The Observer Vol. 89 No. 2 - February 2024

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Nashville Rabbis and Community Members Visit Israel on Solidarity Mission

Rabbi Mark Schiftan:

It began with an extremely targeted goal: A united solidarity mission to Israel with the rabbis of our Nashville community, traveling to learn, to listen, to see, to witness and to stand with and to console the members of our extended Jewish family, and to then return to share the lessons learned from that experience with the greater Nashville Jewish community.

There are several solidarity missions visiting our Jewish homeland now, but none of them this unique. Nine Nashville rabbis, representing all five of Nashville’s congregations, spanning the religious spectrum from Reform to Chabad, representing all genders, ages, and years of experience in the rabbinate, along with a handful of other Jewish communal professionals, academics, and philanthropists. We were 14 in all, each of us deeply and profoundly affected by our brief yet extensive view into the current mood, morale and resilience of our Israeli brothers and sisters.

We toured the communities bordering the Gaza Strip, met with numerous soldiers, both in active duty and recovering from being wounded in the field. We met with evacuees from those same communities, and with parents and children of the hostages. We experienced the powerful and moving images at Hostage Square in Tel Aviv and visited the graves

Nashville rabbis and community leaders traveled to Israel on a solidarity mission.

of the young soldiers who have fallen in combat since October 7 — row after row of them — at Har Herzl, Israel’s Arlington, in Jerusalem. We volunteered packing vegetables at a moshav, helping

to fill in the gap of foreign laborers and others who have fled the country since the start of the conflict.

And we had the honor of witnessing the donation of two armor plated

ambulances to the Israeli first responder organization, United Hatzalah by Bernie Pargh, who also underwrote the land costs of the trip for all participants.

All in all, it was a sacred, meaningful, moving, and powerful experience. It brought all of us in the clergy closer together, something which will benefit the entire Nashville Jewish community.

The people of Israel are traumatized yet incredibly resilient, as are we. Their strength in turn strengthened us. I remain incredibly proud of each and every one of my colleagues for joining me on this journey.

What follows are reflections offered by many of them. To hear more from the rabbis, the community is invited to the Rabbi’s Report event on February 8, 7-8pm at the Gordon Jewish Community Center.

Rabbi Dan Horwitz, The Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville: Vignettes from Israel

Sunday: I arrive to a near-empty Ben Gurion airport. I hop in a taxi to head towards my sister’s apartment in Tel Aviv. At a stoplight, my cab driver rolls down his window to chat with the driver of the car stopped next to us, who is pulling a Formula 1 racecar on an attached trailer. My cab driver asks the other driver for his cellphone number.

Continued on page 8

Chai Lights: Congregation Micah Celebrates 18 Years of the Rabbis Rice

The saying, “Time flies when you’re having fun,” could easily apply to Rabbis Philip “Flip” and Laurie Rice of Congregation Micah. The two will be celebrated next month for their 18 years of service, and to hear them talk, those years really have flown by. In fact, it was during their final interview that they learned they were expecting their third child, daughter Eden, who is now a senior in high school.

The position was initially open for just one rabbi, but the two decided to propose they serve together and share the role. “We decided to come clean and tell

them we both just really wanted to work there,” says Rabbi Laurie, “They had just lost their senior rabbi and their half time assistant rabbi, so we presented ourselves as filling the one and a half positions.” Flip, who was the initial applicant, teases that it really was Laurie who sealed the deal. “They met me and liked me, and then they met her, and it was, ‘We like her, you can come.’”

That bold move was something that both Rices say helped them seal the deal.

“The fact that the congregation rolled after the process had begun showed us it was at least innovative and alternative and was willing to talk to us,” says Flip.

Continued on page 12

Vol. 89 No. 2 22 Sh’vat - 20 Adar I 5784 WWW.JEWISHNASHVILLE.ORG A Publication of the
THE FEBRUARY 2024 Camps Section, page 15 Local Student Speaks Up and Speaks Out About Antisemitism at Indiana’s Legislature, page 10 Find Love and Continue Your Story: The Jewish Matchmaker is Coming to Nashville , page 3

Community Relations Committee

We Are All in This Together

For the past few months, Nashville has been home to six Israeli families whose homes in kibbutzim near the Gaza border were destroyed or so seriously damaged that they are unlivable. Through a joint effort by the Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville, Jewish Family Service, Delek Corporation, and the Shai fund, we welcomed these families and provided them with respite from the chaos and fear forced upon them in the brutality of October 7, and gave them the chance to enjoy moments of safety, security, kindness, and familial love.

You would think that upon arriving here they would want to do as little as possible, to use the time to heal, to rest, and to take care of themselves. They did all of this and were determined to give back to their temporary home. After the tornado that hit middle Tennessee in December, they came to the Jewish Federation offices to assist in making phone calls to everyone in our database in the affected zip codes. They did this not because we asked them, they did this out of sense of purpose and determination, built upon the Jewish value of kol Yisrael aravim zeh b’zeh – all Jews are responsible for each other.

Later in their stay, they planned, organized, and facilitated a very special Israel workshop morning at the Gordon JCC filled with meaningful Tu B’shevat

activities, shakshuka cooking demonstration, and small group conversations about their personal story, how they survived the atrocity of October 7, and what they hope for their future.

At the close of the morning, Rotem Ben Ami shared some reflections and gratitude. She started with the heartbreaking story of her son, who after October 7 believed that there were no more good people in the world. His time in Nashville helped him to rediscover that people can be good, and the people who welcomed him to Nashville helped him make that transformative shift.

At the Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville, we are continually adapting to the reality, challenge, and opportunity presented daily. We often think about “why” we do what we do. Helping a little boy remember and believe that there are still good people in the world is a priceless example of why we do what we do.

The people of Israel are still in shock and trauma from the horror of October 7, but their resolve will not be dimmed,

Growing Our Jewish Roots

First, thank you to all those who gave to the Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville in 2023, whether it was to the Annual Campaign or the Israel Crisis Fund. Your gift ensures that our Jewish community has the means to tackle all challenges that we may face in 2024. Thank you for continuing to trust us with your donations, and we hope to continue to earn your trust with our work this year.

To borrow a term used by Libby

Werthan at a recent Herzlian Dinner, what makes the Nashville Jewish community special is the sense of rootedness that all sorts of Jews feel here. From what I understand, this tradition of rootedness began with a handful of families who settled here generations ago. Successive generations of families have joined them to create the vibrant and tight-knit community that we see today.

Part of the tradition of rootedness in Nashville is an almost obligatory sense of giving to Jewish institutions. It seems to be something you just do

and the Jewish community around the world will not forsake them. We are all in this together, on both sides of the ocean.

Noam Horev is a well-known Israeli poet and songwriter, who has written lyrics for many of Israel’s leading musicians. The poem below, which he’s posted on his website here, got a lot of traction on Israeli social media and speaks to how many Israelis are feeling:

“Cut and Save”

by Noam Horev

This song must be cut and hung on the fridge

Because after it’s all over After the smoke of the fires has dissipated After the count of the fallen soldiers ends — we will still be here.

And we must not forget how much we gave to each other

How a right-winger sat with a left-wing Kibbutznik with city folk Religious with secular how we all got along — You and me too

Let us not gather only around disasters

Let us find in ourselves the courage to change

Let’s remember even after everything calms down

We have no unnecessary wrinkles to worry about

Let’s engrave on our skin the will of the dancers [at the rave]

May we forever be united

May we not be seduced by cheap politics May we walk in ways of forgiveness and compassion

Let’s not repeat the same mistake even within the complicated mess of reality

Let us look for the best even from this very moment

Let us not discover at the end of the battle

That it was all in vain

This song must be cut and hung on the fridge

Because after it’s all over

After the smoke of the fires has dissipated We will have to build a life out of what remains.

That’s how Israelis think about what’s here—they think about what’s left here. If one wants to summarize the mood, Horev captures it perfectly: “We will have to build a life out of what remains.” •

as a member of this community. One long-time Jewish Nashvillian summed up a version of the community ethic of Jewish philanthropy: “You give to your synagogue, the Federation, and to something for the soul like the arts.” Our community just knows how to give, and they do so on a regular basis.

This is a Jewish tradition that goes back a long way. Maimonides, the 12th century authority on Jewish practice and thought, distinguished between the sort of compulsory annual giving that is part of the Nashville tradition of rootedness, and the impromptu gifts made from a place of concern and compassion. Obligatory contributions were made to the kupah, or communal fund. These contributions were mandatory and gathered in proportion to the family’s means. Spontaneous gifts were given to a different fund, called the tamchui, or communal platter. These were the non-mandatory and spontaneous donations of concern and compassion. Together, donations to the kupah and the tamchui served to care for those in need in these Jewish communities.

A large percentage of our Annual Campaign comes from what could be designated as gifts to the kupah. Many members of our community who give to the kupah have formalized their gifts in the form of Donor Advised Funds, Annual Campaign Endowment Funds, and Life & Legacy endowments for after-lifetime giving, all housed at the Jewish Foundation of Greater Nashville. These financial technologies create another layer of obligation as they are set up specifically for charitable giving.

While our community relies equally on contributions to the tamchui and the kupah, we are at a critical moment of

transition, where the next generation of Jewish Nashville is beginning to set down its roots. Nashville has become a hotbed for younger folks seeking professional and interpersonal opportunity. Many of the newer members of our community are just beginning to establish themselves financially.

In our current moment of uncertainty in the Jewish world, we saw many spontaneous donations from new Jews in Nashville this past year, both to the Federation’s Annual Campaign and particularly to our Israel Crisis Fund. Clearly, Jews of all stripes see the need to support each other and our community during this time. As new Jewish roots in Nashville are strengthened in the crucible of tragedy, we also need to be transparent about our needs as a community to continue giving for posterity. It is my hope (and my job) that the incredible, spontaneous giving to the tamchui that our community saw this year can be stewarded into routine contributions to the kupah. In that way, our community can grow its roots into the next generations.

How does this occur? That is the primary question that Jewish communities are facing everywhere. My first inclination is to say that if our community continues to show up for each other, wherever we are at in our Jewish journeys, then the genuine impact will translate into financial support. We also need more intergenerational conversation, where we can share our roots and help each other grow together.

Whatever the solution, in Jewish fashion it will surely raise more questions. Perhaps the more questions we generate together, the deeper our roots will grow. •

2 February 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER Visit The Jewish Observer’s website

Find Love and Continue Your Story: The Jewish Matchmaker is Coming to Nashville

It turns out anyone can be a matchmaker, with the right training, coaching, and desire to help people. That’s according to Aleeza Ben Shalom, otherwise known as The Jewish Matchmaker on the hit Netflix show. “Everyone has the potential to be a voluntary, part-time matchmaker,” she says. And Ben Shalom is bringing her expertise to Nashville this month a part of The Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville’s Life & Legacy program.

Ben Shalom’s philosophy of helping people meet and find love through telling stories aligns with the Life & Legacy’s goal of building for the future. Life & Legacy community coordinator Norma Shirk says, “We’re excited to bring Aleeza to Nashville. Her Netflix show is about people telling their stories, and hopefully, meeting their true love as a result. The new couple’s story begins the next chapter of their lives which will continue with their children and grandchildren. Telling our stories is the basis of the Life & Legacy program. Every donor contributes the story of their family which is part of the continuity of the story of Jewish Nashville.”

Becoming a professional matchmaker is not a traditional career choice, and for Ben Shalom it began with volunteer work. “In 2007 I volunteered at an online dating site. I wanted to call people, get to know them, coach them, and then put them together. I loved it,” she says. As time passed, and she needed to find a paying job, Ben Shalom realized she was already doing it. “I thought, well I have me! I leaned into the coaching piece

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The Jewish OBSERVER (ISSN 23315334) is published monthly for $36 per year by the Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville, 801 Percy Warner Blvd., Nashville, TN 37205-4009.

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which was really very special.” She says she believes she is helping the world and with her husband’s encouragement, she dove in.

Ben Shalom says she knows from firsthand experience how hard it is to find marriage. “It was a difficult process to find the one. I’m not a hopeless romantic. For me it’s all about family and having a loving community and support.”

