September/October Issue 1

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Our friends from overseas visit America

Jacob Brown / Photographer

Volume 35. Issue 1. oct. 28. 2015

Seniors Michael Purvis and Abby Workman smile as they share the moment together of being crowned the 2015 Homecoming King and Queen

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realization and nervousness for the game and halftime big announcement settled in. Workman and Purvis both agreed that they were very nervous to go to the game to find out who would be crowned. Along with, feeling nervous about halftime starting. "Walking on the field was overwhelming there were so many people watching. I had butterflies while waiting. Standing on the field waiting was nerve-racking it made me anxious," Workman said. “It was nerve-racking because I just wanted to hear the inevitable. I even had butterflies. Waiting on the field felt like five minutes," Purvis said. As the winners were relieved the two seniors experienced a moment

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- Michael Purvis


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“I smiled, drop my head and gave a little fist pump. It was a great feeling to win, because I knew I won over two great guys.”

Easto nB


Starting Friday morning getting ready for the day to follow, little did Abby Workman and Michael Purvis know what the end of the day would bring to them. The day of homecoming all of the representatives get the day off to prepare for the following day and night to come. For the girls this could be the most exciting part for homecoming. Getting pampered up for the day is something most girls look forward to because it is not normal. Guys on the other hand are much similar so this day could be just a laid back day to get ready. “I bought the dress, picked out my hairstyle, and had my nails done," Workman said. “I started to ask people around if they could make signs for me," Purvis said. On homecoming before the game a parade is presented by all the groups in school followed by all class representatives. This can be scary and nerve wracking to many students because crowds make them nervous, while others it could only make them more excited for this time. "I felt like everyone was happy

the will forever remember. “I was shocked, but then i got very emotional and teared up a little bit,” King Michael Purvis said. “I smiled and kind of froze,” Workman said. Not only were the representatives excited and shocked their support system also were. Family plays a big role in each of these student lives and having them by the seniors side only made the experience so much memorable. “I think my family was excited for me, they seemed happy smiling,” Workman said. “My family was excited for me and hugged me with joy, Purvis said. Being crowned is almost a moment of relief the students no longer have to be nervous and they were all pleased when the King and Queen were announced. “Kind of, like the anxiety of who would win was gone and i was in shock to hear it was me.” Workman said “I had literally ate nothing before that moment because i was so nervous.” Micael said Now that homecoming is over the student body could not be more happier with two great students that represent Ithaca.

Ab b

feature editor & Reporter ’18

and excited for me and I felt like a princess," Workman said. "I was very nervous and also very happy I felt like a royal prince in the back of the car," Purvis said. As the parade came to end the

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By tehya anguiano & jasmine gavenda

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The Crowning of a NEw Class





Curt Anderson is making his dreams happen. -page 2

The consequences of gender stereotyping -page 5

A look at how Senior Blake Gulick has changed from freshman year -page 8

The importance of the offensive line to the game of football -page 6


ihsgrowler #ihsgrowler


Oct. 28, 2015


some dreams do come true

reporter ’19

Sept. 23, Dream Records signed a new artist, Ithaca’s very own Curt Anderson. Anderson graduated in 2003 with an All-star soccer award. “We are elated to work together with Curt. We feel he has been given great gifts by God and we are honored to be a part of what he's about.” Lance Brown, GM of Dream Records said. Anderson was added to Dream Records roster with his new upbeat song “Keeping It Beating.” Curt hopes that when people hear his song that they know. “When our trust is in Him (God) he’s never going to let us go.” Anderson will be touring this fall starting on October 20th, going every place from Sacramento, California to Kansas City, Missouri. When the deal was initially introduced he actually turned it down. Anderson began working

with the team with in the last year to finalize a plan that worked for everyone. Anderson loves working with a team that shares the same passion to spread the word to a larger audience all over the world. Anderson had to keep the secrets for months just waiting to tell someone. In the interview, Anderson explained he got to celebrate with his whole extended family. They were all in Michigan for his sister’s high school graduation and his birthday. The family was all sitting in the living room and he got to share the news with all of the people who have supported and helped him for so long. It was an unforgettable moment for Anderson. Curt Anderson's inspiration includes some close people that were willing to tell him that he was not great all the time and helped him improve everything from pitch, to a stage performance.

