YL CLANS & TRIBES Manual. Book 1

Page 63

John D. Liu documents and promotes Large-scale Ecosystem Restoration around the globe. Bare rocks stretching to the horizon can turn back into splendid landscapes of trees, water, full of life – and a home for people. Waking up to the value of ecosystems enables us to create miracles in restoration, and stop unnecessary catastrophes from happening. Simple accounting shows us that ecosystems' value for regional populations is incredibly higher than the profit that special interest groups from outside the community get from invading, destroying and selling them. Yes, also in monetary terms! In fact, it's so much bigger, that every kid and citizen sees that business as usual makes no sense. It's stupid. Now, we need to learn this, as a generation,so we don't make the silly mistakes of our parent generations. Learn with John about restoration wonders, the connection between ecology and economy. On top, together, we document examples and needs of ecosystem restorationin your region on IUCN's groundbreaking What If We Change platform.

The Grand Quest of Healing the Wounds of the Earth.

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