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May Be The Best Cure For Holiday Loneliness


Olam, is such a well-known concept in Jewish life that it almost borders on being a cliché. But of course, it is not. The importance of making the world a better place through acts of kindness and compassion is taught to us from an early age and is a tenant of Judaism. And though helping others is admirable, by helping others, you can also help yourself as Tikkun Olam is a powerful antidote to loneliness.

While many anticipate the holidays as a time to rejoice with family and friends, others dread the loneliness that can accompany the holiday season, particularly for those who may be separated from loved ones or who do not have a strong support network. However, Tikkun Olam provides a way to transcend this sense of isolation and build bridges with others, creating a sense of connection and community that can last long after the holiday season has ended.

By focusing on the needs of others, one can also gain perspective on their own challenges and struggles, and find a new sense of meaning and purpose in their lives. While many find fulfillment by volunteering at non-profit organizations, even a call to a friend or family member who may be struggling or lonely is equally important. The important thing is to do something. It’s not about thinking about ways to improve the world or help others. It’s about taking action in the here and now. Helping others is free, but the reward is priceless.

Here are a few suggestions of Tikkun Olam that you can do during Rosh Hashanah or any time of the year:

1. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or food bank to help provide meals to those in need.

2. Visit elderly residents at a nursing home or assisted living facility to brighten their day and offer companionship.

3. Collect and donate clothes, blankets, or other items to a homeless shelter or organization that supports those experiencing homelessness.

4. Participate in a community clean-up effort to help keep your local area clean and attractive.

5. Volunteer at a charitable organization or find a cause that aligns with your values and passions and start contributing.

6. Write letters or make phone calls to elected representatives or government officials to voice your concerns about issues affecting your community.

7. Plant trees or participate in an environmental restoration project to help improve the health of the planet.

8. Participate in a march or rally to support a cause you believe in, such as racial justice, climate action, or immigrant rights.

9. Volunteer at an animal shelter or rescue.

10. Volunteer at a hotline serving those with mental health emergencies.