He gives credit to some key teachers at Ithaca High School. Becoming successful in a music career the most exciting would be to hear yourself performing for the first time. “I’m most looking forward to hearing my first single, “Keep it Beating,” on the radio," Anderson said. "I don’t think this whole thing is really going to set in until I’m driving in the car and I hear it for myself. I’ve been hearing from friends overseas all excited because they’ve heard it on stations in Australia, New Zealand, around England and the UK, Ireland, a few islands in the Caribbean.” Although Anderson has not heard it personally in his car, other people in America have. Anderson said that his own way to relieve stress to relax he prefers laying on a beach and says that it is not a coincidence that he tours in Australia. Although Anderson does not

Allie Aplin / News Editor


Corinne Netzley is hard at work keeping the school running and operational, as she leads Ithaca through a transition period

By andrea crawford Reporter ’17

Following recent events, the Ithaca Board of Education has chosen Corinne Netzley to serve as a temporary superintendent while the district’s previous superintendent, Nathan Bootz, is on administrative leave. In light of this decision, students, staff, and community members alike hope to see many changes made throughout the elementary and high schools during Netzley’s stay here. “As far as changes, what I need to do is help the district through what will be a transition period. I'm still evaluating what type of changes may need to be done so I guess I'd say right now it's a little bit premature to determine if and what kind of changes that I'm going to make,” Netzley said. For now, Netzley is using this time to get comfortable with important issues such as the budget, building insight, and food service. “I do have a fairly extensive background in central office administration and I served as the superintendent in three different districts, so I knew some of what the job is about. That being said, it's different in every district and there are issues in each district that are more pressing than in others.”

As a student who has lived in Ithaca her entire life, Morgan Cooley, a freshman, feels strongly about the decision of hiring Netzley as an interim superintendent and supports the decision wholeheartedly. “She is very nice, smart, and well rounded. I think she will definitely make some positive changes within our school community,” Cooley said. “I have full faith in her.” Having lived in Ithaca for quite some time herself, Netzley considers it an advantage that may help her with this new superintendency. “Ithaca was my home for over 20 years. I’m looking forward to serving a district that I feel passionate about,” Netzley said. “I've served on the Board of Education here for twelve years and my children graduated from Ithaca. I still know a large number of staff members, both certified and support staff, and Ithaca community members in general, so I think, although I don't know everybody, a lot of time has been saved simply because I already know contacts or who is in what role, or that type of thing.” “The buildings are run extremely well and the administrators and teachers have been extremely gracious in welcoming me here. The safety and welfare of the students is my number one concern and I see that happening so I’m very, very happy about that.”

have a good luck charm, he likes to hang Christmas lights to hang for relaxing ambient lighting. He also brings some more items that make him feel more homey like a floor rug, a longboard, and even clothing hangers. When it comes to long flights Anderson likes to

change into his pajamas, put on hotel slipper. Make sure to listen for Anderson's new song Keeping it Beating playing on radio stations in the United States.

Courtesy from Curt Anderson Music

By allie aplin

Oct. 28, 2015


Making the trip across the world By allie aplin reporter ’19

was very similar to home until you get out into the country then it’s different. He also agrees with the “Michigan weather”. All of the German students agree that our daily food is very different. They admit that our food is very fatty and very sweet. These foods included many different flavors of Oreos with everything from mint to peanut butter.Many of the foods that

they eat back home include more vegetables and bread products. Janno Beckman, staying with Junior Ethan Schauer, says that are clothing is also very different. In Ithaca we like to support our Yellowjackets. In Germany they have no sports teams and often have to travel to other cities to play a sport. Yet they have a class similar to our

Allie Aplin / News Editor

Imagine being on a plane for 24 hours with your destination being a country that you have never been to. On Oct. 16, nine German Links students came to the United States for the first time. Many of the guests describe the plane ride as a long wait and very stressful. Yet, at the same time,

a couple of the students said the ride was comfortable and relaxing. Although there are many ways that America and Germany are the same including our “Michigan weather” where it can be sunny one moment and rain the next. Fiete Kautz, who is staying with Gavin Purvis, first Ithaca experience was the landscape

The German exchange students all say they have enjoyed their time in the United States. They have visited the capital in Lansing, Central Michigan University, Anderson and Girls', Mackinac Island, and many other sites around Ithaca and the state of Michigan.


