outstanding, he would have fallenback on the club finesse to make the contract.

27 APRIL 2023 GAMES 21 TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM 0208 905 3877
1. Transfer to four spades 2. Roman Key Card Blackwood 3. 0 or 3 key cards (on the bidding it can only be 3 here)
W N E S Pass Pass Pass 4h1 4NT2 6s Pass Pass End 1NT 4s 5c3
N S W E 3 9 5 4 3 7 5 4 10 9 4 3 2 8 4 2 8 7 2 K J 6 2 K J 6 A K Q 7 6 5 K 10 6 9 8 8 7 J 10 9 A Q J A Q 10 3 A Q 5

Letters to the Editor


Dear Editor

Action Against Discrimination wholly and unconditionally condemns the disgraceful and inexcusable malicious and offensive remarks of Diane Abbott on “Jewish people “ in her letter to the Observer of 23 April. The Observer newspaper should likewise be condemned for publishing such a letter. Furthermore, her “apology” was hardly convincing and sincere referring also to “many others”.

But this should not come as a surprise!! She cannot help herself and at least she has been consistent and true to form!! Of course, these are disgusting remarks and she should be immediately expelled from the Labour Party and banned indefinitely from all political activity. She conveniently ignores the Nazi regime, the slaughter of six million innocent Jewish people including the inhuman herding of Jewish victims into cattle trucks that took them to Auschwitz and other death camps.

This shows quite clearly that anti semitism in the Labour Party is still alive and kicking and has in no way been expunged

by Sir Keir Starmer. In addition to Diane Abbott, the cohorts of Jeremy Corbyn are still active in the shadow cabinet and the Labour Party - Angela Rayner, Lisa Nandy, Emily Thornberry and Russell Lloyd Moules, to name but few.

The Jewish community has been flocking to the Labour Party, former Jewish Labour members of Parliament have been returning to the party and who will forget the International Division of the Board of Deputies entertaining the said Diane Abbott They should all be taking a hard look at themselves in the mirror.

Let’s see what action the leader of the Labour Party Sir Keir Starmer takes next. Do not forget that he is the man who failed to oppose the virulent anti semitism of Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party for a period of over four years whilst in his shadow cabinet, and campaigned vigorously for Corbyn to become Prime Minister. I am not holding my breath.

22 LETTERS 27 APRIL 2023 TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM SCHOOLS | CAMPUS | YOUNG PROFESSIONALS | COMMUNITIES | ONLINE TO DONATE NOW: Thank you dear friends, supporters and alumni for an incredible 30 years! Please support us in continuing to inspire jewish connections for the next 30! Please note: The views of the letters do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Letters may be edited and publication is at the discretion of the editor.

Ambassadors visit Bevis Marks

The ambassadors of Spain and Portugal have visited London’s historic Bevis Marks Synagogue.

Spanish Ambassador José Pascual Marco and Portuguese Ambassador Nuno Brito were joined by political staff from both embassies on the tour.

Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior Rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community, led the tour and gave an engaging talk on the history of the synagogue. He also spoke about the S&P community in London, the use of Portuguese and Ladino in services and showed the visitors the original benches which are still in place.

Brito added: “It was a wonderful opportunity to learn about the history of the Jewish community in London and recall the historical ties between Portugal and the Sephardic community. It is a beautiful and inspiring place.”

Marco tweeted: “We visited the great synagogue of London to learn more about the Jewish and Sephardic community in the UK. Many thanks to the the Board of Deputies for this moving visit to such an

JWA appoints interim CEO

Jewish Women’s Aid has announced Monica Tuohy, a Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) sector specialist, as Interim Chief Executive. Monica has a long-standing relationship with JWA and has acted as Interim CEO twice prior to 2023. She has also been supporting the senior team and board of trustees since December 2022.

Monica has supported organisations at a senior level for almost 30 years, including Solace Women’s Aid, male victim and perpetrator agency Respect, Southall Black Sisters and the London Boroughs of Haringey and


Monica said, “It’s been wonderful working with the JWA team again, and I’m looking forward to overseeing operations until a permanent appointment is made. The focus, as always, is providing high quality support to Jewish women experiencing domestic abuse and sexual violence, and engaging the community in our prevention education.”

Chair of the board Caroline Ratner, said, “We’re delighted to have Monica back at JWA, working with our excellent senior team to ensure the smooth running of the organisation.”

impressive synagogue, which reminds us of a historical connection between the Jewish community and Spain.”

Board of Deputies Senior Vice President David Mendoza-Wolfson arranged the tour. He said: “We will continue to strengthen our ties with the embassies and to celebrate our community’s unique heritage.”

GIFT partners with Central Synagogue to launch new Giving Kitchen

New Holocaust memorial and garden unveiled at Bushey New Cemetery

The United Synagogue unveiled a new Holocaust memorial and garden in Bushey New Cemetery on Sunday. The concecration was led by the Chief Rabbi. More than a dozen Holocaust survivors and their families were present.

The service was conducted by Dayan Menachem Gelley, Rabbi Pinchas Hackenbroch, Chair of the Rabbinical Council of the United Synagogue, Dayan Ivan Binstock and Chazan Jonny Turgel.

In his address the Chief Rabbi said: “What makes this matzeiva (tombstone) different to all other matzeivas? On all others matzeivas, the key feature is a name, the person who passed away. But on this matzeiva there are no names. On all other matzeivas, there are names of relatives who mourn the loss of a loved one. But on this matzeiva, the entire Jewish people mourns the loss of the people buried here: six precious individuals, five adults and one child whom we buried four years ago and for whom we are unveiling a matzeiva today, some three generations after they were brutally murdered. It could have been any of our relatives.”

The Chief Rabbi also thanked all the Holocaust survivors present “for the ongoing inspiration they provide to us all and of British society always.”

magnificent memorial and garden thanks to a very generous legacy donation by Holocaust survivor Sam Freiman and his wife Sonja. Sam and Sonja were members of the 45 Aid Society and Richmond United Synagogue and on behalf of the United Synagogue, I would like to place on record our thanks to the executors of Sam’s Will –Michael Helfgott, Robert Bieber and Paul Lawrence – who have worked closely with us during the pandemic on the design and execution of this important project.”

The Giving Kitchen at Central has officially launched, providing meals for GIFT recipients on a monthly basis. Its expansion to support more people in need and its brandnew volunteer base is in line with GIFT’s mission to inspire and enable lifelong giving.

Rebbetzin Naomi Lerer explained: “When we first discussed the idea of The Giving Kitchen at Central Synagogue, we couldn’t think of a better partner than GIFT to turn our vision into reality. With the passion of our incredible Central volunteers and GIFT’s experience, it makes the perfect partnership.”

The Giving Kitchen at Central will be providing 50 meals including fruit salad, soup and a main course to GIFT recipients and an additional 50 soups to a local women’s shelter, a wonderful way to make a difference

in the community. Meals are creatively put together by Sarah Isaac, who started as a volunteer and has now become The Giving Kitchen Manager and Head Chef. Volunteers came along to Central Synagogue where they prepared, packed and delivered these meals.