Unlike fictional matchmakers who are portrayed as nosy busybodies, Ben Shalom does not push people. “I like people to be aligned,” she says, “I find out what the client wants and find a partner to match that.” The mother of five also says she does not push the idea of children on anyone. “Marriage is about marriage. The goal is not to have children. Children is a byproduct of some marriages.” She points to Dolly Parton’s 57-year marriage as one that bucks traditional norms. “She and her husband have built a beautiful family together and it doesn’t include children. He does his thing and she does hers, and they’re happy.”

Ben Shalom admits her matches

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The Jewish Observer is committed to making corrections and clarifications promptly. To request a correction or clarification, call Editor Barbara Dab at (615) 354-1653 or email her at

Editorial Submissions Policy and Deadlines

The Jewish Observer welcomes the submission of information, news items, feature stories and photos about events relevant to the Jewish community of Greater Nashville. We prefer e-mailed submissions, which should be sent as Word documents to Editor Barbara Dab at

Photos must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi) and should be attached as jpegs to the e-mail with the related news item or story. For material that cannot be e-mailed, submissions should be sent to Barbara Dab, The Jewish Observer, 801 Percy Warner Blvd., Suite 102, Nashville TN 37205. Photos and copy sent by regular mail will not be returned unless prior arrangement is made. Publication is at the discretion of The Observer, which reserves the right to edit submissions.

To ensure publication, submissions must arrive by the 15th of the month prior to the intended month of publication.

For advertising deadlines, contact Carrie Mills, advertising manager, at 615-354-1699, or by email at

do not have a 100% success rate. “I follow up with people and some do split up. Probably close to 5-7% don’t work out,” she says. The surest path to success, she says, is honesty. “If I’m honest with myself, I can be that way with the client. They, in turn, need to be honest with me.” Her coaching technique helps build trust and honesty with the clients. And she continues coaching after the match has been made. “I’m there as long as they need. Sometimes even into the first year.”

When it comes to her own family, Ben Shalom says what began as a way to be home with her children has become

a sometimes-challenging lifestyle. She is based in the Pardes-Hanna region of Israel, but often spends weeks at a time touring in the United States and other countries. “We’re very close, and we talk a lot. We are constantly evaluating and re-evaluating. This is not just my thing, it’s our thing as a family.”

As her children have grown, Ben Shalom is able to bring them with her, providing some valuable one-on-one time. “It’s been really nice. My daughter came with me to Australia and we spent all day doing activities and having the best time.”

Continued on page 20

2024 Guide to Jewish Nashville Available Now!

The Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville is pleased to announce publication of the 2024 Guide to Jewish Nashville. Beginning with this year’s issue, you will be able to access the Guide to Jewish Nashville online at You can also pick up a copy at your local congregation, the Federation offices, the Gordon Jewish Community Center, and other retail outlets around town. As always, this year’s Guide is chock-full of information about the community’s congregations, agencies, social and service organizations, political organizations, schools, and much more. There is even a section listing local kosher food offerings, as well as information about disability inclusion and accessibility. In short, it has just about everything you need to know about Jewish Nashville.

As always, please feel free to reach

out with any questions or feedback.

Email editor Barbara Dab at barbara@ •

The Jewish OBSERVER • February 2024 3
Aleeza Ben Shalom, The Jewish Matchmaker is coming to Nashville on February 27.

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4 February 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER

A Rabbi and a Doctor Discuss Antisemitism

Frank: Mark, as we are currently witnessing an enormous rise in antisemitism in this country and around the world, I have been thinking about this issue daily. It is exceedingly difficult for me to understand the reasons why so many people throughout history and in almost every country have found it plausible and reasonable to hate Jews. What is it about our paltry number relative to the world’s population that has caused this aversion to our people? While I have read many theories about the reason for this prejudice and hatred, none is a sustaining and dominant reason.

Sure, we are a successful and generally well-educated people and supposedly God’s chosen, as well as representing “the other” in societies where Jews live; and yes, the high priests in Jerusalem were complicit in giving Pontius Pilot the go-ahead to crucify Jesus. But do any of these explain history’s long and pervasive aversion to the children of Israel? We are not all so extraordinarily successful or educated and often we question if we are really a chosen people.

So, recently, I have been impressed with the argument made by some that societies have become infected with a virus, or a cancer of antisemitism and that virus or cancer mutates or metastasizes over time depending on what is considered virtuous in that society and then blames the Jew for being opposite of that virtue.

The first question I have for you, Mark, is this:

What do you think of this explanation for antisemitism?

Mark: Frank, I do believe there is really something valid in comparing antisemitism to a chronic, incurable disease, like some elusive cancer, or mysterious virus, each with remedies to reduce the impact or extent of the illness, yet without any successful way to totally cure the patient or eradicate the infection. It does make sense that a society’s perceived virtue sets the stage for blaming the Jew for representing the very opposite of that virtue.

Frank: Right. For instance, in a society that considers religion to be the dominant virtue of its people, leaders of that society use antisemitism to describe the Jew as the killer of God.

Every society needs an “other” to blame the problems of that society on. For a society that is capitalistic, the Jew is labeled as a hated communist; and for a communistic society, the Jew is hated as a capitalist.

In today’s America, the virtue of our society is on the emphasis of human rights, antiracism, and equality. So many in our country are blaming the Jews as being the exact opposite representation of these virtuous principles. Jews are said to violate human rights of Palestinians and in that way are demonstrating bigoted, racist, and apartheid behavior.

In other words, antisemitism acts much like a virus or cancer, continuing to evolve and adapt to new circumstances and conditions, but never totally going away.

So, Mark, here is my second question: Do you believe that a treatment for this historical hatred for Jews is remotely possible?

Mark: Well, if there is a cure, it is yet to be discovered despite 2,000 years of searching for it.

Frank, you are trying to use logic for a hatred that has consistently defied rational explanation. People hate Jews for so many reasons:

The church spent centuries trying to convert us, or expel us, or torture us, or extinguish our existence.

Various governments or dictators have concluded that we are the disease which they need to eradicate from their midst by eradicating our people.

There are those on the far right who think we are trying to replace their certain way of life. And there are now those on the extreme left who view us as occupiers, colonialists, and oppressors.

So long as there have been Jews, there has been the cancer of antisemitism. There is no cure. All we can do is educate others and defend our rights and civil liberties.

And, now that there is a Jewish homeland, we can use the infusion of Jewish strength and power: There is a Jewish army that acts as the first responders to defend the Jewish people from further attack or impact of the virus of Jew hatred.

Frank, does this answer your question? You have been on this Earth longer than me. Do you believe there is a cure to be found out there?

Frank: Thanks for reminding me that I am 20 years older than you and yes, it does satisfy my question as I also believe there is no cure for antisemitism. It will continue in the hearts of many throughout the lands despite all attempts throughout history to eradicate it. No vaccine of education or good will and no chemotherapy of assimilation will be effective. But for the first time in history there is an antidote. An antidote is defined as a substance taken to counteract a particular poison. The poison in this case is antisemitism and the substance is the State of Israel combined with two words that arose from the ashes of the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust, “Never again.”

Never have we had these two words of “Never again” backed up by an extremely powerful nation for Jews. This is our antidote, and it is our salvation. Antisemitism will live forever, but so will we Jews, thanks to the State of Israel and the two words which changed all that we have previously had to endure. Am Yisrael Chai! •

Rabbi Mark Schiftan can be reached at

Dr. Frank Boehm can be reached at

The Second City Returns to Music City at Big Night Out 2024!

Is this real life? Is this just fantasy? This comedic landslide promises to be an escape from reality! Join the Gordon JCC on Saturday, February 24, 2024, for its highly anticipated annual fundraiser, Big Night Out. This year, The Second City returns to Nashville with their newest show. Comedian Rhapsody is a groundbreaking showcase of classic sketches and songs from the company’s deep comedy archive, fresh new favorites, as well as the signature hilarious improv that The

Second City has been famous for throughout the past six decades.

The evening will begin at 6:45pm with a cocktail hour, followed by dinner and a hilarious improv show. The dress code calls for the chic allure of mid-century modern fashion. Think sleek silhouettes, clean lines, and vibrant hues. Gordon JCC’s Big Night Out 2024 will be a night you won’t want to miss! For more information, please contact The JCC at 615.356.7170 or email rachel@ or All proceeds benefit The Gordon Jewish Community Center. •

The Jewish OBSERVER • February 2024 5
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Local Nashvillian, doctor posthumously wins

Opening Minds through Art ‘most unique form’:

2023 award allows Dr. Fred Goldner’s oldest daughter to remember his ‘wonderful legacy’

Dr. Fred Goldner had more than 50 years of clinical practice and teaching at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, but became depressed and frustrated when his advancing age brought an inevitable cognitive decline. A local art program helped put a smile back on his face.

Goldner, who passed away one month shy of his 96th birthday in 2021, had struggled with coming to terms with what “probably was” dementia, according to his oldest daughter, Cynthia Goldner.

“[His cognitive decline] was a challenge and it frustrated him and it made him depressed in some ways,” Cynthia said in a phone interview. “He didn’t like it. And I think he was aware of it happening because of his medical background … and I think that’s even harder to know what’s going on. He would say he loved difficult cases and finding a solution to difficult cases and now he was one.”

Goldner and his wife wanted to find opportunities for Goldner to get involved in the community after his retirement, and they discovered the Helping Hands Art program, a collaboration between Jewish Family Service and Opening Minds through Art, an international evidence-based art program. OMA aims to “build bridges across age and cognitive barriers through art,” according to their website.

JFS staff pairs Eileen Wallach, a licensed social worker, with Nashville residents living with dementia, including Goldner, who signed up for the program at the end of 2017. Wallach came to the Goldners’ home once a month for 15 months, and each session was an opportunity for Goldner to create a new art piece.

Wallach recalled that when their sessions together started in 2018, Goldner was “still highly verbal” and “had good cognitive response.” He loved doing art, she said.

“His creations are just phenomenal,” Wallach said.

Goldner, who had wanted to be a cartoonist for a long period of his life, enjoyed drawing and took classes in pottery, cooking and steel drums. Cynthia,

who traveled from Maryland to Nashville to take care of her father in 2019, said Goldner looked forward to Wallach’s monthly visits. She described Wallach as thoughtful, professional, kind, friendly, and engaging.

Wallach works with people who have experienced a traumatic life-altering event, which includes dementia. The Helping Hands through Art sessions in Nashville are typically one-on-one in a quiet setting, whereas OMA sessions — across the world — are commonly in group settings.

“Eileen focuses on imagination instead of memory and on remaining strengths instead of lost skills,” said Pam Kelner, the CEO of JFS, in a speech. “OMA enables people with dementia to assume new roles as artists and teachers and leave a legacy of beautiful artwork.”

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Wallach begins a session by showing examples of completed projects and asking the artist about their preferences for mediums and colors. Mediums included paper, watercolor, paint, tissue paper, glitter, and materials such as Q-tips or toilet paper rolls. Wallach provides guidance throughout the process, but does not make any aesthetic decisions for the artist, since the program emphasizes regaining independence for people with dementia.

“It’s about giving them back control,” Wallach said in a phone interview. “When people create art, it’s all about what you want to create. And so even though it is mandatory that when I’m doing a one-on-one, there’s either a caregiver or an assistant or family member in the room with me in case there’s an issue, the actual art-making is done between the client and myself.”

Cynthia said she noticed a positive change in Goldner’s mood as a result of participating in the program: Goldner’s artwork provided a starting point for conversations.

“He was very proud of [his work], but he didn’t show it during the class,” Cynthia said of her father. “You could see when I would talk, like, ‘Dad, what does that look like to you?’ And it wouldn’t necessarily be what he said during the class because now it’s a day or a week later and to see his thought process or ‘What did you use for this?’ it helped with

the ongoing conversations and you would see a slight smile come across his face.”

OMA implements all five aspects of the well-being theory — the idea that well-being is achieved through any activity that incorporates positive emotion, engagement, relationship, meaningfulness, and accomplishment or achievement. Wallach helps the artists frame each of their pieces of art and decide on a title: a process Cynthia said she was supposed to leave completely up to her dad.