Team Sports Gym class. Volker Golm, advisor, noticed that at Ithaca we fly the American Flag quite often. In Germany they never fly the flag because there is so much controversy between which symbol or flag to fly. In Germany they have a system that he has not seen here. When Freshmen come to high school for the first time they are paired with seniors. Basically when a conflict occurs students talk it through with their assigned Person. Fiete Kautz explained to us that they would never take their phones out in class or eat any food, it would almost be impossible, and doing these actions would be considered disrespectful. Stoneman said that she got involved with German links her sophomore year, her first at ithaca, told Mr. Evon that she was involved in other similar clubs, and Mr. Evon started talking to her about joining German exchange. Stoneman’s reaction was “Woah” and she is been involved ever since.

GROWLER STAFF Aileen Kemme/Advisor Emily Reeves/Editor-in-chief Nathan Goffnett/Design Editor Gavin Purvis/Sports Editor Tehya Anguiano/Feature Editor Rebekah Henry/News Editor ulie Anna/Opinion Editor Allie Aplin/News Editor Noah Burks/Reporter Emily Foster/Reporter Andrea Crawford/Reporter Jasmine Gavenda/Reporter Morgan Cooley/Reporter Bethany Slater/Photographer Jacob Brown/Photographer

STAFF POLICY The Growler is published by students of the Ithaca High School publications class. The Growler is made possible by advertisements, subscriptions, and fundraising, which pay for printing and other expenses. Our primary purpose is to entertain, inform and educate our readers, which include students, faculty, and community members about issues that affect the student body and the world around us. The Growler is an open forum of student voice; therefore, the opinion and Letters to the Editor reflect the view of the writer and not necessarily the opinion of the staff, advisor, administration, faculty, or student body. The editorial board determines the publications content, including staff editorials. The Growler staff accepts full responsibility for writing published in the Growler. There will be no responsibility placed upon the administration for content of this publication. The adviser is in place strictly to offer advice and guidance to maintain the legal, accurate and ethical manner of publication. The Growler will not be reviewed, reserved, or withheld from distribution by Ithaca High School officials prior to publication. Space will be provided for Letters to the Editor from faculty, students, administration, community residents and the general public. Readers are encouraged to express their opinions here. All letters must be signed and are subject for denial if they are libelous, obscene, disruptive, or are an invasion of privacy. The Growler staff has the right to edit letters due to length, obscenity, potential libel, or grammatical errors.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR The Ithaca High School Growler Staff welcomes letters to the editor that comment on and further the public debate on topics of general interest. To submit a letter, please fill out on the form below. Letters to the Editor can be mailed to Ithaca High School Growler Staff 710 North Union Street Ithaca, Michigan, 48847 or emailed to kwilley@ Submissions that exceed 200 words are not likely to be considered for publication in the print edition of the Growler. We edit for length and clarity. Please include your full name, address and daytime telephone number for verification purposes.


Oct. 28, 2015


whats going on with election 2016? By Emily Reeves and Julie Anna editor in chief and opinion editor '16 The 2016 election is firing up and campaign season is in full swing. Both the Democratic and Republican candidates are fighting for the nomination in their parties, and the debates have been well under way. Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio have proven themselves as top contenders, yet Donald Trump has continued to stay at the top of the polls. On the Democratic side, Hill-

ary Clinton has consistently stayed the favorite candidate despite her email scandal, but increasingly she has been fighting off Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders. Many seniors, and even juniors, are nearing 18, and now it is more important than ever to be an informed voter. Although our economy is on the rise, there are countless issues arising across the globe that the United States is involved in. Our nation is continually trying to take on the terrorist group ISIS, battling mass shootings across

the country, and fighting over health care. Politics aren’t normally the first concern for most teens, after all, we’ve had it drilled into our heads that we aren’t even in the real world yet. We’re still stuck in the microenvironment of high school and all the social intricacies that go with it, it’s overwhelming to start thinking outside of it. But politics are how the world around us functions, and we play an important part in it. Historically teens and young people are the movers

and shakers of major political shifts. We need to take pride in that and embrace our role as the future caretakers of this country. And to do that, it’s vital we understand what’s going on in the world so we can develop our own opinions. Especially now that many of our upperclassmen will be able to vote in the primaries as 17 year olds. Voting is essential, because otherwise we let our parents and grandparents decide the future of the country. We’re the ones that will have to deal

with the consequences of the vote for the longest, therefore we need to take responsibility now. And even if you aren’t old enough yet, keeping up to date with politics never hurts, you’ll only be better equipped to make an informed decision later. While the news isn’t always as entertaining as the latest episode of Once Upon a Time, it’ll benefit you and everyone around you by just staying informed.

