Word from Jerusalem - March-April 2024

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The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was established in 1980 in recognition of the biblical significance of Jerusalem and its unique connection to the Jewish people. Today the ICEJ represents millions of Christians, churches and denominations to the nation and people of Israel. We recognise in the restoration of Israel the faithfulness of God to keep His ancient covenant with the Jewish people. Our main objectives are:

* To stand with Israel in support and friendship;

* To equip and teach the worldwide Church regarding God’s purposes with Israel and the nations of the Middle East;

* To be an active voice of reconciliation between Jews, Christians and Arabs and to support the churches and congregations in the Holy Land.

From its head offices in Jerusalem, the ICEJ reaches out to more than 170 countries, with branch offices in over 90 nations. Our vision is:

* To reach every segment of Israeli society with a Christian testimony of comfort and love, and

* To reach and actively represent to Israel the support of denominations, churches and believers from every nation on earth.

The Christian Embassy is a non-denominational faith-based ministry supported by the voluntary contributions of our members and friends across the globe. We invite you to join with us as we minister to Israel and the Jewish people worldwide by donating to the ongoing work and witness of the ICEJ.



ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler

VP International Affairs Mojmir Kallus

VP Finance David Van der Walt

VP Operations Barry R. Denison

VP International Spokesman David Parsons

VP AID & Aliyah Nicole Yoder

General Manager Richard van der Beek

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Administration Tobias H

Photography Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, Adobe Firefly, AFP, AP, JAFI, KKL-JNF, Wikimedia, Flickr, Levi Dörflinger, ICEJ Staff and Branches

The New King James Bible is used for all Bible references unless otherwise noted.

Word From Jerusalem is published by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Word From Jerusalem has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies). For more information, visit us at www.icej.org


P.O. Box 1192, Jerusalem • 9101002, ISRAEL

Support our ministry online at www.icej.org


Dear friends,

Israel is in the midst of its longest war since the War of Independence in 1948. By the time you receive this magazine, Israel will have been fighting Hamas for over 160 days and even a possible northern front with Hizballah might open soon. Since IDF troops entered Gaza on October 27, some 250 Israeli soldiers have been killed, while the total since October 7 comes to more than 500 fallen IDF troops. Please pray for their families.

Israel never intended to start this war. On the contrary, our friend Ofir Libstein was spearheading an Israeli plan for a multi-billion dollar joint industrial park near the Erez Crossing that would employ some 10,000 Gazans in good-paying jobs. But this dream was shattered on October 7, and Ofir Libstein became the first named Israeli casualty that day.

At the same time, our faith in an Almighty God teaches us not to “cast away our confidence” and hope (Hebrews 10:35). Since October 7, we have prayed every day not only for Israel, but also for the people of Gaza. Their only true hope is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As I write you, an opportunity may be emerging for us to start helping the small Christian community in Gaza. Please pray this will be an effective door of ministry on every level.

Meantime, our Jerusalem staff is working tirelessly to stand with Israel as never before, as other incredible doors are opening for us to bless Israel in this very difficult hour. Whether helping evacuated Israelis and traumatised citizens, supporting first responders with life-saving equipment, or providing more bomb shelters, we are here for you on the frontlines of this conflict. We also are now sponsoring several upcoming Aliyah flights for Jewish families seeking to escape the current wave of antisemitism worldwide.

In addition, the Lord is drawing major denominational leaders on our solidarity missions to Israel to witness the steep challenges facing this nation. They are being warmly welcomed by top Israeli leaders. Other Christian groups are coming to harvest fruits and support other hands-on projects in Israel. It is one of our busiest times since the birth of the Embassy in 1980. Yet we all feel God has brought us here exactly for “such a time as this.”

Our mission remains unchanged. We seek to bring comfort to Israel at every level. Everything that fulfils this calling to “Comfort My people” in this current crisis is being pursued, to impact this nation from senior government leaders to people in the streets of Jerusalem, Haifa and the Gaza border area. This is happening through practical relief aid here in Israel, pro-Israel rallies in dozens of nations worldwide, telling Israel’s story via media efforts, hosting visitors to the Land, and even through uplifting music. Yet we sense our biggest impact is through our prayers for Israel, which are being answered in some way every single day.

Please keep praying with us and join our online prayer meetings when possible. Also, please keep standing with us in this critical season. The Lord is opening unprecedented doors but we need your help to go through them and thereby bless Israel like never before.

Thank you for standing with Israel. I have heard so many times from Israelis and even Jews abroad that they are so thankful for the support of their Evangelical friends. Please help us continue to be friends indeed in their hour of need.

Many blessings from Jerusalem,

Christian Embassy Jerusalem

COVER PHOTO: An ambulance donated by supporters of ICEJ Czech Republic.


ARCHIVES visit www.icej.org/media/word-jerusalem


In the wake of the brutal Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis on October 7, it is very, very chilling to see major world leaders spouting the most brazen antisemitic tropes even at weighty international forums.

At a recent hearing before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, representatives of South Africa insisted that Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians are “a more extreme form of apartheid” than what blacks suffered under the real apartheid regime. This comes on the heels of their earlier false accusation before the same Court that Israel is committing “genocide” in its war of self-defense in Gaza.

United Nations official Francesca Albanese recently insisted that “the victims of 7/10 were not killed because of their Judaism but in response to Israel’s oppression.” Another senior UN official, Martin Griffiths, then decreed that “Hamas is not a terrorist group for us... It’s a political movement.”

To top it all off, Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva told a press conference

at a summit of the African Union in February that “what’s happening in the Gaza Strip isn’t a war, it’s a genocide… It’s a war between a highly prepared army and women and children. What’s happening in the Gaza Strip with the Palestinian people hasn’t happened at any other moment in history. Actually, it has happened: when Hitler decided to kill the Jews.”

Though he faced some criticism over his outrageous antisemitic remarks, Lula da Silva also received backing from fellow leftist

presidents in Bolivia and Colombia, who both agreed that Lula was “only telling the truth.”

So, here are professional UN bureaucrats and holders of high office, who could only have achieved such positions of authority by maintaining self-discipline, and yet suddenly they cannot seem to hold back from spewing hateful and odious statements against the Jewish nation and people.

How can we account for these outbursts of antisemitic and anti-Israel vitriol? Indeed, it is mystifying how antisemitism – the world’s oldest hatred – has persisted for so long, and how it is drawing together radical Islamists and radical Marxists today.

EVER SINCE the Hamas terror militia carried out its savage pogrom last October, we have focused our attention and prayers on combatting the Spirit of Amalek, which we have identified as the root cause of much antisemitism down through history, and today is lurking behind the incessant Palestinian hatred and violence against the Jewish state

“Cain Slaying Abel” by Jacopo Palma, circa 1590.
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva(Photo: Ricardo Stuckert/ Brazilian presidency/AFP/ynetnews.com)

of Israel. So, what is the Spirit of Amalek?

Amalek was a grandson of Esau, who lost both his birthright and blessing as the first-born to his younger twin brother Jacob. And even though Esau eventually reconciled with Jacob (Genesis 33:4), his grandson Amalek never accepted the loss of his family’s inheritance. This burning envy later drove his Amalekite descendants to attack the Israelites at Rephidim (Exodus 17), and again under Saul (1 Samuel 15), and David’s camp at Ziklag (1 Samuel 30), and finally the exiled Jews of Persia through Haman in the book of Esther.

This Spirit of Amalek arose out of a classic case of sibling rivalry, which some philosophers have identified as the root cause of all violence. Indeed, sibling rivalries are a major theme running throughout the Book of Genesis. The Hebrew Patriarch Abraham had two rival sons, Isaac and Ishmael; their mothers Sarah and Hagar clashed as well. There were tensions between Jacob and Esau, and between Joseph and his eleven brothers, along with the dueling sisters Rachel and Leah. Yet, the biblical narrative indicates that in most cases the brothers eventually reconciled, leaving us with a hopeful message that even sharp family divisions can be overcome.

But Amalek was an exception, which we see in the way all his later generations harbored a festering jealousy and hatred of their Israelite cousins. Alas, the Bible even says: “the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.” (Exodus 17:16)

Now the very first sibling rivalry found in the Book of Genesis also ended in tragedy, when Cain slew his brother Abel. This is a story short in the telling but rich in meaning, and ultimately it is a lesson in why Hamas so viciously attacked Israelis on October 7.

