Contemporary Marketing 17th Edition Boone Test Bank

Page 49

Chapt er 2 Str ate gic Pl ann in g in Con tem por ar y Mar 72 Part 1 Des i gni ng C us tom er - O r iented Mar k eting 72Str k eti ng a te gies

f un. W hat t ype of ads work ed best , and why? Ho w did t he product categ or y and pr ice af f ect t he prom ot ional str ateg y? Does t he broader m arket ref lect t he f indings of t he class? W hy or why not ? Q uest ions f or Ref lect ion: W hat f act ors should a com pany consider when develop ing t hei r pr icing str at eg ies? W hat about t heir prom ot ional st r at eg ies? W hy? *T his exercise was adapted f r om t he t ext.

The M arketi ng Envi ronment Purpose: T o hig hlig ht t he im port ance of t he m ark et ing envir onm ent Backgr ound: T his q uick, discussion- based exercise is desig ned t o help st udent s bett er under st and t he im pact of t he ext ernal envir onment on m ark eting decisions Relationship t o T ext : T he Mark eting Envir onm ent Est im ated Class T ime: About 10 m inut es Mater ials/ Pr eparat ion: None needed Exercise: Choose a br anded pr oduct t hat your st udent s seem t o all k now and enj oy. Hig her - end product s, such as an Apple iPod or a Burt on snowboard seem t o work especially wel l f or t his exercise. G uide your st udents in a discussion of how each element of t he ext ernal e nvir onm ent — compet it ive, polit ical- legal, econom ic, t echnolog ical, and social - cult ural—could inf luence t he success of t heir product over t he next f ive year s. Encourag e t hem t o consider f actor s beyond t he obvious ( e.g ., t he em erg ing developm ent of year -round snow- m ak ers, or vi r t ual r ealit y snowboarding g ames). As you develop your list , you m ay want t o also r emind t hem t hat a m ark et er cannot cont r ol the ext ernal envir onm ent, but he or she m ust r espond t o it ef f ect ively. Q uest ions f or Ref lect ion: W hich element of t he m ark eting envir onm ent is most im port ant ? W hy? W ould t he answer be dif f erent f or dif f erent pr oduct cat eg ories? W hich element s have t he m ost im pact on a m arketer ’s day-to- day decision - m ak ing ? W hich element s are lik ely t o g ener ate surpr ises? ( You m ay want t o point out how m any companies were surpr ised by t he bur st ing of t he “ dot - com ” bubble in t he 1990s.)

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