Full Throttle Magazine October issue 2020

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October 2020

What's Up At Doc's Page 3

Evolution of the Motorcycle and Enthusiast Why Are Motorcycles on Almost Everyone’s Bucket List? Full Throttle Magazine October Issue 2020

Page 10-11

Harley's New Products Page 20-21

Mustang "E" Page 26-27

Photo Credit: Maria Bruno/Doc's Harley Davidosn

What’s Up At Doc’s? E

very day Doc’s is open, I am most likely here. My day is like an awakening. I walk in seeing each one of my team setting up their day before we open. The motorclothes girls are counting money for their registers. The parts crew are calling their customers to let them know their parts are in. The bikes are lining up at our service doors while the Service Advisors are pulling up the schedule. The Sales team are riding the used bikes around the building and lining them up. Before the lights are on and the doors open, everyone is buzzing around getting Doc’s ready to go. This happens every day, first thing in the morning. I love walking in and seeing this magic take place. With the “new normal”, we have to do way more than ever before. Make sure we have our mask on. Make sure we clean the desks, the counters, the doors, etc. with antibacterial wipes. Now, we have plexi-glass at all of our counters to help control the possibility of COVID. St. Louis County has this as a required action for our dealership. Do I like wearing a mask on the floor? No. Does my staff like wearing a mask all day? No. My God, now we have mask breaks for my team and believe me, it is needed. It is hot wearing it all day but as I tell my team…”This too shall pass.”. …We will get through this. The old American spirit moves on. Now, we have masks for our customers who do not have one. Most people have been great but a few have been upset to wear a mask. I get it. People are frustrated with the times but there is so much more to see how each one of us is blessed. The Harley community is the best. We take care of each other. Poker runs take place because a child is in need. The Motorcycle clubs are involved in charity rides. We ride and have fun. We can talk about rides, bikes, new memories, old memories and new friends we just met. Where can you do that besides Church? You can come into a Harley-Davidson dealership and still have fun, mask on for now.

Remember, all of us are part of this community. Remember…this too shall pass.

Luv ya lots, Beth www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com

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Just back home from an unbelievable five days at the Lake of the Ozark’s 14th Annual Bikefest. The weather this year was spectacular. Not one drop of rain; all sun and mild temps every day. The bikes started to pour in noon Wednesday and never stopped throughout the entire weekend. Without a doubt this was the largest Bikefest and busiest Bikefest to date. After taking with several of the Bikefest Committee members it Page 3: What's Up At Doc's is estimated somewhere near 150,000 bikes, that’s bike not Page 6: Cruisin’ Calendar people attended this year’s Bikefest. With the thought of that many bikes having two people and also with the mix of visitors Page 8-9: 14th Annual Lake of the in cars, the people count was well over 200,000. The strip Ozarks Bikefest Pics was jammed every day and even busier in the evenings. All Page 10-11: Evolution of the of the bars, restaurants and hotels enjoyed the biker crowds and as we know bikers like to spend money. Full Throttle Motorcycle and Enthusiast Why Are Motorcycles on Almost Magazine was excited to be the “Exclusive” Motorcycle Magazine Sponsor of this year’s Bikefest again and also, we Everyone’s Bucket List? are always excited to host the Passport Ride which was a huge Page 12: Crack Up’s success again this year. A gentleman from Ewing, Mo won the New Harley-Davidson Road King and his name will be Page: 20-21: Harley's New Products announced later this week. All of us at Full Throttle Magazine Page 25: Gaslight Garage and everyone involved with Bikefest as well as all the stores, bars, restaurants and Hotels thank all of you who came out Page: 26-27: Mustang "E" and made this the largest Bike Rally in the Midwest. Mark Full Throttle Magazine your calendars for next year’s Bikefest on Weds September 6209 Mid River Mall Dr 15th through Sunday September 19th. Make those room Ste 182 reservations early. See you at the 15th Annual Lake of the St Charles, MO 63304 Ozark Bikefest.

