Everything You Need to Know About Petri Dishes

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Petri Dishes: What are They and How to Use Them in Laboratories? A laboratory requires numerous types of equipment to carry out different tasks. Petri dishes are one such type. You can learn more about it or purchase it from a Petri dishes supplier in USA like Clinivex. They are a leading laboratory equipment manufacturer that sells various medical and laboratory equipment.

In this blog, we will focus on knowing more about Petri dishes and how to use them in laboratories. So let’s get to it without further ado.

What are Petri Dishes? A Petri dish is a transparent lidded dish majorly used to culture cells of bacteria, fungi and small mosses. They are commonly used in the field of biology and chemistry to culture cells by offering storage space and preventing them from getting contamination. Also, since the plates are transparent, it is easier to observe the bacteria grow.

How to Use Petri Dishes in Laboratories? Before we get to the applications of Petri dishes, it is essential to ensure that they are super clean and free of any microbes that may hamper the experiment. Wash each dish with bleach and sterilise it to use further. It would help if you both sterilised the dish before and after using it.

The Petri dishes are mainly used to observe the growth of bacteria. If you want to observe the growth of bacteria, fill the dish with Agar. Agar consists of blood, salt and several nutrients that will help the microorganisms to grow. Go ahead by storing the Petri dishes in the fridge upside-down. Remove the plates from the fridge when needed, and use them only after they are back to room temperature. Then, take a sample of bacteria or any other microorganism and slowly put it on the culture plates or use a cotton swab to put it on the culture in a zigzag manner. Once done, close the lid on the Petri dishes and wait a few days for the sample to be ready.

Conclusion Hopefully, you now know about Petri dishes and their applications in the laboratory. If you want to purchase Petris dishes or any such laboratory equipment, contact the Petri dishes supplier in Canada - Clinivex. They not only ship this equipment to Canada but to the USA and UK as well. Go through their website to learn more about the equipment and buy the one that fits your requirements.

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