Huami Magazine Denver Nov./Dec. 2023

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Nov./Dec. 2023 Vol. 1 Issue 10


Yvonne Henderson

Author. Publisher. Servant

Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023


Elevate your style with A Few Wood Men’s empowering wooden watches!

Unwrap You provides companies with on-site wellness plans to improve employee well-being and increase workplace productivity. SERVICES INCLUDE: Lunch & Learns Team Building Coaching & Workshops Build Your Self-Care Tool Kit Consulting & and more....

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Your Voice is Your Ticket A Letter From The Editor

Everything that will come to us in life is connected to our voice. The word of God shares there is power in what we speak. We can speak about things that can change our outlook and circumstances: greatness, healing, abundance, prosperity, deliverance, victory, etc. With the same voice, we have the option to speak of detriment and destruction. I am reminded of what my mother told me as a young boy, “Be careful what you say”. When faced with adversity throughout my life, the outcome has always been connected to what I said. Whatever thought I allowed to reside in my mind about a situation, my actions would align with it. If I believed that I could win, I won; if I thought I couldn’t, I did not. It all came down to what I spoke to myself. Imagine the challenges and adversity Brain Surgeons face within their profession. They are asked to care for patients who have suffered trauma to their head that involves bleeding, swelling, and ultimately life-threatening conditions. The degree of difficulty in their actions within the operating rooms is off the meter; still, they must remain calm and complete their assignment. If the surgeons spoke doubt and were unable to care for their patients, they would fail. They would fail if they allowed fear and disbelief to dictate their actions. Instead, they must speak with assurance, and by doing so, their confidence in their abilities will arise. It all comes down to what they speak to themselves. God speaks to us, and He doesn’t expect us to be quiet. Whatever you want and need, open your mouth and speak. Your body language should speak for you. How we treat others speaks for how we feel about ourselves. You will only go as far in life as your voice will take you. Terry L. Watson


Dorjae’ McClammey Terry L. Watson Monica Montgomery Marrissa Dick

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Tamara Smith

Still Shots Photography Photographer Todd Youngblood Photographer AngelaHoward Maria Gaither Photography Photographer Email 336-340-7844 Mykel Media Company LLC Greensboro, NC 2023 All Rights Reserved

Your voice is your ticket to the greatness that God promises. Speak about what you expect to happen in both moments of gaining and relinquishing and giving and receiving, as the impact effect is the same. We must use the voices God gives us, as it pleases Him when we do.

Terry L. Watson

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NOV./DEC. 2023



Dipped N Color Splat Studio

Monet Dyson

On The Cover

Author. Publisher. Servant

Dr. Yvonne Henderson


Sinus Massage Therapy

Sarah Watson


Tracy Thompson Speaks



Huami Magazine Cutest Baby


Tracy Thompson

Autumn Thornton

Also Featured

Takiyah Henderson Meet the founder of Tenacious Moments Wellness Counseling. Learn more about her journey of overcoming and being a source of strength for others. Charlotte, NC


Dr. Shamarah Hutchins Meet the founder of Melanated Minds LLC. Her company specializes in developing solutions that improve one’s quality of life. Cleveland, OH


Kristopher Williams Lights, Camera, Action. Learn more about how he followed his dreams and created one of the top photography studios. Atlanta, GA


6 Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023


Yvonne Henderson

Author. Publisher. Servant

By Terry L. Watson Photos Provided by Dr. Yvonne Henderson

Dr. Yvonne Henderson is a woman whose hands are involved in a lot of things. She owns D.I.V.A. Designs, LLC, Transitions Publishing, and a non-profit organization, Divine Ministries. Most recently, she launched her Educational Consulting Firm, C & Y Consulting. With D.I.V.A. Designs, Yvonne makes clothes that exude expression. “I offer custom clothes for men, women, and children. I have made more things for women than men because when they hear the name, they automatically assume it’s for women,” she says. With Transitions Publishing, she publishes books that change lives. Her products include workbooks, journals, textbooks, devotionals, and self-care journals. Yvonne launched her first non-profit in 2018 and held her first conference and Gospel Arts Workshop, Love Lifted Me. “I had been to several conferences, and I noticed it was not easy to find food because the facilities would not be near any restaurants, or everything ran so close together that you did not have time to get food,” she shares. Divine Ministries, Yvonne says, is an organism designed to do God’s will through His divine guidance. “The first thing we will do is host a Women of Worth Conference in February 2024. This conference is designed to help women discover their worth and fulfill their purpose. I am also compiling an Anthology that will be released at the event. Seven women have signed up to share their stories about how they discovered their worth. The book and a self-care journal are available for pre-order,” she says.

Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023


Yvonne is the youngest of three and the daughter of Rev. Wayde Henderson, Sr., a former correctional officer and preacher. Her mother, Ruth A. Henderson, was a seamstress and a jack of all trades. She is a native of Wilkes Barre, PA, but was raised in Champaign, IL. She graduated high school in 1983, and instead of attending college, she chose to work. Her educational journey started in 1990 when she attended Hinds Community College, the only HBCU Junior College. She graduated Valedictorian with an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts. She married in 1996 and had her only son. She continued her educational pursuit and graduated Magna Cum Laude from Governor State University with a Board of Governors Degree in Liberal Arts in 1999. She later attended Olivet Nazarene University, where she received two master’s degrees in Elementary Education and Administration. She also obtained a Doctorate in Education in Curriculum Design from Argosy University of Chicago and has worked as a teacher for over 20 years, specializing in Reading and Writing. After the passing of my parents and her son’s father, Yvonne moved to Colorado in 2013 for a fresh start. She would become a top sought-after Mime in the Christian arena and conducted her first Gospel Arts Conference and fashion show. Things were looking up for Yvonne, and she stepped out on faith and relocated to Texas in 2019 for yet another start. She says, “The Covid 19 pandemic hit, and I was stuck trying to figure out what to do. I created a Podcast for teachers to express themselves called Teacher Talk 2uesday with Dr. Yvonne. I discussed issues affecting teachers, students, parents, and administrators.” Yvonne says she loves the creative part of her businesses. “Everything that I do requires some creativity. I am right-brain dominant, and that is the side your creativity is housed in, so that’s what I love to do the most; Create and pull it out of others,” she says. Losing her parents seven months apart, Yvonne says, impacted her life more than anything. “My mom made me promise her on my birthday in 2007 that no matter what happened, I would not quit. I had previously quit my Doctoral program to help my dad care for her when she was in the hospital. She passed away a month later from a heart attack, and seven months later, my dad passed. All I could hear was, “Promise me no matter what happens in your life, you won’t quit.” I still live by that today, and it has changed my life forever,” she says. She also says her son inspires her. “He has seen me struggle for so long; I can’t give up now; I must let him see that hard work and perseverance pay off. The race is not given to the swift nor to the strong but to the one that endures until the end. Ask the tortoise and the hare,” Yvonne says. For those who may follow a journey similar to the one Yvonne has, she offers some advice that may help along the way. “Know your worth, follow your dreams, and never give up.” Looking ahead, Yvonne plans to stop teaching and travel with her consultant firm. She also plans to help people, especially women, get published and develop other streams of income. “I may even start my own school,” Yvonne says. h

8 Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023

My mom made me promise her on my birthday in 2007 that no matter what happened, I would not quit.”

Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023


10 Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023

Healing Medical & Therapeutic Message The Benefits of A Sinus Relief Massage Information and Photos Provided by Sarah Watson A lot of us have delt with the issue of having a hard time trying to breathe through our nose due to our sinuses being congested. Sinuses are air-filled spaces in your skull that are located behind the forehead, nasal bones, cheeks and eyes. Sometimes, mucus is able to drain out and let air flow through. Other times your sinuses become inflamed, which means that the lining of your sinuses has swelled, causing pain around your eyes, cheeks, forehead as well as a stuffy nose. This is also known as sinusitis. There are several factors that causes sinus congestion. So, whether if it’s due to a previous sinus infection, seasonal allergies or even a former cold/flu, getting a sinus relief massage will help decongest your sinuses. Please be aware, massaging the pressure points may not reduce the inflammation but it will give you some much needed relief. A Sinus Relief Massage is just one of the treatments that Healing Medical & Therapeutic Massage provides. Our therapist uses special essential oils to relieve sinus congestion and hot towels to help drain out phlegm to alleviate pressure. If you’re suffering from sinus problems and ready for some relief, contact us today! h 7500 College Blvd - 5th Floor Overland Park, KS 66210 913.298-1349

FSA/HSA is Accepted Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023


12 Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023

Tracy Thompson Speaks By Terry L. Watson Photos Provided by Tracy Thompson When she opens her mouth, It is a great idea to listen. Tracey Thompson of Houston, TX, is a woman of many talents. In addition to being a wife and mother, she is an author and a woman who believes that knowledge is power. Tracy shares, “My family is indescribable; they are unique. They are often associated with various aspects, including love, support, belonging, shared experiences, and mutual responsibilities. Additionally, they are commonly characterized by a deep and unconditional love.” Tracy is also the face of Tracy Thompson Speaks. Her company offers various business solutions, including virtual office space, meeting facilities, print and promotional materials, marketing and branding, public relations, social media management, business coaching, financial literacy, credit repair, and real estate funding. “My products are designed to propel every entrepreneur,” Tracy shares. “The Thompson Enterprise is here to serve the entrepreneur on the rise. We serve dreamers who simply need to understand the step-by-step process for achieving their next goal.” Tracy says she started her entrepreneurial journey in high school. She was doing hair every weekend and changed courses because she wanted to be a mortician. Then, she changed up again and decided to start a few businesses as well. With her degree in hand, she launched her mortgage business. Seventeen years later, Tracy opened a total of five businesses, and with that success, she retired from corporate America.

Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023


Tracy says she loves the opportunity her companies provide her to help and serve others. “Helping people is what we are designed to do. If I can change one person’s life, I pray they will also pay it forward,” she shares. One might ask what pushed Tracy to be the entrepreneurial force she is today. Her response is very clear. “My financial situation impacted my life. It forced me to be persistent and consistent in changing my situation. Our situations are in God’s hands. If you continue to push through the trials, your situation can change. I wanted to see that change, so I knew I had to make an effort. With prayer and me trusting the process, it was changed.” Tracy says her family, including her husband, kids, and other family members, inspire her to be all she can be. “They provide emotional support, care, and affection. I love getting those morning texts; my kids are my true cheerleaders. My husband always inspires me to push harder and to go to the next level, and with him on my side, how can I not go harder,” she says. Additionally, Tracy acknowledges her mom, dad, sister, and nieces as a constant source of love and support. “My family offers a sense of belonging and creates a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can find love, acceptance, and understanding. We are a crazy bunch, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world.” Building her brand has required a lot of resilience and patience from Tracy, yet, she says, she wouldn’t change how things have occurred. “Trials and tribulation are meant to push your journey. If you didn’t have any hiccups, how would you learn? I look back over the years, and the growth I see now is remarkable; I know God is always in control, so I know there is more to come, and I am ready for it,” she says. Tracy’s plans for the future include continuing her quest to be a bridge for those who might be unsure of their next financial step. From blended families to entrepreneurs, she says her team is working to roll out programs that make accessing those solutions easy. She concludes by professing that 2024 is going to be an amazing year. We concur.