Goldner’s piece, “Music to my Ears,” was one of more than 400 entries that Wallach submitted to OMA’s art show, where it won “most unique form” in December 2023. Seventy-two entries won awards. Primarily sky blue and orange, “Music to my Ears” is a collage-type piece composed of cut-out pieces of recycled paper and art materials. The design represents a treble clef — a musical symbol — and is framed in black.

Goldner insisted on having his wife, Martha, join in on the art sessions even though Martha did not qualify for the JFS-sponsored program. She was able to participate by paying Wallach, who owns the nonprofit organization Your Heart on Art in addition to her work with JFS.

Cynthia said Wallach’s sessions became a bonding activity for Goldner and Martha: “Of course, it’s only for clients. But in this case, he wouldn’t be doing anything without Mom.”

“The only thing I can tell you is Fred and his wife were duly connected and so they really loved creating together,” Wallach said.

Goldner was a lifelong learner whom some dubbed an “overachiever,” according to Cynthia. During her childhood, Goldner participated in “anything” his four kids were involved with: “He was present. He certainly would do whatever possible to make himself available to his children.”

Now, his framed art pieces reside at the lakehouse he left to his children, about an hour and a half away from Cynthia’s Nashville apartment. She remembers him as a gentle, outdoorsy family man with a dry sense of humor and a passion for art and being around people.

“Dad won [‘most unique form’], which is super, super exciting and a wonderful legacy to who he was,” Cynthia said. •

6 February 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER
Fred Goldner holds his piece ‘Music to my Ears’ which won Most Unique Form in December 2023.

Heart of the Matter

Itaught them how to use their computers to stay connected virtually while isolated physically.

’m sure many of you have read reports pointing to the fact that volunteerism is on the decline, especially post-COVID. I am here to tell you that that is not true here in Nashville. On Tuesday, August 29 Jewish Family Service had the opportunity to shower our appreciation over 125 volunteers who helped our agency achieve its mission in the past fiscal year.

In times of crisis, the number of volunteers increases. For example, during COVID we had volunteers who made phone calls or porch visits to our isolated older adults, delivered meals, or


Rotem Ben Ari is one of the people hosted in Nashville from Israel. She shared her experiences about the October 7 attack at last month’s event. Below is her expression of gratitude to the local Nashville Jewish community.

One of the sentences that my eldest son Jonathan repeated endlessly since October 7 was “Mom, I’m scared. There are bad people out there.” Unfortunately, I have heard this sentence from others’ children too, until it seems as if they discussed it and concluded that this is the reality for them. It broke my heart.

I think that children should grow up with a sense of security, feeling that the world that they are growing into is a safe and good place. Much research has shown that the feeling of security is necessary for optimal development and growth, mostly in their core years for many reasons. Among other things, it is found to be one of the foundations of their ability to learn, develop social and emotional skills and adaptability. Their ability to explore the world and try new things depends on that; it keeps them feeling mentally healthy. It is also one of the things leading them to grow up to be a happy, sociable, and caring people who someday will be beneficial to the world.

I told my son in response: “Jonny, there are also a lot of good people out there.” But I felt that it was one of those things that cannot be explained, you must feel it to really know it. It is very important to me that he knows and feels that there is also good in the world. I think that somewhere, we also lost a bit of trust in this, and without it — what are we doing here?

So, we set out on a journey that started in an Israeli hotel and continues here, in Nashville. A journey to restore our faith in humanity.

During our journey, we discovered amazing people. Some of them we already knew and now had the chance to see how wonderful they are. Others, we met along the way. As part of this journey, we arrived here, to amazing Nashville - the place that we have called home for over a month now. And for that we are very grateful.

So, on behalf of all the families, I

Once again, our community is rising to the occasion during the Jewish community’s most recent crisis, the October 7 massacre in Israel and resulting war in Gaza. The first volunteer opportunity came when we had 36 ultra-Orthodox individuals land unexpectedly on a charter plane in mid-October. We had volunteers who at the last minute loaded them in their cars to get them to hotels, brought clothing, caterers who pitched in and prepared kosher meals on the fly and at cost, so essentially volunteering their time. In a short six days, deep connections were made and the Nashville Jewish community showed them true southern hospitality.

Next was filling a cargo plane with

basic needs for Israel. We put an email out on a Thursday and by Sunday afternoon the Gordon JCC auditorium and bins in congregations were overflowing with thousands of pairs of socks, underwear, backpacks, and towels. If we had had more than four days, I am confident our community could have filled two cargo planes! Later that week, 11 volunteers spent an afternoon sorting and palletizing the donations at Project Cure to be ready for shipment on the cargo plane.

Finally, the volunteerism surrounding the six families who are temporarily in Nashville for a two-month period of respite has been overwhelming. These are families from kibbutzim that were destroyed in the Gaza envelope, and our community has wrapped them in a warm embrace. JFS has coordinated volunteers

want to say thank you.

First, we want to thank Itay Reshef and Avigal Soreq, who made all this possible, recruited and promoted this amazing initiative, who are there for us for everything - big and small.

We also want to thank the generous donors: Sean Ross, and Daryl Hedding

and SHAI FUND, who without them all of this would not have happened.

To Itay Cherkesky for all his help with our housing here.

To each one of our wonderful adoptive families here, American and Israeli, who gave us a real feeling of home.

To all the doctors who helped us

at Akiva School in the classroom translating, babysitters, 47 volunteers who have provided homecooked meals loaded with love 2 times a week, and host families who have been the Israelis “go to” adopted families over the past 2 months.

It is interesting. When I speak with colleagues at other JFS agencies around the country, they aren’t seeing the type of intense activity that we are seeing surrounding Israel. Maybe it is because Nashville is small and mighty and always rises to the occasion. Whatever the reason, I am grateful that JFS can always pivot to meet the need, but our small staff couldn’t achieve what we do without all our volunteers who walk by our side.

If you would like to learn about volunteer opportunities, please visit www. •

with medical issues - Dr. David Parla, Dr. Kirk Barton, Dr. Jenna Essakow and Dr. Anna Barmeli.

To Rabba Daniella Pressner, Akiva’s school principal, for accepting our kids into her school and giving them the feeling that they are part of the community, for the hugs and all her support. Also, to Lilach Reshef and Yifat Crouvi for all their support and care.

To Michal Becker, Toni Jacobsen, Pam Kelner, and Barbara Dab for all their dedicated work, caring and helping the Israeli families.

And, of course, to each one of you, for coming here today and hearing our story.

Thank you, wonderful community for the warm welcome, the support, the hugs, delicious meals, and warm words. You made us feel and believe in goodness again, and that love will win. If I forgot to mention someone who was involved in our beautiful journey, this is the place to say thank you.

We think it is also very symbolic that we came here at the time of the Hanukkah holiday. Each of us is a small light, and we are together a stronger light. “Sora hosech Me-hashor, Soramipne ha’Or.” Thank you for brightening our days here.

“There are also many good people out there, even more”; it is important that they feel it. Thank you on behalf of all of us for helping us feel that again. •

The Jewish OBSERVER • February 2024 7
Rotem Ben Ari expresses her gratitude to the Nashville Jewish Community.

Rabbis Visit Israel

Continued from page 1

The other driver provides his number. The cab driver calls the number, the other driver answers the call, and they have a 10-minute conversation on the phone about car racing while we drive in opposite directions. Only in Israel!

Monday: Fight jetlag. Eat hummus. Repeat.

Tuesday: We enter Kfar Aza – one of the kibbutzim near the Gaza border that was attacked. It’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen – lush greenery, stunning flowers, fruit trees in every direction… paradise. We hear recurring “booms” in the (perilously close) distance. We’re led on a tour by a lifelong kibbutznik in her 70s who survived October 7. We see the armory, housed in the center of the kibbutz, and learn that as the massacre was taking place, a number of terrorists knew where the armory was in advance and camped out there in order to gun down those running to try and collect weapons to defend themselves. We saw blood, char marks, explosive residue, hopes and dreams destroyed.

Wednesday: I meet with teenagers in Hadera, our partnership region. They are asking about being Jewish in America and are legitimately concerned about US and OUR safety here in the USA given the alarming prevalence of antisemitism. They’re wondering why, given what they perceive as our lack of comparative safety, we don’t move to Israel. They feel safe and trust the IDF to defend them – many express that they are eager to serve in order to contribute to the defense of the country. Also, Bernie and Maria Pargh demonstrate that we all have the ability, in ways large and small, to have a significant and immediate philanthropic impact in support of our Israeli family during this challenging time.

Thursday: We visit with wounded soldiers at Ichilov hospital in Tel Aviv. One, who had been shot twice, tells us repeatedly that he is proud to put his life on the line to protect both Israeli and Palestinian civilians. Because after all, he says, if Israel didn’t care about Palestinian civilian lives, they wouldn’t put foot soldiers on the ground and put their lives at risk – they’d simply conduct aerial assaults. He’s prepared to rejoin his unit once he is rehabilitated. Also, it’s Kfir Bibas’ birthday. He’s 1 year old. He remains one of more than 130 hostages still being kept in Gaza as of this writing (although many wonder if some of the hostages have been smuggled out, and whether the hostages are all still alive).

Friday: I run – sometimes literally – to hug loved ones. Partake of a vegan eatery for lunch with a college friend, playground playdate in the afternoon, leads into preparing and hosting Shabbat dinner for friends who are family. Tears of joy, tears of sorrow. We say shehechiyanu for our blessings, while wrestling with God (and discussing military options) at the dinner table. Many feel war with Hezbollah is coming in the nottoo-distant future.

Saturday: 23,000 steps all over Tel Aviv. Humbling to see how life goes on during a war. The promenade is packed with people walking, exercising, relaxing, drinking, smoking, surfing. Faint “booms” can be heard echoing over the waters of the Mediterranean from the south. The Arak is pungent and strong –anise is an acquired taste. One last bowl of hummus. One last embrace of the people and place. Until next time.

Rabbi Shana Mackler, The Temple: We often say, “My heart is in the East.” Since October 7, this has felt truer than ever. I am grateful to those who made the trip possible, and for my colleagues for sharing this experience and insights with me,

*Words in italics are quotes from conversations and interactions with people we met in Israel. The last few lines are from slogans we found everywhere we went.

In the southern village

The trees stand still by the homes charred and empty

Flush with fruit

And none to harvest

On the pomegranate tree bough full and green

A scorched fruit, withered and dry

Its defiant grip a memorial

Facing the hollowed out home of the boy who cast himself on the rimon to save a life.

And the people’s joy has dried up with them.

Everyone talks in before and after

The moment everything changed

When time stood still and understanding grew

We will never get back what we have lost

The scream of sirens on this holy day

Meant to be one of Joy

Our dancing turned to weeping

Readying and lacing up shoes

With loops in hand

To finish tying means stepping foot into this nightmare lasting more than a century of days

Heartbreak each dawn

I dare not open my eyes

And yet holding fast to moments of joy

And brightness and light

Amid terror and fear

Lost trust and security

Everyone wants to be of use

To heal, to hold, to hope, to help Bring them home now

Faces follow us at every stop

Names and ages

Hollow eyes and broken hearts

Orange balloons released fly against a bright blue sky

Marking one year of life

And an eternity in captivity

Pain travels the distance

Across a square and over oceans

One people, one heart means

This is my child

This is my village

These are our ruins

These are our graves

And Hatikvah is sung above them

We have a history you and I

Filled with dark and terror in every generation they say We lived, we suffered, we fled we were expelled

But that Shabbat — Black as the charred remains -

On that day

We ran toward the fight

Ein Breira - there is no choice

Am Echad - one people

Lev Echad - one heart

b’yachad Nenatzeach - we will triumph

Nirkod Shuv - we will dance again

Am Yisrael Chai

Continued on page 9

8 February 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER

Rabbis Visit Israel

Continued from page 8

Rabbi Philip “Flip” Rice, Congregation Micah:

We made the sacred pilgrimage to Israel to embrace the people, offering support to wounded soldiers, family members of hostages, and refugees; to volunteer, helping Israeli Civil Society fill in the gaps where the government falls short; to bear witness, carrying the stories

of the kidnapped, the slaughtered, the traumatized back to Tennessee.

