1 minute read


by Timothy Rodman, CPMM

We’ve all been there. Being the new kid or even working the first day at a new job. While it may seem like everyone else is on Season 5 of a TV show and you’re a new character, here are a few ways to help you quickly adapt and appeal to everyone’s good nature.

Five ways to make friends when you’re new:



Be kind. Kindness is never short in demand. A little bit of grace goes a long way, especially from the new person.

Be receptive. Being new has its challenges. You may receive projects you’re not thrilled about. Receive assignments, asks and feedback well, and be mindful that your coworkers (or classmates) made it this far before you joined them. Always be ready to learn.

3. Listen. We all have things we want to say, but for the first few weeks of being new, it’s okay if you’re not leading the conversation. Be present and engaging, but also listen. Listening is a sure-fire way to get to know your colleagues and peers and how they like to communicate.

4. Be eager. Along the lines of being receptive, show up enthusiastically for every ask (within reason). This helps show your colleagues and peers that you’re here to help.

5. Be present. In the example of starting new at a company, you know the team is going to head out for team lunches as a group. You can’t make a good first impression if you’re keeping to yourself. Get out, explore and learn about your new colleagues.

No one likes being the new kid, but it’s our hope that these hints help lessen this embarrassing time.

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