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Architecture Design Studio

FALL 2015


"The alienation of human leads to topsy-turvy society where the true is a moment of false. " "Images becomes the new reality." Guy Debord

02 Spect/Medit-ator | Architecture Studio 5th Year, 2015.9-2015.11 Independent Work Instructor: Wang Hui

Project Information Site: DASHILER Blocks, BEIJING, P.R.C Area: 326 m² Design Discription: In the Society of the Spectacle of Guy Debord (1967), he asserted that "In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation of spectacles". During the process of socialization (Solitude - Social Group - Local Society), humans gradually become spectators of all the images that the society produces. The true peacefulness can only be found in a space like the ancient caves, a place with the least trace of human production. The original goal of the design is to review the process from humans as spectators to meditators. Considering the site location, it becomes a circular gallery that evokes visitors' introspection of the demolition and construction of the old town.

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