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Circle 60 on Roadflr Service card.


QCommodore Clinic


kind of monochrome monitor [some

times tailed a 1S&W monitor) has an RCA phono connector (a single pin surrounded by a shield) and works fine on the VIC, C-64 and C-128, as

well as on Apples. EBMs with, color cards and mosi other computers.

To use this type of monitor with the CM'28 in 80-column mode, you must obtain :i suitable cable. Both Com modore and other suppliers have al

ready announced special cables for this purpose; some contain an extra connector and switch, so yon can use

PROGRAMMING Q I am writing a program in which I want In use the Gettt command to retrieve both program files mid dntafiles from the Datasscttt: Datafdes come across fine, hut the 6-1 doesn't like rending program fde> ax if they were datujiles. After retrieving the first buffer filU Of information, it lotiks for the next file.

Is there any way to

force the 64 to continue reading the pro gram file? Deerftcld, IL

es without changing any plugs.

with a power connector that is supposed

In plug into the cassette port on a 6-t. There's no way it mil! fit into the Pltts/4's round cassette port. Can I cut this wire and replace plugs?

face and merely needs to be con point



unusable power supply wire.


128 on

purpose? Torn Maori' Birmingham, AL

A: It's not only possible; that's just what happened. On both the Plus/4 and C-128, there is an application on


fl523? pnnrei

SuapoM& pirs 2-8 2G Select 300 6W 1200. fori m

NEC andmxie Include^

511 cablt w i rh. i jti j ^ or temaie connuciw {spi?ci P/ rthicti) Cabselto

The problem is ihai programs and

data are stored very differently on tape. Datafiles are stored in neat 191characlc!

blocks, separated by two-

second Inter-record gaps, which al low the tape to hall and restart with


and loaded directly into Basic's pro gram area, rather than into a buffer. Your computer can read the first 191 characters of a program into the file buffer as though the program were a datafile. However, while thai data is being processed, Basic halts the tape. When the tape restarts, Ba

sic looks for another block of data to read, bui does not find it until the start of the next program.

The solution is [o rewrite your pro gram in machine language and store it

Q: l\ it possible that Commodore has hjt


a serial bus punier pnierface proviCing lull R5232 yg^a!^ lor an

rjr eiierndl power

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ing wire in that cable already brings the necessary voltage into the inter



blocks (recorded twice in succession!

terface. Most likely, the correspond

an empty ROM socket in




proper voltage on pin 18 of the Centronics parallel connector, into which you plntf a cable from the in


: t^ic [■ro./.v: :r^^!(i va,:-. l- .i :*:■-* e-i-ncie-. Add 12 00 lo. stopeiiig Ej*5«I"-


other way. Most printers supply the


mir*c votlaojrt Uurc MAiLial includes a Lypc in Basic trrrnmal

out losing data. Program files, on the other hand, arc Stored as single

supply +5 volts to the interface an


RS?32 cwiliguraiion lto jrnl <nc3udn j 3 lout cable with nllvr a male oi l«nWOBJSOJm«loi(5[>«piywliir,ri( RS2M plus and

Pete Baron

A: Yes. but that's not necessary. Jusi


is Msi ConnwiB'e mnsaiit* R5232 inielatc available loi siy

wOVir>g *iln Comno'Jo'C users wta Wfd an RS232 Inlertace It imports all slanosd HS232 omnsliom [M 12. 20. 72} includinG. Ring DelFtl and Hi Sfieed Inflicalu' Four ^vildies in tne BS23! covb allow you Io sei itie umi lor virtually any standard

ur»flS232 vcwir.^r (nvjn h Jk i

A: No! with Basic's GET# command.

Q: I have a Plus/4 and aprinter interface

Inlcrlace 6 its coriccl ctoicc Any compas" w<ll snow 001 II

pri»' it* Detae KS232 iiMoiace 15 me oiimmaiiw oi 3 yens o<

Tlis Is an RS23? VMJM oi our iamou^ Pr<n[master/rG II \&

Will Johns

the cable in boih 10- and HO-column

W#tner you warn io Hniimumcaie wilh 3 modem seial P»ntw.

anniliB (omputci. a any oilier RSJ32 device Ir* Dekiw HS232


board. On the Plus/4, the socket nor

in an out-ol-the-way part of memory. starling al SCOOl), for instance. You may then treat all of Basic's workspace as a huge buffer and read all oft he pro

gram in at once, (hanks to the greater speed ot machine language.

Cuc'e 220 on RestJer Service card.

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Q: // (/ filename listed in a directory ap

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pears with tin asterisk immediately fol

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lowing it, what is the proper procedure

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mally contains [he factory-supplied

Charlvs Tisher

"3 + 1" program, bin other ROMs de

Lockpori, IL

Qulnsept, Inc.

signed for use in I'lusM cartridges can

P.O. Box 216

be put in thai same socket. Although the socket is initially empty on the

A: Any disk with a directory entry so

C-128, it is like-wise addressed to the same pan of memory as ROM car

and is in danger of losing informa tion. If the marked file is not impor

tridges, and it could easily hold a program ROM from a suitable ciy.s cartridge.

validated, with either ihe C-128's or the I'his/l's Collect command 01 the

Lexington, MA 02173


marked has an improperly closed file

tant, the disk should be immediately

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