The Essence of Suryanamaskaras

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world in front of us; the world in which we must live and function and thus, must be able to see. Ironically, the sun which allows us to see the world and ignore the unnecessary details of the universe, does not allow us to look at it. If we try to look directly at the sun, we will be blinded. The light which is suppose to give us sight, takes away our vision. This irony is further exemplified by the simple act of going to a movie theater or dark studio. When you step out into the sunlight after being inside a dark room, your eyes cannot see clearly. We find that our eyes are blinded, not by the darkness, but by the light outside. If we try to force ourselves to see in the light, we will damage our eyes. If the light itself blinds us, what can help us come out of such blindness? The only solution is to succumb to the light. Do not try to fight the force of light and slowly allow your eyes to adjust by closing your eyes, relaxing, and slowly opening them, allowing them to assimilate to the light. Respect the light and the sun and approach it with a high degree of humbleness and gentleness. This analogy has been effectively applied to knowledge by an Upansadic sage. The sun is also known as "Arya" which is the respectful address for a wise person, who is elevated spiritually and can help deliver knowledge. Hence, the sun depicts knowledge. This knowledge allows for the world around us to be clearly revealed, shattering confusion and resolving fear. This light of knowledge removes the ignorance of darkness. Knowledge provides us with the opportunity to unveil the secrets of creation. The technological developments and the comforts of modern day society have all been created based on increased knowledge. There is a vast amount of knowledge that is available and this knowledge will continue to grow with the passage of time. It becomes

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