Quote from Jane Keisner, volunteer: “The first session exceeded my expectations of what we were able to produce for people in need in the community and how much fun we had together as a group. There’s no better joy than that of giving to others.”

The presence of Chief Rabbi Mirvis at the launch and his gratitude towards the volunteers who prepared the first round of meals, highlights the impact that this initiative is making and the importance of giving back to the community.

Jacqui Zinkin, Chair of the United Synagogue Burial Society, said: “There is a widespread custom for Jewish cemeteries to have a Holocaust memorial and on Sunday we were able to honour this custom with a beautiful new memorial and garden to provide a permanent space for contemplation and reflection, to honour the six million and provide a place to mourn for so many of us who lost loved ones in the Shoah but do not know where they died or don’t have a grave to care for.

“We are honoured to call it the Sam and Sonja Frieman Holocaust Memorial and Garden. We were only able to build such a

AJEX marks ANZAC Day

AJEX National Chair, Dan Fox and Vice President Brian Bloom attended a ceremony to mark ANZAC Day this week.

ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) commemorates the landing of Australian and New Zealand troops at Gallipoli, Turkey in 1915.

ANZAC Day in the UK recalls the sacrifice

In an impromptu address, Holocaust survivor Harry Olmer took to the microphone to tell those gathered about his friend Sam Frieman, how much the memorial meant to him and how Harry was with him in his dying days and said the ‘Shema’ together with him.

The memorial has been built around the grave of the six Kedoshim (Holocaust victims) buried by the United Synagogue in a unique funeral conducted by the Chief Rabbi at Bushey New Cemetery in January 2019. The victims were murdered in Auschwitz-Birkenau. Their remains had been collected from Birkenau by a Holocaust survivor who returned there some years ago and entrusted them to the Imperial War Museum.

The memorial is open to the public during regular cemetery opening hours.

of ANZAC soldiers through the years. Many Jews of the British, Australian and New Zealand forces fought and died at Gallipoli including the Zion Mule Corps who served with distinction.

General Monash of the Australian forces was Jewish and served at Gallipoli. He went on to become one of the greatest Generals of World War I and led the final battle of the war that resulted in the surrender of German forces.

Left to right: Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Ambassador José Pascual Marco, Ambassador Nuno Brito, BoD David Mendoza-Wolfson Memorial Garden at Bushey New Cemetary Giving Kitchen volunteers at Central Synagogue with the Chief Rabbi

Jewish charities benefit

Jewish charities will receive vital funds after community members completed the 26.2miles TCS London Marathon last Sunday.

Every runner for worthy causes had a personal challenge in completing the iconic race.

Nine dedicated runners made up Team Chai as they took to the streets of the capital.

Veteran marathon runner Ricki Stone said it was a privilege to represent the charity, she observed: “Running is so symbolic of life. You have to drive yourself to overcome the obstacles. You might feel that you can’t. But then you find your inner strength, and realise you are capable of so much more than you thought. You don’t have to be the best, you have to give it your best.”

Sonny Gayer and his father, Darren, took on the route. Sonny said: “Chai were so kind when it came to my grandfather being ill several years ago, I’ll never forget it.” Danny Tricot turned 50 and decided it was time he ran a marathon. He said: “I have very close family and friends whose lives were

cut short by cancer. I was truly moved when I heard from a couple of them about what Chai had done for them.”

Aryeh Richman noted: “Chai support people and their families through some of their darkest times.”

Ben Horn said: “My sister, Steph, a physio, is just one of the many people who contribute to the amazing services that Chai provide when an individual, their families or friends need support the most. Running the marathon is one step I can make towards helping this fantastic charity.”

Victor Arotsky raised funds: “When my dad was diagnosed with cancer our family was thrown into an unfamiliar world with no instruction manual. Chai was our one-stopshop for advice, support and care. Even after my dad passed away, Chai have continued to support us.”

Louise Hager, Chai’s Chairman, said: “We are in awe and salute all our runners for their incredible dedication and commitment. Training for a marathon is no easy feat and through all their efforts, Chai can continue to be there for all those who need to turn to us.”

Norwood had 26 runners who took on the historic course.

Lewis Walker-Brannon began working for Norwood last year. He said: “Sometimes you raise money for a charity without having any connection to it, but working in finance and seeing the impact these funds will have on our services, you realise how important it is.”

Dominic Coleman ran in memory of his cousin Max, who was supported by Norwood throughout his life before recently passing away from Covid-19. Max was profoundly disabled following an illness in infancy.

Dominic said: “Norwood has a special place in my heart because they had been supporting my cousin, and friend, Max. The support and care Norwood provided Max and the whole family has been incredible.”

Rafi Herman and Jacob Lauder signed up in honour of their cousin and brother Zach. “Norwood have been fundamental in ensuring he has the physical and emotional care to lead a happy life,” they said.

Veteran racer Flora Franks ran for Norwood in memory of her husband Herbert and brother Nissim, who was supported by

Norwood at Ravenswood.

Alex Bryant, James Wade, Jamie Yorke and Josh Flax and Cat Matthews completed the marathon.

Kisharon had a successful day at marathon with eight people raising valuable funds to support children and adults with learning disabilities and autism. Each donation helps people Kisharon support thrive.

Theo Silverbeck said: “I’m so happy to have been part of such an incredible event and to be able to raise money for Kisharon.”

Zev Grunwald noted: “Running the marathon was an amazing experience and one I’ll never forget. Doing it for Kisharon made it all the more special and helped get me to that finishing line.” Shlomi Rokach added: “It is always an honour to run for Kisharon and help support the amazing work they do.”

Simon Silver observed: “It is my honour to run for Kisharon and be able to support the hard work it does.”

And Raphael Rose said: “What got me through the marathon was determination and resilience. That’s what Kisharon’s pupils have.” Ezra Faig noted: “Running the marathon was such a great thrill. To do it while


from London Marathon

supporting a wonderful organisation made the experience so much better and carried me to the finish line.”

Michael Pearl said: “Having seen first hand how the kids are looked after and cared for at Kisharon, I knew I had a strong reason to complete the run.” Mischa Kowell added: “It was my first marathon, the amazing work Kisharon does was a big inspiration to take on this challenge.”

Jewish Care supporters showed their dedication by pounding the streets.

Ben Pollock and Rikki Lewis ran in support of the care relatives received in homes.

Rikki said: “My Poppa was in his happy place surrounded by family. He spent the last two years of his life at Rosetrees care home where he received the care, respect and dignity all people living with dementia deserve. The home offers invaluable support to residents and family members.”

Ben added: “My family has been involved with the charity for many years. Mum and dad are volunteers, my late grandpa was a volunteer and late grandma received respite care. Jewish Care has been invaluable in supporting us. The funds will help support

people in life-changing ways.”

Lydia Seager, Menachem Breindel, Oscar Spalter and Richard Garnham ran their first marathon.

Lydia said: “I have never been naturally sporty but was excited to run and raise money for an extremely important charity that makes a huge difference in the lives of so many people. What an amazing day!”

Jewish Care’s Adam Overlander-Kaye said: “We’re so incredibly proud of all our runners for taking on this amazing challenge to raise vital funds. I hope others will feel inspired take up a challenge.”