boys will be boys By growler staff

boys’. To little boys, they learn that it’s okay to act like this, good even. But it also oversimplifies what could be a major problem, aggression issues could be linked to an unhealthy lifestyle or homelife. By glossing over the issue it only snowballs into problems later in life. A boy never had to worry about consent to tear down his classmate’s block castle, so why should he care now when a girl says ‘no’? Sexual harassment and rape is too often overlooked because ‘boys will be boys’. And by letting sex offenders and rapists go without any repercussions for their actions, it is only a matter of time until they do it again. It does not help that all around us the media brazenly depicts sexual aggression. It normalizes this sort of speech and behavior, it makes people feel like it is justifiable even. After all, Blurred Lines was just a fun song, right? Raunchy ads and sexist media only discredits both parties involved, the producer and the consumer. The producer’s use of sex appeal only shows they do not want to bother with creating something artistically pleasing. Not only that, but it can make us numb to what true beauty is by insisting that what it is presenting us with is what beauty should be. By influencing how we perceive beauty it gives us unrealistic expectations. For the consumer, because we react and support these types of ads, it only


tells the producer that manipulating us this way works. Because we don’t question if they are profiting because they’re demeaning someone else. These influences tell us misogyny is okay, that it is natural for anything feminine to be considered weak. Phrases like “you throw like a girl” or “you’re acting like a girl” seem completely normal, but they send the clear message that anything feminine is lesser. The tolerance of misogyny and the expectation of it should be insulting. No one even expects us to know how to talk about each other properly. It boils down to the need to actually respect each other and treat each other equally. The differences between the sexes are important and should be embraced in a positive way. Not by over-sexualizing each other and normalizing degrading stereotypes in speech and media. But by accepting people for how they want to express their gender, and treating each other the way we should. It has taken centuries to develop the gender roles and stereotypes we have now, and it will take time to achieve the equality we need. But if we all do our part to stop supporting degrading media and start asking, “why?” And maybe one day, we can live in a world with the freedom to express ourselves.

Julie Anna / Opinion Editor

Ask any girl to count how many times she has been told not to do something because it’s ‘not lady-like’. Ask any boy to count how many times he has been told not to do something because it was ‘too girly’ or ‘gay’. They probably never kept track of all the times they have been unwittingly policed based on their gender. Gender is one of the oldest social constructs that is ingrained in the world around us. It is a constant non verbal proclamation about you, who you are, and how you feel about yourself. But the roles and negative stigmas we have developed for the genders have swelled into major modern problems. For whatever reason, over the centuries our concept of gender and sex has developed into strict roles and expectations, such as a baby girl in pink. Gender has become synonymous with biological sex, and is not a reflection of expression, but a reflection of something you never had a choice in. Despite this, it is still viewed as one of the most important pieces of your identity and affects almost every aspect in your life, whether consciously or not. In elementary school we are consistently segregated, the teacher orders us by boys and girls; little girls wear shirts with tiaras and sparkles, while boys wear dark colors with

rocket ships and dinosaurs. It teaches us that boys and girls must be treated differently, which seems harmless enough in pinks and blues. But through school we practice these gender roles, girls learn to act meek and quiet and strive to conform, while boys learn to be unemotional, strong, and are encouraged to think independently. Kids are fed stereotype after stereotype, ‘boys are better at math and girls are better at reading’, ‘girls are always over emotional’, ‘boys are naturally violent’. We accept these as truth and they unconsciously influence how we behave and perform. Studies have shown that gender stereotyping does affect academic performance. If someone is consistently told they are not expected to succeed in an area, then it is only natural they would not feel motivated to try as hard. The same goes for recreational activities, kids might have wanted to pursue something that could have been a lifelong skill, but backed out due to societal pressures. By doing this, we cut kids short on experiences and block them from exploring their identity. We’ve cut ourselves short by letting gender norms straight from the 1950s model influence us. The subtle misogyny that little boys are taught only adds to the destructiveness of these stereotypes. A little boys’ erratic and violent behavior is excused because ‘boys will be

Oct. 28, 2015


What is IHS's opinion on the fall? During spirit week, the Growler staff reached out to ask the students all about their favorite parts of autumn. And you guys really responded! Turns out that for almost 35% love fall because it is your aesthetic. We also learned that opinions on pumpkin spice lattes are surprisingly mixed, but by a margin of almost 3%, the majority doesn’t like them. But the chilly weather screams for a warm drink, and the reigning champ of warm beverages is the age old classic, hot chocolate. And while we all endure the cold, right around half of you are avidly awaiting Halloween. Keep an eye out for future Growler polls to get your voice heard.