IN GENESIS chapter four, we find that Adam and Eve birthed two sons. The older son Cain became a tiller of the ground, while the younger Abel was a shepherd. In due time, they both offered sacrifices to God. Cain presented an “offering of the fruit of

the ground” to the Lord, while Abel sacrificed “the firstborn of his flock and of their fat.” And “the Lord respected Abel and his offering, but He did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell.” (Genesis 4:3-5)

Noticing Cain’s agitated state, the Lord approached him and warned that he not let the burning envy towards his brother Abel get the best of him. “If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.” (Genesis 4:7)

The message here is good advice for any of us about pleasing God and eschewing sin. There was no need for Cain to stay angry. He could have bartered some of his crops for a sheep and offered an acceptable blood sacrifice to the Lord, which is the only way to truly atone for sin (Hebrews 9:22). Cain should have already learned that lesson from his parents, who tried to cover their nakedness and shame with fig leaves before the Lord Himself shed the blood of an animal to make loin cloths of animal skins for them (Genesis 3:7, 21).

The Lord also cautioned that if Cain continued to stew in his anger, then sin (offense) was crouching around the corner ready to pounce on him. When He warned that sin “desires” you, the original Hebrew word actually means it lusts or craves for us, to trip us up and get us in trouble with God. So, best to get control of yourself and resist temptation.

Cain failed the test, however, and allowed the fire of jealousy arise within him to the point he murdered his own brother.

THE STORY of Cain and Abel is actually the first religious war in human history. Cain struck his brother dead because Abel had worshipped God in the right way and gained His attention and favor. Different religions all believe they offer the right path to God. But the Lord revealed to the Jewish people His chosen path to right standing before Him. The birthright and blessing to steward this

incredible revelation went from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob and down to his twelve sons. This created jealousies along the way among other family members, who felt the inheritance should have been theirs, eventually giving rise to the violent legacy of the Spirit of Amalek.

This burning religious jealousy later attached itself to Christianity, producing generations of Gentile believers who were convinced they had replaced Israel as God’s favored sons. The bitter legacy of Christian antisemitism haunts the Church to this day. Yet thankfully, many Christians today have been freed from that spirit of envy and are confident in God’s election over us, while also accepting His enduring, irrevocable election over Israel as well (Romans 11:29).

Sadly, the Spirit of Amalek also attached itself to Islam from its inception, and today it is producing radical Muslim terrorists around the world who are rising up in jealous anger to eradicate the Jews instead of finding a better way to worship the one true God. To accomplish that end, they are willing to join hands with radical socialists and Marxists even though most are avowed atheists.

Truthfully, Marxism has become its own religion and it has sought to eradicate those with faith in God. The Communist revolutions and purges in Russia, China and elsewhere tried to wipe out religious beliefs and forcefully impose atheism, murdering tens of millions along the way.

Somehow, radical Islamists and radical Marxists are now uniting around their antisemitic hatred and envy of the Jewish people. Rather than do the right thing, they would rather eliminate Abel.

As Christians, we have a moral duty to confront this unholy alliance and defend the Jewish nation and people from its destructive agenda. This is a spiritual battle, and yet also one that must now be waged against weak and contemptible men who serve in high places and help run the world.



The current war in Israel is not just a war fought in the physical realm. From early on, it was obvious we were dealing not just with a political conflict, but primarily a conflict of tremendous spiritual dimensions. Last October 7 witnessed the darkest manifestation of antisemitism since the Holocaust during World War II. After visiting the Gaza border communities several times and seeing first-hand the results of the atrocities and barbarism committed that day, it felt like peering into the abyss of hell. Indeed, we witnessed a powerful demonic spirit at work. Throughout the Bible, this spiritual principality is identified with Amalek, and it surely gripped the followers of Hamas in Gaza that day, just like it did the Nazis in Germany back in the 1930s and 40s.

This Amalek spirit emerges in Genesis, the first book of the Bible, with the story of the brotherly rivalry between Jacob and Esau. Although these twin brothers eventually reconciled, Esau had a grandson named Amalek who allowed his jealousy and hatred of Jacob’s descendants to grow, and his lineage inherited it down through the generations. The Bible warns of the dangers arising

from such sibling rivalries, as we see in the companion teaching by David Parsons on the tensions which arose between Cain and Abel. And we even find it culminating in the End of Days, as set forth in Revelation chapter 12.

This intriguing chapter, found in the last book of the Bible, reveals certain aspects of the cosmic reality and the hidden roots of this ancient conflict in our times, particularly since October 7. In Revelation 12:1, the Apostle John sees “a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars.” This woman is pregnant and about to give birth. Then another sign appears: a dragon is standing in front of the woman ready to devour the child being born. The unique features of the dragon are that he has seven heads with ten horns and on each head a diadem, or crown. The word of God identifies this great dragon as “that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world.” (Revelation 12:9) Jesus calls him the “ruler of this world” (John 12:31), and Revelation 12:10 refers to him as the “accuser of our brethren.” The same envious spirit that was crouching at the door of Cain’s heart, urging him to lash

out at his brother Abel, is still busy with the very same strategy in the heavenlies as well as on the earth.

But who is the woman? The references to the sun, moon and twelve stars appear only one other time in a similar way, back in Genesis in a dream of Joseph that caused great jealousy

Joseph’s Dream, Bible drawings by Otto Semler (Flickr) An illustration based on Revelation 12 (Generated using Adobe Firefly/Photoshop)
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and even accusations among his brothers: “Then he dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers, and said, ‘Look, I have dreamed another dream. And this time, the sun, the moon, and the eleven stars bowed down to me.’” (Genesis 37:9)

The main target of the dragon was not the woman but the male child.

This is a clear reference to Jacob, his wife Rachel and his twelve sons – the same Jacob who became Israel, Patriarch of the Jewish nation and people. John saw the same imagery adorning the woman, depicting Israel, who was in birth pangs and about to give birth to a male child. This child was the promised Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus) who was to rule the world with a rod of iron (Revelation 12:5; Psalm 2:9, 110:2; Isaiah 11:4; Revelation 2:27, 19:15). The main target of the dragon was not the woman but the male child. However, he was taken up to heaven (see Acts 1:9) and was thereby removed from Satan’s threat. So, his attention and anger were then directed against the woman – Israel.

The important truth revealed here is the eternal hatred that Satan has against the Jewish people. Israel was called to play a unique role in the world, to bring forth the salvation plan and purposes of God to humanity. From the beginning, God declared that through their seed, “all the families of the world shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3) Israel was called to be “a light to the Gentiles” (Isaiah 42:6), and a priestly kingdom (Exodus 19:6), purposed by God to save the nations of the earth. Through Israel, the word of God was given (Romans 3:1-2). They brought forth the Messiah in the flesh (Romans 9:5). All twelve original Apostles who first preached the Gospel to the Gentiles were Jews. This is undoubtedly a nation called like no other nation. In our day, Israel has returned to their ancient homeland. The main purpose of this ingathering is to bring back the Messiah to our world, therefore Satan knows “that he has a short time.” (Revelation 12:12) And if he can destroy the “woman” – meaning Israel and the Jews – he believes he can frustrate God’s plan of redemption for mankind.

It is worth noting that Satan’s main tactic and weapon in the heavens is “accusation.” It was his main method throughout the centuries before Christ’s birth (see Job 1:6; Zechariah 3:1). And on the earth, the constant use of accusation remains his main strategy. The

word translated as “accuser” in Revelation 12:10 is the Greek word kategoros, from which we derive the word “category.” The Oxford dictionary defines category as a “division of people as having particular shared characteristics.”

In many ways, this “categorisation” is at the root of all the world’s racism and xenophobia, and this is especially true with regards to the Jewish people. We see it in the scroll of Esther when Haman appears as the main accuser – or categoriser – of the Jews, telling King Ahasuerus: “There is a certain people scattered and dispersed among the people in all the provinces of your kingdom; their laws are different from all other people’s, and they do not keep the king’s laws. Therefore, it is not fitting for the king to let them remain.”

(Esther 3:8)

This demonic force of false accusation is at the very root of antisemitism, both then and today.

