Full Throttle Magazine July 2023

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JULY 2023
Full Throttle Magazine July Issue 2023

Table of Content






PAgE 20-21: STURgIS.....ARE WE




Full Throttle Magazine 6209 Mid River Mall Dr Ste 182 St Charles, MO 63304

Robert Blanton, Publisher Publisher@fullthrottle-magazine.com

Cindy Blanton, Editor Editor@fullthrottle-magazine.com

Contributing Writers

Keigan Borgmann, C. Blanton

Sales Staff

Robert Blanton,

Contributing Photographer

Robert Blanton, Nick Gaines

Welcome to July 2023 Full Throttle readers, fans and fellow bikers. Things are happening in the area and lots of great events and rides are going on. Historic Route 66 Bike Night at Bobby’s Place in Valley Park is a great place to be every Weds evening, weather permitting. We always have great people, great food, and good drinks and the gorgeous girls at Bobby’s Place. If you haven’t been yet, please make a point to stop in and enjoy the awesome company of fellow bikes and the ladies of Bobby’s Place.

Big St Charles Motorsports and St Charles Harley is back on Thursday July 20th, 2022, with their HUGE Bike Night. Big Foot will be on the lot putting on a great show. Live music will be provided by Superjam and of course the Bikini Contest. This is always the largest monthly Bike Night in the Lou, so mark your calendars. Never fails to be a Great Time at Big St Charles, always! They will host a second Bike Night on September 14th as well. Don’t miss these awesome Bike Night.

The 17th Annual Dave Mungenast Sr. Memorial Bike and Badge Ride September 24th. Enjoy a Scenic Ride, a Complimentary Breakfast and Lunch and Music. Ride Shirts Available. Registration will start at 8:00 AM, and a rider meeting will be held at 10:15 AM. Kickstands up at 10:30 AM. Participants may also pre-register online here. When you pre-register online the cost per bike is $25. Registration on the day of the event is $30. This is for an amazing cause, so please be there.

Please keep the 15th Annual Ride for Wishes Event in you mind also that happens at St Charles Harley on October 7th and 8th. This event is one that we as a Biker Community have always got behind and made it a success for those kids who need a special thing in their life. Help the Ride for Wishes committee make some special kids have a special day. Give all you can to help this event be a Gigantic Success again this year, Remember October 7th, and 8th at St Charles Harley Davidson. See you there, for sure!

As always, ride safe my friends and I will see you on the road with Full Throttle Magazine. Bob

Full Throttle Magazine and its content is fully Copyrighted ©

MarkYour Calendars






AUGUST 10-12



SEPTEMBER 24, 2023






AUGUST 12 10-4



Full Throttle Magazine does not sponsor, endorse and/or promote every event on our Crusin’ Calendar. Our field staff may not always be at every event.
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How’s it going

Full Throttle readers! It’s Keigan again! I hope everyone is staying safe this riding season and enjoying these sunny days were getting into. Harley just released the new Sportster S, what your all’s thoughts on the bike? I’m pretty excited about it myself. The sportster has been around for a long time and some think it was ready for an overhaul and some don’t. stay tuned for a review on the new bike from us at St. Charles Harley Davidson. Anyways, the topic of this article is going to be on something I’ve been getting a lot of questions on at the dealership right now, so I just wanted to do a little write up on some info for everyone to clear things up a little. The topic is Stage kits. As a Harley owner were always looking to upgrade the sound, and speed of our bikes, and that exactly what the SE stage kits do. So, let’s get into it.

If your anything like myself you’ve never said no to more horsepower or torque, and if you have, maybe you’re not riding a Harley Davidson. From the factory a Harley Davidson motorcycle comes ready for the owner to upgrade and get the most out of their new machine. One of the first things riders ask about is a new exhaust. A common phrase I hear around the dealership is, “I want it to sound like a Harley Davidson.” So, what all needs to happen to the bike for it to sound like a Harley. I can help customers achieve the sound they want but more goes into then just an easy set of slip on exhasut. The main focus of upgrading your motorcycle is to make the bike perform at its highest potential and that’s what the Screaming Eagle Stage kits help the bikes do. So were going to break it down, from stage 1 all the way to stage 4.

