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SOFTWARE tian adventurers have joined together

ici drive ilie Saracen infidels from the Holy Land. You, as Han the Crusader, are armed with a longbow and must

make your way through

100 castle

rooms, blowing away the Saracen chief

In each before moving on to the next. The castle soldiers are whirling col

ored snowflakcs that cling to llie walls

Ofa room as they move about (Remem

ber the butterflies in Boulderdash?) In oider to disintegrate the chieftain, you

must find the grenade located on each


writing on ilie walls after the beginning levels. .Sometimes, opening up a wall to get to the necessary grenade unleashes soldiers, and Ilan has to hustle lo reload

iiis crossbow after each shot. Sometimes a safety /one is provided so thai Ilan can avoid soldiers and cannonballs while surveying tile territory. However, he can't shoot his longbow from a safety £onc. It's a place fur resting and wailing

while determining



of the

guards, not a place for ambush.

Things start out easily enough: Your

walls, activate magic doors, open linked

screen. Star-like white pixels flow slowly and smoothly from easl to west. The

lo turn them into bricks so that soldiers,


seem obvious


now that

shooting everything in sight isn't the

first invasion Taka your time—your next move could be your last In Saracen. Solving the way to the next level—not

racking up points—is the main object The game keeps track of the score, but

as an Indication of its Importance, the booklet doesn't assign values lo doing in soldiers and doesn't award bonuses for finishing a maze in one minute in stead of two.

always desirable, either. If Ilan doesn't move about methodically, he'll find his

smooth. Although tile documentation

Graphics are colorful and scrolling is

quiver empty of "Up" arrows jnsr when

doesn't mention it. (he theme song can be

lie needs lo knock a hole in the celling, There's no penally for standing in one spot while contemplating your next

There's no construction set for more

but costs you a life. There arc five Hans

allotted at the beginning of the game, with





shut iili by hitting 0—thank goodness. screens, but the 100 on the disk should last awhile. In short, Saracen is all the fun of Boulderdash bin widiout the falling rocks. (Datasoft, 1980S Nordhoff Place,

Chatsuorth, CA. 91311. C-64/$I9.95.)


Lakeland, vi.

The ability to get farther by plotting th.tu by joystick dexterity is one of the

points that attracted me lo Saracen. Ai

times, however, there will be passageways filled with bouncing cannonhalls, where

Han's only hope is a i|uick two-step. Another nice touch is the ability lo start the game on any of its 100 levels.

The first few are deceptively simple, allowing plenty ol opportunity to prac tice shooting soldiers and look around

fighter ships,

below the center of the screen. Move

For this feat, you earn one credit. It

can be spent by flying over the special wave of floating armaments and ship enhancements thai follow each new set of attackers. Or, one credit can buy ex tra speed. If you had two credits, you could buy an increased rate of fire.

To make a purchase, fly over any blue icon. Try purchasing weaponry repre sented by the gray icons thai arc more

expensive, and your ship explodes, Money talks; greed walks. Credits can't be saved, so buy when possible.

After the shopping excursion,


other wave of aliens appears. Wipe out all the ships in each attack to earn a

credit for ihc next shopping spree. Explaining how to shoot all the aliens

from this point on would be like de


each screen completed.

of alien

shaped like smoke rings, .sally in just down, shoot 'em up—easy.

way to win the game. Fast travel isn't

move. If you're really stuck, hitting Vi takes you to the beginning of the screen,

your stripes.

ship is on the left side ofa pitch-black

ones and explode "wall maker" blocks


the script; earn

of space, and each makes you wonder whai could be just beyond—and shud der at the thought of it

used to kill soldiers, knock holes in

bur force him to find another way out.

The waves of attackers on each sec-

Delta Patrol has more lhan 200 alien

tered around the rooms. Arrows can be

way doors that let (Ian go in a chamber

skip screens that have been mastered.

attack waves in 'Mi well-designed regions

tion, so Dan iiiiisi have a plan in mind before grabbing one of the arrows scat

shades of Ultimate Wizard with its key and lock. Some also contain one

ning, no matter how fast, far or fearless you've flown before. I'm sure many players would appreciate being able to

all happened.

Kncli arrow points in only one direc

key and then depositing it in a keyholder in another part of the maze—

disk, so you'll always start at the begin

Memorizing how things happen on the lower screens is a snap. On higher lev els, you'd probably rather forget how it

are his primary source of firepower.

Doors are also opened by finding a

Delta Patrol has only one entry level: survival. There's no saving games to


cany one object at a time and arrows

vices can't gel out.

that's as good as this one."

nario occur in the same sequences.

level, place it beside him and shorn the grenade with an arrow. Thai's the easy pan, and getting there is 99 percent of the fun. Han can only

cannonballs and other dastardly de

screen after screen, 1 pleaded, "Please—

another shoot-'emup, alien arcade game

scribing bow to perform Swan Lake or how to ride a bike.

The sitting-duck

smoke rings in the opening screen have

been replaced by what seem to be multi

Delta Patrol


Hey, This Is One

colored, buzz sawing comets. Worse yet, they shoot back! And, as you later learn, you have lo douse their lights in order to earn enough credits lo buy the nec

Tough Spare Neighborhood

essary speed to get past the fast-moving

To Hang Out in!

Those are then replaced by thimble-like

maze of columns





objects that are bobbing and weaving It was a dark and stormy nightmare.

in an ever-advancing line.

at the designs of the walls—which may

It was the night we patrolled Delta Sec

spell out game hints and messages in

tor. "Please," I said, as I booted up the

you've purchased ihc handy multiple-

the lower levels.

disk, "not another shoot-'em-up, alien

fire device that lets your ship shoot

arcade game." And, after sitting through

from rear, port and starboard. This is I

Hut there's no lime to read tin1 liatlcl 26



Meanwhile, back at the patrol ship,

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