Think Faith High School curriculum - Stage 4A Unit 3 sample

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PAUL IN ACTS Good news for the whole world


Years 7 and 8

Published 2016 by CEP eISBN: 978-1-925492-02-6 Copyright © Christian Education Publications 2016 This resource is copyright. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism and review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of this book may be reproduced by any process without the express permission of the publisher, apart from the following provision. This curriculum may be reproduced for use only in the Special Religious Education classes of the purchaser’s school, or of the school in which he or she has the responsibility for the provision of Special Religious Education. It may not be distributed, or copied for distribution, beyond the purchaser and his or her classroom. Permission to make copies of the Visual Aids, Teaching Aids and Worksheets is given only to those who hold an active licence with CEP for the Think Faith SRE curriculum. These copies are for use only in the Special Religious Education classes of the purchaser’s school, or of the school in which he or she has the responsibility for the provision of Special Religious Education. This curriculum is issued under licence for the 2016 school year only. Christian Education Publications PO Box A287, Sydney South NSW 1235 Australia Email: Web:


THE THINK FAITH TEAM: Project manager: Dr Kaye Chalwell

Melinda Holding


Ed Springer

Kaye Chalwell

Jon Thorpe

Amy Birungi

Editorial: Loren Becroft, Natasha Percy

Michael Dicker

Original Design: Bethany Abbottsmith

Ivan Harris

Illustrations: Belinda Stead

Kat Harris

Teaching Resource design: Louisa Drury

Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission. NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® and NIV® are registered trademarks of Biblica, Inc. Use of either trademark for the offering of goods or services requires the prior written consent of Biblica US, Inc. Additional versions of worksheets also feature Scripture quotations from the Contemporary English Version Copyright © 1991, 1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, used by permission. Also included on worksheets is Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL READER’S VERSION®. Copyright © 1996, 1998 Biblica. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of Biblica. NEW INTERNATIONAL READER’S VERSION® and NIrV® are registered trademarks of Biblica. Use of either trademark for the offering of goods or services requires the prior written consent of Biblica.



Luke: Jesus teaches his disciples how to follow him ..................................................................... 4 Overview of lessons ................................................................................................................................... 7 Teacher Planning Sheet ............................................................................................................................ 9 SRE Teacher Unit Evaluation Form ....................................................................................................10


Jerusalem ....................................................................................................................................................11 Teaching resources ..................................................................................................................................20


Damascus ....................................................................................................................................................29 Teaching resources ..................................................................................................................................35


Antioch ..........................................................................................................................................................43 Teaching resources ..................................................................................................................................50


Philippi and Thessalonica .......................................................................................................................61 Teaching resources ..................................................................................................................................68


Athens ...........................................................................................................................................................75 Teaching resources ..................................................................................................................................81


Ephesus ........................................................................................................................................................90 Teaching resources ..................................................................................................................................98


Miletus ........................................................................................................................................................ 108 Teaching resources ............................................................................................................................... 115


Good news ................................................................................................................................................ 130


UNIT GUIDE PAUL IN ACTS Good news for the whole world A couple of years ago, emojis were the

to save people and restore the world was

exclusive language of teenage girls. Today

accomplished at that first Easter. Forgiveness

92% of the online population use them. Why

of sins and reconciliation with God was now

has the world become so enamoured with

available by trusting Jesus. God had done it all!

these little digital faces? Research suggests

The book of Acts is the story of how the good

that emojis enable the user to express their

news of Jesus exploded from Jerusalem into

feelings more accurately than words do.

the world. We read how this good news

Good news stories often come with an emoji.

transforms people and cities by the power of

‘I got a job đ&#x;¤‘đ&#x;¤‘.’ ‘He likes me đ&#x;˜?đ&#x;˜?.’ ‘I got my

God’s Spirit. It transforms a murderer into a

Ps đ&#x;¤—đ&#x;¤—.’ Often multiple emojis are used to

proclaimer of Jesus. It transforms how people

express really good news: ‘I just ate ice-cream

live, the priorities they have and how they

đ&#x;™‚đ&#x;™‚ đ&#x;˜Źđ&#x;˜Ź đ&#x;˜ đ&#x;˜ ’.

treat God and other people. The good news of Jesus enables Christians to endure difficult

The Bible is full of good news. The opening

times, opposition and suffering. Why is it so

two chapters describe a world and lifestyle

powerful? The good news of Jesus opens the

that is stunning. Even after the tragedy of

door to God for every people group in the

Genesis 3–11, the promises of God are so big

world. Jesus reveals God to the world and

and exciting. The taste of heaven that Israel

enables all people to be in never-ending,

enjoyed in Canaan is enticing. The prophet’s

forgiven, purposeful, hope-filled relationship

assurance of hope beyond sin, evil, injustice

with him.

and suffering is life-changing.

