Fabián Panisello worklist 2023

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Fabián Panisello

© Kirill Bashkirov

Fabián Panisello

Der argentinisch-spanische Komponist und Dirigent Fabián Panisello (*1963) ist in der internationalen Neue Musik Szene weithin für die hohe Qualität seiner Arbeit bekannt. In den Worten von Karlheinz Stockhausen: „voller Ideen, ernsthaft und vor Energie sprühend […] Ich bin sehr froh darüber, dass der Geist von Anton Webern in einer veränderten Welt weiter lebt“. Fabián Panisello ist Gründer und Dirigent des PluralEnsemble sowie Leiter der Königin-Sofía-Musikhochschule und des Internationalen Instituts für Kammermusik in Madrid.

Er nahm Kompositionsunterricht bei Francisco Kröpfl und Julio Viera in Buenos Aires und bei Bogusław Schaeffer am Mozarteum in Salzburg (Diploma of Excellence, 1993). Abgerundet wurde seine Ausbildung bei Elliott Carter, Franco Donatoni, Brian Ferneyhough, Luis de Pablo und Peter Eötvös. Er gewann unter anderem den Salzburger Preis der Erben Mozarts und den Premio Iberoamericano de Composición Rodolfo Halffter. Er ist Mitglied der argentinischen Akademie der Künste.

Die Premiere seiner Kammeroper Le Malentendu wurde von Publikum und Kritikern mit Begeisterung aufgenommen: „sicherlich die seit langem beste Premiere einer neuen Oper im Teatro Real“ (Tomás Marco), „Panisello hat ein großes Talent für die Bühnenwerke; er erschafft spannendes Theater mit großartiger Musik“ (Peter Eötvös). Le Malentendu ist eine Koproduktion des Teatro Colón Buenos Aires, des Warschauer Herbstes, der Neuen Oper Wien, der Teatros del Canal und des Teatro Real in Madrid.

Fabián Panisellos Multimedia-Musiktheater Les Rois mages – ebenfalls eine internationale Koproduktion, in Auftrag gegeben von der Ernst-von-Siemens-Musikstiftung, durch das Centro Superior de Investigación y Promoción de la Música und der Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Foundation, wurde im Januar 2019 mit großem Erfolg in Madrid uraufgeführt. Kompositionsaufträge erhielt er außerdem von dem Orquesta Nacional de España, den Donaueschinger Musiktagen, Ensemble Modern, dem Goethe-Institut Madrid, dem Orquesta de la Comunidad de Madrid, dem Premios Fundación BBVA Fronteras del Conocimiento, dem Instituto Italiano de Cultura Madrid, der Alten Oper Frankfurt, dem Kultursekretariat Buenos Aires, und dem Takefu-Festival in Japan.

Panisellos Schaffen wurde von Persönlichkeiten wie Pierre Boulez, Luciano Berio und Karlheinz Stockhausen gewürdigt und gefördert. Für zwei Uraufführungen von Stockhausen arbeitete er mit dem WDR-Sinfonieorchester Köln und dem Deutschen Symphonie-Orchester Berlin zusammen. Seine Werke wurden von namhaften Künstlern und Ensembles aufgeführt, darunter Pierre Boulez, Peter Eötvös, Susanna Mälkki, Leigh Melrose, Allison Bell, Marco Blaauw, Francesco D’Orazio, das BBC Symphony Orchestra, das Deutsche Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, das Orchester des Mozarteums Salzburg, das Orquesta Nacional de España, das Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, das Arditti Quartet und das Ensemble Modern.

Er nimmt regelmäßig an großen Festivals für zeitgenössische Musik teil, z.B. Wien Modern, die Münchener Biennale, Présences, Ars Musica, Ultraschall, Aspekte, Manca und Klangspuren Schwaz. Als Dirigent und Composer-in-Residence wurde er zum Sound Ways Festival St. Petersburg, zum New Music Week Festival Shanghai, zum Festival Manca in Nizza, zum Centro Nacional de las Artes (CENART) Mexiko, zum Meisterkurs der Barenboim-Said-Stiftung, zum Festival Bridges am Konzerthaus Wien sowie zur Internationalen Sommerakademie des Mozarteums Salzburg eingeladen. Aufnahmen seiner Musik sind u.a. bei den Labels NEOS, Col Legno, Cypres, Verso und Columna Música erschienen. Verlegt werden seine Werke bei Edition Peters.