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“The Thompson Enterprise is here to serve the entrepreneur on the rise. We serve dreamers who simply need to understand the step-by-step process for achieving their next goal.” Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023


16 Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023

Tenacious Moments

Wellness Coaching

By Terry L. Watson - Photos Provided by Takiyah Henderson Takiyah “Coach Kia” Henderson, also known as “Thee Tenacious One!” is the face and founder of Tenacious Moments Wellness Coaching. Her company’s services and programs give busy moms and working women the tools to achieve mind, body, soul, and spiritual wellness and live purposefully to prevent such terminal illnesses. Her experiences in life have inspired her to be where she is now. Takiyah says life got real for her when she became a mother at 15 years old. “It was the scariest time of my life. I was ashamed and embarrassed, but I accepted my responsibility. The hardest part was dealing with people talking stuff behind my back, the baby daddy acting up, tears and loneliness at night when I was alone, and smiling like everything was okay during the daytime. Looking back, I know God had His hand on me. The Tenacious One that I know today was born right along with my beautiful baby boy in August of 1997. At 15 years old and a junior in high school, I had to become “Superwoman.” I juggled a baby, sleepless nights, school work, a job, relationship issues, socializing, and the mental and emotional stress of my new normal. It was exhausting and I was all over the place but I did it. I stayed on the Honor Roll, was inducted into the National Honor Society, and graduated as one of the top 10 students in my class and on time. I accomplished those things by the grace of God, and I promised myself I would not allow my status to define me.” “As a Holistic Wellness Coach, I help busy moms and working women suffering from “superwoman syndrome.” You know, the women who neglect themselves to the point of stress and burnout while trying to be everything to everybody. I empower and support their journey to prioritizing their well-being and creating a happy, healthy, and purposeful lifestyle,” Takiyah says. “Stress is detrimental to our health, and so many women, and men too, are suffering in silence trying to hold it all together. It is a silent killer and affects every area of our lives. It causes anxiety, depression, panic attacks, emotional breakdowns, and other stress-related illnesses like high blood pressure, kidney failure, strokes, and heart attacks. That is why it is so important for busy moms and working women to recognize when they’re shutting down mentally, physically, and emotionally. My focus is to help these women achieve and maintain a well-balanced lifestyle without feeling guilty about prioritizing their self-care.” Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023


Tenacious Moments Wellness Coaching started as a business without a name. Takiyah says it has been a part of her lifelong journey. “When I was a young girl, as far back as I can remember, people of all ages would tell me their stories. I mean detailed information that a little girl probably should not have known. But I would sit and listen intently to what they were talking about with no judgment and a smile. I had no life experience or advice to help them at the time. All I could offer was a listening ear and a calming spirit,” she says. “Listening to stories has become my norm over the years. If I’m sitting somewhere long enough, a stranger will find me and tell me about their life’s events without hesitation. And guess what? I absolutely love hearing them! Not because I’m nosey or a gossip; I actually have decades of stories and secrets locked in my “secret vault.” The truth is that I am intrigued by people for who they are, what they do, and how they became.”

“I believe in the power of transformation and purposeful living. I’m a ball of intuition. I see, hear, feel, and sense what’s unclear and unsaid when I’m completely grounded and standing in my power.”

Takiyah “Coach Kia” Henderson 704-909-6203


Takiyah is the wife of Ryan, the mother of Isaiah, Andre, Jael, and Xavier; the mother-in-love of Malazea; and grandmother of Zaylin, Zyheir, Zacari, and Zyan. Her parents Gina and Steve, surrounded Takiyah with her siblings David, Braheem, Brandon, Kendrick, Bernard, Terri, and Sophia. She has a Bachelor’s degree in African Studies that she received from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and a Master’s degree in Human Services Counseling, Life Coaching & Community Care acquired from Liberty University. Takiyah is also the 2001 National Winner of the Health Occupations Students of America “Medical Spelling” competition. Takiyah shares that she has been called a healer. “I believe in the power of transformation and purposeful living. I’m a ball of intuition. I see, hear, feel, and sense what’s unclear and unsaid when I’m completely grounded and standing in my power. I believe that endings are opportunities for mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual rebirth and alignment,” she said. This experience cemented Takiyah’s purpose to help others. She says a few years ago, she listened to someone’s story, and it baffled her. “I couldn’t understand it. I didn’t know how to come to terms with it, and as much as I wanted to help, I didn’t know how. I wanted to understand because I truly valued this person, but I reached my plateau of knowledge for these types of situations. So, I did what I do best. Allowing my curiosity to guide me on my next journey, I went back to school to learn. I enrolled in the Human Services Counseling, Life Coaching & Community Care master’s degree program at Liberty University. I learned the information that I needed to listen to those stories, dissect, and reframe them based on the many different factors of a person’s life experiences.” Takiyah says she loves helping women enhance their lives while simultaneously owning the power to show up in integrity and as her authentic self. “I facilitate healing for my tenacious ladies using my natural, God-given gifts and skills to support them in creating awareness around who they are, their purpose, and how to use those things to achieve the life they desire. I also appreciate the opportunity to listen and remain curious about their stories,” she shares. Looking ahead, Takiyah plans to continue to enhance her brand and assist as many people who seek her services. “I am in awe of the power of transformation. I want to continue encouraging my Tenacious Ones to live happy, healthy lifestyles and get in alignment with their purpose. In February 2024, I am launching my Design Your Life for Wellness Challenge. This will be a live group coaching program designed to support my clients in prioritizing their health and happiness and creating the lifestyle they truly desire. Also, I’ll be writing more personal development and purpose-driven articles and blogging about holistic wellness,” she says. Overall, I want to stay open, in love, and in alignment with what God has for me.” Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023

Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023


20 Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023

Shamarah Hutchins Melanated Minds Network By Terry L. Watson Photos Provided by Dr. Shamarah Hutchins

Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, Dr. Shamarah Hutchins is a servant leader in her community, an action to which she has committed her entire life. She has been married for 15 years and has two daughters and a Cavapoo dog named Storm. Dr. Hutchins’s journey began with a clear aspiration to become a family practice doctor specializing in addiction medicine. She was driven by the desire to help her parents’ overcome addiction. Despite being accepted into medical school, she encountered unexpected academic challenges that led to probation and a pivotal committee meeting. In that moment, a professor suggested another career to Dr. Hutchins, something she says shattered her lifelong dream of becoming a doctor. However, this setback would eventually become a turning point for her. Dr. Hutchins’s life aligns comfortably with education. She attended Cleveland Heights High School. She also graduated from the first private HBCU, Wilberforce University, and received a full scholarship for athletics. She also graduated Magna Cum Lade with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. She has attended Capella University and received a master’s in psychology, and attended Walden University and acquired a doctorate in Clinical Psychology. Her servitude to her community begins with the Divine 9; She is a member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Dr. Hutchins is also a member of Order of Eastern Star. She sits on many different boards, giving back through knowledge and volunteering. She is currently the Programming Chair for the Advisory Board of the TJ Carrie Foundation, The Co-Chair for Black Girls in CLE, and sits on the Advisory Board for the Warrensville Developmental Center. Lastly, she attends and is a member of New Sardis Primitive Baptist Church, where her younger brother is head Pastor. Dr. Hutchins is the founder of the Melanated Minds Network. Its mission is to bring together men and women on a melanated minds journey to embrace the trilogy of life through understanding and taking care of one’s mind, body, and soul. “The goal is to become self-aware and increase knowledge of how the collaboration of the mind, body, and soul is essential to an overall healthy life,” she says. The Melanated Minds Network is committed to offering diverse products and services that cater to the holistic wellbeing of individuals within melanated communities. Dr. Hutchins shares their educational programs are designed to empower through knowledge, while mentorship opportunities foster personal and professional growth. “What sets us apart is our unwavering focus on mental health awareness, recognizing the importance of cultivating emotional resilience and promoting mental well-being. Additionally, our commitment extends to physical fitness, encouraging a healthy lifestyle and spiritual well-being, and fostering a sense of inner balance and fulfillment. Together, these initiatives aim to uplift and empower individuals, fostering a thriving, resilient, melanated community.”

Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023


“Growing up, I navigated challenges related to mental health, sports, and spiritual grounding. I initially addressed these aspects independently but discovered profound transformations when I aligned my mental health, physical fitness, and spiritual well-being.”

Dr. Hutchins says The Melanated Minds Network was developed using some of her own personal experiences. She says, “Growing up, I navigated challenges related to mental health, sports, and spiritual grounding. I initially addressed these aspects independently but discovered profound transformations when I aligned my mental health, physical fitness, and spiritual well-being. This would lead to a holistic understanding of how integrating these elements enhances mental wellbeing, physical health, and spiritual fulfillment. I began to share insights and extend support to those seeking assistance. The network now serves as a resource for those on a transformative path.” Dr. Hutchins is also the founder of the Serene Corporation, which includes Serene Counseling and Wellness, LLC, which provides traditional counseling and high-quality therapeutic, outpatient mental health counseling services to individuals, families, couples, children, and adolescents. They also offer a safe place for people to begin their healing journey and educate them on the tools needed to maintain their mental wellness. There is also The Serene Foundation, a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization. It’s mission is to provide support to the community to promote education, wellness, and social skills for families, women, and children in underserved populations. Another segment is The Serene Institute, which conducts corporate training and educates the community on mental health, self-awareness, and conflict resolution. It also helps corporations and organizations identify and assess employee mental health and wellness needs. The last component of the Serene Corporation is The Serene Athlete. It provides athletes the ability to master the mental aspect of sports. It also helps athletes dive into their mental health deeper, rather than suffer in silence, all while creating a safe space to talk about the stigma. Dr. Hutchins says she loves the profound satisfaction of helping others, witnessing the positive transformations in people’s lives, and engaging in the meaningful aspects of networking, particularly in understanding and promoting the importance of mental health. She credits her grandmother for greatly impacting her life and is thankful for her family and friends who’ve supported her dream and vision.


Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023


Owning a private practice such as Dr. Hutchins can be quite challenging. She shares that one obstacle she has faced is conveying that therapy doesn’t always have to follow the traditional path. “The initial setback revealed a calling greater than being a physician; I am destined to make a significant impact as a Doctor of Psychology,” she says. Dr. Hutchins has managed this by adapting to unexpected academic setbacks, turning a professor’s suggestion into an opportunity for self-discovery. “I have embraced a newfound passion for psychology and pursued a doctorate while overcoming hurdles. In my business ventures, I confronted the challenge of swiftly becoming an expert while reshaping traditional therapy perceptions in my private practice and the Melanated Minds Network.” When asked what she would change about the way things have happened in life and business, Dr. Hutchins says, “Reflecting on experiences, I might consider starting sooner, recognizing the value of finding a mentor early on, and understanding that mistakes are stepping stones to beautiful transitions. These adjustments could have enhanced the trajectory of my entrepreneurial path and contributed to a more enriching and accelerated growth.” The future looks bright for Dr. Hutchins. She shares that she plans to dive into writing books and engage in more speaking opportunities. “It’s a promising direction that allows me to share my insights and experiences on a broader platform.” Please visit their website to learn more about Dr. Hutchins and The Melanated Minds Network. h 24 Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023

Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023


Cameron Woodard Littrell Cammo Cleaning LLC

By Terry L. Watson Photos Provided by Cammo Cleaning LLC

Cameron Woodard-Littrell was born in Detroit, MI, but was raised in Atlanta, GA. Today, he resides in Little Rock, AR, along with his wife and daughter, and manages Cammo Cleaning LLC. He graduated from Little Rock Central High School and later attended and graduated from Henderson State University. Cameron founded Cammo Cleaning LLC on the fourth day of January 2021 in an unrehearsed or nontraditional manner. He says, “I did not research about starting a business, specifically a cleaning business. I obtained my business license from the Secretary of State, obtained my EIN, and began inquiring about a business logo. My next move was to set up a website, email address, and social media pages for my new business. Once I obtained the company logo, I started to advertise, and with the film content obtained from the jobs we booked, we produced a professional commercial, and the rest of the story is history,” he says. Cammo Cleaning has been recognized as a Best of Northwest Arkansas award-winning Black-Owned cleaning business. Excellence and exceeding every expectation in business are rooted in Cameron’s DNA. He says, “I come from a family of Black entrepreneurs, and I am here to continue the legacy. My mother was the first entrepreneur that I knew. She owned a daycare in Atlanta, Ga, and I saw the drive and passion from her daily. She bet on herself and it paid off,” he said. While Cameron may have launched his company without any script at his disposal, his intentions have always been clear. “I created this business to provide high-quality residential and commercial cleaning services to Northwest Arkansas. One of my main focuses is to bring clean and positive energy to people’s homes and businesses. I call it “Clean Therapy”. Another focus is to show minorities and children in our community that you can create, own, and accomplish anything you put your mind to.” Furthermore, Cameron’s drive is connected to wanting to provide his daughter and other minority youth with the entrepreneurial mindset that was shown to him.

26 Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023

Giving back and networking with the Northwest Arkansas community is very important to Cameron and Cammo Cleaning LLC. He has partnered with Walmart and Sam’s Club to advertise their business and expose HBCU students to entrepreneurial passion and mindset. They are a part of the Black-Owned Northwest Arkansas group that displays Black-Owned Businesses locally and via social media. Additionally, they’ve donated cleaning services to help local elementary schools build new playgrounds. Cameron has also mentored other Black-Owned and minority business owners. What he loves most about being a business owner, Cameron shares, is being in control of his destiny. “I can grow this business and take the business as far as I want. There is no limit to our success, and I am always willing to provide opportunities for others and show them anything is possible.” There is always a challenge when a person starts a business, especially a first-time business owner., and that also applies to Cammo Cleaning LLC. Cameron shares, “I’ve had to continuously learn the ins and outs of how to run a business, including hiring people that will treat business the way I expect them to. Along with managing the company’s finances and advertising, it’s been a hard but enjoyable process. The more you learn, the more you grow, and the more opportunities are presented to you and your company.” Cameron says there’s absolutely nothing he would change about being a business owner. The process and growth have been a blessing, and I have learned there are no shortcuts to success. “I appreciate all the ups and downs. Those things make you and your business stronger,” he says. Cameron shares that in the future, his company is working towards becoming the #1 residential and commercial cleaning company in Northwest Arkansas. They’ve also started a podcast called “Clean Therapy, A Podcast By Cammo” where he provides information about the daily operations of a business and business owner. He also interviews other entrepreneurs and provides business coaching on the podcast. He is also working on starting an all-purpose cleaning product line, with an expected launch date in 2024. In closing, Cameron shares a message that he hopes will resonate with other entrepreneurs, specifically Black business owners. “The world is fueled by people making a positive impact. Black people have positively impacted the world from the beginning of time and will continue to make a positive impact. Black inventors and entrepreneurs have laid the foundation for today’s world. I want to continue to be a part of that legacy and motivate the next generation.” Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023


By Terry L. Watson Photos Poovided by Tiffany Gina Akins

Tiffany Gina Akins of Pensacola, FL, is a seasoned professional. She has over 26 years of experience in business, law, and finance. As the CEO and Founder of De’Jure Life Notes, LLC, she has provided countless clients with top-notch services. De’Jure Life Notes, LLC is a consulting service “Our experienced team of legal consultants offers sound legal advice and strategies to help you navigate the complexities of family law. We specialize in handling various family law forms such as divorce decrees, time-sharing, parenting plans, child support, modification, financial affidavits, and many more,” Tiffany says. Tiffany’s impressive background includes a Degree in Computer System Analysis. She is also an Alumni of PHI Beta Lambda and a nomination for Who’s Who Among Junior College Students in America. She has gained expertise in various areas, such as criminal justice, financial advising, and legal consulting. She has also held internships as a paralegal and IRS tax preparer. She has become a Florida Notary, Certified Remote Notary Public, and Certified Loan Signing Agent under the National Notary Association. Additionally, she is a Certified Mortgage Field Service Inspector, IT Network Expert, and Certified Graphic Designer.

TIFFANYGINAAKINS De’Jure Life Notes LLC 28 Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023

“I bring an entrepreneurial mindset to every project. With my passion for fashion, and as the owner of a record label, Graphic Design & Branding Studio, I have a unique perspective on what it takes to succeed in a variety of industries,” she shares. Tiffany says running a business is hard enough for her business clients without worrying about legal issues. That’s where she comes in. “Our legal consultation firm specializes in a full range of business law forms, including bank forms, business licenses, titles/bill of sale, building permits, real estate closing, travel documents, and more. We also pride ourselves on providing top-notch financial services, including financial affidavits, IRS taxes, financial counseling, and tax preparation.” With her Notary Team, all aspects of notary services are covered.