How does this good news explode into the

The ultimate good news story is Jesus. His

world? Through Christians sharing the good

arrival was good news for the world (Luke

news. Over and over in Acts we witness those

2:10). Jesus proclaimed the good news of

who understand God’s good news unable to

God (Mark 1:14), yet he was much more

keep quiet. Paul, the ex-murderer, goes from

than a messenger. Jesus himself would free

town to town sharing this good news. Three

the oppressed, forgive sins and establish

times he leaves his home town to venture into

the promised kingdom of God (Luke 4:18).

foreign and hostile waters to share the good

In the life of Jesus we see a glimpse of God’s

news of Jesus. Such was the goodness of this

kingdom, a kingdom where sickness will be

news that ethnic, religious and cultural barriers

extinguished, death will be defeated, and

were crossed so that people could hear what

justice will reign. It was at Jesus’ horrible

God had done in Jesus, and respond. Incredibly

death and incredible resurrection that the

‌ God was with them the whole time.

good news became a reality. God’s great plan


LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE UNIT • people respond in different ways to the


good news

Students will consider the following questions:

• we can be tolerant of people we

• Why did the good news of Jesus spread to

disagree with

the whole world?

• there is a difference between knowing

• Why do bad things happen to Christians?

about God and knowing God.

• What is distinctive about the Christian faith?


• How does the Christian faith impact the

Students will be able to:

way someone lives their life?

• compare and contrast different responses to the good news


• use critical thinking (with guidance) to

Students will:

understand a Bible passage

• be able to explain the good news

• describe significant geographical locations in Paul’s missionary journeys

• be able to describe the missionary journeys of Paul

• empathise with different points of view regarding Christian faith.

• be able to explain how the good news challenges the way that people live


• be able to identify different responses to the good news.

Students will understand that: • Christians believe that God’s word is living


and active

• Good news

• Christians believe that faith impacts every aspect of a Christian’s life

• Synagogue

• Christians trust in what Jesus has done

• Conversion

for them and recognise him as Saviour

• Disciple

and Lord • Christians believe that Jesus’ power is


working in their lives to change them

Students will learn that:

• Christians pursue a relationship with

• Paul travelled to many places to spread the

God through prayer, worship, service and

good news of Jesus Christ

reading his word.

• the good news is for the whole world, and for all people • God uses all kinds of people to share the good news




Students will understand that:

Students will understand that:

• Christians care for one another

• Christians acknowledge that sin has broken humanity’s relationship with the world

• Christians show grace and love to others because of God’s action towards them

• Christians understand that suffering and perseverance is part of God’s world

• Christians participate in a Christian community.

• Christians understand they need to testify to a world that has rebelled against God • Christians understand that they may need to suffer for the profession of their faith in the world.




Key Bible text

Key Bible text

• Acts 1:8; 7:54—8:3; 2 Corinthians 15:1–6

• Acts 9:1–22; 1 Timothy 1:12–17; Galatians 1:13–14

Big idea

Big idea

The good news of Jesus is for the whole world.

God uses unlikely people to share the good news.



The Launch Lesson introduces the missionary journeys of Paul. It starts in Acts 1:8 where students

This Stilla follows the story of Saul’s conversion. It

explore the possible motivations for someone to

looks at what motivated Saul to go to Damascus and

travel around and tell others about Jesus. The lesson

what happened in Damascus. It explores how these

goes on to explore the events leading up to Saul’s

events helped the good news of Jesus to spread to the

conversion. Students explore the relationship Saul

whole world. It reminds the students that God is at

had with the early Christians. Students start the

the centre of the story.

Travel Blog, an ongoing project that will be used

Sensitivity triggers: Prayers that are not answered.

throughout the term. Sensitivity triggers: Students with different religious beliefs.



Key Bible text

Key Bible text

• Acts 13

• Acts 16:11—17:15

Big idea

Big idea

The good news is for all people.

