Summer Issue July/August 2015
Wellness Health & Self-Expression
(Pure) Magazine RawGirl
SELF CARE Loving You
Esosa Edosomwan
Rapper Sa-Roc
Being Vegan
3 Seasonal Teas to Uplift BLACK GIRLS RUN
Toni Carey
REAL WOMEN Wellness Stories
We Empower Embrace Happiness, and Encourage the Spirit!
Mind -Body -Soul Visit SAFI (Pure) Magazine Online
Letter From Editor
Dear SAFI (Pure) Magazine Readers: As Editor-in-Chief of SAFI (Pure) Magazine, I spend a lot of my time researching what our readers would be interested in seeing us cover in our publication. I wanted to create a publication that not only gives women of color a platform to express themselves but I also wanted to have a publilcation that focuses on wellness journeys from a realistic point of view. Our magazine is not about being “skinny” or “how to loose weight”. We are interested in real stories and in applauding women for loving who they are and expressing themselves. SAFI (Pure) Magazine is about understanding the whole women; her mind and her body. We as women of color face many obstacles in life and it is so important that we care about our well being and live healthy lives. For far too long the conversation in media has been one sided when it comes to wellness and health coverage. I think is important for women to see someone on the cover they can relate to and that will inspire them to keep on their journeys toward wellness. My own journey I can note has been ever evolving. Focusing on having healthy habits and having a positive attitude have truly changed my life. At the young age of 33 my doctor found cancer cells in my body. I was prepared for this news because I have a family history of cancer on my maternal side and I also had PCOD. I now know more than ever the importance of a healthy diet, a sound mind, but most important appreciating life and the moments that we have in each present second of life. I began to understand what it really means to be grateful. This realization was what fueled my desire to start SAFI (Pure) Magazine. In this first issue the theme is self care and learning to love you. We want our readers to indulge in taking care of themselves and relaxing their minds. I hope our readers join us on our journey towards wellness and health. Remember to always love you and love others! Rebekah A. Frimpong Editor in Chief Of SAFI (Pure) Magazine Twitter: @SAFIPurMag Email: BGNB Productions LLC. (c) 2015.
A publication dedicated to wellness, health, and self-expression of the modern woman of color. SAFI (Pure) Magazine is a platform to share the stories of women on their wellness journeys. This is not only a publication but a movement to improve the lives of women in our community.
Rebekah Frimpong -Editor in Chief Candace Tyler -Managing Editor
Special Contributors Mistie Roundtree Adjoa Blankson
SAFI Focus Wellness Health Self-Expression
SAFI (Pure) Magazine BGNB Productions LLC. Publication Washington, DC/Philadelphia/New York/Virginia
TABLE OF CONTENTS Inside This Issue:
Raw Girl Esosa Got Veg?
Seasonal Teas From Carytown Teas
Real Women Real Wellness Stories
Issue One of SAFI (Pure) Magazine: The Self Care issue will feature Black Girls Run founder Toni Carey. Inside also hear the real stories of three women on their journey to wellness. Something fun for this isse is the SAFI Mixtape of six female artists that will have you dancing at home and soaking up self care with a bit of fun. This issue will also feature three vegans making eating veggies look easy.
Physical Daily exercise is important in mainting health and energy levels, try walking or running before or after work and consider it “alone time” instead of exercise. Emotional Tapping into what you truly want is essential to overall wellness. Pay attention to your behaviour patterns and make sure you are keeping a stress free balanced schedule. Letting go of stress is the best way to secure emotional wellness. Occupational Not everyone can secure their dream job but always strive to find balance at work by keeping work related things at work and when you are home making time to relax and take time to yourself. Taking five minutes of silence is one way to relax after a long day at work.
What is wellness?
A question that many feel does not have one clear answer but rather wellness can be defined as a collective focused on well being and self awareness. The best place to start in looking towards self-care is wellness. How do I feel? What would make me happy? Who am I? Wellness is introspective and reflective at the same time and includes examining one’s surroundings to benefit our health and to aid in healing. Are your needs being nurtured? Is your job stressing you out? What is your relationship with God? Are you listening to your body? As we move towards understanding how both the mind and the body are connected; our wellness education will flourish. Using the wellness chart here are some tips on how to increase your wellness inventory.