All down the streets graves are lined up, cobwebs hanging limply from their sides and swaying in the crisp autumn wind. Without a doubt it’s October, and Halloween is rapidly approaching. The anticipation of spooky movies, parties, and who knows, maybe even some trick or treating, is building for most high schoolers. But the preeminent feature of Halloween is the costumes. From homemade creations to store bought conglomerations, costumes are a fun way to get in the spirit of fall and flaunt your creativity. Unfortunately, by discouraging high schoolers from dressing up for school it takes away a brilliant opportunity to give the students’ a morale boost. By this time in the year, students’ have transitioned from their leisurely summer schedule, to the monotonous cadence of school; and it’s starting to grate. While homework starts to pile up and the tri drags on, the pressure only crescendos towards exams. And for most seniors, there is no October, only the 31 days of stress and nail-biting anxiety of college applications. Halloween is the school’s golden opportunity to give students’ a much needed respite from one of the arguably most stressful months of the year. Just like the light-hearted and fun atmosphere of the spirit week dress up days, letting us dress up for Halloween could give us the same sense of community. Not only that, but homemade costumes give teens the chance to develop their crafting aptitude and explore new skills, such as sewing and some very unconventional problem-solving-usually associated with hot glue. But it can give teens the opportunity to try out new crafts that they might have only seen on Pinterest until then. I’m completely biased towards homemade costumes, since I spend a significant portion of my leisure time crafting and sewing. The skills I’ve learned and developed from years of costuming are things I’d never trade. And I’d recommend that everyone explore new trades such as sewing, painting, or any number of trades you’d only ever associate with your grandma. Even so, I would never overlook store-bought costumes, which for people that have no time to make their own, no drive to try, or seem to destroy everything they touch, can be the best option. Whether store-bought or homemade, it’s ridiculous that we’re discouraged from dressing up. I had always been told it was due to the increasingly vulgar and revealing costumes that students’ would wear. But honestly, don’t we run the same risk during spirit week? So while you plan your trip to Terror on 27, keep in mind that costumes are some of the best ways to explore new artistic outlets.

-Julie Anna Opinion Editor ’16


Oct. 26, 2015


AA blast from the past look at freshman year compared to senior year. By bekah henry

feature editor ’17

When reflecting back on their freshman year, seniors often realize how much they have altered as an individual. Even things such as career plans transforming, authority, lunch seats, and friendships. Blake Gulick, senior at Ithaca High School, is a very good example of the impact four years of high school has on an individual. Not only has Gulick changed on the outside in the physical, but also in the mental aspect. The common “What do you want to be when you grow up?” questions is often asked from the age of a toddler to even seniors. However, some people’s decisions alter as they mature and figure out what they are skilled in and what their passion is for the future. “Well, my future plans changed, but not dramatically,” senior Blake Gulick said. “Freshman year, I wanted to be a lawyer, now I am more interested into becoming a police officer,” Freshmen are often treated poorly compared to seniors. Gulick experienced that his freshman year when he was picked on. When he was picked on, Gulick realized that freshmen are not given as many privileges and respect as seniors. However, now that Gulick is a senior, he is more respected than the freshman because of his age and authority. “Being a freshman nobody really likes you,”Gulick said. “I used to get picked on a lot my freshman year.” Placed on a bench in one of the many hallways to avoid getting

made fun of, Gulick was forced to eat his lunch outside the cafeteria due to all the upperclassmen who overruled the lunch tables. However, now that Gulick is a senior, he no longer enjoys his lunch on a bench in some hallway, Gulick gets the opportunity to sit at a table with his friends. “Freshman year it wasn’t too bad sitting on a bench,” Gulick said. “But, I would much rather sit with my friends in the lunchroom, at a table.” Friends will always have a huge impact on people. Whether they are close or not, who people surround themselves around is what they reflect. This can be seen with good and bad influences. That being said, when asked from freshman to senior year, Gulick describes how personally he has gained more real friends. Most seniors would probably agree that they no longer have as many friends as they thought they claimed freshman year because of the realization that not everybody is a true friend. Gulick, on the other hand, believes he has gained more friends who he can truly count on. “Freshman year I had maybe ten friends I could rely on,” Gulick said. “Now I consider around fifteen people to be some close, great friends.” Joining band his freshman year, Blake Gulick realized that his decision to be a part of the band program was smart because as an outcome, he became friends with many of the students in the class. Along with band, Gulick joined the bowling team. Gulick claims that without joining the band as