T a ble o f C on ten t


Robert Blanton, Publisher Publisher@fullthrottle-magazine.com Cindy Blanton, Editor Editor@fullthrottle-magazine.com Contributing Writers Zach White, Doc's H-D, Tony Goodrich, Sales Staff Robert Blanton, Contributing Photographer Robert Blanton, Denis Niederhoffer Nick Gaines

Great news for the Jeff City area, Steve and Laura Pecoraro, the owners of Mid-America Harley are opening a new dealership at 912 Hwy 54 West in Jefferson City called Barn House Harley Davidson and Barn House Powersports. I just spoke to Matt Butkovich the Store Manager and they are shooting for the end of October as an opening date. This will be an amazing facility and we will have more to share with you about this soon. If you’re in the area stop by see what a fun facility they are building for the biking community. Best of luck to them on this amazing and fun new venture. We know they will kick ass with this location and their great dealerships. As always, my friends ride safe and see you on the road with Full Throttle Magazine.

Full Throttle Magazine and its content is fully Copyrighted ©


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Full Throttle Magazine does not sponsor, endorse and/or promote every event on our Crusin’ Calendar. Our field staff may not always be at every event.

Evolution of the Moto Why Are Motorcycles on Alm

Before we can dive into the understanding of the motorcycle enthusiast, we need to have a greater understanding of how this exhilarating machine came to be.

Now, most everyone has a base understanding of the motorcycle and some of the history. But do you know how far back the history goes? Oh, some of you will say 1901 for Indian Motorcycles and 1903 for Harley Davidson. These two companies did indeed put the motorcycle industry on the map, no question. Let me digress just a bit; traveling back in time to Michelangelo. Some would say that it all began with him, the true inventor of the bicycle. He did not actually construct the bicycle, but merely put brush to paper, drawing a body, wheels, pedals and a chain. That was it. No handle bars or steering column. What this did was cause the minds of inventors to churn. In 1791, There’s Comte de Sirvac, inventor of the ‘Hobby Horse”; consisting of two wheels, a body and a steering bar; no pedals or chain. It was more of a conversation piece with no real functionality. Inventor after inventor came closer and closer to perfecting the “Bicycle”. In 1860, a blacksmith in Paris, Pierre Michaux, own the first company to construct a bicycle with pedals call the Velocipede. The first motorcycle can be traced back as far as 1867 when Pierre’s son Ernest Michaux fitted a small steam engine to one the “Velocipedes”. Moving forward in 1868, an American, Sylvester H. Roper of Roxbury Massachusetts, developed a twin cylinder steam velocipede, with a coal fired boiler between the wheels. In 1881, Lucius Copeland of Phoenix, Arizona designed a much smaller steam boiler which could drive the large rear wheel of an American Star high-wheeler at 12 mph. In 1887 the first successful ‘moto-cycle’ was produced. “Did you know that the first commercial design for a self-propelled bicycle was a three-wheeler called the Butler Petrol Cycle?” In 1885, German inventor, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach worked with Nicolaus Otto, an engineer who in 1876 developed the “four-stroke combustible engine”. Daimler took the idea of Sylvester H. Roper’s Velocipede and added Nicolaus Otto’s engine and hence came to be the first true adaptation of a gas powered “Motorcycle”, better known as “Motor Bicycle” Through the course of time, there were many inventors and companies that saw this self-propelled bicycle as the future. In 1901, the first motorcycle with a 239 cc engine was created. In 1902 the bicycle maker “Triumph” decided to extend its focus to include motorcycles. A year later they became the largest manufacturer with an annual production of over 500 units. Other firms were Norton and Birmingham Small Arms Company began motorbike production in 1902 and 1910, respectively. Also in 1901, the Indian Motorcycle Manufacturing Company was founded, producing over 20,000 bikes per year. In 1903, William Harley, Walter Davidson and Arthur Davidson started the American

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orcycle and Enthusiast most Everyone’s Bucket List?