This demonic force of false accusation is at the very root of antisemitism, both then and today. It is what drove Martin Luther to write his notorious pamphlet “Against the Jews and Their Lies.” It made the Nazi officials at the Wannsee conference, although many were raised in Christian homes, to agree to the ‘Final Solution’ – meaning the plan to murder eleven million Jews in Europe and North Africa. And it causes the writers of Palestinian schoolbooks to deny any Jewish history or right to live in the Land of Israel, thereby raising yet another generation of antisemitic Palestinian youth, including those who stormed the Israeli communities along the Gaza border on October 7. It fuels the poisonous teachings in mosques and Koranic schools that made them believe Jews can be slaughtered like beasts. And this very same spirit recently led 15 out of 17 justices at the International Court of Justice in The Hague to heed the voice of the “accuser of the brethren,” as they ignored the genocidal intentions and actions of Hamas and instead gave credence to the false charge that Israel is seeking to annihilate the Palestinians.

The power of such words, thoughts and concepts should never be underestimated. They can be daunting demonic lies that are hard to resist. In Revelation 12:15, it says: “So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood.” Note how often the power of the mouth or voice is referenced in Revelation (for example, see 9:17, 13:5, 16:13).

This demonic flood of lies from the mouth of the dragon rages today through all the streams of TV, print and social media.

It also is noteworthy that the lion’s share of the world’s media today is highly critical of Israel, if not outwardly antisemitic. This demonic flood of lies from the mouth of the dragon rages today through all the streams of TV, print and social media. The US-based Combating Antisemitism Movement found that after October 7, the amount of antiIsrael and antisemitic posts on Tik-Tok alone outnumbered by far the number of comments on Israel’s war against Hamas in the top five English news sites, such as CNN and the Wall Street Journal.

One final characteristic of this dragon is that he was not able to destroy the male child, and he could not destroy the woman

Recent anti-Israel protest at Columbia University in New York. (Credit: AFP)

(Israel), so he became angry and “went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” (Revelation 12:17) That means the last line of attack or accusation will be against Christians. It is exactly this agenda that is preached in many mosques around the world today, under the slogan: “First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.”

This warning needs to be taken seriously, as the word of God warns us that a final, global campaign against the Christian faith is to be expected.

This warning needs to be taken seriously, as the Word of God warns us that a final, global campaign against the Christian faith is to be expected. On that note, I recently learned a new US Treasury Department program has begun tracking some electronic purchases of religious books, particularly Bibles. As Christians, we need to be praying and alert concerning the challenges ahead. A number of Christian ministries worldwide are already being specially monitored by state authorities simply for standing with Israel.

Yet despite all this, there also is very good news in the same chapter of Revelation 12, which provides believers with the weapons we need to overcome and be victorious in this great conflict of the last days. “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” (Revelation 12:11)



The principal weapon God has given believers is the blood of Yeshua. The respected Bible teacher Derek Prince outlined seven powerful ways the blood of Jesus works on our behalf: It is the main source of our redemption (Ephesians 1:7); cleansing all our sins (1 John 1:7); justification (Romans 5:9); sanctification (Hebrews 13:12); it gives life (John 6:53ff); speaks on our behalf (Hebrews 12:24); and gives access to the presence of God (Hebrews 10:19ff). These are very important points which deal with the main target of Satan’s accusations against us – our sins and failures. Every believer born from above can claim these powerful features of the blood of Yeshua.


It is quite obvious that the best antidote to the lies and accusations of Satan is truth itself. Jesus himself said the truth shall set you free (John 8:32). The Greek word for confession literally means

“saying the same thing.” It means we say the same thing the Word of God declares about Israel, the Jews, our own lives and the Church. God’s word and truth are powerful (Jeremiah 23:29; Hebrews 4:12).


We need a radical dedication to Jesus. It will mean not ‘only’ a willingness to lose your life for Jesus, but much more a lifestyle of daily taking up our cross, of dying to our self each day, of being willing to give up everything for the sake of that treasure in the field, the kingdom of God.

Satan is powerless against people who are covered by the blood of Yeshua, who live in and speak God’s truth, and who are wholly sold out to Him. This means in the current conflict against Israel and any future conflict against the Church, we need to appropriate the above attributes of the blood and God will give us the victory. For that reason, we are currently gathering every day on the Global Prayer Gathering, confessing and proclaiming God’s truths about Israel. We are tremendously blessed to see many people incredibly dedicated to this prayer time, as many join daily or several times a week.

Let us all be alert as we enter a new dimension of conflict. And let us be a people washed in the blood of Yeshua, confessing (and knowing) the Word of God, and being fully dedicated to our Lord and Saviour. Together, we will overcome!


ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler delivered the keynote address at the annual Israel Breakfast during the National Religious Broadcasters convention held in February in Nashville, Tennessee. The ICEJ-USA branch co-sponsored the traditional breakfast, which is the foremost pro-Israel event at the yearly gathering of Christian media and publishers from around the globe.

Dr. Bühler described how much Israel has changed since the shocking Hamas invasion of October 7, adding it also needs to be a “game changer” for Christians to stand with Israel as never before. Many Israelis have lost trust in the government and IDF, he explained, and instead are turning towards their God in prayer. He added the nation also is more united to confront Palestinian terrorism, including those who once hoped in the peace process.

“You need to understand that the Gaza envelope communities are not the typical settler image of people with kippahs. They are very liberal, leftist people,” said Bühler. “One peace activist told me: ‘I don’t believe in peace anymore.’”

Dr. Bühler also expressed hope that Gaza could be transformed and steered away from hating Jews by allowing Evangelical Christians to be more involved in its rebuilding.

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The Kingdom of God is central for both Jews and Christians. The great Jewish philosopher Michael Wyschogrod taught that the number one image for God in the Hebrew Bible is God as King. The same thing, you could say, is in the teachings of Jesus, that the Kingdom of God is absolutely paramount. The favorite teaching method of Jesus was with parables, and the number one theme of these parables was the Kingdom of God.

Both Protestants and Catholics are tempted to misunderstand the Kingdom. Protestants are tempted to think the Kingdom is only internal and invisible, in the heart. Yet in the Gospels and in Acts, the Kingdom becomes quite visible. The Romans feared that the Jesus movement was an external threat. They knew that if the God of Israel is King, which the apostles preached, then Caesar is not. So, the Romans persecuted the Jesus movement in visible ways.

The Catholic temptation is to think that the Kingdom has already arrived in the Church, and nothing more is to be expected. It’s all done. But if that is so, why did Jesus tell His disciples to keep repeating in the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy kingdom come!”, as if it had not come fully yet?

The biblical message is that the Kingdom is now because Jesus as emissary of the Kingdom has come once. But he will come again to more fully establish the Kingdom. So, the Kingdom is now, and not yet. It’s both!

Now what about Israel? Jesus talks about the restoration of Israel in Acts 1:6 and elsewhere. More and more scholars are realizing that you cannot understand Jesus’s view of the Kingdom of God without understanding his expectation of Israel’s restoration.

In Luke 21, Jesus predicts that one day Jerusalem will no longer be trampled upon by the Gentiles, and this will begin the end of the Times of the Gentiles. Now “trample upon” is a technical term for political and military control. When did that take place? When Israeli paratroopers seized eastern Jerusalem in 1967.

We need to understand both the Hebrew Bible and Jesus teach that God deals with nations

as nations, not just individuals. Secondly, God judges the nations by how they treat the Jewish people and Israel. And third, toward the end of days, the nations will turn against Israel and her people. Scripture also suggests that Israel’s restoration is part of the first fruits of the healing of the nations, specifically mentioned at the end of the Book of Revelation as part of the future.

So, what about the Gaza war? We should not be shocked by the savagery and evil of Hamas. What we saw on October 7 was a full-color video of Satan’s hatred for God’s chosen people, the Jews.

Would Jesus support the Gaza war? Many Christians from the pacifist tradition, the Anabaptist tradition, would say no, that he was against all bloodshed and killing. Well, I disagree. I respect them, but I would say that Jesus tells us to love our enemies and hate the evil they represent.

Jesus shows his hatred for evil in the parable of the wicked tenants. He tells us the vineyard owner punished the wicked tenants who killed his servants and son by “putting those wretches to a miserable death.” Those are inspired words describing a bloody punishment of wicked men.

In Revelation 19, Jesus’s robe drips with blood and out of his mouth comes a sword for killing the wicked. This is the same Jesus whom many Christians think is only mild and meek. But the true Jesus also is holy and punishes wickedness.