Moving ahead, Tiffany says her ultimate goal is to help individuals and businesses of all sizes achieve a brighter future. To accomplish this, she offers a variety of resources such as community training workshops, seminars, monthly televised segments, and a new podcast show that focuses on keeping individuals and businesses updated on the legal issues that matter the most to them. Her services are available in West Florida and surrounding states. To learn more about Tiffany and De’Jure Life Notes, LLC, please visit their website. h

In 2022, Tiffany founded De’Jure Life Notes, LLC, to provide practical solutions for individuals and families facing legal and financial challenges. She shares, “My own struggles with these issues, as well as those experienced by my loved ones, motivated me to create an agency that prioritizes education, compassion, and personalized guidance. I understand the difficulties and challenges of going through legal battles, especially when dealing with sensitive issues like abusive relationships and divorce where children are involved. Waiting for years for your case to be heard or starting the process all over again due to lack of finances can be demotivating. Our team strives to rectify problems caused by incorrect, incomplete, or missing information on legal and finance forms. As a dedicated Legal Consultant, I am committed to helping my clients create a better future for themselves and their loved ones.” Overcoming the challenge of obtaining a consistent clientele can be difficult for any legal professional, but De’Jure Life Notes, LLC. has implemented various marketing methods to reach its target audience. Their efforts have resulted in significant growth and a more defined client base. For other aspiring business owners, Tiffany’s advice to you is to remember that every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow. She also says, “Be kind to yourself and take care of your well-being, both physically and mentally. Invest in relationships that inspire and encourage you and pursue your passions with confidence. Keep learning and expanding your horizons, and never stop striving for success. Most importantly, believe in yourself and your abilities, and when the going gets tough, keep pushing forward, because success is just around the corner,” she says.


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Autumn Thornton The daughter of

Armani Thornton and Gregory (Feva) Bonds

30 Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023

Houston’s Realtor & Fitness Professional By Terry L. Watson Photos Provided by Monique Hoggard Monique Hoggard is a Caribbean Realtor representing the beautiful island of Trinidad and Tobago. Monique has worked as a mobile personal trainer since 2014. She has also worked as a travel agent for five years and wears many hats in business. Yet, her main goal is to help people and bridge the gap between the Caribbean Community and the African Diaspora. Monique is originally from Brooklyn, NY. Now firmly planted in the heart of Houston, TX, Monique shares she appreciates Houston’s Caribbean Community. Monique sits on the Executive Board of the Houston Caribbean Professionals Association. She is also a member of the Trinidad and Tobago Association of Texas, Grenada Houston Association, and Nigerian American Multicultural Council. Monique shares that she and her partner lender have been working to inform others about the free grant money available through Harris County. “Many of the black and brown communities aren’t aware because we’re the last to get the information. I am helping to change that. I’ve been partnering with churches, radio stations, television stations, festivals, and just talking to individuals. If I’m at dinner, getting my car serviced, setting up at mixers as a vendor, or sitting next to someone on the plane, I am sharing information. I’m a people person, so it doesn’t take much for me to speak to anyone, especially if there’s good energy present. As long as people are willing to listen, I’ll continue to find a way to be a resource,” she says. Monique started her career in real estate a little over two and a half years ago. She credits her ex-husband, who is in the same business, for creating the spark. Additionally, she shares that helping families who thought home ownership wasn’t a possibility is what she loves most about her career. “When my clients get their keys and to see that smile on their face, it’s an amazing feeling for me. I know I was meant to be doing this.” One of the most interesting and impactful parts of Monique’s career, she says, is dealing with investors. “I’ve had my share of shady experiences.. So now I know how to approach investors and wholesalers. It’s funny because many don’t believe I understand the business until we really started talking.”

Monique’s advice for others who may follow a similar path to her is to know that real estate isn’t always easy, but it can be rewarding. “Everyone has a niche; you just have to figure out what yours is and what works for you! Don’t chase the money. This is a people business, so you definitely have to be creative. Also, know that this business is going to take you out of your comfort zone, and being shy doesn’t get you far,” she says. Monique says that International business is in her near future. She is also looking to market for Belize and the Dominican Republic next year. With her savviness, it is no telling where Monique will be. h 31

32 Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023

Personal Training Coach Hero Fitness By Terry L. Watson Photos Provided by Jerome Teasley Jerome Teasley is a household name in the physical fitness community in Greenville, SC. He is a family man with one son, Danzel, and two daughters, Maya and NaAsia. He is also a proud graduate of Southside High School. As a native of Greenville, Jerome has devoted many years of his life to helping others learn and understand the importance and value of living an active and physically fit life. Jerome is the CEO of Hero Fitness and is a Personal Training Coach. He has over two decades of training experience, is also a celebrity trainer, and has coached world-renowned life coach and public speaker Precious Bivings. He offers services to both men and women and is a Personal Trainer for Professional Body Sculpture & Body Builders and a Professional Judge for Bodybuilding Shows under two Organizations. Under his leadership, over 11 personal trainers were able to establish and grow their fitness careers. Jerome also mentors other Personal Trainers, offers Corporate Team Building services and has even found time to manage a Nonprofit Organization called “Hero Wellness for Youth”, as a means to give fitness back to his community. “My mission is to save lives by promoting a healthier lifestyle through transformation of mind, body, and spirit,” he says. Jerome, also known as Coach by many, founded Hero Fitness LLC over 13 years ago. He shares that he wants to help as many people as possible transform their bodies, regain their confidence, and tap into their fountain of youth. Additionally, Jerome is an active member of his community and compassionate about youth’s wellbeing. Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023

“I thought, what if I could have helped her change her diet and given her an exercise regime? She may still be here.”