Camp Simcha’s runners Ana Caplan and Netanel Rosen completed the course for the charity.

Speaking afterwards Netanel said he was already thinking of running again next year.

“The atmosphere was beyond amazing and it was an honour to run for Camp Simcha, to support their work providing critical help members of the community coping with great hardship.”

Ana said running the marathon had been on her bucket list. “I thought it would be a good opportunity to help fundraise for a

very special charity,” she said.

British Emunah had four runners, Jason Rosen, Mushkie Kreiman, Claire Gothelf and Flora Frank, taking part to help fund the charity’s work supporting 10,000 vulnerable and at-risk children and families in Israel.

Jason said: “Out of 14 marathons I have run, this year’s was the best crowd I have ever experienced.”

Mushkie was joined by her family at the end and thanked the charity for the work they do. She said: “It was an honour to run for such an amazing organisation.”

Claire Gothelf is a regular runner for the charity. She said: “It was so rewarding to be able to run again. Everybody helps each other over the line and the atmosphere this year was incredible.”

Flora, who is in her 80s, said: “I was encouraged by the amazing and fantastic crowds as I ran my 46th marathon. Thank G-d for helping me complete it.”

Jami attracted its highest number of marathon runners this year to support the mental health charity’s free vital services in the community for young people and adults affected by mental illness, and their


It was the first year Jami had support of a corporate team. Seven employees from VAT IT ran in aid of the charity including two from South Africa.

Jonathan ‘Peps’ Pepper said: “I went through a very difficult period in my life last year. Mental health issues are often overlooked and people do not know where to turn. Jami looks to remove the stigma and provide a comforting environment to receive support.” Daniel Walters added: “Jami offers vital support to the community. Running and training for a marathon strengthens your own mental wellbeing, so to be able to use this to support others is incredibly inspiring and fulfilling.”

Ronit Fine ran the marathon for The Boys Clubhouse in memory of her brother Dovi who sadly passed away in 2017.

The charity is dedicated to providing a safe and secure environment for young men providing a range of services to help teenagers to move forward in their lives. “Often when a boy seems to deserve care and attention least they actually need it the most,” said the charity.


‘Finding the Truth’

When I began studying law at City University of London, I was saddened by the Students’ Union’s approach towards Jewish community on campus. Some of the elected Students’ Union’s officers followed antisemitic, anti-Zionist rhetoric - suppressing Jewish education on campus, spreading a campaign of misinformation including accusing Israel of ‘apartheid,’ ‘ethnic cleansing’ and ‘genocide,’ and a climate of fear and intimidation - with Jewish students scared to partake in Israel activity for fear of being targeted and followed.

But the vilification of Israel that I had witnessed at City University did not just undermine the principles of education: truth, reason and logic - it was also a conscious attack on the indigeneity of the Jewish People.

Even in exile, Jews around the worldholding their roots dear, prayed to return to their homeland and endeavoured to do so throughout the centuries - reversing the Roman Empire’s attempt to annihilate the Jewish People by expelling them from Judea in 70CE. The 3000+ year connection that Jews have to the Land of Israel is undeniable and unbreakable.

In my second year of higher education, my peers invited me to the StandWithUs

International ‘Israel in Focus’ Conference, where I heard the incredible stories of journalists, public figures and politicians including’ Sarah Idan AKA Miss Universe Iraq 2017, former Deputy Prime Minister of Israel Natan Sharansky and many others.

I left the conference inspired to tackle antisemitism at my institution, and the following year I was elected Israel Society President. After becoming President, I realised how serious the situation was. My introduction to the Students’ Union had already occurred with the undemocratic rejection of the IHRA Definition, the most widely recognised definition of antisemitism. On the 24th November 2020, City University students by a majority voted against “Rejecting the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism” by a 45% to 35% majority. What could be done in the democratic Student Union, if the majority of students correctly recognised the importance of the Jewish Community’s most holistic definition of antisemitism? The solution: to hold the vote again. The motion this time passed. And so, the democratic institutions of the Student Union appeared more similar to those of Russia or Iran than they did to the Western World. Eventually, the IHRA definition was recognised, but never adopted.

On the 21st October 2021, we proposed a talk with Anne Herzberg, Legal Advisor to NGO Monitor. The event, ‘Jewish State and International Law,’ was suppressed by the Student Union, citing prejudicial and unreasonable requirements: screening proposed questions and marketing material, postponing the event from the 19th to 21st of October and changing the name of the event to “Jewish Identity and International Law,” (the descriptor ‘State’ deemed ‘extremely provocative,’ according to an SU Officer). Naturally, the event was stifled and had to be held off-campus.

How could it be that in Great Britain, one of the leaders of the Western World, such basic freedoms of speech and assembly can be stifled in this way? The answer lies again in the political machinations of the universities’ Students’ Union. Its executive branch - elected student officers, are employed for student representation and union governance, tasked with setting the direction of the SU and approving student events. The three full-time officers had deep affiliations with Palestinian campaign groups and have espoused xenophobic attitudes toward Israelis and Jews. They have collectively addressed anti-Israel rallies and demonstrations, defended Palestinian violence, recalled the infamous Khyber massacre of Jews, and dismissed the national Union of Jewish Students.

The SU’s institutional bias against me continued as it engineered the tabling of a BDS motion on the Jewish Holiday of

Channukah. I arranged to meet with Student Union Officers to voice the concerns of the universities’ Jewish community. Of course, we were summarily dismissed and the vote went ahead regardless. The motion passed 93% to 6% majority, with 1% abstention. Only four of us were able to oppose the motion. 65 were able to attend in support, wearing kaffiyah and intimidating our small group. Yet, just like the miracle of Chanukah, a miraculous ruling a year later by the Charity Commissioner, pressed by myself and the support from UK Lawyers for Israel, concluded that the BDS motion at City University was contradictory to charity law. This momentous result has serious repercussions for other Unions across the country.

StandWithUs UK has given me the confidence and skill set I needed to stand up for my beliefs and my heritage. I recognise Israel’s necessity and the tragic consequences of a Jewish People without their state. I look forward to the challenge of championing campus Zionism, defeating institutional, Union-led antisemitism and educating my fellow peers at City University.

StandWithUs UK is a non–partisan educational charity that inspires and educates people of all ages and backgrounds, challenges misinformation and fights antisemitism. We empower and energise students and communities with leadership training and educational programmes on both school and university campuses.

Even in exile, Jews around the worldholding their roots dear, prayed to return to their homeland and endeavoured to do so throughout the centuries - reversing the Roman Empire’s attempt to annihilate the Jewish People by expelling them from Judea in 70CE.
Begzat Mirayev, StandWithUs UK Fellow at City University


Looking for answers? Send your question to


Dear Rabbi

As a Rabbi, do you think Diane Abbott should have had the whip removed from her this week, because of her remarks about Jewish people? For one thing, it was a rough draft which she accidentally sent into The Observer newspaper. For another, I am not sure if her comments suggesting Jews don’t suffer racism were necessarily intended badly.