The point? While Jesus calls us to love our enemies, his love is holy. That’s very different from the world’s love, which is typically unholy. His call for us to love our enemies does not contradict the tragic need for nations, particularly the nation of God’s chosen people the Jews, to defend themselves against those who seek their elimination.

Jesus was a Jew, and the Hebrew Bible, whose every letter Jesus inspired, teaches that the fear of the Lord is the hatred of evil. Paul quotes that in Romans 12:9. Jesus himself hated evil. In Revelation 2:6, Jesus praises the church of Ephesus for hating the works of the Nicolaitans, “which I also hate.”

Jesus is not a pacifist. He believed, as all Jews believe, that there is a time for war, as Ecclesiastes 3 teaches.

We Christians need to recognize that Iran and Hamas say quite openly that they are coming after Christians next. Israel today is fighting for civilization and for righteousness. We need to do what we can to support them–spiritually, politically and militarily.

Dr. Gerald McDermott is an Anglican theologian and a leading scholar on Christian Zionism. This message is excerpted with minor edits from his presentation at the ICEJ’s Envision conference 2024.

Prof. Gerald McDermott Speaking at Envision 2024.


Some 70 pastors and ministry leaders from 18 nations arrived in Jerusalem in late January for the ICEJ’s Envision solidarity mission to Israel. The four-day tour of a nation at war left participants stunned by the “radical evil” exhibited by Hamas terrorists last October 7, and made them more determined than ever to stand with Israel.

The Envision tour came four months into the war triggered by the horrific Hamas massacres on October 7, which claimed more than 1,200 Israeli lives (mostly civilians), with thousands more wounded, and over 250 taken hostage back into Gaza. The Christian leaders saw the death and destruction up close, heard from Israelis still reeling from the onslaught, and considered what more they can do to pray, give and stand with Israel.

The itinerary featured a tour of the Gaza border area, where the group was granted special permission to visit a car lot with 1,300 burned-out vehicles collected from nearby roadsides and villages in the days after the massacre. The site contains a long row of twisted, rusted-out car frames piled 10 meters (30 feet) high, many deliberately set on fire by Hamas terrorists with dead or wounded Israelis still inside. While there, regional security chief Rafi Babian recounted for the group his valiant efforts to lead dozens of civilians to safety on October 7.

The day outing also included a stop at the Sdot Negev Regional Council to witness the ICEJ’s donation of 113 Motorola radio transmitters which will enable local emergency response teams to send encrypted multiparty alerts. The Christian Embassy has now donated over 350 of these highly-effective communication

devices to every regional council along the Gaza border.

The group then visited Kibbutz Nir Oz, where more than one-quarter of the 425 residents were either murdered or kidnapped by Hamas militiamen. The community remains largely abandoned from the assault by some 150 well-armed terrorists. Nearly 120 days later, the kibbutz dining hall was still strewn with broken glass, while the walls were riddled with bullet holes, and the kitchen remained charred by fire.

Nir Oz is home to the Bibas family, whose two red-headed boys have captured the world’s attention. The front courtyard of their home is a heart-breaking scene, with a baby bouncer belonging to one year-old Kfir Bibas, and the bent bicycle of his four year-old brother Ariel.

The day ended at Kibbutz Mefalsim, where the Christian leaders shared a cookout with local emergency teams and received a briefing from the kibbutz security officers on how they

managed to fend off dozens of terrorists on October 7.

The next day, Envision delegates received excellent Bible teachings on Israel and the Church from Prof. Gerald McDermott, an Anglican theologian and scholar who has written several excellent books on Christian Zionism.

Rachel Goldberg speaking about her hostage son Hersh in the Knesset.

The group also toured the Knesset and heard from Israel’s Minister of Intelligence Gila Gamliel, Knesset Member Amit Halevi, and Rachel Goldberg, whose 21-year old son Hersh Goldberg-Polin remains a hostage in Gaza. She shared about her long wait for her son, who lost half an arm from a grenade explosion when he was abducted. Rachel also expressed thanks that Christians had come to show their support.

“You have shown up,” she said. “You don’t just talk the talk. You walk the walk. You got on the plane, and you came here. And we appreciate you!”

That evening, several relatives of two other Israeli hostages came to share about their missing loved ones. Shelly Shem Tov spoke of her painful longing to see her son Omer Shem Tov, who has asthma and celiac disease but no medicines.

Christian solidarity mission visits parking lot of burned-out cars.

“It has been a long nightmare for 118 days. No one in this planet can tell me how he is doing now. Please pray with us!” she pleaded.

A representation of the nations who donated to the renovation of the underground shelter.

On the final day of Envision, the group journeyed to the northern border area to learn more about the looming threat from Hizbullah in Lebanon. The main stop was the mixed Jewish-Arab town of Ma’alot-Tarshiha, located only 7 kilometers (4 miles) from the

Lebanese border. The ICEJ is renovating the town’s 65 underground public bomb shelters to help protect its 22,000 residents. Mayor Arkady Pomeranets was on hand to welcome the Christian visitors and thank the ICEJ for upgrading the shelters, which had fallen into disrepair over the past decade.

The group also heard from Gideon Bayer, a German Christian whose son Urija Bayer had volunteered for the Israeli army but died while fighting in Gaza in December. He explained how the family had moved to Israel decades ago to work with Holocaust survivors, an act of obedience to God that had now cost him a son.

“The path is difficult, but we still choose the path the Lord has for us,” said Gideon Bayer.

As the Envision tour neared its end, several delegates spoke about what they had seen and heard.

“We saw the face of radical evil,” said Prof. McDermott. “This is what happens when human beings become dehumanized and treat others as less than human.”

Pastor Lisa Powell, from California, said this was her 38th visit to Israel, but she came this time “to see what I could do to bless the people of Israel in more tangible ways.”


In late January, the Christian Embassy hosted a special solidarity mission to Israel for Church overseers from Australia, Canada, Indonesia, Nigeria and the UK. The visitors heard first-hand from Israelis whose loved ones were killed or kidnapped on October 7, toured the scenes of destruction, learned how the ICEJ is assisting with the war relief effort, and engaged with Israeli officials on how Christians can better stand with Israel in this time of crisis.

The three-day tour began in Kfar Aza, a kibbutz near the Gaza border devastated by the Hamas massacres on October 7. The group prayed for the release of more Israeli hostages while looking over into Gaza from the back gate of the kibbutz, which was breached by hundreds of terrorists on that dark day.

The delegates also visited Netiv HaAsara, close to the Erez Crossing into Gaza, and heard from regional security chief Amnon Ziv how special radio transmitters donated by ICEJ helped save thousands of Israeli lives on October 7. The ICEJ used the occasion to dedicate three new ATVs for the local security teams to fight fires and respond to threats.

The tour also included an audience with Israel’s new Foreign Minister Israel Katz, who warmly received the denominational leaders. Later

Because the group stayed in a Jerusalem hotel that is hosting dozens of evacuee families from Sderot, Powell could sit with them and hear how they are coping with loss and displacement.

ICEJ National Directors Nick Hansen (Denmark) and Vivienne Myburgh (South Africa) in the Knesset.

“Sitting in Europe and watching the news, we wonder whether Israel is going too far. But being here, you understand the sheer evil of October 7,” said Danish pastor Nick Hansen. “It was a celebration of death, a brutality that doesn’t exist even in nature.”

The Envision tour included delegates from Australia, Cameroon, Denmark, Fiji, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and United States.

Church overseers meet with Foreign Minister Israel Katz.

that day, the group attended the 20th anniversary ceremony of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, which was addressed by eight Knesset members as well as ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler.

The mission of global Christian leaders included Rev. David DiStaulo (General Superintendent) and Pastor Giulio Gabeli (Board Member) of the Assemblies of God in Canada; Rev. Adeleke Sansui (General Overseer for Europe, the UK and Middle East) and Rev. Yika Ulewale (Head of Mission-UK) from the Redeemed Christian Church of God based out of Nigeria; Rev. Daniel Pandji from Indonesia; and Mark Mudri from Australia.



One way the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is standing with Israel during the current war is by donating four new ambulances to serve the people of this embattled nation, after dozens of Israeli ambulances were destroyed during the mass invasion of Hamas terrorists on October 7.