The good news is good even in difficult times.



This Stilla follows Paul’s time in Pisidian Antioch.

This Stilla follows Paul’s time in Philippi and

It explores the message that Paul gave in Antioch

Thessalonica. Students will discover how Paul

and how all people are welcome to accept the good

experienced both good and difficult times during this

news. Students will look at different responses to the

part of his journey. They will see the different ways

good news. They will consider how the good news

that people responded to the good news. Students

challenges the way that Christians live their lives.

will consider what it means to be tolerant and how





they can be tolerant of people who have different


ideas to them.

especially regarding different responses to Jesus.

Sensitivity triggers: Dealing with disagreement, and suffering as a Christian.




Key Bible text

Key Bible text

• Acts 17:16–34

• Acts 19:1–41; Ephesians 5:1–2

Big idea

Big idea

The good news makes God known to us.

The good news challenges the way we live our lives.



Paul had moved on from Thessalonica and Berea

Paul’s preaching in Ephesus had a profound effect

to escape the troublemakers from Thessalonica. He

on many people living there. This was troubling to

found a city filled with all kinds of people: Jews,

Demetrius, a silversmith who made silver shrines

God-fearing Gentiles, philosophers and people

of Artemis. Demetrius was concerned that people

worshipping Greek gods. Paul teaches that God can

would have no need for his statues if they became

be known and that he makes himself known to us.

Christians. He stirred up trouble and a riot ensued.

Students will explore how God is different to the

In this Stilla students consider how the good news

Greek gods. They will understand that the good news

challenges people to change the way they live.

reveals a great deal about what God is like. They will

They explore the place of statues and temples and

differentiate between knowing things about God and

how Christians should respond to people who have

relationally knowing God, and how this influences

different beliefs to them.

the way that Christians live their lives.

Sensitivity triggers: Students with different religious

Sensitivity triggers: Students with different religious

beliefs, dealing with disagreement.




Key Bible text

Key Bible text

• Acts 20:13–38

• Acts 1:8; 1 Corinthians 15:1–11; 2 Corinthians 11:24–28

Big idea

Big idea

God helps believers to keep trusting in the good news.

The good news is always the good news.



Paul left Ephesus and spent time in Macedonia and

This lesson closes the unit and seeks to reinforce the

Greece. He was now on his way to Jerusalem. He was

learning of the unit. Students engage in a number

in a hurry to get to Jerusalem, so he chose not to stop

of activities to recall learning, key themes and

at Ephesus. However, he organised to meet the elders


of the Ephesian church at Miletus approximately 230

Sensitivity triggers: None identified.

kilometres away. As they read Paul’s words to the Ephesian elders, students will discover how God helps believers to keep trusting in him by providing the Holy Spirit, his word, and the church. Students will explore how these three things not only helped the church 2000 years ago, but also help Christians today. Sensitivity triggers: None identified.




Acts 1:8; 7:54—8:3; 2 Corinthians 15:1–6 The good news of Jesus is for the whole world. AT A GLANCE Connecting



Great journeys

Acts 1:8

Travel Blog

Why I’d go




Ticket to Leave

Where? Jerusalem Stephen Additional resources: Make up the Travel Blogs for the unit. These can be copied from week to week, like the worksheets, or stapled to create a book at the beginning of the term. This may be a task someone in your church can help you with (this is a great way to get people involved with and aware of your ministry). Coat and stone props


15 mins

Worksheet L:1

Teacher’s note: Welcome students back for the start of a new term. You may like to remind students of behavioural and learning expectations in your classroom. This activity introduces students to the broad scope of this unit of work. Students will be following Paul’s journey in the second half of the book of Acts. They will start the unit by considering what makes a great journey story. The Launch Lesson is very important because it sets the stage for the entire unit. It is important that you help students to have a clear view of where they will be heading and why. By the end of this lesson, students


should be able to explain what will happen in the unit. The unit uses a Travel Blog that students add to each week. This blog helps to pull the unit together as a cohesive piece of teaching. It is important to collect the blogs each week and comment on what the students are writing. Note that as students write their Travel Blog you may choose to guide students by reading out the sentence prompts as they complete the activity. This will help students who have literacy issues and will keep everyone working at the same pace.