Jerome’s journey as a physical fitness trainer resulted from a life-changing experience he endured. His mom, Lottie C. Teasley, passed away at the age of 56 due to health complications. That experience saddened Jerome but also got his attention, and his response would impact many others. “I thought, what if I could have helped her change her diet and given her an exercise regime? She may still be here,” he said. “I said enough is enough! I made it my life’s mission to learn as much as I could about health and fitness and help live healthier as well.” Jerome launched his personal training career at The Imagine Center in Greenville, an area that is currently known as Relentless (Health & Wellness) Life Center. He grew his brand by training hundreds of people at Planet Fitness and Pro Fitness Gym. There, he also learned the art of running his very own gym. Hero Fitness was opened during the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, and while much of the world was brought to a screeching halt, Jerome said nothing was going to stop him from helping his community get fit and changing the narrative. “Opening up a gym in the middle of a pandemic was very challenging. So, I focused on one client at a time. A new company with other plans bought out the location of my gym. I was looking to open another spot, but honestly, I stuck to my belief that God always has my back. Soon, a megachurch pastor came and asked me to train him and to be over his gym. Even more, I would still get to train my other clients. I sat still, and God did the rest,” he says. Since opening, Jerome has helped thousands of people, in-person and virtually. He has also partnered with Relentless (Health & Wellness) Life Center to help meet the ongoing demand for his life-changing services. What does Jermome love most about what he does? He says, “I’ve trained people of all walks of life, and I found that everybody wants the same thing: someone to believe in them and give them hope when hope isn’t available. I give them that! When my clients trust the process, they can turn their entire lives around because they see that everything they’ve ever wanted has always been on the inside of them. Sharing their doctor’s report about not being on three or four different medications reminds me of my why.”

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Jerome says God, family, and clients have impacted his life more than anything. “I see some of my clients come in with the weight of the world on their shoulders, and it shows up on their bodies. Yet, they continue to show up and keep showing up, and seemingly, out of nowhere, these same clients have a new walk and new talk. Their pain has turned into their purpose. Some have started businesses, embarked on new careers, and made significant lifestyle changes. Their mentality changes, their circle changes, all because they started believing in themselves. Fitness really does that to people. It’s Freaking Amazing!” Jerome finds inspiration in the challenges he has endured and overcome in life. “When I think about how strong my mom was and how much she overcame, I’m inspired. My father has also been a big inspiration in my life. Every year I present one of my clients with a Lottie C. Teasley award in honor of my mother’s memory,” he says. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Urban League of the Upstate. In addition to Hero Fitness, he established the free Upstate Bootcamp and has served as a launching pad for several young fitness trainers. Jerome advises others who may follow in his footsteps to know that you are your brand. He says, “You have to be the example for your clients to realize they can do it. Also, find your niche and master it. People will remember how you made them feel about themselves, so treat everyone with respect regardless of their race, size, title, or economic status.” Moving ahead, Jerome plans to launch a Mentoring Program for Trainers called “Fit for Business”. He is also launching an online apparel store called “That Hero Drip” and has plans for a workshop resort called “The Hero Ranch.” To learn more about Jerome Teasley and Hero Fitness, please visit their website.


Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023


36 Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023

Splat Studio By Terry L. Watson Photos Provided by Monet Dyson Monèt Dyson of Sacramento, CA, is a young and vibrant entrepreneur. At just 25, she has formed a business that is making waves and splashes in the heart of Old Sacramento’s business sector. It is called Dipped N Color Splat Studio. A mother of a five-year-old and an employee of the State of California, Monèt shares the vision for the company was revealed to her after a lifechanging experience of being struck by a drunk driver in 2019. “I was reminded of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment. This awakening prompted me to set aside my career and embrace the role of a stay-at-home mom, caring for my then 10-month-old child.”

“Becoming a mom allowed me to return to my inner child and see life through his lens.”

While the prospect of being home with her child, she says, was beautiful, it also brought to the forefront the challenges of her personal healing journey. Monèt grappled with anxiety, trying to connect with her child while simultaneously dealing with the physical, mental, and emotional toll of her recovery. Upon returning to work, she found herself caught in a balancing act, juggling motherhood, a full-time job, and the dream of building a business. The demanding schedule left little time for self-care, and the guilt of spending precious moments away from her son weighed heavily on Monèt. “In an effort to spend more quality time with my child, we began painting together. These creative experiences not only provided an outlet for reducing my stress and anxiety but also forged a profound connection with him,” Monèt says. Monèt really enjoys the privilege of being a mother to her son. She says, “Without him, I would not have embarked on this journey. Becoming a mom allowed me to return to my inner child and see life through his lens. How he has so much wonder about the small things around him and how excited he gets. As I grew older, I forgot how much the small things around us matter, and I want other families to experience the joy and excitement together through art.”

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It was during one of these painting sessions that inspiration struck. Monèt envisioned creating pop-up paint events for other families to share the joy of art together. The success of her first painting event, which sold out, validated Monèt’s belief that she was on the right path. After organizing several successful pop-up family paint events and emerging victorious in the 2023 ‘Calling All Dreamers’ competition, Monèt seized the chance to establish a unique storefront. Rather than opting for a conventional art studio, Monèt created Dipped N Color Splat Studio, which welcomes individuals of all ages and skill levels. Dipped N Color Splat Studio is a place where messy or experimental art, such as splatter painting or unconventional techniques, is practiced. “Our mission is to inspire every parent and child to connect deeply and create freely. Their vision is to empower parents and children to embrace their individuality and celebrate diversity, allowing them to be their most creative and authentic selves. We focus on bringing people together while fostering a sense of community. We also provide a safe space for individuals to explore and express their artistic talents, which can be therapeutic and stress-relieving, something that is especially important in today’s fast-paced world,” Monèt said. What started as a simple idea born from a traumatic accident has now blossomed into a forward-thinking, creative brand and business.” Monèt says some of the challenges she has faced in business is managing it and wearing multiple hats, from operating the business, taking phone calls, emails, and responding to inquiries. “Those tasks are absolutely amazing but can become overwhelming at times. I’ve managed them by outsourcing, asking for help, and having boundaries.”

