presentation how to compose

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Shading Monument for the Ar)st, 2009 -­‐ 2011 Installa@on

Shading Monument for the Ar.sts honours those who, voluntarily or not, have 'le_ their homelands to create freely in the heroic struggle for art'. Is it possible to call an act of ar@s@c crea@on heroic? Erek raises this ques@on in his work. The physical proper@es of the installa@on betray the subjec@ve nature of this ques@on: the work is composed of three-­‐dimensional leUers which cast changing shadows on adjacent walls, depending on the amount and direc@on of light that reaches them. The text is from monuments dedicated to the an@fascist Interna@onal Brigades of the Spanish Civil War. Using the flee@ng shadows of appropriated monumental inscrip@ons to pay tribute to ar@sts brings us back to the shi_ing essence of the very no@on of the 'struggle for art'.

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