WIRED 1920

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THE DIRECTIVE SERIES - Graphic option shown. SIZES: 151, 153, 155, 157, 159, 161, 163, 165cm Say hello to the board of choice. Looking for a balanced board that can KDQGOH DQ\ WHUUDLQ \RX WKURZ DW LW" 7KH 'LUHFWLYH 6HULHV ZLOO ÀRDW LQ SRZGHU and push through slush all day long.

KEY FEATURES: Artwork Options: Graphic, Black, White Shape: True Twin Flex: Medium to Stiff Camber: Multi Camber Terrain: Freestyle / All Mountain / Freeride Base: IS 7500 used on all boards CAMBER PROFILE: The Directive Series comes with a multi camber and offers a negative core SUR¿OH :H &Q& D WKLQQHU ]RQH EHWZHHQ WKH ELQGLQJV WKDW UHVXOWV LQ D PRUH playful ride.


Epoxy Resins: We use a specially formulated two part epoxy resin system to bond all of the materials in a snowboard.


Urethane Sidewall: We use state of the art urethane that runs the whole perimeter of the wood core for a perfect bond. Urethane is extremely damp and makes for a better over all ride.

Biaxial Fiberglass: Biaxial consists of two layers that are stitched WRJHWKHU 7KH WZR OD\HUV UXQV Û Û GHJUHHV WR HDFK RWKHU FUHDWLQJ D smooth feel while provides pop.

Poplar Wood Core: Poplar wood is the standard material for

01. Topsheet: Glossy PBT. We do not add toxic lacquer for these boards. 02. %LD[LDO ¿EHUJODVV %LD[LDO FRQVLVWV RI WZR OD\HUV WKDW DUH VWLWFKHG WRJHWKHU 7KH WZR OD\HUV UXQ Û Û GHJUHHV WR HDFK RWKHU FUHDWLQJ D VPRRWK IHHO ZKLOH SURYLGHV SRS 03. Wood core: Full length poplar wood core. 04. Sidewall: We use state of the art urethane that runs the whole perimeter of the wood core for perfect bond. Urethane is extremely damp and makes for a better over all ride. 05. Epoxy resins: We use a specially formulated two part epoxy resin system to bond all of the materials in a snowboard. 06. Inserts: Stainless steel. 07. %LD[LDO ¿EHUJODVV %LD[LDO FRQVLVWV RI WZR OD\HUV WKDW DUH VWLWFKHG WRJHWKHU 7KH WZR OD\HUV UXQ Û Û GHJUHHV WR HDFK RWKHU FUHDWLQJ D VPRRWK IHHO ZKLOH SURYLGHV SRS 08. 5XEEHU GDPSHQLQJ 5XEEHU IRLO EHWZHHQ WKH HGJH DQG ¿EHUJODVV KHOSV ZLWK ERQGLQJ ,W DOVR helps with over all board chattering. 09. Edge: Rockwell 48. 10. Base material: Sintered IS 7500. Super durable and fast base material.

snowboard manufacturing.

Sintered IS 7500: Super durable and fast base material. IS 7500 EDVH PDWHULDO LV VLQWHUHG WR DQ H[WUHPHO\ KLJK PROHFXODU ZHLJKW RI million and is treated for bonding on both sides.

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