Written By C.Blanton

company Harley-Davidson and by 1920 they were largest manufacturer with their motorcycles being sold by dealers in 67 countries. Through the decades more and more motorcycle companies came to be; BMW, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Honda and Yamaha to name a few. Let’s rush forward to the 21st century. There are choppers, street rods, cruisers, small bikes, large bikes, bikes that are quiet, bikes that are Very Loud, and my personal favorite….”The Trike”. So here begs the real question. Why is this two or three wheeled form of transportation on everyone’s bucket list? People want to own one or at the very least ride one. Several years ago my aunt voiced that she really wanted to ride on the back of a motorcycle. So my husband and I went and picked her up. She got on the back of his bike with him and we took her for a quick 15 minute ride. When we got back to her house, she was grinning from ear to ear. She said that she can check that off her list of things that she has always wanted to do. What is so fascinating with this machine? Is it because it’s un-inhibiting, a sense of freedom, an adrenaline rush? I would say yes and much more. It’s the feeling of exhilaration, the wind racing past you. When you are racing down the highway are 60, 70 or 80 mph and then you come to a stop, how your skin is tingly, the hairs on your body are standing on end. Your senses are heightened; everything from your reflex actions to your sense of sound and even smells. In the springtime, when the trees and flowers are in full bloom, take a ride and smell how the honeysuckle is so sweet in the air. You can never experience that traveling in a car. Or in the middle of a beautiful Summer day when you are riding down a curvy road and you come upon a glorious canopy of trees that shelters you from the hot sun and how the shade gives off a cool breeze. There is nothing to obstruct your views of Gods landscaping. Why would you not want to experience this? There are some that associate motorcycle riders as being Bad Ass. Some are and some aren’t. The one common thread that we all have is the love of the open road. There is a certain camaraderie between bikers. Now, not to say that some bikers want to have it out with other bikers, that’s just the nature of the beast. But, I would like to stay positive in all this. Most bikers will come together for a greater cause, such as local and national charities alike. What I think is the best part about being a motorcycle enthusiast sums it up in two words…”THE RIDE”. So the next time you decide to take “A RIDE” and you pass your fellow biker, remember to extend your hand add a wave saying, “Yeah, I know what’s on your mind”. Remember to Live Free, Ride Hard and always be safe. www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com

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CRACK UP’S Give a man a gun and he’ll rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he’ll rob everyone. ______________________ We cannot allow this year to end, That would be admitting that 2021. ______________________ Why did Karen press CTRL + Alt + Delete? She wanted the Task Manager. ______________________ Finland have just closed their borders. Which means no one can cross the finish line. ______________________ An elderly couple is in church. The wife says to the husband, “I’ve let out one of those silent farts, what do I do?” The husband says, “Change the battery in your hearing aid.” ______________________ I accidently sprayed deodorant in my mouth today. Now when I talk I have this weird axe scent. ______________________ I got my best friend a fridge for her birthday. I can’t wait to see her face light up when she opens it. ______________________ “Judge, 60% of my parking tickets are bogus!” Judge: Repeat infractions? Man: Fine. 3/5 of my tickets are bogus!

I exercise in the morning, before my brain figures out what I am doing. ___________________ Of all my body parts my eyes get the most exercise, I do at least a thousand eye rolls a day. ___________________ How many politicians does it take to change a light bulb? Two: one to change it and another one to change it back again. ___________________ I was walking passed a farm and a sign said “Duck, eggs”. I thought, that’s an unnecessary comma. And then it hit me. ___________________ Did you hear about the race between the lettuce and the tomato? The lettuce was a “head” and the tomato was trying to “ketchup”! __________________ Duck walks up to the road. Looks both ways and starts to cross. Chicken standing near him says, “Dude, you will never hear the end of this.” __________________ A flat-earther’s greatest fear is… Sphere itself. ___________________ I had a job interview at IKEA yesterday. The manager greeted me by saying, “Come in, make a seat.”