Dear Sophia

For the benefit of readers, Labour MP Diane Abbott has had the whip suspended following remarks in which she suggested Jewish people do not face racism, but instead suffer prejudice similar to “redheads.”

This is Diane Abbott after all, she who supported Jeremy Corbyn. So, you know, apples not falling far from trees and all that. Not as a Rabbi, not even as a Jew, but as a human being with a modicum of sense, I would say her remarks are insensitive and discriminatory. To liken attacks against Jews to that of attacks against redheads is, in itself, anti-Semitic. It undermines the fact that according to all accounts, whether here in the UK or in the US, the overwhelming majority of hate crimes are perpetuated against Jews. It undermines the fact that while people can be badly bigoted against redheads because their hair colour makes them a target, they tend to actually hate Jews because they are, well, Jews. It

also undermines the fact that Hitler didn’t gas redheads. Even the Nazis who persecuted Black people, did so because they viewed them as racially inferior. And while many were imprisoned or murdered, there was no systematic programme targeting Black people for murder. There were however six million Jews, and countless more besides, who were targeted as part of a “final solution.”

Writing and sending “rough drafts” to the media is not an excuse. Even if one did believe that, it lays bare her thinking. Chief Rabbi Sacks z”l once told me some 25 years ago: “If you feel you want to express yourself in writing about something, write it down. Then put it in a drawer. Take it out again the next day and see if you still want to send it.”

All that said, I don’t think she should be forced out of politics. This is Dianne Abbot after all. You know, the one who’s two pickles short of a sandwich and who was ecstatic when her IQ test came back negative. She’s had so many car crash interviews in the recent past that the AA have registered her a danger on the road.

Who can forget her 2017 interview, as Shadow Home Secretary! In the course of six minutes discussing putting more police officers on the street, she said they would be recruiting 25,000 officers a year, then 250,000 a year, then 2,250 in the first year. She also said the policy would cost £300,000, then £80 million, then around £800 million over four years.

How she’s been the MP for parts of North London,

including Stamford Hill for so many years, I do not know. It must be a case of “Better the fool you know than the devil you don’t.” So keep her, I say. Even if only because in a world riddled with so many bad politicians we could really use her special brand of inadvertent comic relief.


Dear Rabbi

I enjoy your thought provoking column each week and wonder if you could help me as follows; I have a very loyal employee who has been with us for many years, who has been battling with a life threatening illness for over a year. Could you guide me in finding the right words to encourage her?


Dear Ralph Doctors have to give you the facts to the best of their knowledge. But their knowledge is, at best, rather limited. It is their remit therefore to use their knowledge to the best of their ability to help cure someone. Never, however, to condemn someone. Only “He who heals all” knows the truth and end results. Still, in the face of whatever one is enduring, mind-set is everything. It’s OK to be afraid. Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the strength to keep on going forward despite the fear. It is also imperative to strengthen one’s trust in G-d and belief in the fact that “If G-d got me to it, He can get me through it.” And tell her that on particularly tough days, when she might feel

that she can no longer endure, she should remember that her track record of getting through

bad days is 100 percent so far. Wishing her a complete healing and only good news.

Follow Rabbi Schochet at: Twitter: @RabbiYYS Facebook:

Pirkei Avot Perek 5: Mishna 6

Our ancestors tested G-d ten times in the wilderness as it says “And they tested Me these ten times and they did not heed my voice”.

On ten occasions during their miraculous journey through the Midbar, the Jewish People displayed either some form of rebellion, distrust or complaint towards Hashem. Meorei Ohr summarises the ten occasions being two at the Red sea, two due to a lack of drinking water, two regarding the Manna, two with the Selav (birds), one at the Golden Calf and once again with the spies. Tosfot Yom Tov explains that as the Jews were travelling through a desolate wilderness they thought

perhaps (ch”v) this place is not overseen by Hashem therefore it would be worth “testing” to see if He really is in control here too. Hence the Mishna emphasises that they tested Hashem (“Hamakom” The All-Present) in the “Wilderness”. It didn’t take too long on each occasion for them to remember that the All-Present G-d is truly everywhere.

Why does the verse cited by the Mishna end “And they did not heed my voice”? Of what relevance is this? Rav Ferber quotes Rav Shlomo Kluger

who explains that at Mount Sinai the Jewish people were so-to-speak “tested” by G-d twice. G-d spoke directly to them for the first two utterances but it was too great for them to bear and they passed out. If they would have overcome this powerful voice ten times with Mesirut Nefesh they would perhaps have had an excuse for testing G-d ten times. However because “they did not heed My voice” i.e. ten times, rather two times, they had no right to test Me ten times either!

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Weekly Dvar Torah FROM ERETZ


Feasting with Hashem and Feasting with the Poor

Our parasha contains two juxtaposed mitzvot with seemingly no connection between them:

When you slaughter a peace offering to the L-rd, you shall slaughter it for your acceptance. It may be eaten on the day you slaughter it and on the next day, but anything left over until the third day shall be burned in fire… When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not fully reap the corner of your field, nor shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest. And you shall not glean your vineyard, nor shall you collect the [fallen] individual grapes of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger. I am the L-rd, your G-d. (Vayikra 19:5–10)

The first mitzvah is the peace offering (korban shelamim) and the mitzvah to eat it by the third day. The second are the mitzvot of pe’ah (a corner of the field), leket (fallen stalks), olelot and peret (in a vineyard), which one must leave for the poor.

Is there a connection?

One sacrifices a peace offering to be ‘desirable’ to Hashem. This passage notes the obligation to eat it on the day it is slaughtered, overnight and till sunset on the next day, and to burn whatever remains on the third day.

Why did the Torah specifically mention the korban shelamim here? There are defined times for eating other sacrifices too. And the Torah has already talked about the shelamim in chapter 7!

The korban shelamim is a sacrifice in which the bringer participates in the eating, a feast together with Hashem. A festive meal limited by time to which one has to invite friends so the sacrifice does not become notar (leftovers).

Such a feast is all well and good, as long as one also remembers the poor. Just as a person craves to eat with Hashem, so


Acharei Mot / Kedoshim

Sidra Summary


G-d speaks to Moshe after the death of two of Aharon’s sons (recorded in parashat Shemini). Moshe is told to warn Aharon, the Kohen Gadol, not to enter the Holy of Holies (Kodesh Hakodashim) area of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), except on Yom Kippur. The sidrah now details the Yom Kippur service in the Mishkan: Aharon will have to bring a bull as a chatat (sin offering) and a ram as an olah (elevation offering). The people will provide two male goats. Aharon must place lots on the two goats, designating one to be a chatat and the other to be thrown off a cliff in the wilderness. Inside the Kodesh Hakodashim, Aharon will bring

gives us

to speak, so should he be aware of eating with the poor. The mitzvot in our verses emphasize that the owner is not giving gifts to the poor, but that the poor come and eat with him in his field. They come and gather what is theirs alongside what belongs to the owner!

The connection between the two feasts is the perfect bond: a meal with Hashem alongside eating with the poor. This is our goal: to excel in the observance of our mitzvot, but not to forget that care and concern for those less fortunate is a central facet of the entire mitzvah system.

