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Dice And Double PEEKs

Thomas W. Wfellis If you've discovered a clever timesaving technique or a brief but effective programming shortcut,

send it to "Hints & Tips," c/o

FNR, the X is just a marker in the DEF statement that defines the function. Line 20 rolls the dice twice, generating two numbers in the range 1-6, and then adds them together. Line 30 then waits for a

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Compare the relatively short formula D - FNR(6) + FNR(6) to the

When you're writing a game in

longer alternative D = INT(RND U)+6 + l) + INT(RND(l)*6-rl). It's

BASIC and need a random number between 1 and 10, you would use a line that looks something like this: N = INT(RND(l)"10-t-l). The ran

loops back to line 20 to roll the dice

not only easier to read the FNR(6) version, it also uses up less memory and takes less typing. This random integer function

Here, we've defined a double PEEK function called FND. Line 20 uses FND to examine the pointers

that indicate where BASIC programs and variables are stored. In certain

programs it's important to know the values held by these pointers and FND simplifies the calculation. You can also invent a function to break a number into its low byte

and high byte. At the beginning of the program, include DEF FNH <X) = INT(X/256) and DEF FNL (X) = X AND 255. If you need to change a pointer, you can use FNL

and FNH to determine the low byte and high byte.

dom number function RND gener

can be used in a variety of ways. It

Anytime you find yourself using

ates a fractional number between 0

could be helpful in making up math

a certain mathematical routine over

and over, you may discover it's a good idea to rewrite it as a function. It's possible to nest them, to have one function call another, so you're not

and 1. Multiplying by ten yields a

problems for a children's educational

number in the range 0 to 9.9999999.

program. It could be part of an ON-

Adding 1 and performing an INT

GOTO branch (ON FNR(3) GOTO

makes it into an integer between 1

100,210,300) to make random

and 10. It's like rolling ten-sided

choices in an adventure game. It's


very useful when you're simulating percentage calculations in a strategy

16), 88 (on a VIC), or 160 (on a 128).

A General Function For Rolling Dice

game; perhaps a baseball player has

Defined functions are something like portable subroutines which are quite handy and flexible in a wide variety

Variations of the formula above might be found in many places within a long program. But its 18

characters take some time to type, especially if you're a hunt-andpeck typist. There's an easier way

to get random numbers: just define a function at the beginning of your program and then use the function in place of the formula. The follow

ing program simulates the rolling of two six-sided dice: 10 DKFFNR(X)=INT(RND(1)*X+1) 20 D=FNR(6) + fNR(6) :PRItJTD 30




The function FNR defined in line 10 picks at random a whole number between 1 and X. Once that's been done, you can substitute FNR(X) for INT(RND(1)*X + 1). Note that it's not necessary to use the variable X when you later call 92


April 986

a 31 percent chance of getting a hit, so if FNR{100) is less than 32, the

player would be credited with a hit. And if you're creating a word puzzle, you can pick random letters with CHR$(FNR(26) + 64).

Double PEEKs Defined functions can contain any mathematical or logical operation,

but they can also contain any of the various BASIC functions which re turn a value. PEEK, for example, tells you what number a certain memory location contains. Many locations

use two-byte pointers in low-byte/ high-byte format. To convert to a

decimal number, you have to multi ply the high byte by 256 and add the low byte, just the sort of thing a de

fined function can do well. 10





limited by the maximum line length

of 80 characters (on a 64, Plus/4, or

of programming situations.


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