October 2020 S


















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Written By Zach White


ow’s it going Full Throttle readers? Zach White here to give you the latest and greatest info from St. Charles Harley-Davidson. Hope everyone is enjoying the Fall season and getting out on your Motorcycle. Welcome back to everyone that made it to Lake of the Ozark’s Bike Week. I hope you had a great time! Leaves will be starting to change, and soon after they will come falling down. Be careful when you’re out riding if you see any on the streets. Leaves can be almost as slick as ice! Check your tires because, as the temperatures start to change, your PSI will also change. We have one event going on this month at the Dealership. Friday, October 23rd we will have a blood drive from 2pm-6pm. Get a hold of Sandy to RSVP. This month I want to talk about some new Parts and Accessories Harley-Davidson released at the end of August. A new Collection is out and focused on the all-new LiveWire. This collection is called Harley-Davidson by Rizoma. These are black Billet Aluminum and very aggressive. It has laser-cut Harley- Davidson and Rizoma logos both branded on the items. This is the first cobranded collection offered. Some of the items available in this new collection are grips that will work with any throttle by wire motorcycle. There are also some mirrors that will work on any big twin. Next, there are foot pegs for rider and passenger. These will be made for a select few Mil 8 softails. Last in this collection is the charging door, which will only work on the LiveWire. Next for the Mil 8 Softail Fatboy and Breakout owners. Harley has released a new wheel just for you called the Seismic. This is a 10 spoke cast aluminum wheel. It is offered in Matte Graphite & Gloss black with machined highlights. You can also get matching rotors to finish the look. I can’t wait to see a set of these on a Fatboy and get rid of those solid wheels. Page 20



NE W PRO D UC T S " Let’s move on to the performance side of Harley-Davidson. Screamin’ Eagle has released a brand new Heavy Breather Elite air cleaner. This provides 15% more airflow. It is available for all Mil 8 motors and available in Chrome or Black. On top of the increased air flow, you will also get the forged aluminum cover with it, where as it was separate before. Also available for the Softail Mil 8 is the 131 ci Crate motor. This was previously released for the touring bikes, but not for the softails until now. This motor comes with a 1-year warranty. If the crate motor isn’t for you, don’t worry. You can get the stage IV 107ci-128ci or 114ci/117ci-131ci kits. These kits include CNC ported heads, SE8-517 cam, forged high compression pistons, and a big 64mm throttle body with high flow injectors. All of this can be covered under your factory warranty if installed within 60 days from the purchase of your motorcycle. Next for the touring bikes, Screamin’ Eagle released a brand new Stage III kit. This kit will allow a 107ci-119ci or a 114ci/117ci to a 122ci. In this kit you will get 11:1 high compression pistons, Se8447 torque cam, and all the goodies to go along with it. They came out with this kit to help with getting on the on ramp quicker and allowing you to pass without down shifting multiple gears. This new Stage III kit gives you 23% more torque and 17% more horse power. This also will retain the factory warranty and comes with a 1 year parts warranty. The new 107ci-119ci & 114ci/117ci-122ci cylinders and pistons are available separately as well. If you are one that wants the bigger displacement while doing a top end, but not ready to do a stage III or bigger kit at this time, this is for you. Come in and check out the entire new product line in stock and waiting for you at the Dealership. Thanks again for taking the time to read this. If you come to St. Charles Harley-Davidson, be sure to ask for me, Zach White. If you’d like to set up a consultation, you can contact me by phone (636-946-6487) or email (zach@stcharlesharleydavidson.com) I’m here to make all of your Harley-Davidson dreams come true! www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com

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MUSTANG "E" Page 26-27

Written Tony Goodrich Photos By Tony Goodrich


Full Throttle Magzine

As we all have witnessed in life, not all things are as they appear, such as the case of