Spiritual Spritual wellness is personal. Finding like minded individuals who share a similar spiritual belief is essential to growing your wellness. Knowing that you have support and understanding from spirutaul friends can deepen your faith and has health benefits. Social Social wellness includes enjoying yourself and taking time to have fun and enjoy time with friends. Interacting with friends and being social can help fight against depression. Try planning outings with friends that include activities outdoors or that encourage laughter. Make your social wellness the time you take to smile and engage others. Intellectual The mind is as fragile as it is complex. Take time to read a book, write in a journal, or express yourself artistically (painting, sculpting, or dance). By stimulating the brain with intellectual stimuli you are ensuring healthy ways of protecting your wellness while getting in tune with what makes you happy.
List of Chakras with Essential Oils and Incenses
Go deeper in your meditation practice by opening chakras. CROWN Lavender or Frankincense Top of the head Wisdom
Patchouli or Cedarwood Between the eyebrows Transformation
Bergamot Throat area or voice box Hope
Jasmine Chest area over the heart Acceptance
Juniper orLemongrass Between the navel and rib cage Release
SACRAL OR NAVEL Sage or Rosewood Slightly below the navel Forgiveness
Ginger or Sandalwood Base of spine or the bottom of the feet Grounding
Eating Healthy Made Affordable
SAFI (Pure) Magazine went shopping on a budget to compile a list of foods that are affordable and healthy.
e took on the challenge; can you eat healthy on a budget? Simple answer; yes. But in some cities and neighborhoods it may take a bit of an effort to find fresh produce or seasonal items. Try shopping at farmer’s markets during the summer, local organic markets, Trader Joe’s, or Whole Foods also have great selections that can accommodate any budget. If you are vegetarian you have the best advantage because the most affordable produce are vegetables and fruits. Check out our short list of affordable produce that can fill your pantry for as low as $20 a week a person.
CORN 50c
Discovering Advantages to Meditating A Quick Guide to Meditation and the Benefits of Daily Practice
Staying present is the hardest thing to do when you have a busy schedule. Many
women today are balancing a career, motherhood, and intimate relationships. The key to maintaining balance is taking time to be present and focus on one day at a time. Planning for the future or learning from past mistakes are important but the secret to balancing everything is keeping present often referred to as “Here and Now�. Follow these two meditation practices that can be done daily to help focus on the present and maintain balance. SAFI (PURE) MAGAZINE JULY/AUGUST2015
MEDITATION: OPENING TO A NEW YOU BLISS CHANT Find a quiet place in your home or outdoors and sit comfortably. Then let your mind clear and focus on what you consider to be your own personal mantra or a group of positive words that you will then repeat in your mind over and over for about five minutes. As you do this think about your breathe and breathe easy and slow in through yout nose and out through your nose. Keep a timer near by so that you don’t have to keep track of time. As you end your practice take one deep breathe in and exhale out through your mouth releasing.
CANDLE FOCUS Known as one of the most simple ways to start a meditation practice; the candle focus mediation also improves eyesight. In a quiet low lighted room, light a candle. Seat comfortably facing the candle. If you wear glasses take them off if you don’t need them to see. And if you wear contact lenses do not do this practice. Once you are comfortable sitting facing the candle, start to focus on the flame. Watch how the flame dances and follow it with your eyes. Then start to focus on your own breathe and breathe slow inhaling and exhaling through your nose. Continue to watch the flame. Note your eyes may water, it is okay. Keep going breathing slow and watching the flame without blinking as long as you can for about five minutes. End your practice bringing yourself back to normal breathing and then close your eyes and relax.
Successful Talented &Vegan Three phenomenal women and their stories on being vegan and doing what they are passionate about!
Esosa Edosomwan Sa-Roc Jenne Claiborne
Photos Provided By Esosa Edosomwan
P erfect timing; Esosa is right on time with her new book “Got Veg? How to Thrive on a Plant-Based Diet�. We ask the buddy new author and actress/producer what made her go raw and vegan.
When did you decide to adopt a vegan diet and why? I got a jump start into the vegan lifestyle at around age thirteen. I was already lactose intolerant and had already cut out most dairy products, and one day I decided to give up meat entirely and do the vegan thing. When I was in college I went to visit my cousin in Los Angeles who was a raw foodist. At the time she was in her thirties but everywhere we went people thought she was a college student. She taught me the basics of preparing some raw vegan meals and encouraged me to eat as much fresh organic produce as possible. Many years later I had a skin crisis which consisted of rash-like acne breaking out all over my forehead. During that crisis I remembered the raw lifestyle and decided to deal with my skin issue from the inside out. Within one month of being raw, my skin was completely clear.