As Jewish communal leaders we are often aware that people experience private moments of grief when the community collectively celebrates. It was powerful to take this journey with colleagues, sharing in private moments of joy surrounded by such collective grief. •

The Jewish OBSERVER • February 2024 9
Bernie Pargh, pictured left, donated two armor plated ambulances to United Hatzalah.

NJSJR Joins Common Sense Gun Safety Efforts in Tennessee

Gun safety affects each of us. We may have friends or family who have been impacted by acts of violence resulting from the use of firearms. In Nashville we have seen random shootings and, of course, the mass shooting at Covenant School last spring.

Considering these issues, the Nashville Jewish Social Justice Roundtable (NJSJR) has decided to join Tennesseans United for Gun Safety as well as to support local organized efforts advocating for meaningful gun safety legislation. The local groups include: MOMs Demand Action, Covenant Families for Brighter Tomorrows, Rise and Shine, and Voices for a Safer Tennessee.

The NJSJR Steering Committee has met with representatives of these organizations to learn how each is approaching gun safety and how our members can help in their efforts.

The state legislature has returned for its 2024 session. Some of the common-sense issues being raised with our legislators by these groups include:

• A temporary transfer law that would allow law enforcement to temporarily remove firearms from an individual who clearly represents an imminent risk of danger.

• A common-sense law that requires firearms to be locked in unaccompanied vehicles and boats (stored and secured within a fully enclosed compartment and locked by a padlock,

key lock, combination lock, electronic lock or similar locking device securely affixed to the motor vehicle or boat).

• Background checks for all firearm sales, including onsite at gun shows.

• NJSJR urges members of the Jewish community to provide support to these organizations by participating in events locally and at the Capitol, sending emails and making phone calls to legislators, attending vigils and press conferences, and, as always, making donations.

To find out what each of the groups have planned, to join them and to learn how you can participate, go to their websites:

MOMS Demand Action (Tennessee):

MomsDemandActionTN/ Covenant Families for Brighter Tomorrows:

Rise and Shine:

Voices for a Safer Tennessee: https://

As of press time, February events include:

• 7:30 p..m., Tuesday, February 6Voices for a Safer Tennessee event at The Temple;

• 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. - Tennesseans United for Gun Safety Advocacy Day at the Tennessee State Capitol. To receive communications from NJSJR, contact Irwin Venick at irwin. •

Local Student Speaks Up and Speaks Out About Antisemitism at Indiana’s Legislature

Tennessee’s Jewish Federations, along with local activists, successfully lobbied the state legislature to pass a bill defining antisemitism by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). The bill passed handily in 2022 and other states are following suit. In Indiana, a similar bill is proving more difficult to pass, but a Nashvillebased student is using his voice to move the effort along. Ben Zilberman, a senior engineering student at Purdue University, moved with his family to Nashville during high school and attended Hume Fogg High School. The oldest of three children to Liat and David Zilberman, Ben says he was driven to participate in speaking to the Indiana legislature’s education committee, where the bill was first introduced. “It was important to me to share some of the things my [fraternity] brothers have faced in terms of antisemitism on campus,” he says. Ben is the incoming president of the AEPi fraternity, the only Jewish fraternity at Purdue.

Support for Indiana’s HB1002 is growing in the wake of October 7, and a push from Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Committee (JCRC) and executive director, Jacob Markey. “Ever since October 7, there has been more anxiety in the community. We wanted to take another crack at this bill,” he says. The JCRC’s efforts led to the bill moving to a high priority issue for this year’s legislative session. “This bill allows people in our state to know what antisemitism is. It shows there is a problem here and if you know what it is, you can combat it.” Markey adds there is approximately one antisemitic incident a week in his community.

Zilberman was urged to participate in the committee hearing by Purdue’s Hillel director, Matthew Kramer-Morning. “I got a call from the JCRC asking for students to speak. I reached out to Ben as incoming president of AEPi,” he says. In addition, student testimony drove home the urgency of helping the public know what antisemitism is. “The need for the bill is best illustrated by the fact that after Ben and the other student spoke,

protester after protester came in and said to vote ‘no’ because it will take away the ability to criticize Israel.” In fact, KramerMorning says, the legislators pointed out the bill provides for criticism for Israel as distinct from antisemitic speech. “The need is now. If we Jews can’t define hate against Jews, how are we going to stop antisemitism?”

Kramer-Morning says while Purdue has not seen as much antisemitic and anti-Israel activity as other campuses around the country, students there have dealt with things like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) holding weekly rallies and using informational tables to confront Jewish and Zionist students.

“They were holding weekly rallies right after October 7. They were always scheduled for Friday nights. That lasted until Thanksgiving,” he says. He says there also was a demonstration by the Patriot Front on campus and antisemitic symbols and images displayed.

Purdue administration’s response in the wake of October 7 was markedly different than those of other high-profile university administrators. According to Kramer-Morning, university president Mung Chieng reached to him immediately, and followed with a letter to Jewish students on October 9. The letter, which provided links to resources for students,

read in part: “Since October 7, terrorist attacks on Israel by Hamas have inflicted unspeakable atrocities to Israeli civilians, with a tragic death toll and a horrendous hostage crisis. As we mourn with you, we will also stay alert to acts of anti-Semitic violence. As collaborators with Israeli universities such as the Technion, we will continue and strengthen such education and research collaboration.”

Zilberman says the swift show of support was impactful and went a long way toward helping students cope with the

tragedy. “The general climate has been really good,” he says, “The President assured us they are doing all they can to keep us safe and protected. And the Provost came to a Shabbat dinner and spoke at a candlelight vigil.”

The administration’s support is also sending a strong message to groups like SJP that antisemitism will not be tolerated on campus. “[SJP] reached out to the Chabad rabbi and the Hillel director, and the AEPi president. They wanted a meeting supposedly to foster understanding and combat antisemitism, but they left out any mention of Israel,” he says, “There was a feeling they’re trying to get a rise out of us.”

Zilberman says he continues to be optimistic about campus life at Purdue and inspired to keep speaking out. “It felt rewarding. I got to talk about my experience as a Jew. I want to continue to help Purdue be safe and comfortable for all Jewish students.” He said responses from the legislators was generally positive, despite the protesters in the room.

Liat Zilberman, Ben’s mother, says while she is extremely proud of her son, she is relieved he is not a freshman during this turbulent time. “He’s learned his way around campus, he’s well-adjusted and has a lot of support.” She says he has always been a natural leader and very independent, qualities that can prove challenging for parents. “When we looked at schools for him, we wanted to make sure there were plenty of other Jewish students on the campus. He pushed back a little, but now he knows why it’s important.” Still, she encourages Zilberman and his peers to keep working to combat antisemitism. “I think they need to always be proactive. There is always something you can do.”

Indiana’s HB1002 passed unanimously in the House education committee 83-0. It will now move to the larger House and then the Senate. Ben Zilberman says he enjoyed his first foray into the political arena and hopes to do it again someday. In the meantime, he continues to be a strong advocate for his school and for other Jewish students. “Purdue is a great place to be for Jewish students. I know most people’s names. We need more Jewish Boilermakers.” •

10 February 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER
Nashville’s Ben Zilberman speaks before Indiana legislature’s House education committee about HB1002. Pictured l. to r.: Ben Zilberman, Noa Zilberman, Arielle Zilberman, Liat Zilberman, David Zilberman.
The Jewish OBSERVER • February 2024 11 2.27.2024 7:00pm Gordon JCC Aleeza Ben Shalom with
Presented by
Register: JewishMatchmaker
5:30 - 6:30 pm
As seen on:
Life & Legacy donors will be honored at the Annual Celebration before we meet the Matchmaker.

Rabbis Rice

Continued from page 1

And Laurie agrees that it was the willingness to regroup and reconsider their options that appealed to them both. Flip says the ability to perform interfaith marriages was another key component of Micah’s philosophy that drew them in. “We wouldn’t have gotten past the first phone call unless it was clear we were going to do that,” he says.

Serving as a duo is something that has proved enriching for the Rices. They both say at the core of their relationship is mutual respect and trust. “A win for Flip reflects as a win for me,” says Laurie, “There’s no competitiveness. That sort of thing is just not there.” She says they also

have carved out separate but complementary roles for themselves. “We each have things we enjoy. When we first came, we had portfolios we were both responsible for. But now we just have to make sure everything gets done.” Laurie’s mother, Sue Hochberg, says that dynamic extends beyond the professional. “They’re like frick and frack. They play off each other well, and have their strengths, but they don’t compete.”

There are also challenges in working together. “It’s fun to work with someone who has the same passion, similar values,” says Flip, “But those passions can also be frustrating because we don’t always think the same way. But even if we weren’t married, I’d want to work with a partner who loved what they did

and wanted to help both of us grow.” But at the end of the day, Flip says working together fit with their vision of how they wanted to live together and raise their family, which now includes three nearly grown children.

Throughout the years there have been changes along the way, as with any growing institution. Both rabbis mention the typical concerns over maintaining an aging building, growing an endowment, retaining members, and running a school. But there are some constants, chief among them Micah’s ability to appeal to a diverse population of Jews, interfaith couples, and even non-Jews. “To remain a place that is a mosaic and accepts all those voices is challenging,” says Flip. But Laurie says there is one

overarching philosophy that keeps them focused. “There’s been a lot of tension around political leanings, and we have a motto here which Flip came up with which is ‘We keep politics off the bimah but not out of the building.’ So we’ll have a conversation about reproductive rights, or education or immigration, but not from the bimah or in a sermon where there’s no back and forth and an opportunity to chime in.”

One of the highlights of their tenure is the creation of Micah Children’s Academy, to which Flip credits Laurie. She in turn credits Flip with the growth of the religious school, along with director Julie Greenberg. They are also proud to have been instrumental in creating

Continued on page 13

12 February 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER
Through the years, Rabbis Laurie and Flip Rice leading the community at Congregation Micah.
Chai Lights SATURDAY, MARCH2,6:30PM COCKTAILS,DINNER& DANCING PLEASE JOINUSFOR A CONGREGATIONMICAH FUNDRAISER HONORING 18 YEARS OF LEADERSHIP, MILESTONES& MEMORIES WITH RABBIS LAURIE& FLIP RICE REGISTER AT: BIT.LY/CHAI-LIGHTS C Chu hu huck ck k & H &HHeideide e C Crra a awwffoorord id eiid i eC w or Crawford Funeral Home 2714 Grandview Avenue Nashville, Tennessee 37211 (615) 254-8200 www.craw fordserv



Continued from page 12

the Get Connected trip which sends teens to Israel. And there’s more. “We still consider ourselves leaders in inter-

faith stuff,” says Flip. Laurie points out the collaborative nature of the entire community of rabbis. “One of our collective highs is the community of Jewish clergy in Nashville. It was always okay, but in the last year it’s just become so lovely. We’re so lucky.”

Micah is distinct in its ability to be diverse and inclusive and still be very Jewish in its outlook. Flip explains, “Lots of progressive, or Reform, or liberal Jews, not politically, but in their observance, feel the tension in the polarity of particularism and universalism. And I think Micah leans towards the universalism… We are a uniquely Jewish place, but it’s presented in a way anyone can tap into it. If you’re used to in any way a spiritual place, it’s not hard to enjoy the music.” But, says Laurie, it is important to note there is still plenty of opportunity for traditional Jewish customs. “There is room for creativity and entrepreneurship within the tradition itself. There’s no need to throw the baby out with the bath water. You can maintain the bones and be creative with it.”

While reflecting on the last 18 years, it is also important to look ahead. Laurie says she is particularly focused on the interpersonal nature of the work. “I really feel like I’m making a difference for someone in a pivotal moment in their life. So, whether it’s a lifecycle event or a counseling session or some way I can help them…I could do that for another decade.” Flip echoes Laurie’s desire to continue helping more people. He becomes emotional relaying the story about a student who is on the autism spectrum and had proved challenging. “When we were on the bimah and we were passing the Torah from generation

to generation, and I was ready for the morning to be over. I handed the Torah to him he said to me, ‘This is the most meaningful moment of my life.’”

