1 minute read

PJ Library: Freedom for All to Teach Our Jewish Families

by Stacey Battat

PJ Library Program Professional


There are many values and concepts in Judaism that emphasize the importance of respecting and learning from others. Adam yehidi nivra, for example, means, “every person is a unique creation." This means appreciating the wonderful things that make each person an individual and celebrating differences.

At this auspicious time in history, we can help our children begin to understand that many people continue to be treated harshly, and to begin to explore ways that our families can integrate this knowledge.

A discussion guide related to The Legend of Freedom Hill by Linda Jacobs Altman (pjlibrary.org/PJLibrary/media/PJ-Library/ books/reading%20guides/legend-of-freedom-hill.pdf) can prompt a discussion with children about freedom as we enter Independence Day celebrations. Watching resources such as the 13th documentary has personally given me a much richer perspective on equality and justice. I hope you will continue to teach your children that history is never black and white, literally and metaphorically speaking.