The first ambulance was dedicated in a special ceremony at a medical training base near Beersheva in January. The Czech branches of the ICEJ and Jewish National Fund jointly raised the funds for the advanced, fully-equipped military ambulance to serve the residents of Kibbutz Be’eri and the Eshkol Region, which were hit hard during the Hamas massacres. Over 110 members of Kibbutz Be’eri, including two paramedics, were murdered in the horrific terrorist attack, and 23 were taken hostage into Gaza.

Kibbutz Be’eri was chosen as a beneficiary because its story reminded many Czechs of the brutal Nazi destruction of the village of Lidice in 1942. The initiative also arose from video footage of Hamas gunmen shooting up an ambulance during their rampage through Be’eri.

The ICEJ also has a special connection to Kibbutz Be’eri, as we are replanting a 126-acre (512-dunam) section of the surrounding Be’eri Forest, which has been renamed the “Christian Embassy Nature Park.”

Meantime, other Christian supporters of Israel have funded three additional ambulances for Israel. The ICEJ branches in Switzerland and the USA each are donating fully-equipped ambulances through Magen David Adom. A fourth ambulance being purchased by the ICEJ will serve Holocaust survivors in northern Israel, including the residents of our Home for Holocaust survivors in Haifa.

Besides these four new ambulances, the ICEJ’s Israel in Crisis Fund is going towards food and clothing distributions, housing and assisting evacuee families, donating or renovating some 150 bomb shelters, providing emergency medical and safety equipment to first responders, sponsoring sorely-needed trauma care, helping defend Israel in the media, and so much more.

Your support in helping this battered nation to recover is touching the hearts of many Israelis as they encounter our genuine Christian love and care for them! Thank you for giving generously to our Israel in Crisis fund.


Around dawn last October 7, alarms blared across Sderot as the city was invaded by Hamas terrorists from nearby Gaza. As chaos engulfed the town, local policeman Eli* and his fellow officers confronted dozens of militiamen, stopping their advance. Their quick response and courage saved hundreds of Israeli lives. Nevertheless, Eli was tragically killed, leaving behind a wife and children. In total, at least 70 security personnel and civilians died in the battle for Sderot.

With Eli’s death, his wife and children faced unimaginable grief. The family also was stuck in a home in need of major repairs. The roof leaked, the electrical system was unsafe, and the kitchen and bathroom were run down. Eli had been working on renovations before the attack, but now would never finish the work.

Today, however, the house is being fixed and upgraded in hopes of creating a warmer, brighter home for the remaining family to rebuild their lives. When the ICEJ learned of Eli’s bravery and sacrifice, and of the grieving family’s dilapidated home, we responded by helping complete the repairs. Working with local Israeli handymen, we are finishing what the father started and thereby easing the family’s recovery.

“I feel so small in comparison to the huge loss of this family,” said Gabi Nachmani, one

of the repairmen. “This is the least I can do for them.”

The ICEJ has assisted many other Sderot families evacuated to safer places in Israel, including with voucher gift cards to shop for food and essential items at local supermarkets.

Please join us in meeting the urgent needs of Israelis still reeling from the current war.

ICEJ and KKL-JNF leadership at the dedication ceremony of a new ambulance. Donate today at: give.icej.org/crisis Donate to our Israel in Crisis fund at: give.icej.org/crisis
Israeli police retake Sderot after Hamas invasion of October 7.
ICEJ AID * Name changed to protect the family’s privacy. 12 | MARCH/APRIL 2024
Fixing bedroom ceiling of slain policeman’s home.


The ongoing war with Hamas forced thousands of residents from Sderot, a town close to the Gaza border, to evacuate to temporary housing across Israel, and it is still uncertain when they can safely return home. While they wait, the Christian Embassy is assisting the members of a believing congregation from Sderot who are staying in a village near Jerusalem, including by sponsoring thirteen of their children to attend classes this year at Makor Hatikvah, a school run by local believers.

For these children whose town was overrun by terrorists on October 7, the school has provided a welcome refuge from the storm.

Arriving at the school, we were cheered to find the Sderot children happily playing football and hopscotch, crafting bracelets, and painting pictures. Several curious students came over to greet us and show off their soccer skills. This environment certainly seemed to be helping the children from the Sderot fellowship heal from their recent encounter with conflict.

The persistent anxiety caused by war can significantly disrupt the learning process for these youngsters, especially when they have parents serving in the army. Yet within the walls of Makor Hatikvah (Hebrew for “source of hope”), these students are finding refuge and hope.

Many arrived at the school still traumatized, just weeks after the war broke out. The scholarships provide them a quality educational opportunity and a caring environment among those of faith.

Bekka, the school’s art teacher, explained the challenges they faced from the constant rocket alerts in Sderot to arriving at a new school as evacuees trying to adjust to new teachers

and classmates. Her approach in art class was to focus on the vibrant, uplifting aspects of life and creation, hoping it would serve as a therapeutic outlet for the children.

Bekka noted the significant changes for two students from Sderot. One discovered his passion for art, allowing him to refocus by using bright colors. Another student, initially sullen and detached, gradually opened up to engaging more positively with both art and his peers.

Our ICEJ team also spoke with Mira, a 15-yearold evacuee from Sderot who encapsulates the benefits of this nurturing environment.

“The last year has been challenging for me,” she said. “The war, the bombs, the casualties, the hiding; it was a lot to take in. My family and I were scared.”

Yet, her relocation to Jerusalem and attending Makor Hatikvah were turning points for Mira.

“Coming to Jerusalem and, thanks to ICEJ, enrolling in a school I never dreamed of being able to go to, the supportive teachers and my new friends here, have all given me hope. This is what I can hold on to,” she assured.

Over recent months, the ICEJ has received ‘thank you’ letters from the Sderot families whose children received scholarships to Makor

Hatikvah. All of them stated that their children were full of joy and did not want to leave the school due to the positive impact it had on them. One family with two sons sponsored by ICEJ wrote:

“On October 7, our day began with sirens and gunfire. From my window, I saw four armed individuals shoot a man and shoot at our house. Our children were petrified, fearing that the terrorists would break in. Amidst constant shooting and missile alarms, we huddled together, praying for safety. After a rocket cut our electricity, we spent hours in anxiety, particularly for our youngest who was deeply affected. Escaping the city offered little relief from the fear of further attacks. It took weeks and the supportive community of the school to help my boys recover from the trauma. They are much calmer now and have made many new friends. I can’t say thank you enough.”

Through these scholarships, the ICEJ is not only opening educational doors for evacuee children but also investing in their healing. The families are grateful that committed Christians around the world are helping provide a sanctuary of learning and peace of mind for the children of this recuperating congregation.

Donate today at: give.icej.org/crisis ICEJ AID
Hamas terrorists infiltrated Sderot on October 7.


For many families in Israel, the scars from the Hamas massacres of October 7 are still very raw.

Displaced from their homes to distant hotels, most families share cramped quarters in one or two rooms, with very little space for privacy. The youngsters find themselves still struggling with uncertainty, as their sense of security is shattered and their schooling is severely disrupted.

In response to the emotional needs of children in evacuee families, the ICEJ has set up a special youth club in Maale HaChamisha that offers teens a haven of safety and fun in this uncertain time.

The special tent for youth activities allows the children to retreat into their own space to enjoy meals and group fun as teenagers, while also being used at times for counselling sessions.

Stepping into the tent, the laughter and chatter instantly attracts and calms any youngster. The comforting aroma of a freshly cooked meal also makes them feel at home. Yet underneath the smiles and fun, these are still teens with troubled memories of absolute mayhem not so long ago.

“Every day, they live on the same hotel food in the same cramped rooms with no privacy, having no set routine, all while facing absence from school and having friends and family scattered to other places,” explained Nati, an Israeli social worker. “Not only this, but many have lost loved ones in the October 7 attacks or in the fighting since. The toll this situation is taking on their mental health is both real and significant, leading to problematic behaviors like vandalism, drinking, and in some cases even drug use.”

“We need to work on setting boundaries, as youth are given a lot of freedom and no curfews. Efforts are being made to provide trauma counselling and to entertain the evacuees through various activities. However, events such as a wine and cheese night for their parents can also sometimes serve as an easy opportunity for unsupervised drinking among the youth,” Nati continued.