Both rabbis said serving the congregation since October 7 has brought new challenges. “Being present for people, especially after this October 7, which was not what we signed up for,” says Flip, “This extra heaviness we’re dealing with and people’s emotional and mental health has been fulfilling and meaningful, but difficult. I’d love to navigate us through that the best we can as a community.” He would also like to continue growing educational opportunities for the teens in the community, as well as exploring the use of technology to bring services to more people.

Both rabbis are humbled to be honored, surprised that 18 years have passed, and look forward to many more years of serving the congregation and the Nashville Jewish community. The event honoring them, “Chai Lights,” is scheduled for March 2 at Congregation Micah. Below are reflections from colleagues, congregants, and lay leaders who have known them through the years.

Cantor Josh Goldberg:

It has been such a positive experience for me. They both are creative and vibrant, and so willing to take risks. They have been supportive from the very first couple of months, letting me try different types of theme Shabbats from country, to 80s, to Debbie Friedman. They supported me starting Micahnections catering to millennials and Gen Z. They find different ways to serve all the members of the community

Continued on page 21

The Jewish OBSERVER • February 2024 13
14 February 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER
The Jewish OBSERVER • February 2024 15 Continued on page 20 ADVERTORIALS

Adventure Science Center

Your favorite K-6th grade spring and summer camps are back at Adventure Science Center. At our camps, kids explore science, technology, and art while enjoying interactive demonstrations, experiments, and the science center’s award-winning exhibits. Your children can explore themes in a range of topics from wilderness exploration to superheroes, outer space to wizardry, and so much more.

You’ll find that Adventure Science Center staff are dedicated to unlocking every child’s potential. Through our camp programs, we actively demonstrate our mission by offering safe, enjoyable, and educational experiences where campers independently explore STEM concepts. By doing so, we hope to instill a lifelong love for learning and create an environment that promotes creative problem-solving, teamwork, curiosity, and critical thinking.

This year we are offering spring break camp March 11 - March 15 and summer camps weekly from May 27 - August 2, as well as before and aftercare. Register today (hint: our camps are known for filling up fast!) Themes, details, and more at


The younger the age group, the faster their camps fill up.

Registration now open!

Camp Davis

Camp Davis Summer 2024 should be the best one yet in our 94-year history! We are thrilled to enter the summer in our new official home - the Madeline Pargh Arts and Crafts Center/Camp Lodge - and know the ruach will be pumped through it every single morning. Our traditional camp model offers a fun and balanced camp day for your kiddos while our Sports, Art, and STEM specialty camps provide a more tailored experience. Classics like the Science of Cooking and the renowned Fashion Camp are back while new favorites like Flag Football, Advanced Robotics with RoboThink!, and only the second ever Camp Davis Theater Camp will surely be big hits this summer. We hope you choose to spend your summer at the J with Camp Davis! Please check out our website or reach out to Camp Director Andrew Fishman at with any questions!

Camp Livingston

At Camp Livingston, campers participate in activities they know and love while also pushing themselves to try new adventures. Camp Livingston is located on 680 acres of beautifully wooded rolling hills in Bennington, Indiana and features a waterfront with water skiing and tubing; a low and high ropes course and climbing wall; a swimming pool; endless hiking trails; a baseball diamond, tennis courts, a volleyball court, basketball courts, archery and athletic fields; a state-of-the art theater; and an arts and crafts center. Sports, art, drama, dance, travel, hiking, camping – through these experiences, campers build their self-confidence, make new friends, and thrive. Each and every day at Camp Livingston, campers form lifelong friendships and develop new skills as they cultivate a strong and enduring sense of Jewish identity. Located just 4 hours from Nashville, Camp Livingston is tech-free, maintaining a traditional camp program focusing on inclusion and MESSH (Mental, Social, Spiritual, Emotional, Health) and pluralistic non-denominational Judaism. To learn more about Camp Livingston please visit or email us at!

Fashion Birthday Parties

Carrie Mills, Parson School of Design alumni and creator of Fashion Camp, now offers custom-designed Fashion Birthday Parties. Whether it’s creating a joyous and stylish birthday party of customizing tote bags, creating a runway show, fashion photography, you name it, the list goes on, she will help you envision and create it. If your child, or inner child loves fashion in any shape or form, Carrie Mills will help make your birthday celebration stylish, unique and a load of fashion fun! Instagram: @carrie. mills,

16 February 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER ADVERTORIALS 2024 SPRING BREAK CAMP March 11– March 15 SUMMER CAMPS Weekly, May– August

Healing Hearts: Alive’s Camp Forget-MeNot, Grief Support for Kids and Teens

Grieving the loss of a loved one is a unique and challenging journey, especially for children and teenagers. In recognition of this, Alive proudly hosts Camp Forget-MeNot, a specialized grief support camp designed to provide a safe and nurturing space for young hearts to heal.

At Camp Forget-Me-Not, our dedicated grief counselors guide kids and teens through a weekend of exploration, fostering healthy coping mechanisms and reinforcing the comforting message that they are not alone in their grief. The camp combines traditional outdoor activities, games, swimming, and crafts with intentional grief-processing sessions led by licensed bereavement counselors.

Beyond the laughter and camaraderie, the camp creates an environment where youngsters can form genuine connections with others who share similar experiences. These connections often extend beyond the campfire, providing an ongoing support network that transcends the weekend.

One parent shared, “The tools provided and being able to talk with other kids

Continued on page 18

The Jewish OBSERVER • February 2024 17 ADVERTORIALS Fashion Birthday Parties! Carrie Mills creator of Fashion Camp now offers customized fashion birthday parties for kids of all ages! 615-210-5044

the same age is so impactful. My daughter wants to be a part of it every year and even become a camp counselor when she is old enough to help others in the future.”

Camp Forget-Me-Not not only equips young minds with valuable tools for navigating grief but also instills a sense of empathy and compassion that lasts a lifetime. By blending therapeutic activities with genuine fun, Alive strives to offer a holistic and empowering experience for children and teens on their healing journey.

Camp info:

Dates: August 17-18

Currey Ingram Academy

Situated on our beautiful 83-acre campus featuring Beech Creek, Currey Ingram Academy offers a full array of summer camp options designed to both excite and chal-

lenge children of all ages. Summer camps at Currey Ingram are open to all campers!

The ADHD Summer Treatment Program (STP) is an intensive six-week day camp program for students ages 8 to 12 with ADHD led by highly trained counselors. Each day includes outdoor play, social skills work, academic time, and more. Weekly parent training provides tangible information to help parents better support their child. Skills targeted include self-regulation, task initiation, self-advocacy, motor skills, work completion, active listening, social skills, and participation.

Additionally, Currey Ingram offers an array of other academic and general, but unique, summer camps! From our Reading and Writing Intensive camps and ASD Summer Program to our Camp Beech Creek Day camp with accompanying Sports and Special Interest Camps, we meet a wide array of interests, academic needs, and age ranges. The Workforce Readiness camp is available for older campers. Camps are offered in both half- and full-day options. Currey Ingram camps offer low counselor-to-camper ratios and small groupings, providing a more individualized experience for your child to connect, learn, grow, and have fun!

For more information and to register visit

A Summer Filled With Adventure



Whether it is serving a tennis ball or serving others, catching bugs or catching basketballs, stringing a violin or stringing gemstones, Harpeth Hall summer camps welcome girls in kindergarten through 8th grades for unforgettable experiences in academics, athletics, and the arts. Highlights include the two-week STEM Summer Institute and the summer musical intensive. Registration is now open. To see all that is happening on Harpeth Hall’s campus this summer, visit

Continued on page 19

18 February 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER Shaping the next generation of creative minds Art& DesignSummerCamps forAges 6- 14 June 17 - July12 ADVERTORIALS
Join us!
For more information visit
athletic, and academic adventures await your daughter at Harpeth Hall!
Please support the businesses that advertise in the Observer and help support our community in all ways!

Belmont Youth Art Programs

Belmont’s youth art programs hosted by Watkins Community Education help kids and teens develop creatively as they cultivate artistic skills. Led by outstanding artists, designers and educators, these programs explore the artistic process with emphasis on problem solving, designing, communicating and creating.

Young artists will have the opportunity to work with high-quality materials, in college-level studios. The R.O.Y.G.B.I.V. Multi-arts Camps for ages 6-8 and 9-11 are inspired by weekly themes: Mysteries of Space, Monsters and Magic, Pop Art, and Safari Surprise. Campers spend half of the day exploring 2D art mediums and the other half exploring 3D art, and every kid leaves with a portfolio that expresses their creative investigation of the week’s theme.

The Studio Series Camp for ages 12-14 delves into specific a media or artistic discipline each week. This summer camps are being offered in Illustration, Drawing and Printmaking, and Photography.

After each camp session, all youth will display their work alongside their peers in an art show open to all our artists’ families and friends. Learn more at https://www.

Camp Ben Frankel

At Camp Ben Frankel we are located amidst the amazing Shawnee National Forest just three hours from Nashville. Ask us how Nashville campers can qualify for $1500 their first summer at camp!

New campers are warmly welcomed to our camp family. Our community values include being welcoming and including everyone into our Jewish community. With enrollment limited to 110, we have a small, tight-knit family feeling. Our camp director gives his cell phone to all camp families and is reachable at any time in the summer.

Campers love choosing from our 100+ elective activities! From sports to aquatics, arts to adventure, gaming to STEM, every camper will find something they love.

Our campsite is situated on a picturesque lake and nestled within the stunning Shawnee National Forest with access to incredible parks, hikes, waterfalls, rock climbs, mountain biking trails, and much more. Our facility includes air conditioned cabins, a sports complex, beach, ropes, zip line, teams course, and more.

We believe that it’s of the utmost importance to recruit and train outstanding camp staff to care for your children. We strenuously recruit the most passionate role models we can find and maintain a low ratio of campers to counselors.

Camp Ben Frankel is accredited by the American Camp Association and is a partner of the Foundation for Jewish Camp.

To learn more please head to or reach out to our director, Aaron Hadley: or call 618-235-1614

Leadership Academy TN

Explore the amazing Camp Twigs, where curiosity and fun adventures take center stage! Located in a beautiful 70-acre spot near Nashville, right by the South Harpeth River, this camp is all about letting kids discover the wonders of nature.

Imagine spending your days playing in big grassy fields, exploring by the rolling river, enjoying a playground, swinging on tree swings, and having tons of fun in a big pavilion with games and crafts. At Camp Twigs, every day is a chance for kids to choose their own adventure and make friends while doing it.

Camp Twigs is different from other camps because we believe in letting kids take the lead. Our counselors are there to support and guide, but the day is designed to be unstructured and flexible. This means lots of time for playing, making deeper connections with nature, and forming friendships.

Whether it’s building forts, watching birds, or learning outdoor skills like fire-building, Camp Twigs is the place to be. At Leadership Academy, we want kids to feel emotionally safe to practice social skills, gain confidence, and work through conflicts with our caring counselors.

Join us at Camp Twigs for an unforgettable experience where your child will fall in love with the outdoors, make lifelong friends, and have a blast exploring the wonders of nature! •

The Jewish OBSERVER • February 2024 19 ADVERTORIALS
Learn more about the Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville at Visit The Jewish Observer’s NEW website

Vanderbilt Hillel Celebrates the Start of Building Renovation: Groundbreaking Event to Take Place February 25

Vanderbilt Hillel will undergo a large building renovation this spring and summer. To celebrate the start of the construction, Vanderbilt Hillel will host a groundbreaking event at the Schulman Center for Jewish Life on Sunday, February 25 from 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Goldie Shepard, Vanderbilt Hillel’s recent honoree and caterer, is looking forward to the start of construction. “There really are no words for the kitchen project to begin and the excitement I am feeling. It really does take a village and I know the Nashville community will benefit. I am hoping people will join us for a Shabbat dinner. Stay tuned for updates!”

