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~r.lnX·MenV\"fsusStrff'tfight~r, jt'sposSlbletohOM!!bothch<l~ersusc

their S4.1pers at onc~1 This results in some mtne most wanton c;unil~ you'ye witne-ssed In iI 20 fighting gilmel When chilract~rswith outra~s· looIClngilttiICts get t~hcr, thes(feen is piKke:I with ~normous sprites. For ~xample, iI C~Iops/Ryu combination produces two ilbsoIut~1y huge lilser·styIe attiICU thilt til~~ up the ~ntir~ screen. Another ilddrtion ilr~ the T~ilm Counters, Simil,ll to the AI~ Counters in Street fighter Alph,l, these ,ll~different in that whilst)'OOl ~in ch,l~er bkx:ts. )'001 scwnd comes on,lOO perlorms the counter S4.1pertati...e stuff.

IIl1I_TOO As)'OO Coln from the scrttnShots, X·Men W,WS Stleet fighter f~atures some new chilracters to get to grips with. finotlly, Colpcom hOM!! inctlJded th,ee of the X· Men's most popul,lr Ch,llilct~fS in the fOSt~r, G.olmtHt. m,lst~r athlrt~ .ind ca~bIe od empowering ob~s with kinrtic ~~rgy is in,llong With the ~ of his life, Rogue, She's super·strong. Coln fly, and ciln absorb the powers and melTlOl'iC's of othe,s, ~sic,llly this nle,lns that sh~ Coln st~,ll fi.~b<l1I ,lttiICks (and ~n's naming o..~ Punchl). Not,lble X.vill,lin ~bretooth holS illso bttn incllJded. He plays simi~rly to the Hulk In ~ryel Super Heroes, but he's illot.lot filster. And meaner. In the Street Fighter Mpilrtment ther~'s nothing new, iI!though Colmmy finally rc1ums (,lnd she's in the thrall of8ison).

Obviously this gilme Is going to be diffKutt toeonvert.. whyr Well, Capcom have had problems getting illltheani~tionfortwo ch<lractersin~at

With X· Men Wrsus Street F"tghler, this is doubled Since there ilre twK~ ,ls fTIiIny fighters in memory at once, We can only think that this is the game that Capcom finaltyUSCil ~Colrdfor, ~milar lowh,lt SNK hOM!! done with King ofFighlers '95;md filul fury ~ilJ Bout. upcom have Qid in the piist thilt they wiU onc~.

~thesystem. butit·s )'c1tobeconfilfT~jfthis~

the game that will do it. Hopriulty wt"U hiIYe some firm answt'.s soon.



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