“The situation is shifting now as families slowly begin to relocate, often without knowing if this is a more permanent goodbye or if they will reconnect with the community later. Sometimes, the teenagers may be allowed to stay in the hotel with friends, or they may need to say a quick goodbye to friends who are an important source of support in these difficult times,” she added.

Currently, there are approximately 12,000 evacuated Israeli youths who are considered ‘at-risk,’ meaning they might drop out of school or fall into crime or drugs. Therapists and social workers are provided at each of the hotels that house evacuee families, to help with their mental and emotional health needs. Yet, these professionals often tend to cater to the needs of the elderly and adults, while the youth drift off into unsupervised activities.

Looking around the tent, it was apparent that these teens desired a safe space where they could connect with each other. Everything they trusted in has been shaken and trying to deal with their traumas and uncertain futures is taking its toll. Therefore, creating a warm, welcoming place especially for them finally provides them room to breathe, process events, and start feeling secure in themselves again.

The ICEJ is privileged to provide this oasis which serves between 50 to 80 evacuated teens from southern Israel every day. Backed by trained staff, this grassroots initiative gives hope to youth who have been wounded by the atrocities they have seen and heard. Through this, we can help restore their sense of well-being so they emerge as the next generation of strong and resilient Israelis.

Thank you for supporting our Israel in Crisis Fund. Your generosity allows us to make a significant difference in the lives of Israelis of all ages who have been forced to leave their homes due to the ongoing war triggered by the October 7 terrorist attacks. We are committed to providing them with the care and support they need during this difficult time.

Please give today at: give.icej.org/crisis
ICEJ Tent creates free space for evacuee children


The expected surge in Jewish immigration to Israel due to global fallout from the Gaza war is starting to happen, with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem currently preparing to sponsor Aliyah flights for Jewish families from France and South Africa, where concerns over violent antisemitism are all too real.

This week, the ICEJ committed to fund Aliyah flights for 100 Jewish immigrants coming from France over the next month or so, as well as up to 20 Jews who will be arriving soon from South Africa. The Christian Embassy looks forward to welcoming these olim (newcomers) home, but we will need the generous help of Christians worldwide to fund these flights and even more expected over the course of this year.

As often happens whenever Israel is thrust into a conflict with Hamas and other Islamist terror militias, waves of antisemitism are unleashed worldwide, producing in turn a fresh wave of Aliyah to the Jewish homeland. Over recent decades, France and South Africa have both witnessed this dynamic play out due to concerns over rampant antisemitism in these countries. Sadly, this is the case once more due to Israel’s war against Hamas terrorism in Gaza and on other fronts.

Since the year 2000, there has been a notable surge in Aliyah from France. (Credit: JAFI)

Since the brutal Hamas massacres last October 7, more than 7,000 Jews have moved to Israel despite it being a nation at war, and many more are anticipated over coming months. The Jewish Agency has given top priority to France, as Aliyah applications there have jumped over 500% since the war started in October. Antisemitic incidents there are up 1,000%, according to one recent report.

Israeli officials also are gearing up for a surge of Jewish immigrants from South Africa due


to the government’s strident anti-Israel stand, especially the accusations against Israel of committing genocide in Gaza which the ANCled regime is pursuing at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

FRANCE: Since the year 2000, there has been a notable surge in Aliyah from France, which at the time was home to some 750,000 Jews. But with the Second Palestinian Intifada from 2000 to 2005 and numerous rocket wars with Hamas and Hizbullah since, radical Muslims began agitating against Jews across France, prompting many to move to Israel or other countries. Factor in the attack on a Jewish school in Toulouse in 2012, the Charlie Hebdo riots and Hyper Cacher supermarket siege in Paris in 2015, and the brutal murder of Sarah Halimi in 2017, and the Jewish exodus has only accelerated. Today, estimates are that only 500,000 Jews remain in France.

Many of those who are moving to Israel are not just concerned about antisemitism in France, but they also are attracted to life in Israel, the job opportunities in hi-tech and other professions, and just identifying proudly with the Jewish state and people.

It also is important to note that not all French Jews have the means to immigrate to Israel, as many come from struggling working-class Sephardi Jewish families who fled upheavals in North Africa several generations back.

The ICEJ started sponsoring Aliyah flights from France in 2010. Since then, we have assisted more than 4,000 French Jews in making Aliyah. The door is now open for Christians to help bring hundreds more French Jews back to their ancestral homeland, in keeping with Bible prophecies.

SOUTH AFRICA: The nation of South Africa also has seen a recent spike in Aliyah coinciding with the country’s genocide petition against Israel at the World Court of Justice in The Hague.

The ANC-led government’s openly strident stand against Israel also has fueled antisemitic incidents across the country. ICEJ representatives in South Africa recently witnessed this hostility while preparing to host a pro-Israel rally in Cape Town, where they were expecting about 3,000 Christians to

come pray for Israel and the hostages still held in Gaza. But police called off the event due to the violent threats of an unapproved counterprotest by pro-Palestinian demonstrators, who attacked several people and also clashed with police. One key instigator of the riot was Mandla Mandela, the grandson of Nelson Mandela, who is a convert to Islam. There was even a Jewish man in a wheelchair assaulted by the rioters.

The legal team of South Africa and Israel at the World Court of Justice in The Hague. (AP)

Many Christians in South Africa are speaking out against the rising antisemitism and their government’s legal warfare against Israel, and they are earnestly praying for a drastic change in course for their country in the upcoming national elections.

Amid the tensions between the two countries, EL AL has decided to soon stop direct flights from Israel to South Africa, and there is even concern over a potential closing of Israel’s embassy in South Africa. Nonetheless, the Aliyah from South Africa will most definitely continue, and we need your help to bring more Jews home from this embattled community.


The Christian Embassy will continue reaching out with war relief aid to meet the urgent needs within Israel during this time of crisis and conflict. But the moment has arrived when we also can help bring home more Jews from France, South Africa and many other countries where they are facing antisemitic threats. The ICEJ has a proven record of assisting more than 185,000 Jews in returning to the Promised Land, just as the biblical prophets foretold. So, please join with us in rising to the current challenge by supporting the ICEJ’s urgent Aliyah efforts.

Donate at: give.icej.org/aliyah


mong the many activities of late at the ICEJ’s Home for Holocaust survivors in Haifa, we have completely renovated the community dining room, and also made preparations to safeguard the residents in case the current war in Gaza escalates to the point of engulfing northern Israel in a major conflict with Hizbullah in Lebanon.


Israeli leaders have warned that tens of thousands of Israelis evacuated from communities along the northern border may not be able to safely return to their homes unless the IDF goes into southern Lebanon to push the Hizbullah terror militia back from the border area. This would likely lead to a major escalation in the current war, with several thousand Hizbullah rockets fired into northern Israel every day.

In response, the ICEJ has taken several steps to make our Haifa Home better prepared to protect the elderly Holocaust survivors who reside there. First, we have arranged with the city of Haifa and the electric company to

provide a large back-up generator that can supply power for the entire block where most of the residents live in case of a power failure. We have organized a large safe room just off the dining hall to allow quick access during meals and community meetings. We also have purchased and stored away food and emergency items to take care of the residents should no one be able to go outside.

In addition, we have also equipped a large underground shelter at a public school across the street to house the residents should Haifa come under heavy rocket barrages. We are also making a room into a safe room in the building where some of our residents from Ukraine live.

Finally, we have donated a new ambulance to serve Holocaust survivors at the Home and other survivors throughout the Haifa region.

We pray that the conflict will not widen, as the residents of the Haifa Home have already seen enough wars and suffering in their lives. But we need to be prepared just in case.

16 | MARCH/APRIL 2024
Preparing bomb shelter. 1. 3.
2. 1.
ICEJ logistics team preparing the shelter. Haifa Home generator arranged with city.
A newly donated ambulance.


The Haifa Home marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day two days early on 25 January in the presence of ambassadors and consuls from several nations who came to show their support for the Jewish people. The gathering was moved by the testimony of Mania, a Holocaust survivor and Haifa Home resident who shared her powerful story of hope in the face of great adversity. She brought a very sobering message as she reflected on how the Hamas massacres on October 7 had made the vow “Never Again” seemingly lose its meaning.