The students at Vanderbilt Hillel are excited for the building construc-

Ition. “I’m excited for the new building. It should be a nicer, safer place for Jewish students on campus. All my favorite spaces in the building will be improved, so all the things I love about the building future students will continue to enjoy,” says Ethan Sherman, class of 2024.

Although the plans for the building changes were officially started one year ago, Vanderbilt Hillel has been planning for several years to renovate. “We have been working hard to make this a reality, and we are thrilled to celebrate this important first step,” says Ari Dubin, executive director, Vanderbilt Hillel.

The building changes include a renovation to the newly named “The Goldie Shepard and Sylvia Shepard Vanderbilt Hillel Kitchen” that will include a walkin refrigerator/freezer, expanded space, and new kitchen equipment, upgrad-

ed security with a newly-constructed security vestibule with restricted access, ballistic window treatments, and secure fencing at the back of the building, and

Kosher Pop-Up Deli coming to Nashville

f you love the delights from New York Jewish delicatessens, Chabad of Nashville foodie event may call to you.

On Sunday, February 11, from 1:00 – 5:00 PM, Chabad of Nashville will host a pop-up Kosher New York Deli packed with the tastes and aromas of authentic cuisine. This will be an opportunity for the Nashville Jewish commu-

nity to enjoy sandwiches packed with one-quarter pound of authentic, kosher deli meat including pastrami, corned beef and turkey that are imported from New York.

It’s been years in the making. “Many people have been asking us to do this,” said Rabbi Yitzchok Tiechtel in a press statement. “While a fulltime deli is not feasible at this time,


an occasional pop-up might be. We’ll see how this goes. The fastest path to the heart is through the stomach, and we want this to be a celebration of Jewish American culture for Jews and non-Jews.”

People can take their chances the day of the event but are urged to pre-order during the dates of February 1-7, to guarantee availability.

other general improvements such as new paint/flooring, modern furnishings, renovated office spaces, and a reconstructed back patio. •

Sandwiches will be available on Sunday, February 11, from 1 to 5 pm for pickup or dine-in at the Chabad Center’s spacious Social Hall, which will be set up with tables for seating.

“This pop-up deli is not ‘kosher style’ but the genuine article,” Tiechtel said. Make advance orders by visiting or calling 615-646-5750. •


Continued from page 3

Leaving her family behind in Israel has been another challenge since October 7. “This is our first war. We moved to Israel three years ago and had to learn all the drills.”

Although the idea of matchmaking might seem to apply to a mainly younger demographic, Ben Shalom says married couples have a lot of experiences to share. “I enjoy mixed audiences. We share dating and marriage wisdom through banter and play. We share stories and I use a lot of comedy. It really sticks with the audience,” she says.

The Nashville event is scheduled for February 27 at the Gordon Jewish Community Center at 7pm. All ages and stages of life are invited and encouraged to attend. It is part of the 7th year celebration of the Life & Legacy program. Shirk says while Ben Shalom is well


known to many younger members of the community, everyone will find something to take away from the event. “The Life & Legacy program is an intergenerational initiative to support our local Jewish organizations and ensure the future of Jewish Nashville. Life & Legacy is a communal story continuing into the future. We also hope that younger members of the community will enjoy seeing her live and volunteer to contribute their life stories to the future of Jewish Nashville by joining with their parents and grandparents as Life & Legacy donors.”

Ben Shalom says building community is something everyone should enjoy. “Come learn something and do some good in the world.”

For more information about Life & Legacy and The Jewish Matchmaker event, contact, or norma@jewishnashville. org, or visit landlreception. •

20 February 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER
Learn more about the Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville at … because your memories matter 479 Myatt Drive, Madison, TN 37115-3024 615-712-9521 •
Goldie Shepard and Sylvia Shepard were honored by Vanderbilt Hillel as part of the 20th Anniversary Campaign by naming the kitchen, “The Goldie Shepard and Sylvia Shepard Vanderbilt Hillel Kitchen.
Visit The Jewish Observer’s
Publication date April 1, 2024 Deadline for ads March 15, 2024 Contact Carrie Mills, Advertising Manager 615-354-1699 e-mail fax 615-352-0056 A time for the Jewish Community to prepare special foods and celebrate this meaningful time of year. Be sure to be a part of this annual issue. COMING APRIL 2024

WES Volunteers Bring Smiles to Vanderbilt Hospital Staff, Visitors

What do Jews do on Christmas Day?

They see a movie and eat Chinese food. But for several West End Synagogue members, volunteering at Vanderbilt Hospital on Christmas morning is added to that list. They have been serving pastries, coffee, orange juice and smiles to hospital staff members and to hospital visitors for many years. They wheel carts around to each nurse’s station as well as serve visitors in the hospital lobby. This was the first year since the pandemic that the West End Synagogue Social Action Committee activity resumed. WES volunteers were led by Jim Handler.

Over the years, The Donut Den on Hillsboro Rd. has graciously donated any remaining supply of sweets as Christmas Eve approached. This year, with Christmas Eve on a Sunday, the Donut Den told Teena Cohen, who took on the task of collecting pastry donations, that they would be totally sold out

Rabbis Rice

Continued from page 13

through inreach and outreach and break down barriers. They honor tradition, but are not bound by it.

Lynn Heady:

As a past president (twice), I have had the honor of working closely with both Rabbis. While they are very different in approach and process, their individual and collective beliefs are “open book” and this truly helps me (and others I know) in determining my Jewish path. They challenge me to be better and to contribute confidently to making the world better in ways that are complementary to who I am as a Jew.

One anecdote: Rabbi Flip visited me in the hospital after a surgery. He was warm and supportive and during our visit, he happened to notice that my pitcher was out of water. This was not acceptable, and he marched to the nurse’s station to remedy this and to be sure it was always full. After that, I always had 2-3 pitchers in my room at a time! God knows what he said!

Lisa and Jay Levy:

We had the pleasure of traveling with them to Israel in 2012. They enriched the trip with their knowledge, perspectives, and enthusiasm.

We experienced the joy of them officiating at two Bat Mitzvahs for our daughters and one wedding. We were especially appreciative of Rabbi Laurie’s acting as remote clergy and facilitating a Zoom wedding during Covid.

We cherish the community they have built while at Congregation Micah. They create a warm and welcoming place for all. They even welcome our parents from out of town when they join us for services.

We appreciate their ongoing quest for enhancing spiritual experiences. Status quo is not in their vocabulary. They are very special people and we feel so very fortunate that they have been a part of our lives for the last 18 years.

of donuts by noon, their closing time!


New sources of sweets were needed, immediately. Joan Mehlman. suggested that Cohen should contact Angela Harris, bakery manager at Publix Belle Meade, about the possibility of some donations. Harris met Cohen at the store near closing time and pointed to three enormous boxes filled with a variety of pastries. Then she added numerous items to the boxes. She even loaded these boxes into Cohen’s car. Cohen was truly overwhelmed by the generosity.

In addition, Sam Herman, a WES member and grocery manager at the Bellevue Kroger, and Robert Laflouche, Bellevue Kroger store manager, added to the donated pastries. WES member Helen Crowley helped Cohen by finding additional donations. Vanderbilt Hospital generously provided the coffee and OJ.

WES members are looking forward to next year’s movie, Chinese food and especially volunteering at the hospital.

Rebecca Milman:

Simply put, we LOVE the Rabbis Rice. They have become our spiritual guides, for they continually remind us of the constant presence of our Jewish history in the present day. More often than not, their sermons and insightful comments shared during services invite deep conversation afterwards. The Rices not only inspire us to do more but also to think more.

We are especially grateful for their accessibility and compassion during the time of our deepest sorrow, the loss of our 22-year-old daughter. We certainly could not have managed without them.

We can’t close without mentioning how much we appreciate their fabulous sense of humor and their strong commitment to social justice.

Eden Rice, daughter

Growing up with both of my parents as rabbis at Congregation Micah has been a unique and enriching experience. The synagogue, more than just a place of worship, has become an extension of our home. Witnessing my parents’ commitment to their roles as spiritual leaders has shaped my perspective on community, values, and faith.

My parents have always done an amazing job at balancing their work and home life. Growing up, there was nothing I loved more than my dad letting me light Shabbat candles at Micah during Friday night services or awaiting the day he’d bring home the Purim script each year and tell me I get to be a princess.

Baking various types of challah with my mom has always been a cherished tradition that extended beyond our family to the congregants we would then host for Shabbat dinner. This shared endeavor not only created delicious memories but also reinforced the easy blend of our personal and communal lives.

My parents never failed to make our home a welcoming space for both our immediate family and the extended family within the congregation. While dinner

conversations often circled back to topics involving work and the congregation, my parents consistently prioritized my brothers and me. Despite the demands of their roles as rabbis, they never failed to put our needs and concerns at the forefront. Their ability to navigate the delicate balance between professional responsibilities and family life created a nurturing environment and I couldn’t be happier than to have grown up in such a loving community.

Kerry Tapia, Executive Director

Working with them has been an incredibly enriching experience. I was there when they first came to Micah and saw the joy they brought to their work and to the congregation. I worked with them for several years, and then left for 10 years (to Touro Synagogue in New Orleans) but decided to come back to Micah because I knew how incredible this community was and how rewarding it is to work with Rabbis Rice. They’re very creative, and it brings out the creativity in others.

Their approachability is pretty amazing. It sounds simple, but it’s more. They make it easy — organic, to be part of the community. To get to know them. To find your place at Micah. Everyone wants to feel at home, and they make Micah a home.

The Rices resonate with people because this congregation is a family. It is pretty special to have a married couple leading our congregation. That automatically makes it feel more connected. More familiar. I like the fact that when I leave my home and go to work, I am entering my second home.

There are too many highlights that come to mind, but I automatically started to think about how there are so many sides. On the light side, I remember all the fun Purim spiels that the rabbis wrote and how fun it is to share that with the community: in costume. With laughter. With joy.

On the heavier side, I think about all the hard moments in our members’ lives, and how our rabbis have been there. They’re part of our lives. •

Senior Move Management Services

“Always the right move. ”

Please support the businesses that advertise in the Observer and help support our community in all ways! Make sure to let them know... you saw their ad here!

The Jewish OBSERVER • February 2024 21
Members of West End Synagogue’s Social Action Committee bring holiday hospitality to Vanderbilt Hospital.
Visit The Jewish Observer’s NEW website

At Our Congregations…

Nashville’s congregations

Here are the websites for all five Nashville Jewish congregations, with information on services, upcoming events and more:

Congregation Beit Tefilah Chabad,

Congregation Micah,

Congregation Sherith Israel,

The Temple – Congregation Ohabai Sholom, West End Synagogue,

The Observer provides congregational listings of events and services as a complimentary service to the community. If your congregation is not listed, it is because we did not receive the information in time to meet our publication deadline. Please give your rabbi, executive director, or synagogue volunteer a gentle nudge.

@ Chabad /Congregation Beit Tefilah

“Gourmet Hamantashen available Now in Nashville”

Leave it to the Jews to have a cookie inspired by cultural annihilation! Hamantashen are the triangle-shaped filled cookies most commonly associated with Purim, the most joyous of all Jewish holidays. Hamantashen, the classic Purim cookies, are eagerly awaited by everyone young and old. They are versatile and can be made from a good sweet yeast dough, flaky dough or from a traditional cookie dough. The fillings can be mixed and matched.

The Hamantash cookie is eaten on Purim, when we read from the Book of Esther, the Megillah, and celebrate the Megillah, and celebrate the triumph of good (Esther) over evil (Haman, who planned to destroy the Jewish people.) Purim is the most joyous of all Jewish holidays.

Chabad of Nashville is offering delicious Hamantashen to share with family and friends, while celebrating the joyous holiday of Purim!

These gourmet Hamantaschen will be baked by an authentic Hamantash bakery in Brooklyn New York, and will be offered in three different flavors, Raspberry, Poppy Seed and chocolate chip, and will all be dipped in chocolate, to give a rich smooth taste.

Orders can be placed at, and need to be placed by February 29, for on time shipping before Purim. Purim will be celebrated this year on Tuesday, March 24, 2023.