What health benefits have you noticed since becoming vegan? Some of the benefits I have experienced include clear skin, increased energy, youthfulness, and creativity. Because of my lifestyle, I rarely get sick and also have deepened my spiritual practice.
Your blog RawGirl In A Toxic World is really informative, why did you feel it was important for you to start this blog website? I didn’t really start out with any sort of grand intentions when launching the blog. I just really hoped some people would read my writing and find the information useful. The blog was inspired by my move from New York City, which for me was toxic, to the boonies in Virginia. At that time I was 100% raw and people would ask a lot of questions about what I was doing to achieve clear skin and why I was eating certain SAFI (PURE) MAGAZINE JULY/AUGUST 2015
foods. My intuition told me to start it, and I actually had to Google “what is a blog?” because I had no idea. In the beginning it was a wonderful way to share products, remedies, and personal revelations on my own health journey, and now it’s blossomed into a second career for me. What keeps me going are the readers, and incredible letters and comments from all over the world. People want this information, and are literally dying for ways to make a change without subjecting themselves to high risk prescription drugs or invasive health procedures.
Can you share a little about your new book and what inspired you to write it? I was inspired to write “Got Veg?” because during my five years as a blogger I received many questions from readers who wanted to understand the basics of a plant-based lifestyle. The book is the resource I wish I had when I started on the plant-based path. It includes information about the nutrients your body needs to thrive, research that supports the use of a plant-based diet to heal many diseases and ailments, how to transition and set-up your plant-based kitchen, and over fifty recipes to give you something to try immediately after reading.
What quick recipe could you share that is your favorite go to for self-care? My favorite go-to recipe for skin is my 3 Step DIY facial, which consists of a bentonite clay mask, and honey sugar scrub. I do a lot of work in front of the camera and get a lot of makeup products put on my face, so I love this ritual as a way to get my skin back to one. Check out the article I wrote on “Mind Body Green” for the full instructions and recipe:
Where can our readers find out more about your vegan diet tips? Subscribe to my blog and to my channel on Youtube: therawgirl. I am rolling out a bunch of new informative videos so stay tuned for those! Readers can also find me on Facebook as, as well as Instagram and Twitter as The Raw Girl.
Jenne Claiborne of shares her vegan secrects with SAFI (Pure) Magazine in this sitdown interview.
What made you decide to share your vegan lifestyle and recipes with the world? I’ve always wanted to make a positive contribution to the world (because I think everyone should), but I wasn’t sure how I would do that. I studied to become an actress in college, but once I graduated and starting working in NYC, I realized that that was no longer my calling. Part of the reason being I felt it was too selfish a career, and thus not fulfilling. And so I lived in limbo for a while before becoming vegan and finding my calling. Once I became vegan and started learning about the impact going vegan (if only for 1 day a week) could have on the planet, on animals, and on people’s health, I felt compelled to share that with the world. Since I love cooking and eating, sharing my recipes on my blog and becoming a pro chef seemed like the best way to make my contribution.
Why do you feel that now more African-American women are wanting to go vegan? As more people from all backgrounds wake up to the reality of the connection between our food and our terrible health outcomes, they’re becoming vegan. According to the CDC black people in America are more likely to suffer from heart disease (the nation’s #1 killer), hypertension, stroke, colorectal cancer, diabetes, and obesity specifically for women. All of these diseases are related to lifestyle, and people are beginning to accept that fact and make changes. Adopting a vegan diet is the best way to prevent all of those diseases, and even reverse and heal damage that has already been done. I became vegan for ethical reasons that include not wanting to actively support the exploitation of animals and their reproductive systems. Being that black people were exploited for so long, perhaps others make that moral connection too. I’m not sure. The environmental degradation caused by animal agriculture (it’s the number one culprit) could also
“Chocolate/raw cacao is a major superfood because of it’s high antioxidant rating”.
