Young Southern Student Writers

Page 154

Magic At The Park Sierra’s day was great until the lightning turned into a zombie. “Rrrrr!” It raged. Everyone screamed and fled the scene. That left it to them. Johnny, May, and Drew are Sierra’s friends that help her kill monsters. No adults ever think (oh no the kids!). It’s always run! or hide! . She grabbed a spear and charged. Drew grabbed a sword, Johnny got a bow and May summoned a miniature hurricane. Sierra was used to minotaurs and skeletons. But a zombie is an easy kill. She spun kicked it and jabbed the spear into his foot. It screamed and raged. He front flipped and stabbed at her. But Johnny shot him in the leg. That’s why she favored working as a team. May and Drew charged from the back. Soon the zombie was more of an omelet. That’s when Circe showed up. “A little late!” Drew complained. Suddenly I was looking at a beaver. May stared in shock. Hmph. “Hey!” I yelled. She turned him back. We agreed on no magic! I don’t care! “You should”. Johnny retorted. She was suddenly a tall, slim creature with black wings and pale skin. “Go away you weird person!” May yelled. Now, now “May, you need to be nice.” Circe said sweetly. Flash! Amos stood there looking mad. “I told you to stay out of my way!” Amos raged. “But we are fine on our own!” Sierra complained. Shush girl! “I’m 15!” Sierra protested. Yes and I’m 30 millennia. So hush! He pulled out a small replica of the Empire State Building. This will lead you to sorcerer’s temple. You shall find your way without Circe and without the rage. Without the rebel, and without the shot. But your leader shall prevail and fall. “What does that mean? “ Sierra asked. But he had vanished. “So who’s the rage?” Sierra asked. Everyone looked at May. Okay who’s the rebel? Everyone looked at Drew. “What?” he asked. “Obviously Sierra’s the leader. “ Johnny said. “And that means I’m the shot.” Johnny wailed. 20 minutes later… Going in opposite directions is hard. May went east, Johnny went south, Drew went north, and Sierra went west. Along the way Sierra ran into 3 skeletons, and a furry. She also ran into May. Together they went to the building. There outside the door was Amos. Then he dissolved. They went up the elevator until it stopped at the 450th floor. They raced into the big room. There standing was a tall man in a jumpsuit. He was busy turning a bee into a carrot. “ Mr.!” Sierra called. Yes yes. You’re the girls Amos mentioned. 20 minutes after that… Doing chores is one thing. But cleaning this guy’s bedroom was another. But finally they finished. The guy gave them their powers and they went home with Drew and Johnny. Five minutes later they all had mastered their skills. Days are crazy when you’re a wizard. Kate DuRoy Grade 5 Thrasher Elementary School Mrs. Crosby


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