well as the bowling team, he probably wouldn’t have gained as many friends. Being said, Gulick advises freshmen not to be afraid to join a group or athletic team because it is a great opportunity to make new friends and get involved with the school. “Band was definitely a big factor with gaining so many friends,” Gulick said. “Also, when I joined the bowling team I made even more friends.” Through all the changes, Gulick, as an individual thinks he has changed in positive ways and each way makes him who he is, now. “The changes I have made are good,” Gulick said. “I recommend underclassmen to not be afraid of change and try to make the best out of it.”

Recipe for the Perfect

College Application

1 cup of strong grades:

- Admission officers look mostly for good grades which they value the most and the student show strong effort in their school work.

1 cup of solid scores on standardized tests:

- The student should have a high score on their ACTs and SATs to help show their education to the college admission process.

1 tsp of community activity:

- Colleges would like it if the student who is enrolling has done many school sports or activities and shows a strong leadership position. If a student is not in any school activity or does not participate it is okay, it is just something colleges prefer.

2 cups of work out of school:

- Having out of school activities show the office the type of responsibilities you have as a student and the type of dedication you bring to your life. this allows you to be seen as mature.

1 ½ cup of a well written essay:

A strong college essay provides a better look at your education, your personality, and some of your values to the office. The essay should be well thought out

1 cup of special awards or attributes:

- The students need to have a well recommendation letter from their teachers, their jobs, and coaches to prove other opinions on the student..

1 cup of special awards or attributes:

- Admissions also look for anything that makes the student stand out from the rest. Examples of honors, awards, or any school event that makes the student unique. Colleges are mostly looking for students who show activity in the student body.

A TRANSFORMED COMMUNITY I didn’t know Hannah Rivard. I remember her face in passing from my time as a dancer. She liked my photos on Instagram, and I watched the videos she posted of her dancing. I remember checking Facebook and seeing the article about her accident, I read it out loud to my mom, and I got choked up a couple times because I couldn’t imagine what I would do if it had been one of my friends or siblings instead. When I found out who it was, that it was Hannah, I cried. It felt wrong to cry for someone I didn’t know. Every time it was brought up with my friend group, I could feel my chest get tight and my eyes would sting. I never thought this girl, who I rarely would think about, could affect my life so much. The amount of community support, the Facebook posts, the tweets, it all seemed unreal. It seemed unreal the next day when I saw her cousin in the hallway. I love Larissa to death, but I could barely look at her. She looked so drained, and I doubt she had slept. I wanted to hug her and say “I’m sorry,” but how do you say that to someone who just lost their childhood friend, cousin, and practically a sister? I wish I had known Hannah. I wish I could have known the kind heart the community has talked about. I wish I had known the girl who nobody can say enough amazing things about, but I didn’t. What I have now, though, has been the greatest lesson I could have asked for, even though it came with a terrible consequence. We can’t spend our lives wishing it away. I’ve spent so much of my high school career waiting for graduation to come, passing through the hallways, biding my time until I’m handed my diploma. I haven’t really stopped to appreciate the fact that I get to wake up every day and see my best friends. I have a whole year left with them before I leave for college, and now I would never wish it away. My mom has started hugging me more, especially before I drive somewhere. As I’m leaving the house I always hear “Please text me when you get there. I love you.” I’ve tried to be so careful driving. I can’t imagine the life my mom would have to live if I was no longer here. I can’t even fathom the pain and heartbreak the Rivard family feels, or her friends, or her school. Ithaca was quiet the day after Hannah passed away. There was still the usual chatter at lunch, but first hour was solemn and passing time a subdued buzz as we all contemplated and processed the heavy news. But it can’t be anything close to Alma, and I know so many of us were praying for them. I think I speak for all of Gratiot County when I say that I know I will hold my loved ones closer, tell my friends how much I appreciate them, and not wish away my time. Fly high Han.