be on other women’s minds. It’s definitely on mine because I’m thinking about how I can contribute to leaving this planet in good shape for my children and grandchildren. Can you tell us more about your “vegan blueprint “? Yes, it’s a blueprint or roadmap or plan for becoming vegan the easiest way possible. When I started going vegan in 2010 I didn’t really know what I was doing. I would go back and forth between vegan and vegetarian because it was convenient. I didn’t know all that I know today about vegan nutrition, or about making it fit into your lifestyle, and the Vegan Blueprint is the program I wish I had had back then. It consists of instructional cooking videos, audio lessons, meal plans, recipes, and group support. I launched it in August 2014, and hundreds of people have gone through the program and seen great results. It’s super cool to be a part of. What are your top five super foods? I think most plant-based foods are pretty super, but I guess my favorites are: sweet potatoes (of course) because they are delicious, versatile, and packed with beta-carotene (a powerful antioxidant). Chocolate/raw cacao is a major superfood because of it’s high antioxidant rating. I add raw cacao powder to my afternoon smoothies, and raw desserts, and I make raw chocolate bars at home. When I eat not raw chocolate I make sure it’s very dark because that is both the healthiest and––in my opinion––the most delicious. Avocados are one of the only foods I eat every single day. If I don’t have one I don’t feel like I’ve eaten my essentials. Avocado is a great source of vitamin C, healthy fats, protein, and joy :) I massage it into my salad
greens instead of using oil. Peaches are one of my favorite fruits, maybe because I’m a GA peach. They are a terrific source of vitamin C which is a crazy powerful antioxidant. The vitamin C plus peach’s many phytonutrients and other antioxidants makes them great for fighting free radicals, cancer, inflammation, and other disease. I eat a ton of fruit, which I highly recommend. Lentils are my favorite high protein, high fiber, bulky food these days. Unlike beans (which I also adore) they don’t have to be soaked before being cooked. Lentils are a great source of iron, magnesium, folate, and zinc. I also love that they come in so many delicious varieties. My favorite type is black lentils because they keep their shape really well once they’re cooked. Can you share advice on having a healthy vegan diet? The most important thing you can do for your health is eat lots of fruits, veggies, legumes, and whole grains. I don’t concern myself at all with diets claiming you should only eat fruit, or only eat greens, or never eat grains. For my body I know that I benefit from it all, and so I don’t waste any time worrying about whether or not I should be eating so many carbs, etc... Just make sure you’re eating a wide variety of whole plant foods, and you’ll be fine. I should also mention, you need to be eating enough food. A big mistake people make when going vegan is they’ll eat the scrawniest meals and then wonder why they are always hungry and cranky. You will need to eat more volume of plant foods than animal foods, and that’s they way it should be. Enjoy every bit of it. Also, become familiar with different ways to cook veggies. Steaming is great, but we also have roasting, baking, shredding, casseroles, tacos, blending, etc... The list goes on. And become familiar with spices, and learn how to flavor food the way you like. You can buy the same spices you bought when you ate animal products and use them successfully on plant-based foods. A good example of this is Old Bay seasoning that I now use to make my vegan “crab” cakes. Where can people learn more about what you do and your recipes? I would love for people to follow me at and on my youtube channel On my blog you can sign up for a free meal plan and recipes download that will help you stay on track with healthy eating. I’m also all over social media. Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest are my favorites. What new projects do you have coming up? I’m starting a podcast in August/September! I’ve also got some new awesome videos coming down the pipeline, and I’m playing around with a more personal format to add to my channel. I’m also looking forward to sharing workout videos soon. Stay up with all of that by subscribing to my Youtube channel.
The New Rapper’s Delight Sa-Roc On Being Vegan
Pictures Courtesy of Sa-Roc
E ver impressive Sa-Roc is rocking mics and taking names as one of the best rappers out right now! She is also winning over audiences with her fly sense of fashion and creative music videos. Sa-Roc speaks on the movement of Black vegans and living healthy. ____________________________________________ How long have you been on a vegan diet and what do you think the reasons are that some people maybe afraid of a vegan diet? I’ve been a vegan for 12 years. I think people believe that they won’t have as many options, the food will not be as tasty, they won’t get the proper nutritional support o r (ex. Where do I get my protein?) they’ll be hungry all the time. These are all common misconceptions that can easily be debunked.
What are your favorite super foods and how do you like to prepare them? *I love to eat kale and quinoa. Kale is one of the most nutrient dense green leafy veggies-high in vitamin A,fiber, chlorophyll and phytonutrients that can even fight cancer! Quinoa is a grain that is naturally occurring in protein, B vitamins, trace minerals, and all essential amino acids. I like to make a quinoa and kale salad with a light lemon and herb dressing. It keeps me full without weighing me down. I also throw kale in just about everything-from smoothies to my breakfast scramble!