For more information, feel free to call 615-646-5750

Chabad to host two TGIS celebration in February

Start your Shabbat off right with good friends, great conversation, and excellent kosher cuisine, all seasoned with the perfect amount of spirit and joy. TGIS is a Club Med Shabbat: An all-inclusive Shabbat experience. Enjoy a Friday night Shabbat dinner replete with traditional dishes. Blended with spirited singing, a Chasidic tale, and a chance to meet some wonderful new people. TGIS will be held on Friday evening, February 19 hosted by Ido and Orli Biger, and on February 23 hosted by Judy Kilgore, at 6:30 PM at Chabad of Nashville.

There is no cost to attend the TGIS Shabbat experience, however we kindly request that you RSVP by letting us know you will be attending at chabadnashville@

Craving Community? There is hope!

Craving Community? There is hope! Join people like yourself for our weekly Shabbat morning service. For the whole family. Come for all, come for part.

Join us for our weekly Shabbat service and community experience. Services are warm, welcoming, joyous, and friendly, and they will include some traditional prayers in Hebrew, explanations and English readings, Torah reading and inspirational talk.

The traditional service is designed to guide you step-by-step and will make you comfortable regardless of previous exposure and background. This, coupled with modern Jewish melodies and an easy to read prayer book translation will make Shabbat prayer services an enjoyable and meaningful experience for you.

Shabbat morning services begin at 10:00 Am, with Torah reading at 11:00 AM, and is followed by a social Kiddush buffet luncheon, including a hot gourmet cholent, and a spread of delicious dishes and freshly baked desserts.

The event is always capped off with Torah and Tea for women, and the Men’s Group weekly farbrengen with L’Chaim.


Join friends for a morning of bagels, lox and Tanya (Jewish mysticism) on Sunday, February 25, at 10:00 AM. Partake in a delicious spread of bagels, lox, cream cheese, and freshly brewed coffee as you learn from the Holy Book of the Tanya, and the Gates of Trust. Nourish your Mind, Body and Soul with BLT at Chabad of Nashville.

Chabad Chicken Soup Squad Winter 2024

All about town people suffering from the common cold, strains of flu, or maybe a strain of Covid, and are looking up and feeling a bit apprehensive.

Never fear: The Chabad Chicken Soup Squad is here to the rescue. Chabad is presenting the Winter 2024 Chicken Soup Squad, as various local chefs prepare authentic chicken soup, and a dedicated team of volunteers who deliver fresh heartwarming chicken soup to those under the weather, or are not feeling well. This chicken soup broth has earned rave reviews -it’s the original Jewish penicillin.

For anyone who would like a free quart or two of this unique chicken soup broth, or would like to volunteer with delivering this soup to those who are under the weather, please call Chabad’s Chesed desk at 615-646-5750, or email

@ Micah

Congregation Micah - an inclusive, innovative synagogue exploring and celebrating Jewish life - is committed to building community and repairing the world! We offer creative and diverse ways to live a Jewish life in Tennessee and beyond, using the rich beliefs and practices of Progressive Judaism as our foundation. Visit our 30+ acre campus or access our virtual programs from our website, Like us on socials: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @MicahNashville; sign up for our e-blasts; learn and pray with us in-person, or livestream our service on our website, YouTube, or Facebook. In our tent, there is room for everyone!

Weekly Events

Sanctuary Shabbat Services: Fridays at 6 PM

At Micah, we approach God in many ways: the inspiration of words, the beauty of sacred space, the authenticity of our intentions, and through the power of music and song. Join us in-person or virtually for services this month that will be as diverse as they are engaging, as moving as they are participatory. Come early and schmooze with us starting at 5:30 PM! Light refreshments are served.

Saturday Morning Torah Study: 9 AM on Zoom

Deep conversations about the text with thoughtful and caring people led by the clergy.

Mah Jongg: Tuesdays from 12:30 PM- 3:30 PM

Join our players for an afternoon of fun in the social hall! For more information, contact Paula:

Schmooze & Views: Thursdays from 10:30 AM- 11:30 AM

At Micah, we keep politics off the pulpit but not out of the building. Share your views in a round-table discussion on current events facilitated by Rabbi Flip and Dr. Bob Smith.

February Events

Micah Minis: Saturday, February 3, at 9:30 AM

Sing and Dance with our clergy! This family-friendly Shabbat experience is aimed at ages 7 and younger.

Micah Reads: Monday, February 5, at 7 PM on Zoom

Education Director Julie Greenberg leads the discussion on “The Light Between Us” by Andrew Fukuda on February 5 and “I Kept Walking” by Minou Soumekh Michlin on March 4.

Grief Group: Thursday, February 22, at 12 PM

We all have stories of loss. Maybe a loved one died, a marriage ended, a relationship went sideways, or a job slipped through our fingertips. Loss is often accompanied by grief, and grief is best explored and moved through by the sharing of stories in community. Rabbi Laurie will convene a grief circle monthly beginning in August. All are welcome to attend. This offering is in-person only.

Learn more about the Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville at

22 February 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER

@ Sherith Israel

February 2-3

Scholar in Residence with Mark Trencher

February 23 Shabbaton with Israel 365

Dinner and Shabbat Programming.

@ The Temple

Pirkei Avot: Jewish Wisdom for Today’s World

Every Friday from 5:00-5:40 PM

Get ready for Shabbat with a little text study! Each week we will study a piece of wisdom from Pirkei Avot, The Ethics of our Ancestors, an ancient Jewish text still relevant in our own times. Available in person at The Temple and via zoom.

Zoom Room:

Shabbat Schedule for February at The Temple

You can also watch via zoom from

Friday, February 2nd ~ 6:00 PM

Friday, February 9th ~ 6:00 PM-SOCIAL ACTION SHABBAT

Friday, February 16th ~ 6:00 PM – FAMILY SERVICE


Chevrah Torah Study

9:30AM on Saturdays

Join us for our weekly Torah study on the portion of the week, led by the clergy. You can join us in person at The Temple or via zoom from

Women’s Torah Study

February 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th

10:30 AM

Ongoing weekly women’s Torah study led by Patty Marks.

Available in person at The Temple and via zoom through

Lunch with the Rabbi

February 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th

Lunch at 11:30AM

Program12:00-1:00 PM

$15 per person for lunch

Engage with Rabbi Danziger and guests in a discussion of current and important issues from a Jewish perspective.

RSVP on or by calling the Temple at 615-352-7620

Available in person and via zoom.

Zoom Room:

Monday Mah Jongg with Canasta

Join Us for MAH JONGG Mondays at The Temple!

February 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th


Drop in for Mah Jongg. We’ll have coffee and water. Bring your friends, a card, and a set and have some fun. Mah Jongg cards and sets are available for purchase in The Temple Gift Shop.

Jews & Booze

Led by Rabbi Michael Shulman, certified bourbon steward

Wednesday, February 7th

6:00pm at The Temple

Join us for this guided tasting and learn the bourbon basics plus the jewish connections to the whiskey industry in America.

RSVP, go to

The Temple’s Adult Education Series

Hello My Name Is….

Learn Jewish History, Innovation, Culture, and Values through Famous Jews with Familiar Names.

Hello My Name is David: Tuesdays, February 4th and 11th at noon at The Temple. Our clergy will be leading these sessions. For more information, go to

At Our Congregations…

Golden Lunch Bunch

Will meet at Temple from 11:30-1:00pm on

February 6: Calentano

February 20: Craig Duncan

RSVP to Jamie Maresca at 615-354-1686 or via email at helpinghands@

Java & Jewish Learning: The Book of Judges

Wednesdays at 8:30am

February 7th

In person and via zoom through

The Temple Welcomes the WannaBeatles

Sunday, February 25th at 6:30pm

$12-Concert and After Party with Fun!

Tot Shabbat

February 24th at 4:00pm

For families with children up to age 5

These opportunities offer families the chance to celebrate Shabbat with their young children in a creative way. Join us for music, art and fun!

Join The Temple and Voices for a Safer Tennessee for a Jewish Community Conversation on Faith and Firearms

February 6th at 7:00pm at The Temple


Steve Cavendish, Editor, Nashville Banner


Karl Dean, Former Mayor of Nashville

Rabbi Shana Mackler, The Temple

Dr. Allan Peetz, Trauma Surgeon and Assistant Professor

Erin Rogus, Policy Director, Voices for a Safer Tennessee

Visit for more information

@ West End

For links to the following online services or programs, please email office@westendsyn. org or visit our website calendar for more information https://westendsyn.shulcloud. com/calendar

2/4 Tribute Dinner and Mystery Show –6:15 p.m.

All are invited to our annual fundraiser, tribute dinner, and mystery show celebrating 10 years of leadership and service by Rabbi Joshua and Jessica Kullock. Tickets are now available at

2/7 - Women’s Torah Group (on Zoom) –11:00 a.m.

Rabbi Joshua leads our Women’s study of the book of Deuteronomy.

2/8 - Men’s Torah Group (in person) –12:00 p.m.

Join us for our Torah class for men. We are currently studying the Second Book of Kings and will be eating pizza.

2/9 - Tot Shabbat/Oneg – 5:30 p.m.-6:30 pm

Friday night Shabbat services for Families with Young Children led by Nili Friedman & Sharon Paz.

2/9 - Potluck Shabbat Dinner

Join us Friday, February 9th for an intimate Shabbat dinner experience with delicious food and fabulous company. Visit the WES calendar to RSVP.

2/10 - Kid’ish Club, aka Jr. Congregation

Inviting all 2nd – 7th graders for Kid’ish Club Shabbat morning, Saturday February 10th from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Kiddush lunch to follow.

Continued on page 24

The Jewish OBSERVER • February 2024 23

At Our Congregations…

Continued from page 23

2/11 – Men’s Club and Sisterhood World Wide Wrap

Join us as Jews throughout the world to pray and wrap Tefillin in solidarity with Israel on Sunday, February 11th, beginning at 8:30 a.m. RSVP at

2/14 - The Sandi Goldstein Learn & Lunch Program for ages 60+ - 11:00 a.m.

Reservations required, catered lunch following the presentation.

Speaker: Sharon Paz.

Lunch catered by Goldie Shepard at 12:00 p.m. Cost: $3.00 RSVP 615-269-4592 ext. 11 or

2/23-2/25 - Scholar in Residence: Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson

Join us for a weekend full of Torah with our Scholar in Residence, Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, Dean of the Rabbinic Seminary in Los Angeles, who will be returning to Nashville after ten years.

2/23: Kabbalat Shabbat services at 6:00 p.m., followed by a catered dinner and then lecture: “Israel Beyond Politics.” Check ShulCloud or email the office to RSVP and learn more.

2/24: Shabbat services at 9:30 a.m., followed by kiddush lunch and then a special class: “The Dynamic Way We Dance Ourselves into Being”.

2/25: Morning services at 9:00 a.m., followed at 9:30 a.m. by the class: “Why be Jewish? A talk for Parents, Children, and Everyone Else.”

2/25 – Red Cross Blood Drive at WES

From 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the WES Social Hall. To schedule an appointment, please visit and enter sponsor code: WES.

2/28 - The Sandi Goldstein Learn & Lunch Program for ages 60+ - 11:00 a.m.

Reservations required, catered lunch following the presentation.

Speaker: Michal Eskenazi Becker.

Lunch catered by Goldie Shepard at 12:00 p.m. Cost: $3.00 RSVP 615-269-4592 ext. 11 or

Ongoing Programs

Sisterhood Challah Sales made by Melissa Sostrin

Sign up on the Google form linked below or text Jessica Kullock at 615-881-4455 by WEDNESDAY AT 9:00 p.m. each week to pre-order for pickup Friday during synagogue office hours.

Flavors: Plain, chocolate, cinnamon, cinnamon raisin, zaatar, poppy seeds, sesame, bag of 6 challah rolls. Plain is $8/each, all challah with seeds toppings are $8.50, and the rest are $9/each.

Learning Opportunities

Talmud on Tuesdays

Rabbi Joshua leads a lively Talmudic discussion at 7:30 a.m. in person and on Zoom every Tuesday, immediately after morning minyan. Come and join us!

