4 minute read

El TORO Autocross

2021EL T0R0

After a canceled December event due to the covid surge, and a January event held at Streets Of Willow, this month’s autocross at El Toro ended a threemonth hiatus, and you could tell everyone was THRILLED to be back!

By: Dennis Wolfe

The weather was perfect (72 and sunny), the track was fast (3rd gear four times!) and the event was completely sold out with lots of new faces. Additionally, club President John Momeyer and AX Chair Michael Oest gave out awards for the 2020 season during our mid-day shutdown, with shiny red jackets going to our class champs, and trophies for second place as well as our special category awards (Driver Of The Year, Most Improved, Member Of The Year, etc).

Our Fast Five included James Yom (TTOD), Tom Berry, Michael Oest, Matt Jones and your humble author. 1.21 seconds separated first from fifth. Be sure to check out porscheclub. com for complete timed results and season standings.

This month’s featured class is M4, where our very own Competition Director Brian Cooner took top honors, followed close behind by Storm Hagen (only two tenths off!). Rounding out the top 5 are Chris Richardson, Clint Boyd and Michael Evans. Nice work all!

Special thanks as always go to our Series and Event sponsors, GMG Motorsports and Autowerkes. The latter provided FREE lunch to all drivers from BombDiggity Dogs. There’s no lunch like free lunch, I always say...

Our next event will have us back at El Toro in Irvine on March 21st, so sign up now at motorsportreg.com. Our last event was completely sold out so don’t wait!!

Are you a regular participant in POC events? Does going to the track add value to your life? If so, consider giving back to the club that gives you so much by volunteering your time. This will earn you valuable SERVICE POINTS!!

If you are interested in getting involved with autocross, please reach out to Michael Oest (michaeloest@hotmail.com) or Brian Cooner (bcooner@gmail.com). If you are interested in instructing, please contact Dennis Wolfe (denniswolfe101@gmail.com). Or just say hi at the next event and we’ll find a way to get you involved.

And always remember: there are no cones…just turns.

Photos: Luis Vivar

Photos: Luis Vivar

Photos: Luis Vivar