Stage 1: Stage 1 is probably the most popular and it sets a solid foundation for the future stages if you choose to go further. Stage 1 includes, Exhaust, Intake and a good tune. The main focus of a Stage 1 is to move more fuel and air. By doing so, your bike will run better and get better gas mileage and help achieve the coveted Harley Davidson sound. The stage 1 upgrade is going to be ideal for the rider who is looking to upgrade the overall look and sound of their bike. For a stage 1 set up your options are endless when it comes to exhaust and intakes. The tuners are a different story though. If you still have factory warranty intact then we have to go with the screaming eagle pro street tuner, this allows the warranty to stay active.

Stage 2: Stage 2 is a simple stage but for the new M8 platform it is the most impressive. All stage 2 does is adds a new cam to the engine. Harley offers two types of cams, torque cam and the power cam. The torque cam increases the performance of the bike up to 15%. It’s going to be a low to mid RPM cam which gives you a crisp and responsive

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throttle acceleration. The torque cam is ideal for riders who cruise and find the need to pass slower vehicles without having to downshift. The horsepower cam increases the performance of the bike up to 25% and is a mid to upper RPM cam. The horsepower cam delivers a nice amount of power for the adrenaline seeker.

Stage 3: Stage 3 gives you big bore cylinders and pistons. When you’re doing big engine modifications you have to make sure your engine can support the work you’re doing. Larger cylinders are going to increase the power throughout the entire RPM range. With the bigger cylinders your engine is going to swallow more air and fuel, with higher compression pistons, it helps squeeze all of that into an explosive formula which results in a 35% performance increase over stock bikes. A stage 3 kit provides the rider with the ability to pass traffic without downshifting, and provides the power you want, when you want it.

Stage 4: Stage 4 is the final step without going to a crate engine. Stage 4 is bigger cylinder heads and throttle body. With the bigger cylinder heads and the enormous throttle body, youll be maxing out displacement, compression and flow which allows you to experience the highest level of pure Harley Davidson power.

When it comes to the stages I think it goes without saying that you can’t have a stage 4 without having stage 1,2 and 3. They all work in secession with each other. To move to a stage 2 you have to have all the components from the stage 1 present and so on and so on. Despite what you hear in the rumor mill, you can do these engine upgrades to the bike and still keep the factory warranty active. If you have any questions related to that please reach out to me.

This was a shorter article, but I feel with the ever-growing performance-based motorcycles, this was an important topic to get some info out there, so you all know what you’re going to be getting into once you start your modifications. The combinations of parts are endless, so you have the ability to make the bike stand out and perform how you want it to and to suit your riding style and needs.

I want to thank you all again for taking the time to read this article, I’m having a lot of fun writing them and introducing you guys to some cool trends and parts that are coming to market, so I hope you all are enjoying reading them. With that being said, if you guys have any questions on my build or your current build please don’t hesitate to reach out to St. Charles Harley Davidson (636-946-6487) If you have time, come by the shop and check out some of the builds we have going on right now. Thanks again everyone and enjoy the ride!

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Putin is held hostage by a terrorist. A Russian truckdriver stops at the back of a long queue on the motorway. He sees a policeman walking down the line of stopped cars to briefly talk to the drivers. As the policeman approaches the truck, the truckdriver rolls down his window and asks, "What's going on?"

Policeman: "A terrorist is holding Putin hostage in a car. He's demanding 10 million rubles, or he'll douse Putin in petrol and set him on fire. So we're asking drivers for donations."

Driver: "Oh, ok. How much do people donate on average."

Policeman: "About a gallon."

My nagging wife died suddenly on a trip to Jerusalem. Funeral director, "Sir, it would cost about $45,000 if we send her home back to the states or $500 if we bury her here in Jerusalem." Me: "Ship her home."

Funeral director: "But sir, why don't you bury her here in the Holy Land and you can save money." Me: "A long time ago a man was buried here and 3 days later he rose from the dead, I can't take that chance."

The passenger apologized and said, "I didn't realize that a little tap would scare you so much."