-Emily Reeves Editor-In-Chief ’16

Oct. 28, 2015



By gavin purvis sports editor ’16

The 2015 varsity volleyball team came out with a bang this year. With a 2-2 record for the season they are coming on top. With beating Bullock Creek, MLS, Alma and even St. Louis in their tournament games, they fell short at the big game to win the flag. Senior Abby Workman explained how their different line up threw the team off. “We all got really psyched for the game because we know they’re great competition for us,” Workman said. Coach Kirby explained that their drawbacks were their energy and getting down on themselves. “We needed to get our serves in because they affected the game a lot. We just needed to play smarter,” explains Junior Madison Brock. The girls play exceptionally well so it comes down to the little things that can be easily fixed. Although the jackets didn’t come on top this time, they still managed to play a highly intense game. Ithaca was paced by Maddie Brock, who had six kills and one ace. Kayla Belles also registered six


aces, while Ivana Mikoskova dished out 17 assists. Mckenzie Kench and Kylee Chaffin accounted for three kills and one ace apiece.The girls will have a chance to get their flag back coming up at districts. The entire team agreed that the 3 captains on the team are definitely the leaders this year, but everyone on the team has guidance to share about the game they all love. The girls have great chemistry and have been playing together ever since Jr. High. Everyone learns from one another and is pushing each other. Looked upon as a leader, Abby always makes sure the team has the right mind-set and stays positive after every play, good or bad. It is evident to not only the girls, but to the coaches and spectators to see the love that the girls share for each other. For being so close, they also share some of the same goals. Madison Brock explains how her personal goals would help the whole team by having a positive attitude, “I need to play smarter and keep up the positive thoughts throughout the game. And I want

to hit harder!” Brock said. This past weekend, the girls earned second place at the Sweetheart Tournament in Ithaca. They lost a very close match to the Okemos Chiefs in the championship game, winning the first set, but ultimately losing the last two. Second place was a very nice accomplishment for the team, making their way up to the top of the mountain where they want to be. It was also stated how beating St. Louis in districts would be one of their ultimate goals. In preparation for the big game, the girls have been working on their serves, passing, hitting and of course, staying positive. The girls are so strong and resilient that the results are being shown on the court this season. Throughout the entire season, the volleyball team has made giant leaps to where they are now and where they were at the beginning of the season. These vast improvements has helped them become successful during the season and has helped the entire team bond and become a tight-knit family.

boys cross

Throughout the season, the varsity tennis team greatly improved, culminating at the Regional tournament. Noah Burks, Owen Pierce, Brendan Johnson, Brandon Graves, Kyle Sparks, Garrett Vermeesch, and Eli Bongard all medalled at the Midland Lancer Tournament.

The cross team ended up winning the entire TVC West division this year. The entire team has improved from last year by contending and winning the TVC and improving everyone’s times from last year. At least everyone on the team is in the 19’s and some are even better.

Noah Burkes / Reporter

Keeping the volley going

Junior Lexi Bootz volleys the ball to the other team to help her team move past the opponent.

girls golf

sideline cheer

The team finished 6th in the conference out of 10. Kennedy finished honorable mention 16th out of 18. Taylor Deni ended up 8th out of 18 to make second team all conference at the end of the year.

Despite losing five seniors, the cheer team is still very fluent in their routines and performances. Conditioning after practice has been a large part of the increased success for the entire cheer team.

marching band The band took 5th place at the competition in Kenowa Hills Knight Time Classic, 2nd at Cedar Springs Invitational, and 3rd at the Brandon Marching Invitational. With a young band, there is plenty of room for improvement over the next couple of years.

crossing the finish line By tehya aguiano

Jacob Brown / Photographer

feature editor ’17

Junior, Amelia Freestone, strides forward hoping to set a new personal record in the Ithaca Invitational.