These mitzvot of gifts to the poor are only incumbent upon field and vineyard owners in Eretz Yisrael (Sefer HaMitzvot 120, Sefer HaChinuch 217 and Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De’ah 332). Why? Isn’t help for the poor important elsewhere? After

on how to

all, the mitzvah of tzedakah is universal! Produce from Eretz Yisrael is holy. Each individual Jew’s relationship to holiness stems from his or her connection to the Jewish people as a whole. Only after one gives a portion of his fruits to the poor; only after he thinks about the klal, can the holiness also come to him.

Eretz Yisrael is also the State of Israel. The Torah gives us guidelines on how to build a country in Eretz Yisrael. A country to be founded on care for the poor. Not only through money, but through the earth itself, and the holiness that grows in it. A country that operates from a klal Yisrael perspective, linking the people of Israel to the Land of Israel, the Torah of Israel and to the Almighty, Giver of the Torah.

Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon is Head of Mizrachi’s Educational Advisory Board and Rabbinic Council. He serves as the Rabbi of Gush Etzion, Rosh Yeshiva of the Jerusalem College of Technology and is the Founder and Chairman of Sulamot and La’Ofek.

“When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not complete your reaping to the corner of your field, and the gleanings of your harvest you shall not take… for the poor and the stranger shall you leave them”

an incense offering (ketoret). He will also sprinkle blood from the various offerings in specific areas of the Mishkan.

2ND ALIYA (LEVI) – 16:25-17:7

The Israelites are commanded to fast on Yom Kippur. When Yom Kippur arrives, Aharon does exactly as commanded by G-d. His special service is to be repeated every year by future incumbents of his office. It is forbidden to bring an animal offering anywhere other than the Mishkan.

3RD ALIYA (SHLISHI) – 17:8-18:21

It is forbidden to consume the blood of any animal (Rashi). After doing shechita (slaughter) on kosher fowl or non-domesticated animals, there is a mitzvah to cover the blood. The laws of forbidden relationships are listed, such as with close relatives, or with another’s spouse.

4TH ALIYA (REVI’I) – 18:22-19:14

The nation’s well-being in the Land is dependent upon adhering to the laws about

forbidden relationships. [This week’s second sidrah, Kedoshim, contains many mitzvot, a selection of which has been included here]. We are commanded to revere our parents and to observe Shabbat. Offerings need to be eaten within their designated time. When harvesting one’s field or vineyard, certain produce needs to be left over for paupers to take free of charge. One may not place a stumbling block in front of a blind person.

5TH ALIYA (CHAMISHI) – 19:15-32

A judge is not allowed to favour any litigant. It is forbidden to harbour hatred or to seek revenge. You shall “love your fellow as yourself”. Eating the fruit of a

tree during the first three years of growth is forbidden. In its fourth year, the fruit has to be eaten in Jerusalem. It is forbidden to cut one’s skin in mourning. There is a mitzvah to stand up in the presence of a Torah scholar and an elderly person.

Point to Consider: what did Rabbi Akiva comment on the mitzvah to “love your fellow as yourself”? (see Rashi to 19:18)

6TH ALIYA (SHISHI) – 19:33-20:7

One must have accurate scales, weights and measures. There was a severe prohibition against giving one’s children over to an ancient cult called ‘Molech’.

7TH ALIYA (SHEVI’I) – 20:8-27

Cursing one’s parents is forbidden. The punishments for the forbidden relationships detailed in the 3rd aliya (Shlishi) are listed. Keeping the laws of kashrut will enable us to remain a distinct and distinguished nation.


The prophet Amos rebukes Israel for being no better than the Pelishtim (Philistine) nation. Those who were particularly sinful will suffer the harshest punishment. But once they have died by the sword, the Davidic kingdom will return and the Land will be rebuilt.

build a country in Eretz Yisrael. A country to be founded on care for the poor.
(Vayikra 19:9-10)

The Beis Ha’Mikdash: A Place of Connection

In our previous article, we began exploring the unique nature of the mouth in Torah thought. On the most basic level, the mouth has three functions:

1. First, the mouth is the organ we use to eat and drink, which nourishes our bodies.

2. Second, the mouth is the organ we use in order to speak and communicate with others.

3. The third function, however, is the strangest of all. Across all continents, ethnicities, and cultures, the universal expression of love is kissing. We are all used to this concept, but if you were an alien from outer space visiting planet earth, and you were asked what the ideal form of affection would be, you might suggest rubbing cheeks or something of the sort. Kissing is simply strange, unsanitary, and illogical!

Fundamentally, though, we must ask a significant question. While the three functions of the mouth seem to be three completely separate activities, the Maharal explains that whenever an organ performs multiple functions, those functions are all deeply related. If this is true, then how are the three functions of the mouth — eating, speaking, and kissing — connected?

The answer, as we developed in our last article, is that all three of these functions are mechanisms of connection. Eating, speaking, and kissing all serve to connect two disparate parts together. To summarize:

• Eating connects the physical body to the angelic soul.

• Speaking connects people’s inner worlds together.

• Kissing connects two physical bodies together, reflecting a deeper, internal form of connection and oneness.


We can now understand, in the most profound way, why the Mishkan and Beis Hamikdash serve as the “mouth” of the world. It is through this focal point that Hashem most potently connects to the physical world. It is therefore no surprise that the Mikdash serves the exact same three functions as the mouth, the organ of connection. Let us study the manifestations of this principle.


Just as our physical body needs to eat in order to maintain its connection to our spiritual soul, the physical world needs to “eat” in order to maintain its connection to the spiritual soul of the world, Hashem. The Gemara (Berachos 10a) compares the relationship between body and soul to the relationship between Hashem and the physical world. Just as the neshamah is connected to

our physical body, Hashem is connected to the physical world. Just as we have a mouth to maintain the connection between body and soul, the Beis Hamikdash is the “mouth,” the unique location through which Hashem maintains His connection to the physical world.

We can now understand korbanos as well. The word “korban” comes from the word “karov” (to draw close). The Nefesh Hachaim (2:9) and Rabbi Yehudah Halevi (HaKuzari 2:26) explain that korbanos are the “food” that fuels the connection between Hashem and the physical world (see also Zevachim 13b). Just as we eat to connect our soul to our body, korbanos connect the spiritual to the physical. This explains why many of the details of the avodah (sacrificial service) have food-like connotations. The Mizbei’ach (the Altar where sacrifices were brought) is referred to as the “shulchan gavo’ah — the table of On High,” as if this is the table of eating. The Torah consistently refers to the

with Hashem was close, the Keruvim faced each other; when we turned away from Hashem, the Keruvim turned away from each other as well. The Keruvim served as both the physical location from where Hashem spoke with the Jewish People and a physical representation of the connection and level of closeness that Hashem and Klal Yisrael shared.


The Beis Hamikdash is also where Hashem “kisses” the world. The Gemara (Bava Basra 74a) states that the Beis Hamikdash is where the heaven and earth kiss. In other words, this is the point where the infinite and spiritual meets and connects with the finite and physical. This is where Hashem most strongly connects to the physical world. It is the most potent concentration of connective energy between us and Hashem, where Hashem and Klal Yisrael embrace in the ultimate closeness.

