Annual Report 2011

Page 15

YM+ The European Youth Forum facilitated the coordination of YM+, the European coordination platform of young migrants and young people with migrant background, which is a project undertaken with the support of the European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM). Twenty organisations from different European Countries are involved in the project, some of them members of the Youth Forum. The Youth Forum organised two capacity building events on advocacy and EU institutions, as well as organisational and project development. These events resulted in the establishment of a group of contact persons who were in charge of developing YM+ as an organisation. The YM+ was actively present at the IIYCV, where its members organised a workshop on “Volunteering as a Tool for Integration by Young Migrants in Europe” and held an interactive stand to raise awareness

of participation of young migrants and about the YM+ itself. The Youth Forum has also invited YM+ representatives to youth forum events, such as Membership Support Week, the Networking Event on Youth Rights and the Youth Employment: A Call for Action. The YM+ has further been represented in external events: a European Conference on Destitution of Forced Migrants, “Integrating immigrants in regions and cities”, the 5th and 6th European Integration Forum and the European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM) Conference. The Youth Forum has evaluated the project with input from YM+ member organisations about how they perceived the project and how they saw the future of the project. The members saw much potential in the project and were eager to continue the work.

WORKING GROUP NON-FORMAL EDUCATION 16-17 April, Brussels, Belgium 12-13 November, Strasbourg, France

Board Member Responsible: Katrine KORSGAARD Secretariat Support: Maarten COERTJENS Paulius MIEZELIS - Lithuanian Youth Council Rita SANTOS - Portuguese Youth Council Marah KÖBERLE - International Federation of Catholic Parochial Youth Movements – German Youth Council Silva RUKAVINA - International Federation of Medical Students Associations Liga EFEJA - Young Men’s Christian Association Aleksandra KAMILOVA - Estonian Youth Council Marció BARCELOS - World Organisation of the Scout Movement Mihai-Paul FLORAN - International Young Catholic Students – International Movement of Catholic Students


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