Marathon 1936

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F ir st Row — L o rn a S t o u f f e r ; V e r d e tte B u m g a rn e r; R o m a S q u ir e s ; V a u g h n L e a rn in g ; R u th J o n e s . S e c o n d R ow — D o ris J o h n s o n ; M iss A lm a T r e s s L u n d m a n , F a cu lty A^dvisor; E rw in B r a n s o n ; L u c ille H e in s ; R u th A n n M c K a in . T h ir d Row — Is a b e lle B u c k le s ; R o b e r t F e r r is ; P a u l M a in ; L o is B ro w n . F o u rth R ow — G w en d olyn H o o fn a g le ; V e r a T h a m e r ; H a ro ld W o c h n e r ; R ic h a rd B u r g e s s ; L aw ren ce D e e v e r ; M y rn a M c G a ff in ; A le e n D o n n e l.

The Histrionic Cluh First S em e s te r O fficers

S e c o n d S e m e s te r O fficers

President ..........................V era T h a m er Vice-President H arold W o c h n er Secretary ...............Ruth Ann M cK ain Treasurer ....................... Erwin B ran son Business M anager P au l M ain

President s _............... V era T h am er Vice-President ...............R o m a S qu ires Secretary ........................Doris Johnson Treasurer ......................... Erwin B ranson Business M anager Flarold W o ch n er

DEATH TAKES A HOLIDAY Cast Cora ..................................................................................... D arlen e Franz Fedele ..............................................................................................................C h a r le s M elville Duke Lambert .................................................................................................Erwin B ranson A lda .......................................................................................................................V era T h am er Duchess Stephanie ........................................................................................D orothy R iggs Princess of San Luca ............................................................................. Ruth A llesh o u se Baron C esarea , .............. ........................... .......................... ...... ......H arold W o ch n er Rhoda Fenton ................................................................... Doris ]oh n son Eric Fenton ....................................................................................................... R ich a rd R o a ch Corrado .................................. ...... ......... ............................... ..................... L a w r e n c e D eev er G razia ............................................................................................ H elen F rieze His Serene Highness, Prince Sirki, of V italba Alexandri................R obert Ferris M ajor W hitread ......... ............................................................................. V au g h n Learning The plot of "Death Takes a H oliday" is based on the poetic conception of Death suspending all activities for three days during which period he falls in love with a beautiful girl, and through her realizes why mortals fear him. This play by Alberto C asella w as one of the two m ajor productions of the year.

P age 64

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