Can you share how you have seen an improvement in your own personal health from eating vegan? I have more energy and get sick less often. I haven’t had a cold in about two years. What are some other ways you improve your wellness? I try and exercise regularly, meditate, perform regular breathing exercises and maintain positive thoughts. A lot of people don’t realize that your thoughts or energy(positive or negative) can directly affect the health of your mind, body, and spirit. Understanding that these are all connected is the first step to achieving optimum health.
Special contributor Mistie Roundtree of Carytown Teas shares three seasonal teas to uplift and rejuvenate.
A seemingly neverending list of health problems are caused by inflammation, such as ADD/ADHD, diabetes, heart disease, chronic pain, migraines, obesity. Also inflammation can cause cancer, as well as thyroid and dental issues. Fight Inflammation with tea using these three powerful anti-inflammatory herbs that make great teas that we sale at our shop Carytown Teas. SAFI (PURE) MAGAZINE JULY/AUGUST 2015
Turmeric Root Powder- A bright yellow spice, common in Indian cuisine. In
addition to its antioxidant action and its strong anti-inflammatory action (making it popular in treatment for arthritis), helps regulate cholesterol and is an antihepatotoxic (liverprotective).
Licorice Root- Highly prized in ancient civilizations for its sweetness, licorice root is a strong anti-inflammatory,that is also used to sooth stomach ulcers, sore throats and aid in relief from acid reflux. **Consult physician before use if on blood pressure or antidepressant medications.**
Ginger – A spicy root that is popular in many cultures that doubles as a natural anti-
inflammatory that aids in digestion as well as stimulating circulation-stimulating which in turn boosts metabolism.
How To Drink These Teas Steeping instructions (Ginger & Licorice): heat water to 190-200 degrees (a low boil), when water is to temperature, pour 8oz of water over one teaspoon of herb and steep for a minimum of five minutes, the longer the stronger. When done steeping, pour through straner into a cup, add honey to taste and enjoy. For Turmeric, whisk half a teaspoon into hot water and sweeten to taste. You can mix all three of these herbs for a super anti-inflammatory blend that tastes great hot or over ice. To ice, make the same as above but with half the amount of water, when its done steeping, pour over a glass of ice.
Brooklyn, NY based company Gullah Girl Tea is our SAFI In The Spotlight pick of the summer for our favorite companies own by a women of color. Visit the website and choose from custom blended green teas to herbal mixes packaged neatly and ready to steep.
Curb Your
Sweet Cravings Two quick recipes to help curb your sweet tooth and give you nutrients at the same time.
SWEET MANGO AND BERRY SMOOTHIE INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup Frozen Blueberries 1/2 cup Frozen Strawberries 1/2 cup Frozen or Fresh Mango 1/3 cup Mineral Water 1 tsp. Lime Juice 1 tsp.Agave Syrup DIRECTIONS Prepare the smoothie by blending all ingredients in a blendrr to desired thickness. Because some of the fruit is frozen there is no need to add ice. Drink and enjoy!
AGAVE GLAZED SWEET POTATOES INGREDIENTS Sweet Potatoes Agave Syrup Ground Cinnamon DIRECTIONS Boil sweet potatoes for ten minutes after washing them keeping all the skin on. Then heat oven for 400 degrees and bake until tender. Cut open and add agave syrup and cinnamon.
1 Ciabatta Bun I cup of Mixed Greens (Arugula Mix) 1tsp Lemon Juice Olive Oil 1Shallot 1 Tomato Goddess Dressing Hot Sauce (Siracha) 1 Portabella Mushroom Cap Slice of Low Fat Mozarella Cheese Sea Salt Ground Black Pepper
Set oven for 350 degrees and place ciabatta bun in the oven for about five minutes. Take a skillet and heat it on high heat with a little bit of olive oil about 1 tsp and quickly add mushroom cap to skillet after coating it with about a 1/2 tsp. of sea salt and black pepper. Cut up shallot into thin slices and add to skillet with mushroom cap. Take ciabatta bun out of the oven and slice it into two slices then add slice of cheese to one half of the bun. In a small bowl combine goddess dressing and hot sauce to desired hotness and then take and spread it to the half of the ciabatta that is bare. Check on mushroom cap and shallots. Cook mushroon cap on both sides until the cap is a dark brown color and shallots are soft. Slice two thin slices of tomato and place on the ciabatta bun. Once mushroom cap and shallots are done add them to the ciabatta bun and press each slice of the bun together making a sandwhich. Lastly, get mixed greens and dress with lemon and olive oil with a small amount of sea salt and ground black pepper and add left over tomato if desired chopped up.
