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Ramdisk 128 Peter M.L. Lortrup

This powerful utility creates a ramdisk in your 128's memory and allows you to load and save BASIC and ML programs lit erally at the speed of light. No hardware modifications are necessary for you to move your computer's input and output into the fast lane. The Commodore 128 has a luxuri

Follow the MLX instructions

memory remain idle. Bank 1, where

carefully, and save a copy of the MLX data before you leave MLX. Be sure to use the name 128-RAM

BASIC variables are stored, re

DISK because the Loader program

serves nearly 63K of memory for

(Program 1) will look for a file with

variables, and most of the time— ables and arrays—little of this memory is actually occupied. "Ramdisk 128" takes 40K of this

this name. Now, to install Ramdisk 128, simply load LOADER like any oth er BASIC program and type RUN. When the READY prompt returns,

Bank 1 memory and creates a ram

type NEW, and you're ready to be

disk that allows you to load and save files of all kinds at lightning-

gin using the ramdisk commands.

fast speeds.

Ramdisk Commands

ous amount of memory. In fact,

most of the time, large areas of this

even when using lots of string vari

Once the ramdisk is installed, you'll


have several new commands added

RAMFILES. This option saves all programs currently recorded in the ramdisk. If the ramdisk memory is

full when it is saved, you must have 162 blocks free on the disk, or a RAMDISK FULL error will occur. ELOAD is used to load pro grams and files from the ramdisk to memory. The asterisk (*) can be used for wildcard searches, An as

terisk by itself loads the first file from the ramdisk. If no parameters follow the filename, two things

may happen: If the program was saved as a BASIC program, it will be reloaded into the current BASIC programming space; if it was a ma chine language file, it will be re

loaded to the same starting address from which it was saved. One numeric parameter may

follow the filename to specify the starting address for the load. ELOAD without any parame

Ramdisk 128 consists of two pro grams. "Loader" (Program 1) is a

to BASIC. Let's look at each one. ESAVE is used to save pro

ters will load the complete ramdisk from the disk drive. It will try to

BASIC program that performs some

grams to the ramdisk. To save a

load a file called RAMFILES (which

housekeeping duties and loads "128-RAMDISK" (Program 2). Since Loader (Program 1) is written in BASIC, simply type it in and save

BASIC program, just follow ESAVE

must have been previously stored

with the full ESAVE command). EHEADER may be used when you need to delete all the contents of the ramdisk. Since everything in the

128-RAMDISK (Program 2) is

with the filename enclosed in quo tation marks (the closing quotation mark may be omitted for BASIC programs). For machine language files (ML routines, text screens, hi

written in machine language, so

res screens, and so on), specify the

to confirm your action (if in com

you'll need to enter it with the 128

mand mode). This command reinit ializes the directory and storage

guage entry program found else

filename, the starting address, the ending address, plus one of the saves, separated by commas. Don't

where in this issue. When you run

use the letter P before the numeric

contents of the ramdisk. If used in

MLX, you'll be asked for the start

ranges of the save.

program mode, EHEADER will not

a copy to disk.

version of the "MLX" machine lan

ing and ending addresses of the

If no filename follows the

data you'll be entering. Here are the values to use for 128-RAMDISK:

ESAVE command, a full save is specified. In a full save, all pro

Starting address: Ending address:

grams in the ramdisk are saved to your disk drive under the filename


1300 1BE4


April 1988

ramdisk will be lost, you'll be asked

pointers, thus deleting all previous

ask for confirmation.

EDIR displays a directory of all the files currently stored in the ram

disk. The screen is cleared, the heading is displayed, and the

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