methods and Sources

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4. METHODS TO PRAY i. Meditation on the words of Holy Scripture Even tough the Holy Scripture (Bible) is a collection of words spoken and deeds performed thousands of years ago, but still the theme of every idea stated holds the same importance. The Holy Scripture since early times has been the source of God’s speech with the humans. “In Holy Scripture we learn to find God aright, we see His omnipotence.” (Council of Trent) When we read the inspirational writings of the Holy Text, we feel the same words being uttered to us and the same message being delivered to us. This emotion of spirituality “inspires a Christina just like a trumpet inspires courage into soldier.” (Saint Ephraim) The Scriptures have been moved to us by the Church Fathers and martyrs. They are examples of true faith that inspire us to pay complete attention towards the worth and meaning of the Holy Scriptures. The Scriptures contain in itself an overflowing well that can never be exhausted. Whenever it is pondered something new Is to found in it. There is always a perfect image of God found; behind the words written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. “The Holy Scripture is like light house which guides us o safe-heaven; as we sail over the perilous sea of life.” (Saint Thomas Aquinas) ii. The Way of the Cross The Way of Cross walked every Friday, in the season of Lent, is one of the most sorrowful ceremonies of the Church; as it is remembrance of the 14 stations that our Redeemer passed, bearing His Cross, from Pilate’s palace to Mount Calvary. The Way of Cross is meditation upon the Passion of the Christ. Saint Frances of Assisi did much effort to promote this devotion to the Lord. During this devotional act every gesture and every word spoken by the leader causes in the hearts a pitiful feeling towards our Lord’s poor-miserable condition along with an examination of Conscience. The Way of Cross is a mean of obtaining the grace of Contrition. It is also an incentive to practice the virtue. The saints often tell us that meditation on our Lord‘s passion imparts strength to suffer, not merely with patience but with joy. iii. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament We ought to visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently. In this respect the shepherds and the three Kings, who came to visit the Infant Savior in the manger, set us an example. Access to our Lord is not denied to us; the Church door stands open and from the tabernacle the voice of our Lord calls to us: “Come to Me, all you that labor and are burdened; and I will refresh you.” (Gospel of Saint Mathew 11/28)

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