With rising antisemitism now approaching the levels of the 1930s in Europe, Holocaust survivors are determined to raise their voices to ensure their stories of suffering and loss of entire families are not forgotten.

In Israel today, there are 137,401 Holocaust survivors still living in the Land. Their ages range from 77 to 111 years old, and 62% are women. We want to keep their stories alive, to support and care for them, and to stand with them in this dark hour.


to be a place of warmth and joy which inspires our residents and team. Thank you for allowing us to celebrate these milestones with these precious Holocaust survivors!


We are always keen to make the common public spaces at our Haifa Home more beautiful, homey and inviting for our residents. So, we embarked on a major renovation of the community dining hall, modernizing the kitchen, and adding a special corner for all the dairy products plus an industrial dishwasher.

After a month of extremely hard work by a carefully selected group of wonderful professional builders, we finally were able to have a festive and joyous reopening in mid-February.

Joy was beaming from the faces of the residents. The significance of the dining room is not just enjoying the meals our residents share there every day, but also the feeling of belonging together, of seeing one another, conversing with each other, and so much more. It also is the place where most of the main community gatherings, such as concerts and group visits, are held.

The renovation plans were done by an interior designer from the Caucasus region named Maya who made Aliyah last year. Besides being an engineer, interior design is in her heart. For us to give a new Jewish immigrant their first project in the country was an added blessing in this renovation.

Moshe Bar Haim, a resident of the Haifa Home, was born in Romania and lived happily with his family as a child. But his life drastically changed during World War Two when the family was forced into hiding. After a long time of fear of getting caught, the Jewish family was finally discovered by German forces. They were separated and sent to different camps. It was there that Moshe witnessed unimaginable horrors and faced traumas, hardships, and heartache that would mark him for life.

Miraculously, they survived the war and were liberated by the Russian army, and he soon sailed for Mandatory Palestine. But on the way, the ship was stopped by British forces and Moshe was brought to Cyprus, where he and other Jewish war refugees were put into detention camps yet again. Eventually, Moshe arrived in Israel, where he studied agriculture, was drafted as a soldier, and ultimately became a teacher. He then moved to America, where he discovered his talent as a chef and restaurateur, running a thriving restaurant with his wife.

Sadly, Moshe’s life was once again touched by grief when he lost his wife after 46 years, followed later by the loss of his youngest daughter. In his later years, Moshe found himself in need of a supportive environment, which he found at the Haifa Home until his passing on January 30, 2024, at the age of 90. His departure has left a void among his family and friends and the entire community at the Haifa Home.


Haifa Home resident Yaacov H. just reached the remarkable age of 100, joining two other centenarians with Polish roots at the Home!

The dedicated care of our amazing 24/7 caregivers, and the activities and love offered at the Home, all contribute to the longevity of our residents. The Haifa Home continues

“This is my first project in Israel. I put my heart and soul into it to bring some joy to the Holocaust survivors, who suffered so much,” said Maya. “I hope that when they enter the room, it will give them a warm and joyful feeling and will add some positive things in their life.”

Maya is a joyful and energetic person, and she indeed put her whole self into it, putting in long hours alongside the local construction workers.

With beautiful music from a violin and pan flute, delicious delicacies, and a festive meal, the dining hall was officially reopened. The room was packed! Most residents and their caregivers who came were delighted to be together and enjoy the new look and feel.

“Wow, it is so beautiful and homey! It is like sitting in a very nice restaurant,” many residents agreed.

They also were eager to thank all their generous Christian friends worldwide who made this revamped dining hall possible.

Please continue to support the Haifa Home and the ICEJ’s other efforts to care for the needs of ageing Holocaust survivors in Israel.

Donate at:  give.icej.org/survivors 17 | WORD FROM JERUSALEM


“Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘Old men and old women shall again sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each one with his staff in his hand because of great age. The streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in its streets’.” (Zechariah 8:4-5)

This prophetic word, written 500 years before the Gospels, is being fulfilled in our days.

Tanya is among those of a ‘ripe old age’ who sit in the streets of Jerusalem. Recently, she left her modest apartment in the Old City and sat with Corrie van Maanen of ICEJ Homecare near the restored Hurva Synagogue in the Jewish Quarter. She was eager to share her thoughts, especially about the current tensions.

“War is scary, wherever it is, but still there is a sense of calm in Israel,” she said. “I do not know where it comes from. Even though there is a lot of anxiety and questions on when the war will end, there is still a sense of security… I feel the Almighty protects us. I feel protected.”

“The first days after October 7, I was very afraid, even to go outside,” explained Tanya. “I just listened constantly to the news. And then, slowly, I started to go outside. I took a chair and sat near the entrance… and started to get used to everything.”

Tanya never studied Hebrew when she made Aliyah years ago, since she had to care for her sick, elderly parents. Later her husband was sick until he died. Thus, she feels so torn between the place where she was born in Ukraine and where she has now lives. Her heart goes out to many old friends suffering in that war.

Her heart also is with her family here, as she follows the war through Russian language channels.

“I feel heavy when I hear the bad news of young Israeli soldiers dying. It makes you want to cry,” she told Corrie.

Tanya is no stranger to war. Her father fought in the Second World War, and miraculously survived a burning tank three times. She was born in the difficult days of Stalin’s rule.

As she recounted her life story, Tanya suddenly turned to Corrie and exclaimed: “Do you remember how we met you from the ICEJ? My mother really needed help and I was given your phone number and we called you. We were always glad to have your help and friendship.”

“First of all, we appreciate your good attitude. You always brought us very good, purehearted people. I told my grandchildren about Christians and their good deeds. I remember when my husband was in the hospital, and you visited him there, Corrie. You also took care of him, something I remember when I am sad, because it makes me feel warm at heart. Good memories like these leave a trace. We need to forget the evil and remember only the good. The more you remember the good, the more it comes to you.”

Tanya also was impressed that Jews and Christians recently came together to stand up for Israel in the genocide case at the International Court of Justice in the Hague.

“I believe there is a God and that He wants us all to live in love and

peace,” she said. “And trials are given to test our relationship to God and to life. He wants us all – believers and unbelievers – to live in harmony… I see different people come to the Western Wall, black and white, with crosses and without crosses. All raise their hands and ask the Almighty for health and faith. And that’s right!”

While still enjoying each other’s company on the bench, the sun disappears behind clouds, reminding her that life brings times of both sunshine and sorrow.

“We must rejoice even in bad times,” continued Tanya. “That’s what we feel in Israel. When war comes, there’s sorrow for all. But when victory comes, everyone will rejoice and we will live peacefully as before.”

“Joy is when soldiers win, when everyone comes home safe, when the weather is good, when people do good to each other. Any little thing done from the heart brings joy.”

“I try to enjoy every little thing. Years ago, it was a hard start but now it feels good to live here. I still don’t know Hebrew, but people pass by me and say: ‘Shalom savta!’ (Hello, grandmother!) And I find joy in that, too.”

You can support the important work of ICEJ Homecare by giving at: give.icej.org/homecare

18 | MARCH/APRIL 2024


The nation of Israel is not only at war against the Hamas terror militia, but also against dark spiritual forces that seek to hinder Israel from reaching its destiny in God.

Following the brutal massacres on October 7, Israel declared war on Hamas. The ICEJ also joined the battle through prayer, wrestling with principalities and powers and rulers of darkness in heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). A total of over 10,000 intercessors from 173 different nations have joined our Global Prayer Gathering (GPG) since October 7, with a daily average of over 1,000 participants joining the online GPG from 4:00 to 6:00 PM (Israel time) each day.

Through these faithful prayer warriors, the worldwide ministry of the ICEJ has been greatly strengthened and encouraged. The Lord also has given us much wisdom, revelation and discernment on how to pray into this war. And participants are sending us testimonies about how the daily GPG sessions have lifted them from despair over the conflict and intensified their intimacy with God.

“We highly value and love the maturity of the panel and many of the intercessory groups. We share and delight in the love that the ICEJ has for God and for the Israeli people,” one attendee recently wrote.

At the start of the war, the ICEJ’s parallel Rosh Chodesh prayer chain was covering two weeks of prayer each month, as groups from different nations took up the baton of engaging in roundthe-clock prayer for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Israel and for revival in their nations. As we continued to intercede, we noticed that many of the churches and prayer groups in the Rosh Chodesh online vigil took on added hours. As a result, the Rosh Chodesh prayer chain has now been going 24/7 all month long since January 11.