Fabián Panisello

Argentinian-Spanish composer and conductor, Fabián Panisello (b. 1963), is internationally renowned in contemporary music circles for the high quality of his work. Karlheinz Stockhausen described him as “full of ideas, earnest and bursting with energy (…) I am delighted to see the spirit of Webern live on in a changed world”. He is the founder and director of PluralEnsemble, as well as director of the Queen Sofía College of Music and the International Institute of Chamber Music in Madrid.

He studied composition with Francisco Kröpfl and Julio Viera in Buenos Aires, and with Bogusław Schaeffer at the Salzburg Mozarteum (Diploma of Excellence, 1993), before completing his training with Elliott Carter, Franco Donatoni, Brian Ferneyhough, Luis de Pablo and Peter Eötvös. He has won numerous awards, including the Mozarts Erben Prize of the City of Salzburg and the Premio Iberoamericano de Composición Rodolfo Halffter. He is a member of the National Academy of Arts of Argentina.

His chamber opera, Le Malentendu, was premiered to great acclaim from the public and critics alike: “certainly the best premiere of a new opera at the Teatro Real in a long time” (Tomás Marco); “Panisello possesses a very special talent for the stage, creating exciting theatre with magnificent music” (Peter Eötvos). Le Malentendu was co-produced by Teatro Colón Buenos Aires, the Warsaw Autumn, Neue Oper Wien, and Teatros del Canal and Teatro Real in Madrid.

Fabián Panisello’s Multimedia Musical Theatre Les Rois Mages, an international coproduction, commissioned by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation through the Centro Superior de Investigación y Promoción de la Música and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Foundation, was premiered with great success in January 2019. He has also received commissions for the National Orchestra of Spain, Donaueschingen Festival, Ensemble Modern, Goethe Institut, Orchestra of the Community of Madrid, BBVA Foundation, Italian Institute of Culture, Alte Oper Frankfurt, Secretariat of Culture of Buenos Aires, or Festival Takefu of Japan.

His work has been recognized and supported by leading composers such as Pierre Boulez, Luciano Berio and Karlheinz Stockhausen. For two of Stockhausen’s premieres, Panisello worked with the West German Radio Symphony Orchestra Cologne and the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin. His works have been performed by prominent artists and ensembles, including Pierre Boulez, Peter Eötvös, Susanna Mälkki, Leigh Melrose, Allison Bell, Marco Blaauw, Francesco D’Orazio, the BBC Symphony Orchestra, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, the Orchestra of the Salzburg Mozarteum, the National Orchestra of Spain, the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, the Arditti Quartet and Ensemble Modern.

He regularly participates in prestigious festivals for contemporary music, such as Wien Modern, the Munich Biennale, Présences, Ars Musica, Ultraschall, Aspekte, Manca and Klangspuren Schwaz. As a conductor and composer-in-residence, he has been invited to the Sound Ways Festival St. Petersburg, the New Music Week Festival Shanghai, the Festival Manca Nice, the Centro Nacional de las Artes (CENART) Mexico, the masterclass of the Barenboim-Said Foundation, the Bridges Festival at the Vienna Konzerthaus and the International Summer Academy of the Salzburg Mozarteum.

His discography includes recordings on NEOS, Col Legno, Cypres, Verso and Columna Música. His work is published by Edition Peters.

Leipzig London New York C. F. Peters Ltd & Co. KG Peters Edition Ltd Edition Peters USA Talstraße 10 2 – 6 Baches Street 520 Eight Avenue / Suite 2005 04103 Leipzig London N1 6DN New York, NY 10018 Deutschland UK USA ( +49 (0) 341 9897 9231 ( +44 (0) 20 7553 4033 ( + (1) 718 416 7822 * stefan.conradi@editionpeters.com *newmusic@editionpeters.com * gene.caprioglio@editionpeters.com

Works for Orchestra

Aksaks (2008) 31’ for orchestra - - timp, perc(4) - hp(2), piano/celesta - str (

Commissioned by Donaueschinger Musiktage and SWR Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden und Freiburg

First performed 17 October 2008, Donaueschingen, Donaueschinger Musiktage, by SWR Symphonieorchester, cond. Pierre Boulez