Dipped N Color Splat Studio 122 I Street Sacramento, CA 95814 916-312-1912

What Monèt loves most about what she does is the smiles on families’ faces when they learn about Splat Studio. “When they come and actually experience it, how much laughter I hear, playing, singing, and families bonding through art, really makes me happy,” she says. In addition to being inspired by her son, Monèt says she enjoys seeing families laugh together and get silly together at Dipped N Color Splat Studio. “We often forget to laugh, due to the daily hustle and bustle of life. Our space was created to provide a space to laugh and connect.” While there have been some tough moments along her way, Monèt says she wouldn’t change anything. “All the ups and downs and mistakes have brought me to where I am today,” she shares. Her advice to others who may follow in her footsteps is to just get started. “Stop second-guessing yourself and worrying about what others will say about you. At the end of the day, it is your life.” Moving forward, she plans to continue to grow her business, spreading joy, laughter, and creativity. If you are in the Sacramento, CA, area and looking for a new and exciting way to engage and have fun with your family and friends, please stop by Dipped N Color Splat Studio. You may learn more about them by visiting their website. h


Denver - Nov./Dec. 2023


StyleStudio Branding

By Terry L. Watson Photos Provided by Style Studio Branding Kristopher D. Williams. of Lavonia, Georgia is a graduate of Franklin Co. High School. He earned a Bachelors Degree in Computer Graphics and Web Development from Westwood College. Initially, he ventured into animation, but it became clear that God had another path in mind for Kris. He is the second youngest among my seven siblings, and he shares his family bonds are incredibly tight-knit. “Our parents always ensured that we never lacked for anything, working tirelessly to provide for us, even when the path seemed uncertain,” he says. Kris says his love for church runs deep, and within his family, a treasure trove of musical talents abounds. However, Kris’s talents extend beyond music, as he has found his footing with an ability to create art. “While I can carry a tune, I’m also known for my comedic antics,” he says. In Kris’s earlier years, he was a reserved artist, gradually finding his voice and honing his verbal communication skills. Kris is also a proud father to a 19-year-old son named Kristian, who recently graduated with topnotch grades. Kris’s journey with his wife, Miriam has a touch of serendipity. He shares, “We were high school sweethearts, but life led us on separate paths for a while. When I first met her, a friend introduced me to her while she was working at Kentucky Fried Chicken in Toccoa. I asked her to be my Valentine. I remember it like it was yesterday. My family and I just got out of bible study. We dated for a while, and sadly, we broke up. Years later, I happened to find her on Facebook, and now, twelve years down the road, we are still going strong, being happily married and living a purposeful life!”

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Today, Kris enjoys a career as a creative professional and photographer. The name of his company is StyleStudio Branding, and it offers a variety of products and services. In the realm of photography, he provides headshot photography, catering to individuals seeking to enhance their personal brand. He also offers product photography for business owners looking to promote tangible products. His services also include event photography for parties, weddings, or graduations. On the graphic design front, his services include print and digital design services. These services span the spectrum of business branding, event promotion, and sales advertising. Additionally, he specializes in creating eye-catching materials for trade shows and conferences to help his clients’ businesses make lasting impressions.

Kris says his wife and son inspire him. Most importantly, he shares that his mom has played a huge role in his life, as he says he had the gift of art and passed it on to him. When asked if there is anything he would change about his journey in business, he wishes he would have believed in himself sooner and learned how to structure a business in his teen years. As he looks forward, Kris says his plans are to take real chances on opportunities to live even more outside of my comfort zone. “My plans are to go after the desired opportunities that I know are out there. This also includes building lasting partnerships and business relationships.”

Kris shares that he always had a creative spark within, even though he didn’t fully grasp its extent until later in life. “During my school days, I was renowned for my talent in sketching cartoons and designing names with vibrant, eye-catching letters and colors. As I ventured into college, my peers introduced me to the concept of freelancing. At that point, I was clueless about what freelancers did or how to become one, so I delved into research to gain insight. Little did I know that freelancing often involves working without immediate pay to build up one’s skills and experience. Next, I embarked on unpaid work to refine my abilities and gain a genuine understanding of what it takes to complete projects successfully. That experience marked a significant departure from my previous career in manufacturing, which had spanned nearly 13 years. I was determined to escape the monotonous grind and strive for the lifestyle I envisioned. If I ever wanted to support a family someday, I knew I couldn’t continue just scraping by,” he says. Kris says the birth of his son from a previous relationship brought life into sharper focus as I suddenly had the responsibility of providing for him. Fatherhood was uncharted territory, but Kris saw it as a divine push in the right direction. To cope with the emotional strain of adapting to his responsibilities, Kris turned to my artistic talents, sketching whenever I had a moment to spare. Life experiences would take Kris on a journey from different places of employment and even back to living at his parent’s home. While difficult at times, Kris didn’t lose hope and shared he kept praying for a better path. He started surrounding himself with people making strides in their lives, holding degrees, and pursuing the kind of opportunities he had only seen on television. Kris was eventually presented with an opportunity that would change the trajectory of his life. He knew he had to discuss it with his wife, and it also meant sacrificing many material possessions. “Despite those losses, I held firm in my faith that God would honor His promise to me: “Trust me.” Now, as I embark on my 13th year as a creative, the choice I made has been more than worth it. I have worked with clients big and small, building my career path to what it is today,” Kris says. 41

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