The driver replied, "Sorry, it's not really your fault. Today is my first day as a cab driver — I've been driving a funeral van for the last 25 years."

An MIT linguistics professor was lecturing his class the other day. "In English," he said, "A double negative forms a positive. However, in some languages, such as Russian, a double negative remains a negative. But there isn't a single language, not one, in which a double positive can express a negative."

A voice from the back of the room said, "Yeah, right."

Mother's Day. Two children ordered their mother to stay in bed one Mother's Day morning. As she lay there looking forward to breakfast in bed, the smell of bacon floated up from the kitchen. But after a good long wait she finally went downstairs to investigate. She found them both sitting at the table eating bacon and eggs.

"As a surprise for Mother's Day," one explained, "we decided to cook our own breakfast."

A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question.

The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath, and stopped inches from a shop window. For a second, everything was quiet in the cab. Then the driver said, "Look, mate, don't ever do that again. You scared the living daylights out of me!"

A cruise ship passes by a remote island, and all the passengers see a bearded man running around and waving his arms wildly.

“Captain,” one passenger asks, “who is that man over there?”

“I have no idea,” the captain says, “but he goes nuts every year when we pass him.”

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Sturgis is here once again. It's about a month out. This years dates are August 4-13th, 2023 and we can’t wait to ride all those familiar roads, see old friends and just enjoy the countryside.

This year marked the 83st anniversary of the “Sturgis Motorcycle Rally”, the largest motorcycle rally in the world. It all began in a small town of Sturgis, SD in 1938. Now, you may say that the years don’t add up; 1938 to 2023 is 85 years. There were two years during World War II that the rally did not take place, due to gas rationing. (And if the current Administration keeps up it, we will be doing that again…..)

In 1938 Clarence “Pappy” Hoel formed a small group called Jackpine Gypsies Motorcycle Club. On August 14, he gathered about 9 racers to compete on Main Street in Sturgis for a two-day event. Within the next several years preceding this event, vendors started setting up and more and more people came out as spectators. By 1960 the attendance topped out at 800 people. By 1965 the rally was extended to five days; in 1970 the attendance was 2000; in 1975 the rally was extended to seven days. Year after year the rally has grown exponentially; people from all over the world gather for the rally to have a great time. In the year 2000 the rally saw its largest attendance reaching over 600,000 people. Due to the fact that people began to show up earlier and staying later, the rally extended to ten days.

But nothing topped the charts like the 75th rally in 2015, which reached a staggering 1.8 million in attendance. The entire state of South Dakota’s population is only 853,125. This year’s rally more than doubled the population of the state. Closing it in a bit further; if you combine the cities and towns that are directly involved with the rally; Sturgis, Rapid City, Deadwood, Lead, Keystone, Hill City, Custer & Spearfish, it does not even add up to 100,000 population. This is mind blowing to think. That’s like taking ALL of St. Louis City, St. Louis County and St. Charles County; men, women and children, adding another 100,000 people and having them all go up to South Dakota for the rally. It was crowded to say to least.

But any who, most motorcycle enthusiast simply refers to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally as “Sturgis” it’s easy and simple to articulate and everyone knows what you are talking about. But what really goes on? Why do people keep going back year after year? Why do newbies want to take that adventurous trip? On top of the fantastic scenery, bike shows, concerts, motocross events, lot and lots of alcohol and the extremely unconventional entertainment; what make this rally tick?

It’s exciting, it’s adrenaline rushing, it’s the big open sky, it’s nature, it’s the winding roads, it’s the racing to beat the rain storm that is vastly approaching, it’s the not knowing exactly where that rain storm is heading, it’s the crowd of crazy people, it’s the roaring of hundreds of thousands of motorcycles racing down every road, it’s the walking around and shopping, visiting every vendor, it’s the live music everywhere, it’s finding that perfect spot to park your bike after riding up and down the gauntlet on Main Street, it’s the planning for all whether conditions (except for snow, although one year it damn near got close), it’s making sure your go and visit FULL THROTTLE SALOON, it’s heading to the Buffalo Chip for an amazing concert from famous headlining acts, it’s going to visit Hewlett, Wyoming for the “No Panties Wednesday, Ham N’ Jam” festivities, it’s riding the Black Hills to take in the spectacles of Mount Rushmore , The Crazy Horse Monument, and Tatanka, it’s making

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sure you don’t get run down by a buffalo while you decide to stop to take a picture of one, it’s feeding the burrows on the side of the road in the wildlife loop of Custer State Park, it’s seeing those family vacationers who have no idea what “Sturgis” is and they look like a deer in headlights when they first see all the motorcycles, It’ the night time life when it gets a lot more crazy, it’s history, it’s the beauty, it’s everything.