EP 12561

Cuadernos para orquesta (2003/04) 22’ for orchestra - - timp, perc(3) - hp - pf/celesta - str (

First performed 22 June 2004, Madrid, National Auditorium, by Orquesta de la Comunidad de Madrid, cond. Hansjörg Schellenberger

EP 12566

Mandala (2009) 30’ for orchestra

4.3.3.S-sax.Bar-sax.3 - - timp.perc(4) - hp(2) - pf/celesta - str (

Commissioned by Orquesta Nacional de España

First performed 30 October 2009, Madrid, by Orquesta Nacional de España, cond. Peter Eötvös EP 12567


Works for Soloist and Orchestra / Ensemble

Violin Concerto (2002) 22’ for violin solo and orchestra

vn-solo - 1(picc).1.1.1 - - timp, perc(3) - str ( min.)

First performed 03 February 2004, Madrid, National Auditorium, by Francesco D’Orazio (vn) and Orquesta de la Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía, cond. Hansjörg Schellenberger

EP 12562

Movements (2010) 26’ for piano solo and orchestra

piano solo - - - perc(4) - hp - 6(vl1-2).6(vl3-4).6(vl5-6).9(va1-3).6(vc1-2).3(db)

Commissioned by Orquesta de la Comunidad de Madrid and Asociación Española de Orquestas Sinfónicas (AEOS)

First performed 18 May 2010, Madrid, by Alberto Rosado (pf) and Orquesta de la Comunidad de Madrid, cond. Susanna Mälkki

EP 12568

Movements (2010) 26’ for piano solo and orchestra (version for small orchestra)

piano solo - - - perc(4) - hp -

First performed July 2010, San Sebastián (E), by Alberto Rosado (pn) and Ensemble de Musikene, cond. Fabián Panisello

EP 12570

Trompetenkonzert (2010) 21’ for double bell trumpet solo and orchestra

double bell trumpet solo - - - perc(3) - harp, piano/celesta, accordion - strings (

First performed 23 January 2010, Berlin, by Marco Blaauw (trp) and Plural Ensemble, cond. Fabián Panisello

EP 12564

Trompetenkonzert (2010) 21’ for double bell trumpet solo and orchestra (version for small orchestra) double bell trumpet solo - 1(picc).1.1(bcl).1 - - perc(3) - harp, piano/celesta, accordion -

First performed 30 October 2010, Tel Aviv, by Marco Blaauw (trp) and Israel Contemporary Players, cond. Zsolt Nagy

EP 12565

Written in Blue (2021) 12’ for trumpet solo and ensemble trumpet solo - fl(picc), Bb-cl(bcl), tpt(flglhn), perc, pf, vn, db (+lowC)

First performed 07 May 2021, Madrid, by ensemble of Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía

EP 14579


Works for ensembles of more than 5 instruments

Concierto de cámara (2005) 21’ for chamber orchestra - - perc(2) - pf -

First performed 26 May 2005, Lyon (F), by Ensemble Orchestral Contemporain, cond. Fabián Panisello

EP 12563

Le Malentendu (Suite) (2016) 31’ for ensemble

1(picc).0.1(bcl).b-sax.0 - - perc(2) - kbd, pn - elec - str (

First performed 01 July 2016, Tel Aviv, by Israel Contemporary Players, cond. Fabián Panisello

EP 14159a

Moods II (2001) 13’ for ensemble

fl (picc), ob, cl, bcl, hn, trb, perc, pf, vl, va, vc, db (5-string)

First performed 2001, Alicante (E), International Festival of Alicante, by Alberto Rosado (pn) and PluralEnsemble, cond. Fabián Panisello

EP 12831

Shifting Mirrors (2018) 16’ for ensemble

fl, clar, vn, vc, vibr, pf

Commissioned by Ensemble Almaviva (Paris)

First performed 22 May 2019, Vitry-Sur-seine (F), Festival Sur Les Pointes, by Ensemble Almaviva (Paris)

EP 14393

Solstice (2013) 16’ for ensemble

1(picc).1.2(bc/cbcl).1(cbsn).bass-sax - - perc(2) - pf - str (

First performed 28 October 2013, Madrid, by Ensemble Modern, cond. Fabián Panisello