Todah, the offering of thanksgiving. While a Korban Chatas atone for sins, in the times of Mashiach, there will be no sins. Similarly, the other korbanos connect the physical to the spiritual; however, these may be unnecessary in the times of Mashiach as well. The korban of thanksgiving, however, is not necessarily about creating the connection between the physical and spiritual but about recognizing the connection that already exists. Even in the times of Mashiach, we can be thankful and recognize this connection. In a similar vein, Purim is the only holiday that will still be celebrated in the times of Mashiach (Midrash Mishlei 9:1), because it represents hidden miracles. In the times of Mashiach, all previous open miracles will be overshadowed by the miracles of Mashiach. The hidden miracles of Purim, however, will still be fully relevant and celebrated.]


korbanos as “lechem” (bread), as if the sacrifice is a meal. This also explains why we place salt on the korbanos, something which we have the custom to do at meals, particularly on Shabbos. Nowadays, we no longer have korbanos, as the world is in a lower spiritual state. How then do we maintain the connection between Hashem and this world? What replaced the korbanos? As the Nefesh Hachaim explains, tefillah replaced korbanos (Nefesh Hachaim 2:9). When the means of eating could no longer be used, we now turn to the mode of speaking to create this connection. Prayer reflects a longing for closeness with Hashem; it is even referred to as “avodah she’balev” (the service of the heart). This is also why we face the Beis Hamikdash when we daven, as the connection we are building between Hashem and this world — through tefillah — stems from this focal point.


Just as people connect with each other through the mechanism of speech, Hashem spoke directly to the Jewish People specifically from the Beis Hamikdash. The pasuk ((Shemos 25:22) explicitly says that Hashem will speak to Moshe from between the two Keruvim. The Keruvim were locked in an embrace of love, reflecting the love and connection between Hashem and Klal Yisrael. The Gemara (Yoma 54b) explains how the Keruvim’s physical display mirrored the relationship between Hashem and the Jewish People. When our relationship


This understanding of the Beis Hamikdash sheds light onto an interesting episode in Bereishis. When Yitzchak wanted to give Eisav the berachah of the firstborn, he utilized all three forms of connection: He asked Eisav to bring him food to eat; he kissed him; and he then wished to deliver the berachah through the medium of speech. This is because the prerequisite to giving Eisav a berachah, which would create a deep closeness between Eisav and Hashem, is a deep connection and closeness between the giver of the berachah, Yitzchak, and the recipient, Eisav. In order to build that closeness, Yitzchak wished to first utilize all three forms of connection.


Returning to our original question, we can now explain why there will no longer be korbanos in the days of Mashiach. Korbanos bring us and the world closer to Hashem, ensuring that there is no separation between them. According to many opinions, the coming of Mashiach will usher in a reality in which both we and the physical world will be uplifted to a more angelic state (see Maharal, Netzach Yisrael, chap. 52; Ramchal, Daas Tevunos 52). Although there will still be aspects of the physical, we will no longer require korbanos in order to achieve a state of elevation and connection with Hashem. Mashiach will be a time of absolute connection and oneness.

[This may explain why the Midrash states that we will still bring the Korban

We all yearn for connection: to ourselves, to other people, and, of course, to Hashem. But connection is difficult; it requires time, patience, and constant effort. Genuine communication takes a lifetime to achieve. As displayed in the opening story, more often than not, it can be difficult to know what is going on in another person’s inner world, to understand what they are experiencing on a deep, existential level. Breaking through the infinite barriers between our inner worlds is truly a challenge. The same is true when it comes to ourselves as we struggle to achieve genuine self-awareness, to get in touch with our true selves. This all-encompassing mission takes a lifetime. The goal, though, is not to be connected, it’s to constantly become more and more connected. This is the journey of life, a journey of becoming, a never-ending process. May we be inspired to use these three forms of connection to experience genuine connection with ourselves, with others, and with Hashem.

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is a bestselling author, international speaker, and the CEO of Self-Mastery Academy. He has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership. His bestselling book, The Journey to Your Ultimate Self, serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is also a business, executive, and leadership coach, with a unique approach based on Torah values. After obtaining his BA from Yeshiva University, he received Semicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS, a master’s degree in education from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Bernard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. To enjoy more of Rabbi Reichman’s content, to contact him, or to learn more about his services, visit his website:

Nowadays, we no longer have korbanos, as the world is in a lower spiritual state. How then do we maintain the connection between Hashem and this world? | HELPING YOU NAVIGATE THE HOUSING MARKET ד"סב HENDON GOLDERS GREEN EDGWARE CALL TODAY: 020 3633 8567 Local. Trustworthy. Reliable. LETTINGS VALUATIONS SALES

Family Fun Acharei Mot / Kedoshim

With 28 Mitzvot in Acharei and 51 Mitzvot in Kedoshim you can be sure you won’t be bored this weekend.

Acharei Mot begins with the service of the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur. Words could never do justice to the elation and the feeling of closeness to G-d as the Jewish people watched the Kohen Gadol carry out the once a year service. From the Korbanot to the Ketoret, the two Goats to the bowing down at the recital of Hashem’s full name. Only the poet whose prayer we read could summarise “Emet Mah Nehdar” – if you want to know what beauty is then you had to see the Kohen Gadol upon his exit from the Kodesh Kadashim on Yom Kippur and the happiness that resulted from the entire Jewish nation achieving purity. Today, we can only retell the story during the Yom

Kippur Musaf, but we are assured that “our lips can in some way replace the actual service”.

The Parsha continues with the laws regarding not slaughtering Korbanot outside the Beit Hamikdash. G-d set aside the place of the Beit Hamikdash as the location in order for the visit there to leave an indelible impression. One simply cannot create the same experience in the back garden. Then we are taught about the Mitzva to cover the blood of certain animals and birds when we prepare them for eating. Acharei Mot closes with the laws surrounding marital decency. Hashem strongly wanted marriage to be a serious commitment between a man and a woman and this would in turn ensure the continuation of society. In order to prevent sin, the Rabbis made further boundaries

to ensure that non-related people keep appropriate distances.

Which leads us to Kedoshim. “I am holy”, says Hashem, “so you people also make sure to be”. And the Parsha launches into a delightful variety of Mitzvot. Here are a few samples: Having awe of one’s parents (not interrupting, contradicting, ignoring them etc.). Leaving the corner section of a field for the poor, as well as forgotten stalks and odd bundles. Avoiding theft, cheating and false promises. Paying workers on time. Providing suitable advice. (“Yes – you should open a grocery right next door mine” even though it may hurt you to say so instead of pretending that, “Business is slow in this area”.) Judging favourably, not gossiping. We are taught the concept of rebuking someone, but not embarrassing them in

the process. Don’t take revenge nor bear a grudge. (“Ok I’ll lend you my lawnmower even though you didn’t lend me your caravan last year” – is forbidden talk and even thought…)

There is the most famous line of the whole Torah “Love your fellow as you do yourself” – spreading peace and friendliness everywhere. We also have the laws of forbidden mixtures in plants, clothing and animals. Leaving the Peyot – the corner part of the head and not shaving with a razor are also highly symbolic Mitzvot that give identity to the Jewish people.