The rally spans from Wall, South Dakota to Hewlett, Wyoming and everywhere in between; Rapid City, Custer, Hill City, Keystone, Deadwood, Lead, Sturgis, and you can even find Nemo.

So, you see, everything that I have described to you is what I’ve experienced; what I’ve felt. It might be different for you or your neighbor.

Let me break it down a bit further for you newbies.

The rally offers a guidebook that breaks it out into 3 zones: Sturgis Zone, Bear Butte Zone, and the Black Hills Zone.

The Sturgis Zone is all of the activity in the actual town of Sturgis, 90 percent of the vendors are set up along Main St and Lazalle St. respectively. Both run about six or seven city blocks. This acts as the primary hub of the rally. Main Street is where no cars are allows and the “Gauntlet” is set up. It is the general gathering place to “shop ‘til you drop”, grab a cold beer at anyone of the many bars or taverns, or simply rest from a hard day of riding and enjoy the spectacles of the weird, wacky wonders of the rally. It’s a great place for people and bike watching. This zone also provides all the motocross and hill climb races.

The Bear Butte Zone, just east of the city of Sturgis is where the rally holds its major concerts. The Buffalo Chip and Rockin' the Rally are the two main venues for the concerts. Performers at these concerts have included

Tom Petty, Keith Urban and Kid Rock. This zone is also known for having rowdy campgrounds and for hosting entertainment shows close to where the campgrounds are so that attendees can consume alcohol but not have to ride their bikes to the shows. The Bear Butte zone hosts motorcycle and car drag races during the week as well.

In addition to the concerts, many bikers come to the rally for the scenic rides, which are found in the Black Hills Zone. This area of South Dakota and Wyoming includes Mt. Rushmore, the Badlands and several monuments including the Crazy Horse Monument and Mount Rushmore. This area of the Sturgis rally is quieter and more secluded than the other two zones.

Motorcycle hill climbs are also part of the rally, where bikers compete by racing their bikes up steep inclines. The rally also hosts the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building, a favorite event among attendees. So, for bikers who are looking for more than just scenic rides, the Sturgis rally provides a full array of entertainment that could rival Las Vegas.

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Despite all the concerts, famous performers, bike shows and scenic rides, the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is also well-known for its surrounding culture. Besides the bikes, the rally's party atmosphere is a huge part of the yearly gathering.

The rally has its fair share of contests and pageants for women, which are not to be confused with the pageants most people might think of. Some unofficial events at the rally consist of women riding around showing off their bikes and their bodies. Partial nudity at the rally events and particularly at the campgrounds is not uncommon. Although some of the campsites near Sturgis are quiet and secluded, most are known for their parties. Downtown Sturgis remains strict with its laws about indecent exposure, but many attendees push the limits of the law throughout the week.

Biker bars are also a big part of the rally culture. Most of them offer live music and a few even have burnout pits for some tire smoking fun. Some of the bars are large enough for bikers to ride their motorcycles into and most have various forms of entertainment, too. Almost all of the bars feature live music, and some, like the Full Throttle Saloon, have hosted professional performers like Lil Jon and Molly Hatchet, for instance.

Although the Sturgis Rally atmosphere may not necessarily be suited for everyone, there are a wide range of people who attend the event. Doctors, lawyers, businessmen and women, hardcore bikers and those just looking for a good time are all drawn to the events and culture of Sturgis.

The next time you what to take a ride on the wild side, mark your calendar for the first full week of August that precedes the first full weekend. That way you will always know when to start planning your Sturgis vacation year after year after year. “Hey…….is it Sturgis yet?” You know the drill!

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