
Page 65

no moRE pehcils commands available include1 0,1,2,3 ... 9 Keys: Change the pen color. Zero causes the pen to erase.

C Key: Clears the screen, homes the turtle and lets you start over.

U and D Keys: Set the turtle's pen up


Increase and de


the second house and hit "E" again. This process could be re peated as many limes as you want.

You could use different colors for each house.

The entire drawing

could then be saved as a new pro

or down, respectively.

> and < Keys:

move the turtle to where you want

the speed

(and length) of the turtle's strokes.

N Key: Asks you for a name for the current design. A new LOGO pro

X Key: Sets an x-coordinate origin by issuing a SETX to the turtle's cur rent x-coordinate.

Y Key: Sets a y-coordinate origin by issuing a SETY to the turtle's cur rent y-coordinate,

Q Key: Quits the current drawing ses

cedure by hitting the "N" key and

sion and gives you an opportunity

giving it the name "SUBURB."

to save the procedures you have created with your joystick to disk.

S Key: Saves a copy of the picture on

the screen to disk. It is saved as a "PICT" file, not as a LOGO source


If you answer yes to

the question, "Do you wish to save your procedures?" JOYDOODLER

name. That procedure will redraw

code file. L Key: Loads a picture from the disk

the design whenever it is executed.

to the screen. This is the reverse of

dore 64's memory and just leave

the "S" key operation.

your newly created procedures in

cedure is then created with that

T Key: Lists the titles for the designs

(procedures) you have created. E Key: Executes a procedure of your

will erase itself from the Commo

0 Key: Sets an origin for any drawing

memory. Be sure you have already

that follows by issuing a command

saved a copy of JOYDOODLER to

choice to redraw a design at the

to SETXY to the current coordi

disk before you answer yes and

current location of the turtle. For

nates of the turtle. You would use

JOYDOODLER self-destructsH!

example, you might draw a house

this command when you want a

and name it "HOUSE" by using the

design to always be drawn in a spe

these options work and how they can

"N" key. Then you could clear the

cific and absolute location on the

be used to create some great turtle

screen with the "C" key to start a

screen. Most simple designs will be

graphic drawings is to just plug in

new drawing of several houses

done without setting an origin so

You could move the turtle to where

that they can be redrawn in multi

your joystick, consult the above list and experiment. You will soon be a

you want the first house, then hit

ple locations by repositioning the

joystick expert and a turtle graphics

"E", give the name "HOUSE" as

turtle several times during the en

artist extraordinaire. And you should

the design you want to execute.

tire drawing process.

The best way to learn how all of

have a lot of fun in the process.


Program on next page -1



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