EP 14000


Works for ensembles of up to 5 instruments

à 5 (2017) 10’ for flute (picc), clarinet (bcl), violin, cello and piano

Commissioned by Taller Sonoro

First performed 20 November 2017, St. Petersburg (RUS), Sound Ways Festival, by PluralEnsemble EP 14326

Antiphonae (2018) 11’ for saxophon quartet

Commissioned by SIGMA Project

First performed 29 September 2018, Malpartida (E), Museo Vostell, by SIGMA Project EP 14401

Chaos’ Dream (1998) 11’ for violoncello and piano

First performed 2000, Madrid, by Michal Dmochowsky (vc) and Alberto Rosado (pf) EP 11330

Essentials (2010) 11’ for two pianos

First performed 17 November 2010, Munich, Biennale München, by Klangspuren Plus EP 11338

L’ineluttabile destino di ogni cosa (2003) 6’ for ensemble flute (picc), clarinet, violin, viola and piano

First performed 04 May 2004, Granada (E), by Solistas de Sevilla EP 11355

Moment Hebel (2009) 4’ for violin, violoncello and clavichord

First performed 10 October 2010, Hausen im Wiesental (D), Kirche St. Joseph, by Cross-Art Ensemble EP 12558

Piezas métricas 1 (2000, rev. 2004) 16’ for flute, clarinet, violin, viola and violoncello

First performed October 2004, during the Morocco Tour, by PluralEnsemble

EP 12001

Piezas métricas 2 (2000) 16’ for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and trumpet

First performed 2002, Bruxelles, by Camerata Forlana

EP 12002

Song (2012) 5’ for flute, clarinet, violin and violoncello

First performed 29 Septembre 2012, Tel Aviv, Center for Contemporary and Electronic Music, Israel Conservatory of Music, by the Ensemble Meitar

EP 12713

Three Movements for String Quartet (2006) 17’

First performed 2006, Takefu Festival (JP), by Arditti Quartet

EP 12559

Trio II (1996) 11’ for violin, violoncello and piano

First performed 1998, Caracas (VE), A Tempo Festival, by Soloists of PluralEnsemble

EP 12474


Works for solo instrument

Choral Reflections - Biltine (2017) 7’ for violin solo

First performed 16 March 2019, Madrid, X Ciclo de Solistas Fundación BBVA, by Ema Alexeeva EP 14362a

Choral Reflections - Biltine (2017) 7’ for viola solo

First performed 16 Dezember 2017, Madrid, IX Ciclo de Solistas Fundación BBVA, by Ana María Alonso EP 14362b

Fulgurar (1997) 7’ for piano solo

First performed 1998, Maastricht, by Ananda Sukarlan EP 14103 (Etude No 12)

I don’t feel low (1999) 7’ for piano solo

First performed 2001, Madrid, by Ananda Sukarlan EP 12714

Japanese Pictures (1999) 6’ for piano solo

First performed 2000, Alcoy (E), by Ananda Sukarlan EP 12682

Klavieretüden (2008) 52’ for piano solo

Etudes 1-9: First performed 12 February 2009, Madrid, Auditorio Nacional de Música de Madrid, by Dimitri Vassilakis

Etudes 10+11: First performed 28 November 2012, Buenos Aires, Noches de Música y Ciencia, by Horazio Lavandera

EP 11259 (Volume 1: Etudes 1-6)

EP 14103 (Volume 2: Etudes 7-12)

Solitaire (2020) 3’ for tenor saxophone solo EP 14559


Works for Voice

Canciones de Silvia (2006) 13’ for soprano and piano

text: Silvia Dabul

First performed 30 June 2007, Buenos Aires, by Graciela Oddone (soprano) and Silvia Dabul (piano)

EP 11339

Cuatro Poemas de Alejandra Pizarnik (1996) 9’ for (mezzo) soprano, viola and piano

text: Alejandra Pizarnik

First performed 1996, Santander (E), by Sophie Koch (mezzo soprano), Gérard Caussé (va) and Aníbal Bañados (pf)

EP 11354

Gothic Songs (2012) 22’ for baritone and piano

text: Edgar Allen Poe

First performed 08 September 2012, Frankfurt (Main), Alte Oper, by Leigh Melrose (baritone), Burkhard Kehring (pf) and Dimitri Vassilakis (pf)