Thursday Torah study

With Nechemya Rosenfeld every Thursday morning at 7:30 a.m. following morning minyan at 7:00 a.m.

Religious Services

Shacharit (in person)

Our minyanaires are always looking for more people to strengthen the only egalitarian minyan in town! Sunday services will be at 9:00 a.m. and Monday-Friday will be at 7:00 a.m. Monday and Thursday minyans to be followed by breakfast.

Ma’ariv (on Zoom)

Join us for daily Ma’ariv at 6:00 p.m., Sunday-Thursday.

Kabbalat Shabbat

You are invited to join us every Friday for Kabbalat Shabbat in person at 6:00 p.m. As part of our Friday night services, we are currently studying Jewish ethics through an in-depth reading of Pirkei Avot.

Shabbat Morning services

You are invited to join us every Saturday morning in person or by Zoom at 9:30 a.m. Great davening, insightful learning of the Torah portion and a yummy (and nutritious!) kiddush lunch following services! •

Community Listings

Rutherford Haverah

The Rutherford Haverah, aka Jewish Murfreesboro will be holding a “New to the Boro” event on February 18th at 2pm. Register for the event by going to https:// . The address of the event will be provided upon registration. •


(…because it’s not just about the money!)


Last week I had three people remind me that 2024 is a Leap Year. Since it hadn’t occurred in quite some time (sort of like the cicadas), I decided to do some research. I know Leap Year happens every four years, but why?

Here’s the answer:

Leap Year exists because of the time it takes the earth to orbit the Sun. There are 365 days in most calendar years, but in the time it takes for the Earth to go around the sun once, our planet actually spins 365 and nearly a quarter times!

The reason we care about that extra quarter is because the earth has seasons, and the farmers need consistency to know when to plant and harvest.

You’re welcome for the history lesson! Now, what does that mean to you in 2024? It means that this is the year you get a ‘Once-Every-Four- Years’ Gift Certificate for an extra day. How will you spend it?

As you read, the farmers understood the importance of planning ahead. They knew that if the calendar didn’t match with the seasons, they would have a more difficult time growing crops and that could affect the food supply. Well, if you don’t plan for the non-financial road ahead, you just might have a more difficult time adjusting to retirement, which could certainly affect you and your relationships!

As I researched more, I came across a few interesting customs linked to Leap Year. First, people born on February 29th are called ‘Leaplings,’ and the chance of being born a Leapling is about 1-in1,461. (Do you know anyone?)

Another custom is that February 29th is often associated with romance and marriage. In 5th century Ireland, St. Patrick made it the only day on which women could propose to men. And… if a man rejects the proposal, he owes her a debt of several pairs of gloves – to hide the fact that she did not get to wear an engagement ring!

(By the way regarding that other periodic happening, unlike Leap Year and its gift of a free day, the arrival of the cicadas doesn’t give us anything except a headache! They spend most of their lives underground emerging every 13 or 17 years* emitting a loud annoying noise that makes us stay in our homes. Small comfort that they can aerate lawns and improve water filtration in the ground.)

Leap Day this February 29th is on a Thursday. I understand many of you will be going to work or fulfilling your other regular activities and responsibilities. Others may think you’d rather be spontaneous and not structured. The planning I’m suggesting you can use in every situation every day and will really be important in retirement.

Here are a few ideas:

• How about promising yourself a day to eliminate the negative self-talk Remember the Cherokee legend that in each of us lives two wolves fighting for attention. One is anger, envy and greed, and the other is hope, happiness and kindness. When a young boy asked his grandpa, “Who wins?’ the grandpa answers “Whichever one you feed.”

• Devote your day to doing something for the greater good. Spend it volunteering for a charity or by visiting with a neighbor who has the winter blues. Make it a day when you make a difference in someone’s life.

• Calling old friends and sharing memories can be a great way to enjoy your day and reconnect. Make new friends but keep the old – one is silver and the other is gold.

• Use February 29th as the day you start going out of your way to do less sitting and more moving. No bingeing on a Netflix series; just turn on the music and take Mark Twain’s advice to have fun as you “…dance like nobody’s watching!”

Those are a few thoughts! Happy Leap Year and let me know how you are spending that day!

* I found that the cicadas are due in Tennessee this year in mid-May! •

Kvetch in the City

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung

Watching all the protests lately of mostly young people not knowing who or what they are really supporting in terms of good

and evil, and when confronted and asked if they understand what they are actually protesting for, many of them stand there somewhat dazed and confused, stuttering, or defiant, in their ignorance of history, reality and truth.

All this “wokeness” just makes me want to literally go to sleep. It’s a nightmare out there.

I’m all for taking the term woke and

24 February 2024 • The Jewish OBSERVER
Continued on page 26

February in the Galleries: Featured Works by Cindi Slaughter, Analesa Berg, and Marty Welch

The Janet Levine March Gallery will feature the work of Cindi Slaughter, a mixed media and collage artist who calls Nashville, Tennessee home. She grew up in Birmingham, Alabama, earning a bachelor’s degree in art at the University of Montevallo. She worked as a designer during the early years of her career and has continued to do freelance work and commissions over the years.

Heavily influenced by 20th century modern art, Slaughter’s art has hints of modernism, abstract expressionism, and pop art. She prefers working with an assortment of media as she believes it is analogous of the life experience – pieces of this and that from here and there assembled to make the whole.

The JLMG2 Gallery will feature the work of Martin J. Welch. Welch received his BFA in Printmaking from Murray State University and later an MA in Functional Design from Murray State University. He has been a professional woodworker for the past 35 years while continuing to make art in various mediums.

Welch’s recycled wall clocks combine his current interest as a cycling enthusiast. He utilizes recycled bike components as design elements. His work as a custom woodworker provides a variety of “off-fall” materials available that he rescues from the waste stream, creating functional, one-of-a-kind works of art using otherwise throw-away materials. The only purchased items in the clocks he creates are the actual movements and a bit of spray paint.

The Sig Held Gallery will feature the

art of Analesa Berg. Berg, MSW, MATS, comes from a long-line of Kabbalists (Jewish Mystics) and a background of using healing arts to help people reach their full potential. These influences, as well as her years of living internationally as a cross-cultural consultant, are evident in her body of work as an artist. Berg’s desire is to bring people together beyond differences and to share joyful energy through her colorful and spiritually infused paintings so we realize more peace in our world.

Berg spent 30 days in silence during which she created 23 gouache paintings of Hebrew Letter Mandalas which she calls The Alphabet of Vibration. These paintings have been featured in galleries, healing centers, synagogues, and Jewish Community Centers around the United States. Berg also wrote and performed a one-woman show called “The 23rd

Letter” which told the story of creating The Alphabet of Vibration through the lens of her ancestors and life experiences. Since moving to Nashville in 2021, Berg’s art has expanded to include mixed media paintings done with acrylic and collage. These new works invite the viewer to expand perspectives and live their lives fully in new and joyful ways. Berg is an inspiring keynote speaker, singer, and facilitator of heart-centered, safe spaces for men and women to trust their inner wisdom and courageously live life with as much love as possible.

The Senior Gallery continues to feature the art of Marilynn Derwenskus.

The House gallery features the Under One Roof collaborative exhibit.

The Artist Reception will be Wednesday, February 7th from 6 – 8pm.

The Exhibition Dates are February 2 - 29th.

The exhibitions are free and open to the public. Attendees will need sign in at the front desk. For more information, contact the GJCC at 615.354-1699, Curator Carrie Mills at, or go to •

“ I am ver y pleased with Clarendale at Bellevue Place. My apartment is spacious, the sta is attentive and helpful, and fellow residents feel like family. The lifes tyle has exceeded my expec tations.” –

The Jewish OBSERVER • February 2024 25
just take it from us. Residents feel in spired by the connectivity, act ivity, and hospitalit y of our communit y, met with a cont inuum of care if suppor t is ever needed To learn more about our well-rounded lifest yle, call 615-258-6364 or visit Experience independent your ever y need.
Decorama, by Cindi Slaughter Shalom, by Analesa Berg Green Clock, by Martin Welch


B’rit Mitzvah

Adrienne Numbers


Linda Ardman

Theresa M. Freudenthal Lapidus

Adrienne Numbers will be called to the Torah as a Brit Milah on Saturday, February 24, at 10:30 a.m. at Congregation Micah. Adrienne is the child of Natalie-Chantal LévySousan and Darrin Numbers, the sister of Tristan Numbers (z”l), Naomi Numbers and Cedric Numbers.

A seventh grader at Harding Academy, Adrienne loves sports, especially volleyball, as well as arts, crafts, singing and science! She loves giving everything her best and supporting her teammates and friends.

Condolences to the family of Linda Ardman. Survivors include Linda’s husband, Martin Ardman; children, Laura Yazdian (Afshin), Amy Shea (Mitchell), and Stacy Lapidus (Jack); and grandchildren, Brady, Ryan, Alyson, Jeremy, Anna, Max and Ben.

Mahboob Babaknia

Condolences to the family of Mahboob Babaknia. Survivors include Azita Babaknia Yazdian (Abe), Ariel, Joshua, David and Aaron Yazdian; other family members, Ardeshir Babaknia, Arjang Babaknia, Fariba Babaknia Kamran, Arfa Babaknia, and Ardelan Babaknia. She was predeceased by her husband. Rohollah Babaknia. Burial was in Los Angeles.

Condolences to the family of Theresa M. Freudenthal Lapidus, 94, who died on January 14. She came to the United States when she was nine years old fleeing Nazi Germany with her parents and sister.

Terry met and married Curt Freudenthal in New York City and they moved to Nashville for his work with Lion Ribbon Company. Following his death, she married Charles Lapidus.

Terry was a ballerina, an artist and active in many local organizations including the West End Synagogue, The Temple, the Jewish Community Center and the Nashville Opera. Terry will be remembered for her infectious smile, her positive outlook on life and her care for others. She is survived by daughters, Judy Freudenthal, Deborah Freudenthal (Ted Hackett), Nancy Morris (Danny); two grandchildren and two great grandchildren. •

Kvetch in the City

Continued from page 24

putting it back to sleep. Because quite honestly when I watch all these supposed “woke” people, I don’t even know what that term means anymore. Or maybe, quite honestly, I never really did. I tend to be old-fashioned and truthfully quite simplistic in my thinking. For me, living a decent human life boils down to…treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. Period. That for me, is the goal in my waking hours; call it “woke” if you like.

Problem seems to me is that most people in general, are so messed up. And yes, I’m one to talk. I’ve been working through my inner mess-ness most of my life and continue to do so.

I think if people find it so important to label themselves “woke” or otherwise, I suggest maybe there is a way to get certified to do so.

For example, one must go to therapy for at least 10 years, or perhaps a 12-step program (it’s free and there are a zillion kinds to choose from) for the same amount of time as well, get a handle on one’s inner workings. Know thyself is a good place to start.

And I’m talking ideally, for every single person on the planet. Stop and look inside. Do the work. Understand the why. What makes one think the way one thinks, feel the way one feels, believe the way one believes, behave the way one behaves? Not just follow along like sheep. Question everything. Question it all. What has anyone got to lose?

Own one’s own dark places and shadows. Understand how one is projecting those dark places onto others.

Learn about oneself, without the influence of family, friends, and society pressuring to think or be or act a certain way that is supposedly the norm. Become a true individual.

Know one’s own skills and talents. Use them to the best of one’s ability for the good of the world.

Any hoots, this is my own personal credence, what I strive for personally. Am I perfect? Far from. However, I’m not afraid to look at my own faults and own them. That’s a start. And yes, I’d be first in line to sign up for the “Decent Human Certificate.” I’d proudly hang it on my wall.

Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone were certified in being a decent, self-actualized human being? Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone were thoughtful, caring, kind people? I wonder then if there would ever be such a thing as war.

You should know I’m writing this on Oct.10, 2023 with wars raging, propaganda, hate, ignorance ignited, and 135 innocent humans being held captive in the dungeons of hell.

I’m reminded of Anne Frank and her way of staring directly into pure evil and still having hope and believing in the goodness of people and the beauty of the world.

With that in mind, I think for now, I’ll take a nap.

Someone wake me up when it’s over. •

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