Tim and Barb Wise of Springfield, IL with their 1969 Ford Mustang “E”. Enjoying Ford cars for most of their lives, they wanted to embark on building a killer muscle car that reflected that bye-gone era of brute strength. Both of them have always liked the lines and features of the ’69 Mustang fastback, so the search began. Having several friends already in the hot rod scene, it just seemed like a nice fit, but at a cost. The weekend golf trips and getaways would have to come to an end. Being familiar with training and showing horses, they understand, you only get out of it what you put into it and this new pony was not going to be an exception to this rule. Tim had found a ’69 on-line and purchased it sight unseen, what? It was perfect, it had a 250 cu. in. / 115 hp 6 cyl with a factory C4 transmission, this makes the purchase price lower, because it’s all coming out anyway, right? So, the deal was struck and the little yellow pony was coming home to a new stable. As it seems with most projects, we have an idea or a build plan that we want to adhere to, but something or someone changes that. Tim and Barb spent months in their garage dismantling the car, removing every nut and bolt, along with the entire interior, to the point of it just being an empty shell. They removed all of the bolted on sheet metal and stripped all of the paint and undercoating. Tim had spent hours and hours fixing the sheet metal prepping, primering and then painting it black, not once, but twice. He wanted it right. All of the finished loose pieces were then covered and stored in their basement for safe keeping while he worked on the main body shell. While cleaning the core support, he noticed somewhat of a green metallic color and found the buck tag on the passenger side. So, he decided to de-code it. It read as a 63D which didn’t make sense, because he knew that 63 designated it as a fastback and “A” was a standard interior, “B” was a deluxe interior and “C” was a Mach 1 interior. He had done some more research concerning this “D” and contacted Kevin Marti, the guru of Ford ID coding, AKA, Marti Report. Tim had a Ford Technical Bulletin from 1970 concerning repairs on this so called 63D and this helped Kevin and his findings.

This was 1 of 96 built Mustang fastbacks from Ford that had specific features to be eligible Page 26 www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com

for the Mobil Economy Run. This was an annual competition that started in 1936 thru 1968 with a brief stop in time due to WWII. Ford, along with other automotive manufactures had to have a minimum of 50 like autos available at their dealerships to compete in this prestigious event. It was an event sponsored by Mobil oil based upon motor, drive train and driver skills to get the best MPG possible. In the latter years, they started in Los Angeles and finished in NYC. The winners would then use this publicity to further their company sales and marketing campaigns. Remember that small little voice earlier? Tim knew when he had started painting the pieces black something was not right. He heard the Lord speaking to him and saying “don’t do it,” but Tim did it anyway. Sound familiar? One day, they both heard a noise coming from the basement, so they ventured down only to find all of those freshly painted pieces ruined by a flooded basement that has never flooded, never!!! So, this is where this journey begins on what you now see in the photos. Both understanding what the Lord was trying to convey to them, “it may be harder to go down this road of restoration, but it will be worth it in the end.” With this new mindset, all black paint was removed, bare metal prepped and sprayed with SPI epoxy primer, sanded and primed with PPG Omni for base color. Once all of the sanding was completed, the PPG Silver Jade was meticulously sprayed and cleared. This is a 1969 color, only. Ford ceased production of this color after 6 months, due to poor color match at shops across the country. Going the extra distance, the underside was given the same kind of attention to detail finished off in red oxide primer with a hint of overspray. All suspension pieces were hand stripped to bare metal, and then given a treatment of Boeshield from Boeing to protect from rusting. All of the suspension pieces have the correct color stripes/daubs just as they would appear when leaving the assembly line. Also, for the “E” Mustang only, was the 2.33 gear ratio 9 in rear end mated to the 6.95 – 14 Goodyear bias ply tires. This helped reduce rolling resistance. The interior is a Standard black buckets and fold down rear seat with AM radio and no A/C, fuel economy. The engine bay corrals the inline 6 cyl detailed to perfection along with correct bolts, screw fasteners and cards placed on the appropriate parts. One look at this engine bay and you know lots of time and research went into the authenticity of making it brand new again. This has been a 5 year labor of love to bring back a very important piece of automotive history that more than likely would have been lost. The long road that they have traveled on, is starting to pay off. They were invited earlier this year to participate in the all Ford built virtual show in Dearborn, MI and had a feature in the Mustang Times magazine. This is definitely one of the best street driven Concours Mustangs around. As Tim stated, “it may not be the fastest car at the show, but it will be one of the rarest.” God Bless!!! www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com Page 27

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