EP 12695

Libro del frío (2011) 21’ for soprano and ensemble

text: Antonio Gamoneda

soprano, flute (picc), clar (bcl), pf, vn, va, vc

First performed 17 September 2011, Schwaz (A), Klangspuren Festival, by Allison Bell (soprano) and PluralEnsemble, cond. Fabián Panisello

EP 12000

Meister Eckhart: Mystical Song (2019) 16’ for soprano and ensemble

text: Eckhart von Hochheim (1260 - 1328)

sopr, fl (picc), cl (bcl), trp, perc, pf, vn, va, vc

First performed 20 April 2019, Cuenca (E), Teatro-Auditorio de Cuenca, 58 Semana de Música Religiosa de Cuenca, by Anna Davidson (sopr) and PluralEnsemble, cond. Nacho de Paz

EP 14405

The Raven (2013/18) 11’ for mezzo-soprano and ensemble

text: Edgar Allen Poe

mezzo-soprano, fl (picc), cl (bcl), perc, pf Commissioned by Glass Farm Ensemble (New York)

First performed 05 November 2018, Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, by Charlotte Mundy and Glass Farm Ensemble

EP 14369


Opera & Musical Theatre

Le Malentendu (2015/16) 100’

chamber opera

based on the play by Albert Camus

libretto: Juan Lucas

2S.Mez.Bar Soli - 1(picc).0.1(bcl).b-sax.0 - - perc(2) - pf (kbd1) - kbd2 - elec -

Commissioned by Teatro Colón Buenos Aires, Neue Oper Wien and Festival Warsaw Autumn

First performed 17 March 2016, Buenos Aires, Teatro Colón, by Piia Komsi (Martha), Alejandra Malvino (Mother), Leonardo Estévez (Jan), Natalia Salardino (Marie), Horacio Marassi (Old servant) and ensemble CETC, cond. Walter Kobéra, dir. Mariano Tenconi Blanco

EP 14159

Les Rois mages (2017/2018) 70’ musical theatre

based on the play by Michel Tournier

libretto: Gilles Rico

Mezzo-soprano/recitante, flute (picc), cl (bcl), vn, vc, pf, keyb, elec

First performed 25 January 2019, Madrid, Auditorio Nacional de Madrid, by PluralEnsemble, cond. Fabián Panisello

EP 14365

L’officina della resurrezione I (2013) 25’

monodram for baritone, electronics and string quartet

text: Erri De Luca / Book of Ezekiel

First performed 05 April 2013, Tel Aviv, by Yair Polishook (baritone) and Ensemble Meitar, cond. Fabián Panisello

EP 12799

L’officina della resurrezione II (2014) 25’

monodram for baritone, electronics, amplified choir and string orchestra

text: Erri De Luca / Book of Ezekiel

First performed 23 September 2014, Katowice (PL), by Holger Falk (baritone), Silesian Chamber Orchestra and Silesian Philharmonic Choir Octet, cond. Fabián Panisello

EP 12799a

Future Works

Die Judith von Shimoda (2020-2022) 110’ chamber opera based on the play by Bertolt Brecht

libretto: Juan Lucas

soloists - fl (picc), ob (ehrn), cl1 (bass cl), cl 2 (bass cl, kontrabass cl), bsn (cbsn) hrn, bass tbn, sax (alt, tenor, Bass), pf (keyb 2), keyb 1, acdn, hrp, egtr (gtr) vln, vla, vlc, cb

First performance 17 August 2023, Bregenz (A), Bregenzer Festspiele, by Kammeroper Wien, dir.: Waler Kobéra

EP 14673 (Full Score)

EP 14674 (Vocal Score)

WORK LIST February 2023
Leipzig London New York C. F. Peters Ltd & Co. KG Peters Edition Ltd Edition Peters USA Talstraße 10 2 – 6 Baches Street 520 Eight Avenue / Suite 2005 04103 Leipzig London N1 6DN New York, NY 10018 Deutschland UK USA ( +49 (0) 341 9897 9231 ( +44 (0) 20 7553 4033 ( + (1) 718 416 7822 * stefan.conradi@editionpeters.com *newmusic@editionpeters.com * gene.caprioglio@editionpeters.com
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