2 minute read


Favors An I-owe-you card game for fun couples

Favors is a humorous I-owe-you card game for couples to help square life out. Navigating the maze of life’s gives and takes often gets us lost. Whenever we take more than we give there is trouble afoot and although you can often kiss and make-up, sometimes a kiss alone just will not cut it. This is where Favors come in. This set of cards enables you to rebalance the scale whenever you have neglected chores, lost your love’s gloves, shrunk their favourite woollen sweater, missed their birthday or forgot date-night. Simply offer them a random Favor and redeem yourself.

There are 36 cards in the mix that either grant a super power or a pardon. Like being royalty for a day or having your signifi cant other do a full house scrub, without you having to lift a fi nger. Whenever you fi nd yourself in a fi x, give a Favor. Or better yet. Get one.


October 2022 box with cards 36 cards 12 x 8.5 cm € 18.00 ISBN 978 90 6369 653 5


Your ticket to a home cooked, two course dinner. TV dinners aren’t allowed.

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You call the shots for 24 hours. Whatever thy demands, it shall be done with a smile. Like true royalty thy shalt also keep it civil.

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A house clean from head to toe. No need to lift a finger. No glass slipper can bail them out.

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Pascal Rotteveel is an Amsterdam based, award winning Creative Director and former Executive Creative Director at VICE. Currently he works as a Creative Director at the design, innovation and experience agency Jam3. In preparation for his recent fatherhood, he created this fi eld guide.

Amé Maassen is an HR Business Partner at VICE. Alongside her professional pursuits, she loves to express herself creatively, using new mediums to spark her passion. From ceramics and food to fashion and now card game creation, Amé loves to push the boundaries of where creativity can take you.


Bullshit Bingo 978 90 6369 582 8

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