Great journeys 1. Show the video of the trailer of The Hobbit watch?v=SDnYMbYB-nU 2. Ask:

?? What kind of journey is the hobbit going on? ?? Why is he going on the journey? 3. Brainstorm great journey stories that have been told in books or movies. 4. Ask students to write a great journey story by completing Worksheet L:1: • Give students a copy of the worksheet and ask them to fill in the blanks for point 1. • They then fold the paper back at the dotted line and pass the worksheet on to the student next to them. Students then complete the next line of the story at point 2. • Continue in this manner until the story is complete. 5. When the story is finished, have students unfold the paper and read their story to their neighbour. Ask a few students to share their stories with the class.


5 mins

Worksheet L:2

Teacher’s note: This activity identifies possible motivations for going on a dangerous journey.

Why I’d go 1. Ask students to complete the sentence on Worksheet L:2: ‘I would be willing to go on a dangerous journey if …’. 2. Go around the class and ask each student to read out their sentence. 3. Make a list on the board of the reasons that someone would be willing to go on a dangerous journey.




LINK STATEMENT I would only go on a dangerous journey if it was worth the risk. This term we will be looking at a man called Paul who became a follower of Jesus and then travelled around, taking enormous risks, to tell people about Jesus. We will be reading about his journeys in the book of Acts, which is the book of the New Testament that comes after the four Gospels. The big questions of this unit are:  •  what would motivate someone to take such an enormous risk?  • why did Paul think his message was so important?  •  what does Paul’s example and message mean for Christians today?


5 mins

Worksheet L:2

Teacher’s note: This activity investigates Acts 1:8 as an introduction to why Paul went on his journey.

Acts 1:8 1. Read Acts 1:8. 2. Explain the context of this verse: • Jesus had risen from the dead. • Jesus ‘gave many convincing proofs that he was alive’ (Acts 1:3). • Jesus appeared to more than 500 people at the same time, as well as smaller groups and individuals on many different occasions (1 Corinthians 15:5–6). • Jesus is about to return to heaven. 3. In this verse, Jesus gives his listeners an important job and says three important things about it: who, what and where. 4. On their worksheets, have students circle the ‘who’ (who will do the job), put a box around the ‘what’ (what will they do), and underline the ‘where’ (where will they do it).




MY GREAT JOURNEY STORY 1. The great journey began when I was given a _____________________________________________________ to take to ________________________________________________________________________________________ .

........................................................................................ FOLD ALONG THE DOTTED LINE

2. I knew I would need help so I asked _____________________________________________________________ to come with me.

........................................................................................ FOLD ALONG THE DOTTED LINE

3.The three really important things I packed to take with me were __________________________________, _________________________________________________ and ___________________________________________ .

........................................................................................ FOLD ALONG THE DOTTED LINE

4. We headed out towards ________________________________________________________________________ and waited for ___________________________________________________________________________________ .

........................................................................................ FOLD ALONG THE DOTTED LINE

5. Everything was going well until ____________________ ;____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

........................................................................................ FOLD ALONG THE DOTTED LINE

6. We knew we had to escape the _________________________________________________________________ or we would never finish the journey.

........................................................................................ FOLD ALONG THE DOTTED LINE

7. So we quickly __________________________________________________________________________________ and then we _____________________________________________________________________________________ .

........................................................................................ FOLD ALONG THE DOTTED LINE

8. At last we could see the destination so we ______________________________________________________ and _____________________________________________________________________________________________ .

........................................................................................ FOLD ALONG THE DOTTED LINE

9. We had come to the end of our journey so it was time ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ . L:1 © CEP 2016—ISSUED UNDER LICENCE FOR 2016 SCHOOL YEAR ONLY

WHY I’D GO I would be willing to go on a dangerous journey if____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________




But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.  ACTS 1:8 L:2 NIV © CEP 2016—ISSUED UNDER LICENCE FOR 2016 SCHOOL YEAR ONLY



This Travel Blog belongs to __________________________________________________________________

My favourite place on the journey

The Whole World



TRAVEL BLOG Jerusalem would have been a great place to visit because

Saul’s Travel Blog Place: Main events:

Other people in the story:

TO LEAVE How does today’s lesson help us to understand that the good news of Jesus is for the whole world?

How do you think the story about Stephen and Saul would be scary for Christians?

How do you think the story about Stephen and Saul would be encouraging for Christians?



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