Oct. Issue

Page 49

Right now I have my first children’s book out; it’s a nine part series entitled The Adventures of Susie and JJ. I have been touring schools, churches, and different organizations sharing my story and hosting workshops; teaching about love and understanding our value as people.

Who am I today? I am the person God created me to be. I am a leader. I am over comer. I am a hard worker.I am a child of God, and I walk, talk, and live for him daily.

God is my all and I love Him because He gave me another chance to live. The lesson in all of this for me is, before you get in a relationship with a person, have a relationship with God. Before you walk you have to crawl. I forgave my ex for what he did to me, not to please him, but to set me free to move on with my life. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I wouldn’t have done so.

Grace’s Advice To Every Woman 1. 2.




6. 7.


Know who you are before pursuing a relationship. What are your goals? What do you like? What do you dislike? What is your type? Focus on you. Be grateful, and use your “singleness” to do all what you can so that when you get into a relationship you will be able to give them your undivided attention (which includes sharing “your time”. Date, party, study, go to college (or in some cases finish middle and high school), bring your inner identity out and allow it to become your outward appearance and self also known as your character. The first time he talks down to you (this includes cursing), or puts his hands on you, LEAVE FOR GOOD. This is a clear sign that he needs help and sorry to let you know, but you are not licensed nor ordained to deliver him from such a behavior. And no, you cannot be there for him and support him as a friend. Pray for him, yes; love him, yes; but all from afar. You acquired feelings for this person, and it will take a minute for those feelings to dissipate out of your system. You as well will need to heal from what took place. Don’t put yourself aside to tend to him, when you don’t have the first notion on what to do. Pay attention to his family and friends. What do they accept as “normal”? How do they behave with each other? How does he treat his mother? The first time I heard that, I was like “well, I see why he does what he does,” when truth is at no point in time should this guy be rude to his mom, or talking down to her. If he is doing it to her, he will do it to you…eventually. Never remove a restraining order. I know it may feel like you are being mean and he has changed because it was a “mistake” but girlfriend, it was no mistake and it wasn’t by coincidence. I made the decision to remove my restraining order and I ended up stabbed to death and lying in my own pool of blood. DON’T DO IT, KEEP THE RESTRAINING ORDER! Find someone that you can talk to. This includes God, or whomever it is that you believe in. When it seems like no one is around, this is the perfect time that God wants to be with you. He is there waiting to listen. Love yourself first. Don’t get into a relationship, because you want someone to love you and/or you want to love someone. A relationship is supposed to be of love. Of meaning from, therefore, your relationship should be from love, derived from love. Or I like birthed out of love. If you are or have been abused, you are not a victim. Please understand and know that just because you have been abused, or are in an abusive situation right now that doesn’t mean that you are a punk, a scaredy cat, or any less of a woman. Many people told me “girl, if I was you I would have done blah, blah, blah.” But the truth is those people truly do not know what they would do in such a situation. So I say that to say this, DON’T WORRY WHAT OTHERS SAY. You are not your situation, but your situation is definitely a part of who you are becoming…A Strong WOMAN. Stay encouraged. Be inspired. Be who he created you to be.

To find out about Grace’s workshops and speaking events. You can connect with Grace through; www.walkingonwaterwithgrace.org. wowministry06@gmail.com. Or call (919) 344-2135. Follow her on Twitter @susieandjj @31sisters4life @wowminsitry06. On Facebook “The Adventures of Susie and JJ,” “31sisters4life,” and “WOWministry06”.

51| OCTOBER ISSUE | www.afroellemagazine.com

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