From the beginning of the war, the Lord made clear that we are battling the Spirit of Amalek. The Bible describes this as a spirit of envy which arises in every generation to try to annihilate the Jewish people, and especially when they are on the brink of a spiritual breakthrough for the nation.

During the time of Moses, the Amalekites traveled a great distance to come attack the children of Israel just before they reached Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments and the instructions for building the Tabernacle of His presence. During the time of David, the Amalekites raided and looted David’s camp not long before Israel’s greatest king received the vision to build the Lord’s House in Jerusalem. During the time of Esther, the Amalekite prince Haman arose to destroy the Jewish people just before their return to the Land of Israel to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.

These three stories reveal three strategies to victory over the Spirit of Amalek. The first key is found in the books of Moses, as Amalek was defeated by Joshua as Aaron and Hur came alongside Moses and held up his hands in intercession. This is a picture of our agreement in corporate prayer, coming together as a body to lift up the Jewish nation as they engage in battle.

The next key is found in the story of David, who had to strengthen himself in the Lord before engaging the Amalekite marauders in battle. Before we lead our churches and communities to stand in prevailing prayer for Israel’s victory, we must make sure that we are standing strong and upright in the Lord ourselves.

The final key the Lord has revealed is that some breakthroughs can only be achieved through prayer and fasting, as was the case in the story of Esther. Corporate fasting and prayer brought a complete turn around and unraveled the evil plans hatched by

The brutal attacks on October 7 have shown that this spirit has raised its head once again to try and stop Israel from reaching its destiny. We believe this is because the Lord is getting ready to release something great in the earth through the Jewish people and nation once more. As intercessors and watchmen called from across the nations to stand on the walls of Jerusalem, let us take our place and strategically prayer for Israel during this critical time.

roshchodesh.icej.org on.icej.org/ICEJGlobalPrayer 19 | WORD FROM JERUSALEM


In mid-February, the ICEJ’s Czech office organized an Israel conference in Cesky Tesin, a town in the Czech “Bible belt” near the border with Slovakia. Over 300 participants from both parts of former Czechoslovakia arrived with high expectations for this third annual gathering called “ICEJ Connection”, which aims to connect local believers with the move of God in Israel and the wider Middle East.

Worship leaders Shilo and Sarah ben Hod were joined by Nizar Francis, a popular Israeli Arab singer whose vision is to create bridges of love between Jews and Arabs in the Land of Israel. The presence of the Lord descended on the participants during worship when Hebrew and Arabic lyrics flowed together. The messages reflected on the very difficult situation in Israel since October 7 but also encouraged listeners with many stories of God’s intervention.

The keynote speaker was Benjamin Berger, pastor of a Messianic Congregation in the Old City of Jerusalem. He has witnessed the development of the Messianic movement in Israel for more than half a century and is a well-known speaker who teaches about the restoration of Israel and its importance for the Gentile church. He gave inspired messages on the topic of the conference taken from Romans 11:15:

“For if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?”

The packed venue and many positive reactions indicated that the churches are waking up to a deeper understanding of the mystery of Israel.


In late January, the USA branch of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem helped organize an historic joint delegation of Christian pastors and Orthodox Jewish rabbis to urge the US Congress to stand with Israel. The mission to Washington, DC was a powerful, timely statement of ChristianJewish support for the nation and people of Israel in the midst of the IDF’s current battle with Hamas in Gaza.

The special lobby day on Capitol Hill brought together more than 70 Christian pastors and Orthodox Jewish rabbis, marking the first time such a pro-Israel initiative by an interfaith delegation of clergymen was ever undertaken in the US Congress. The joint mission was held in cooperation with American Christian Leaders for Israel, Israel Allies Foundation, Zionist Rabbinic Coalition, and other pro-Israel groups.

“We were so overwhelmed by the warmth and unity we felt as we walked the halls of Congress with our Jewish counterparts. This is a game-changing moment in the history of Jewish-Christian relations, and we’re so excited about all the good that can come about as we continue to work together,” stated ICEJ-USA national director Dr. Susan Michael.

ICEJ-USA prayer coordinator Julaine Stark noted that the special “Israel Advocacy Day” saw the dozens of pastors and rabbis from 15 states coalesce as one to advocate for Israel in meetings with 30 Members of Congress, expressing support for Israel and the urgent need to free the Israeli hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza.

“Supporting Israel in her war with Hamas is an American issue and an issue for all people of goodwill. Never before have rabbis and pastors gone to Congress to lobby together,” New York rabbi Chaim Steinmetz also told the Jewish News Syndicate wire service. “It is happening today, as Americans are increasingly concerned that Iran and her proxies are threatening the very existence of a key American ally.”

Rabbi Haim Steinmetz of Kehilat Jeshuran, Dr. Susan Michael of ICEJ USA and ACLI, Jordanna McMillan of Israel Allies Foundation, Allison Griffin of ICEJ USA, Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt of Zionist Rabbinical Coalition. Dr. Mojmir Kallus, Nizar Francis and Shilo ben Hod at ICEJ Connection conference.


The ICEJ’s German branch again marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27, with this year’s commemorations especially important given that Germany is facing its worst surge of antisemitism since the end of Nazi rule.

When reports of the Hamas massacres on October 7 first appeared, Arabs and Muslims danced with joy and handed out candies in the streets of Berlin. Since then, tens of thousands of radical Islamists and leftists have held strident anti-Israel and antisemitic protests across Germany.

Under police protection, the ICEJ laid a wreath at the Holocaust memorial in Stuttgart, joined by members of the Jewish community and guests from Israel. Afterwards, 400 attendees heard speeches not only remembering the Shoah, but also denouncing the current frightening levels of antisemitism.

The ICEJ also held a large remembrance event with the Jewish community in the synagogue

in Michelstadt, which also was broadcast to the nearby Protestant church. The 500 guests heard Ahmad Mansour, a German-Israeli psychologist of Arab-Palestinian origin, speak about his changed attitudes towards Jews and his concerns that antisemite in Germany are so brazen in openly expressing their hatred of Jews.

The German branch also organized school assemblies for 93-yearold Holocaust survivor Fanny Ben-Ami to tell her life story to over 2000 students and also testify on the horrors of October 7.

Born in Baden-Baden before the war, Fanny Ben-Ami escaped from the Nazis to France. Though still a child, Fanny supported the French

resistance during the German occupation and rescued 150 partisans. At age 13, she also smuggled her two younger sisters and 26 other Jewish children to Switzerland. Fanny’s life was later made into a movie.

The school gatherings were moderated by ICEJ-Germany chairman Gottfried Bühler, who challenged the students to stand against antisemitism. As a visible sign, the students shone their cell phone flashlights in the darkened hall.

Fanny Ben-Ami in conversation with Gottfried


After hearing the testimony of Holocaust survivor Fanny BenAmi, German students lit up their cell phone flashlights in memory of the six million murdered Jews.

Hundreds of Norwegian Christians gathered in front of their nation’s parliament in Oslo in early February for an historic rally to stand with Israel and oppose antisemitism. The demonstration brought together the broadest-ever alliance of Christian denominations in Norway to endorse a joint statement declaring support for Israel in its war with Hamas and calling for more action to confront antisemitism.

The pro-Israel rally was organized by the ICEJ-Norway branch, and was attended by clergy and laymen from the Pentecostal, Lutheran and Catholic churches, representing all the nation’s Christian denominations except for the former state church.

“It was an historic demonstration of Christian support for Israel in our nation due to the wide range of Christian leaders and organizations involved. Nothing like this has ever happened in my lifetime,” said ICEJ-Norway national director Dag Øyvind Juliussen, who hosted the event.

At the conclusion of the rally, the church leaders issued a joint statement expressing “deep sorrow that we witness the ongoing war and the global increase in antisemitism and hatred towards Jews. As Christians, we feel a special responsibility to stand up for our Jewish brethren, especially considering the history of the Church… We find it unacceptable that Jews living in Norway experience increased harassment and fear.”

The joint statement also condemned the actions and threats of Hamas on and after October 7, which “demonstrate the fundamental antisemitic ideology of Hamas.” The statement concluded with calls for prayers for peace in the region, and the safeguarding of Norway’s Jewish community.

Bühler at a memorial event in Stuttgart.
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