Music Video Loop 82

Page 39

Student Guide



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Music Video

Watch the video Words by Hawk Nelson, paying close attention to any lyrics or concepts that jump out at you.

Talk It Through

James 3:9 says, “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness.” (NIV) Discuss:

• What does being “made in God’s likeness” mean?

Look It Over

• Why does God take such a serious stance on whether or not we injure others with our words?

Live It Out

Think of one person you have been less than kind to with your words. Will you commit to apologizing and making things right with that person in the next 48 hours? If so, please let someone you trust know about that commitment so they can help you to follow through with your intention. Then close by praying for that person you may have wounded with your words.

Read James 3:3-12 and discuss the following thoughts and questions:

• If you were to summarize this passage in just a few words or phrases, how would you re-state its main point? • Do you think the author is exaggerating when he describes the human tongue as being “restless evil, full of deadly poison” – or is he simply being realistic? Explain.

Read Ephesians 4:29 as a group. Discuss: • When you honestly think about the way you use your words, would you say this verse describes you a) always, b) sometimes, c) rarely, or d) never?

• Can you think of a modern-day example of a person’s words impacting the course of another person’s life – for better or for worse? Please share. • What are the essential differences between being a person who speaks life to others versus a person who speaks deadly poison?

• If you saw God transform your use of words radically over the next year, how might your life change for the better? Try to be specific.

• How can a person be transformed from speaking words of deadly poison to words of life? • What must God do in a person’s life for that to happen? • 800.725.3300

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