Check out these powerful and inspiring women bringing to music a bit of wellness and self-expression!
A New Health Movement in Philadelphia Interview By Rebekah Frimpong and Photos Courtesy of Latinas in Motion
RUNNING FOR HEALTH Health, Fitness, Fun, and Sisterhood
A proud Latina Elaine Gonzalez
Johnson explains the concept behind Latinas in Motion in the Philadelphia area and what motivated her and the women she works with to take their fitness and self care to another level.
How did you go about developing Latinas in Motion? I am proud to share I am a fitness and nutrition enthusiast! After gaining 50 pounds during the pregnancy/birth of my daughter, I found myself lacking confidence, waking up insecure and going to bed depressed. I decided to “tryout� running. To my surprise, I ran myself down 50 pounds and there was no looking back. I had no idea I would fall in love with running, fall in love with nature and ultimately fall in love with myself again. This sense of pride and self-confidence was something I wanted to share with the world! This is how Latinas in Motion, Inc. was born. On June 27th, 2012, I invited every woman in my network to join me for a 2.5 mile walk/run. I had no expectation of what this would become. Six women showed up at 7:30am and together we conquered 2.5 miles. Each week, more and more women joined us. Today, there are over 1,000 Latinas in Motion members throughout the country! The goal was to create a platform for women to come together, get healthy and feel great about themselves- Latinas in Motion has surpassed this goal.
WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO “GET IN MOTION” Latinas in Motion is Inspiring Women to Take Fitness Seriously
Why do you feel the mission of Latinas in Motion is so important? Latinas in Motion has completely changed life. Before this organization was created, I found myself yo-yo dieting and always finding an excuse to stay home and not workout. Being the founder of this organization keeps me accountable. The days I do not feel like going for a run or going to the gym, I think about the Latinas in Motion all over the country who are putting on their sneakers and getting active. Latinas in Motion was organized to encourage, inspire, and empower women to get “in motion”! According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “Latinas have high rates of factors that increase the risk of developing heart disease, such as diabetes, obesity, and physical inactivity. Heart disease accounts for a third of all deaths among Latinas” (2010). Latinas in Motion provides an atmosphere that contradicts these statistics and fosters a community of women living healthy lifestyles. We pride ourselves in exercise, good nutrition and taking care of self. You see, some people have a misconception that being healthy is easy. For us, we are very much aware that being healthy is a decision, being healthy is consistency, being healthy is a lifestyle. Latinas in Motion has made me better, stronger and healthier. I absolutely love Latinas in Motion to my core- these women are my everyday inspiration.
Can you share one moment with the Latinas in Motion program that was the most memorable? On June 6th of this year, Latinas in Motion coordinated and organized our very first 5k!!! The “Peace, Love and Run 5k” in Philadelphia had over 300 participants. We knew we could get 100 participants, we hoped for 200, but there were over 350 people registered for our first event! We were elated, excited and overall, blessed! We had amazing partners and sponsors that helped make this happen! And the most beautiful part..... this is only the beginning! Find out more about Latinas in Motion program and how to get involved: Visit their website: Twitter: @latinasinmotion Instagram: @latinasinmotion Facebook: Latinas in Motion
Taking Back Control One Woman’s Wellness Fight Written By Adjoa Blankson Photographer CC: Vader Photography Facebook: Vader Photgraphy
began my wellness journey back in April of 2004; after going to my doctor for a routine check-up and my blood work results revealed I had high cholesterol. My initial thought was I can’t believe at the mere age of 23 years old that I’m on the road to potentially developing this condition as a health issue. However, after self-evaluation it didn’t surprise me, considering my eating habits, which were attributed to my ethnic backgrounds; being of Ghanaian-African and Southern Black American descent. In African culture your living good when you’re eating good and your voluptuous shape is attributed to you being rich and wealthy, as a sign of the “non-struggle.” My Southern upbringing soul food/home-cooked meals was everyday eating, and always incorporated in every family gathering; when you cooked you did so in plenty, with love from the heart. Therefore I ate a lot of greasy, fried, heavily seasoned and oily dishes; everything from Fufu, Kenkey, Banku, beef stew, dried fried fish, peanut butter soup, fried chicken, pig feet, chitlin’s, collard greens, sweet potato soufflé, baked macaroni and cheese, fast food, cakes, candy, cookies, etc. I told my doctor I knew I needed to make some serious changes regarding my eating habits. Especially with diabetes being the cause of death for my mother’s mom and cancer being the cause of her father, brother and sister’s passing. I also mentioned I should start working out, because