All in all, these two Sidrot are packed full of Mitzvot and each one we review, talk about and chew over, give us great merit and bring Hashem much Nachas and blessing to the Jewish people!

Most people cannot lick their elbows. (Try it!)

The Olympics used to give medals for art, not just sports.

Tomatoes and avocados are actually fruits, not vegetables!

The number four is the only number to have the same amount of letters as its value.

French fries originated in Belgium, not France.

Answers 1. Top of the morning 2. Bungee jump 3. Broadband 4. A splitting headache 5. Scrambled eggs 6. Open and shut case
P R J R J E X A O P Y G D R N E R Z O M D O H H E C I V R E S X T C R P N T L E N I U W T M X C N B C N S S F L L J E Q W E I G H T S B D S B L O E V E W A L H G B A O N A W Z H O L Y P A I K F Z M E O G O G B P B S G E G D U J Q D A U W L J Z Q G D O N Y B D E C M K B O Z J U T I U P M Sedrah Word Search Dingbats 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fun Facts □ BLOOD □ GOATS □ HOLY □ JUDGE □ PRIESTLY □ REVENGE □ SERVICE □ WEIGHTS

Using all the shapes on the left can you make the shape on the right?

Tangram Challenge! Word Wheel

The goal of a word wheel puzzle is to create as many words possible with the letters in the word wheel.

Each word must contain at least three letters. You can only use each letter once and every word must have the letter in the centre of the wheel.

Last week’s words

Use the area below to write the words you have found.

Here are some words you may have found from last week – you may have found more!

Jokes Riddles

Q. What did the pop star do when he locked himself out? A. He sang until he found the right key!

Q: What did the mama cow say to the baby cow? A: “It’s pasture bedtime.”

Q: What is brown and sticky?

A: A stick!

Q: How do you make antifreeze?

A: You steal her coat!

1. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?

2. What 8 letter word can have a letter taken away and it still makes a word. Take another letter away and it still makes a word. Keep on doing that until you have one letter left. What is the word?

3. You live in a one storey house made entirely of redwood. What colour would the stairs be?

You live in a one storey house.!

con cot ion nor not one ore roe rot toe ton tor coin cone core corn cote icon into iron note once oner riot rote tone tore torn torr trio conic corer crone intro oncer recto retro tenor toner tonic citron coiner corner cornet ironer notice orient rector rioter conceit concert cornice cornier correct concerti incorrect
Answers 1. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow 2. starting! Starting, staring, string, sting, sing, sin, in, I.
What stairs?

LSJS Education Page

Celebrate then educate – challenges and priorities in Israel education

This was an important week with Israel in focus, from the solemnity of Yom HaZikaron to the joy of Yom Ha’atzmaut. How can we harness the momentum of these events to improve the quality of our conversations about Israel in the classroom? The complexities of the current political turmoil makes this a minefield. Emotions run high and political allegiances are so polarising. It is understandable that nervousness leads many to avoid addressing Israel at all, or to focus exclusively on the importance of Jewish unity. How then should an Israel educator with the best of intentions be advised to teach their students?

Avi Posen, Senior Director of Israel Education at Unpacked for Educators, who we invited last year to address the

annual LSJS Secondary Jewish Studies

Teachers’ Conference, speaks of three key principles: Cultural Literacy, Diversity and Perspectives and Reflection and Empathy.

Cultural literacy must underlie Israel education. Without a solid foundation of knowledge, we cannot expect young people to form any considered view. But crucially, he argues, we must show a diversity of views, “much like the discussion and debate you will find between medieval Biblical commentators.

“If we leave out the perspectives that challenge us, our students will not be prepared to engage in these difficult conversations at their high schools, colleges and workplaces. Creating an atmosphere where students can see a wide range of viewpoints on the current events will allow for nuanced and complex classroom discussions to take place.”

In my view, it is critical in today’s schools that young people feel

comfortable to openly express their views and that these can represent a broad tent, with no fear of being ‘cancelled’. In this vein, in his recent paper in the Journal of Jewish Education (2023, Vol 89), Robbie Gringras advocates for ”the pedagogy of argument”.

Reflection and empathy are equally critical – as Posen says, “there is no learning without reflection”. LSJS’s recent research highlights young people’s need for meaning-making, through active engagement. It is important to encourage students to consider alternative perspectives to their own, fostering empathy for those with whom they disagree. We can encourage role play, taking parts of those with whom we may never normally interact, whether they identify as Palestinians, Jewish settlers or Charedim. Moreover, we should not shy away from addressing painful current events, obviously in an age-appropriate manner, as this provides an opportunity to emphasise the

importance of Jewish peoplehood and what it means to be part of one nation. This must start with love. We must cultivate a love of the Jewish homeland from the earliest possible stage. Put differently, Gil Troy describes this as “a journey of the Jewish soul from deep within the Jewish soul” (Journal of Jewish Education, 2023, Vol 89). The ‘Jewish Lives’ longitudinal study (Dr Helena Miller, Dr Alex Pomson) highlights the power of experiential education. It is Israel experiences that help to foster that love and connection. But I would also emphasise the power of celebration. Being with Israel in pain and sadness as well as in celebration carries tremendous educational weight. We should harness the strength of this connection to drive the challenging conversations that must follow, and do so with nuance, sensitivity and balance.

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Another delicious recipe from Denise Phillips

For more recipes and inspiration visit my website:

Wild Garlic Soup

I have an amazing crop of wild garlic in my garden which spreads every year which is why I wanted to write this recipe. Wild garlic is abundant in more places than you than you realise although I have never seen it at the supermarket. It sprouts up about February time and grows until about May. The new shoots are sweet and delicate this provides a delicious subtle flavour unlike using a fresh garlic bulb. You can find wild garlic in woodland areas; it looks like small spinach leaves but beware some plants have poisonous leaves – to be sure rub the leaves together for a wonderful garlic aroma. Wild garlic is the gift that keeps on giving; as well eating the leaves, you can also eat the flower buds, flowers, seed heads and even the bulbs (though pulling up the bulbs means it won’t grow back the following year, so isn’t advised).

Preparation Time: 15 minutes

Cooking Time: 10 minutes Serves: 3-4


150g wild garlic or substitute spinach plus 2 garlic cloves

150g frozen peas

2 onions -peeled and roughly chopped

2 turnips – peeled and roughly chopped

1 tbsp olive oil

1 400ml tin coconut milk

2 teaspoon vegetable stock powder or 1 cube with 200ml water

Wild Garlic Pesto

75g wild garlic leaves

25g Parmesan / Cheddar cheese – or use non dairy ‘cheese’

1 clove garlic – finely chopped

Zest of ½ lemon plus 2 teaspoons juice

25g pine nuts – toasted

30ml vegetable oil

40ml extra virgin olive oil


1. Wash the wild garlic very well and then roughly chop.

2. In a medium saucepan, heat up the oil and then fry the onion.

3. When the onion is browned, add the turnips, peas and coconut milk.

4. Fill up the tin halfway with water (200ml) and then add to the saucepan as well.

5. Stir in the stock powder and bring the soup to the boil for about 5 minutes.

6. Finally add in the wild garlic and let it wilt down

7. Puree the soup with a hand blender and salt and pepper to taste.

8. For the pesto, add all the ingredients except the oil to the food processor and plus until smooth. Gradually add the oil until you have an emulsion. Season and adjust accordingly.