Coming from a 2014 state championship, the girls Cross Country team is working hard to keep their spirits high. With a new season here, it’s almost expected of the team to win another state championship. The girls have had a strong start with a 6-2 record for the season. “At the Spartan Invite we moved up to the big school division and were 3rd place out of 43 teams. Still, it was disappointing. At the Don Baese Invite we were also 3rd. Getting beat is one thing but running bad and beating yourself is hard to swallow,” girls cross country coach Eugene Lebron said. Losing can be hard for a team when you have done as well as these runners

have, but the runners have continued to strive to the best of their ability this season. “Losing was hard and we all didn’t run our best at the Spartan Invite” senior captain Alyssa Mankey said. “This season I have had two PR’s of a time of 20:02.” Although the team did not succeed as much as they had planned to, they have still continued to work hard to keep their good spirits alive. The team has worked very hard this season not only in practice, but also spending time in the weight room. “There are 3 types of practice days: distance or "easy" days, workout days and long runs. We do 1 long run and 2-3 workouts/ races per week. One of our staple workouts we do is

"lane 8 400s." We do 10-12 400s in lane 7 and 8 with about 1 min rest. They try to hit their target race pace. We also meet every sunday for a long run, usually between 7-10 miles,” Lebron said. Being new to a team like the cross country team can be hard to the new runners and hard for them to understand how many things work. “The workouts are the hardest, it’s hard to try and keep up with the other girls” freshman Tori Hartman said. It’s difficult for the younger girls to be surrounded by many good runners and it can also become intimidating. Little do they know they are very useful for the seasons to come. “I have been very happy with how the younger girls

have done. They are starting to do the little things that the varsity girls have always done and the rewards are there. They have had some major PR’s in the last few weeks and we will rely heavily on some of those girls next year when we lose four seniors,” Coach Lebron said. This season, the goals are to win another state championship, along with all-TVC and Regionals meet. Currently, the girls are ranked second behind Traverse City St. Francis and have just won the TVC West. Continuing to work hard and putting all of their time into their running, the girls will do well and continue to work towards their goal

Emily Foster / Reporter

me to be more physical and aggressive each time I step on the field,” Jones said. With his ability to do just that, Jones is looking forward to obtaining a great blocking percentage throughout the remainder of the year. Playing on the offensive live requires great technique and mental awareness as well. The offensive line is maintaining a solid blocking percentage and are showing why they are huge for not only the running game, but the passing game also. Despite the positive passing attack, the running game has increased by 14 percent compared to last years total yards. This is a direct result from the experienced players, and their blocking skills. The offensive line has ultimately won the trench war throughout the season, guiding Ithaca to remain undefeated.

Senior Kurtis Ackels peeks through his legs to make sure his snap reaches quarterback Jake Smith.

Emily Foster / Reporter

Running the ball has been a huge success for the 2015 varsity football team as they look to head back to the state championship for a sixth consecutive year. However, in order for this attack to be successful, a strong offensive line is needed to block and protect the offensive weapons. The offensive line continues to be essential in the running and passing game here at IHS. This year’s offensive line consists of four hard working seniors and one spectacular sophomore. Nathan Goffnett, Grant Barnes, Derek Teed, Kurtis Ackels, and Nick Jones all play their role in protecting senior quarterback Jake Smith and senior running back Jonah Loomis each and every Friday night. Ackels and Teed play both sides of the ball, so it’s a true grind on the offen-

Teed is also trying to become an all-state lineman, so he’s doing his best to leave a last impression on everyone around the state of Michigan. Jones, the spectacular sophomore, has proven his value consistently throughout the regular season. He has started at the power tackle position for the entirety of the season so far. “I’ve got to run the three hole to eventually open up the passing lanes and gain more yards,” Jones said. Lineman are critical during the run game and Jones has continued to block efficiently. Jones feels like he’s still learning from the veteran seniors and that the doesn’t have the pressure of being a leader at this point of the season. When asked about the different speed and intensity of varsity football compared to JV, he states “The seniors have taught

The offensive line huddles around sophomore, Joey Bentley, eagerly awaiting the next play.

Emily Foster / Reporter

Reporter ’16

sive side, protecting the skilled players. Teed is the leading veteran on the offensive line, and is continuing to raise the bar for years to come. "Being a veteran has really helped. I get to mentor and prepare the younger players and it makes me better," Teed said. He also tries to coach them when he feels he sees them doing something wrong. “I coach them up when I see them practicing or playing wrong. It’s a way to make them and myself better,” Teed said. His mental awareness contributes to his great leadership skills and his work ethic. Teed looks to show improvement this year from last when he said, "I'm looking forward to achieve a high blocking percentage and leading the team to victory," Teed said.

Senior Derek Teed talks to Coach Mimranek about how the opposing defense is trying to stop the Jacket offensive attack.

Emily Foster / Reporter

By Noah Burks


Oct. 28, 2015


Junior, Garrison Pitcher, moves into position to deliver a perfectly excuted block to move the chains.

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