I haven’t been physically active, since being an adolescent youth and most recently cheerleading in high school. He very nonchalantly replied, “Oh, you’re young, you have plenty of years to worry about that, words from a kosher lifestyle doctor, I looked at him like he was crazy, totally disagreeing with what he was saying. I told him that how I live now in my twenties will set the tone for my thirties, steering my health in the direction of bad habits for years to come. MAKING THE DECISION TO CHANGE A few days later I joined Bally’s and was working out five days a week; independently, as well as participated in a few group classes. To keep myself motivated to going to the gym everyday I used my upcoming trip to a Miami as inspiration to reaching my fitness goals. Keep in mind I wasn’t overweight, yet I definitely needed to do some tuck, tone and tightening. Within one month of exercising, changed eating habits and discipline I was seeing results. My body was back into the shape and measurements I was as a teenager prior to having children, I also had more energy, was less temperamental and didn’t tire as easily after physically exerting activities. Wow, the exterior was on point, and I felt great!!! However, I needed to know my internal numeric readings, so I scheduled another appointment for blood work. Well, when my results came back all my levels had lowered substantially. My doctor said, “See I told you; you had nothing to worry about. You’re young your body is still going through changes.” I informed him of the changes I made SAFI (PURE) MAGAZINE JULY/AUGUST 2015
“ I noticed even more improvements to my body, and refused to go back to the “Garbage Pail” lifestyle I was living”.
since my last visit, and that my results had a lot to do with the effort I put forth to change. He simply said, “Ok, well there you go.” Right, no thanks to you; needless to say, the outcome for him was he’s no longer my doctor. From that day forth I’ve been committed towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle as well as researching ways to improve what I put into my body. ADAPTING A NEW MINDSET In 2007 my hairstylist, now dear friend Sophia Gibson, introduced me to the lifestyle of eating organic foods. Sophia told me she made life-changing eating habit adjustments after being on a holistic, health, wellness and cleansing retreat with Natural Healer, Dr. Sebi and Lisa “Left-Eye” Lopes five years prior. She enlightened me as to how your mind, hair, body and spirit benefit from consuming raw fresh foods in lieu of processed foods. After sampling a few meals she cooked on different occasions, and snacks she purchased from Whole Foods, I did some research, and then started shopping there too. I noticed even more improvements to my body, and refused to go back to the “Garbage Pail” lifestyle I was living. My weekly workout routines consist of full body training; which is broken down to targeting specific regions of my body per session. While I appreciate going to the the gym, especially to rejuvenate in the dry sauna. I also workout without equipment, using my body weight to train. My boyfriend, Melvin “TreysWildPT” Bryant III trains me in Plyometrics, which is cardio and resistance routines that focus on keeping your heart rate elevated and at the same time increasing flexibility. Isometric aerobics use gravity to assist in resistance;
“I live by and always say, Try is to Fail, like Nike says, Just Do It”.
Boxing and Calisthenics develop endurance, sculpting lean muscle mass, resulting in decreased body fat ratio. I’m a firm believer of looking good for me, not basing my goals on anyone else’s standards. Yet my main objective is to live an overall wellness lifestyle, taking precautionary efforts to alleviate problematic health risks. My eating regimen now consist of organic fruits and vegetables, GMO-free/glutenfree/high fiber/cholesterol-free snacks, occasional cage-free or pasteurized eggs, no dairy as far as cheese, milk and ice cream, wild caught seafood, within recent six months I’ve started back eating red meat for protein and iron, however it’s grass fed beef and pasture-raised chicken. I’ve eliminated chocolate, candies, cakes & cookies to only during “female issues.” To satisfy my sweet-tooth I’ll eat fruits and/ or yogurt mixed with granola, granola bars, fruit bars, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, walnuts, trail mix, etc. or protein bars. I don’t drink sodas or juices, except for orange juice; instead I drink water with various fruits and herbal mixtures.