9. Serve the soup with a spoonful of the reserved coconut cream, a sprinkle of wild garlic flowers,


City shooting for ‘treble’ chance

Manchester City are 11 games away from winning the much-coveted ‘treble’.

Pep Guardiola’s side have experienced the occasional dip in form this season but they have hit their stride and are in with a real shot of lifting the Champions League, Premier League and FA Cup.

Should City succeed they will match Sir Alex Ferguson’s all conquering Manchester United side in 1999. And the Reds are one of the sides standing in their way after both teams came through FA Cup semi finals last weekend.

City comfortably defeated Championship highflyers Sheffield United, who are on course have returned to the top flight, whilst United overcame Brighton in a

tighter affair. The first ever FA Cup final at Wembley on June 3 would be City’s penultimate game of the season.

In the Premier League title race City have taken a giant step to overhauling Arsenal who have led the way for so long. The Gunners bid has been derailed by a dreadful run of form in recent weeks.

The path to glory for City starts with an away trip to Fulham, who are sitting comfortably in midtable, on Sunday, before hosting West Ham and Leeds United at the Etihad.

The greatest challenge for Guardiola et al is undoubtedly when they take on Real Madrid in the Champions League semifinals next month.

The defending champions eliminated City last season so this is a chance for

revenge but more importantly a genuine opportunity at history as it will keep the ‘treble’ bid on track.

City travel to Everton, who are battling against the drop, between what should be memorable encounters. And with Erland Haaland leading the line City have the opportunity of making the final against AC Milan or Inter Milan. The all-Italian semi is a huge affair in its own right and will guarantee a glorious finale to the season between giants of club football on June 10.

Before City have their day of destiny to land the ‘treble’ they must negotiate three league games, firstly at home to Chelsea then with troops to Brighton, a date has yet to be confirmed, and finally Brentford before the cup final with United at Wembley. Can City achieve a magical City and write

their name in history - without a doubt they can as they have the best manager in the game at the helm.

City won the league last season with no genuine out and out striker. Guardiola targeted Haaland, and in their Norwegian sharpshooter, City have a player who can win any game with a flash of brilliance. They may not be playing with fluency but their star striker is the key to success. City have a squad full of talent but even if Haaland doesn’t hit the target, which is rare, he strikes fear into every defender he faces. This leaves openings for City to capitalise on and they have done that throughout the season.

History awaits and City absolutely have the talent to achieve what was once considered impossible in English football.

‘Guardian of the Memory’ Yizkor, Never Forget.

Name of victim to remember: Rafael Shneider

Place of Birth: Lwow, Poland

Date of Birth: 1930

Place of Death: Lwow, Poland

Date of Death: Unknown

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The retreat portion of the tour will allow you to experience joy, approach wellness, encounter charisma and practice success-thinking, while exploring together the beautiful Pacific Northwest. You will acquire understanding of Laibl’s Ten Spriritual Laws of growth and how to apply these practically into everyday life, gaining renewal and balance, while enjoying the surrounding national parks and iconic landmarks of this remarkably beautiful area. | ISRAEL: +972 2 992 9801 | USA/CANADA: +1 646 240 4118 | EUROPE: +44 207 048 6168 | AUSTRALIA: +61 39 9997496 LUXURY CRUISES | EXOTIC TOURS | PESACH HOTELS | AFRICAN SAFARI | SUKKOT HOTELS | ISRAEL TOURISM The Spiritual Retreat Tour with Rabbi Dr. Laibl Wolf in The Pacific NorthWest! 30 July - 6 August SCAN ME Seattle Vaad Kashrut for details and pricing Kosher Traveler’s travel expertise re-combines with a spiritual growth program
acclaimed spiritual teacher and mentor, Laibl
Sacks Z"L)
led by internationally
Wolf. (“Laibl Wolf
a master teacher”
Rabbi Dr. Jonathan
A total immersion experience – exploring nature’s beauty while gaining tools to deepen your life. Limited availability, inquire now for our early bird promotion!

What will you learn this summer?

From Shakespeare to Jewish literature, and from the Book of Job to an introduction to Kabbalah, we have a wide range of learning opportunities with incredible speakers lined up for you this term. As well as some fantastic courses and events, we have tours with expert educators, including a day trip to scenic Oxford or a visit to the Science Museum. Below are a few highlights from this term. To see the full summer programme packed with courses, events, tours and Ulpan classes, visit

Dr Aviva Dautch

Modern Jewish Literature

Mondays | 10:30am–12:30pm

Starts 15 May, 8 weeks


Rabbi Joseph Dweck

The Torah of Self-care

Mondays | 8–9:15pm

Starts 5 June, 3 weeks

Online and in person

Rabbi Dr Harvey Belovski

An Introduction to Kabbalah

Wednesdays | 8–9:30pm

Starts 21 June, 3 weeks

Online and in person

Rabbi Barry Kleinberg

Jews and Gentiles

Wednesdays | 8–9:15pm

Starts 3 May, 4 weeks


Rabbi Glenn Bezalel

Book of Job

Tuesdays | 8–9:30pm

Starts 9 May, 6 weeks


Dr Shaina Trapedo

Shakespeare and Talmudic Thought

Mondays | 8–9:15pm

Starts 26 June, 3 weeks


For further details and to view all LSJS courses, events, tours and Ulpan classes, visit or call 020 8203 6427

Our Bar and Bat Mitzvah Project ensures that young people, on their special day, can share it with a child Holocaust victim who was denied a future.

Over the past 10 years we have twinned over 1000 children. Complete the on-line Twinning Form and researchers at Yad Vashem will use the information to find a suitable twin.

Celebrants will receive a comprehensive Twinning Pack which contains:

• A Page of Testimony, with details of your chosen twin

• A Study Guide

• A Certificate

• A letter from a Holocaust survivor

• A Yad Vashem pin

• Memorial and Shabbat Candles

• An invitation to become a Guardian of the Memory

46 Albert Road London NW4 2SG

Charity No. 1099659

Phone: 020 8187 9881





Stand WithJosh Stand WithUs

Educating and empowering to combat antisemitism and misinformation about Israel

With the help of StandWithUs UK, I lodged an appeal with the UK Charity Commissioner who ruled that BDS motions at Student Unions are unlawful. This will impact Unions up and down the country who seek to ostracise the world’s only Jewish state.

Antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiments are at an all-time high. Our youth are struggling with their Jewish identity and relationship with Israel. The best way to EMPOWER our students and communities is through EDUCATION.

StandWithUs UK works in schools, on campus, in communities across the UK, and online to inform students and adults.

But there is so much more work needed to be done. With each donation being doubled, please give as generously as you can.

Donate now at Registered Charity No. 1151329. Images and names have been changed to protect identities. SCAN ME
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