FUTURE GOALS My ideal wellness experience would be to leave the realities of the United States, and return to Ghana for six months with my children and Trey; no work, schedule demands nor access to social media. Upon our departure Dr. Sebi, Lita “FollowTheLita” Lewis and Hino “Hollywood Hino” Ehikhamenor would be awaiting our arrival. We’d practice holistic healing rituals from Dr. Sebi for renewal of our minds, spirits and souls. Our bodies would undergo the breakdown process for reconstructive conditioning and bodybuilding with National Figure Athlete and Bodybuilder, Lita Lewis. Since Trey incorporates boxing into our weekly workout routines, the professional boxing expertise of Hino’s dossier would strengthen our coordination, speed and mental strategy. With all of us undergoing the fundamental components to a balanced life complete metamorphosis individually and collectively, our family dynamic would be comparable to “The Incredibles.” As I live by and always say, Try is to Fail, like Nike says, “Just Do It.”
Educating you on the difference between Non-GMO foods and products and organic foods. Visit online the Non GMO Project for more information and check out our FAQs chart to learn more on how to know the difference.
Why Buy Organic
Buying Organic is best because your food is not treated with pesticides and other harsh chemicals.
Do I Wash Organic Products Yes, even though organic food is not treat with pesticides it should still be cleaned before comsumption
What Does Non GMO Mean Non GMO means that the product is not genetically modifed but it does not mean it is organic.
Where Can I Get More Information
For more resoucres on where to get organic or non GMO food visit or just make sure to read the labels on the food you purchase and you can refer to the FDA website for listing of food that are availble organically.
oni Carey created Black Girls Run with co-founder Ashley Hicks-Rocha as a movement to engage Black American women and promote living a healthy lifestyle. Toni is passionate about health and fitness and founded Black Girls Run in help fight against the growing epidemic of obesity within the demographic of Black American women. Her organization has over 160,000 women of color apart of the Black Girls Run (BGR) movement. BGR offers creative ways to approaching fitness and health and Toni shares in this interview with SAFI just how she got this organization started and her future goals.
What was your motivation behind starting Black Girls Run? There’s a few things that motivated me to start Black Girls RUN! When I started running, I instantly fell in love. Starting Black Girls RUN! was an opportunity to share my experience with other women, but also show that it is something that’s totally accessible to us. I wanted to see more minority women out there on the pavement. I also understood that the African-American community, and the country, were in the middle of an obesity epidemic. I wanted to galvanize women, in particular, to get up and get moving.
What is the longest distance you have ran and how were you able to build up endurance to get to that goal distance? The longest distance I’ve run is the marathon. Like any other race, I used a marathon training plan, but I also relied heavily on friends and family to constantly remind me of the “why” to keep me motivated. I tried to switch up the scenery as much as possible while incorporating speed work to break up the training.
Do you feel that balance plays a key role in wellness? If so, what does balance mean to you in terms of running and your wellness? I absolutely believe that balance is key to living the best life possible, particularly when it comes to health. My perspective on running and living a healthy lifestyle in general, is about long term quality of life, rather than trying to lose weight or, training for a specific event. Early on, I thought I needed to run miles and miles every day and I became bored and burnt out. Now, I only do a few races a year and use running as just a small part of my overall active lifestyle. The same goes for my health. I have my cheat meals and still enjoy food, but I understand that I can’t eat crazy ALL of the time.
“I tried to switch up the scenery as much as possible while incorporating speed work to break up the training.�
Thus far, what has been your biggest accomplishment with Black Girls Run? My biggest accomplishment thus far is actually creating a movement that continues to get people excited about running, being active and being outdoors. Black Girls RUN! has truly made minorities across the world think differently about their health. That truly is the gift that keeps on giving.
Can you share two training tips you have for running? The two most important training tips I have are: 1.) Never underestimate the power of rest and sleep. Both are critical to staying healthy and overall recovery. 2.) Incorporate strength training into your training plan. Not only will it increase your endurance, it will make you a stronger runner. SAFI (PURE) MAGAZINE JULY/AUGUST 2015
“When I started running, I instantly fell in love.�
Making wellness health and self expression a matter of business
Kamala Bhagat
Business:Enhancement (Beauty, Lifestyle, Fashion) Location:Richmond, VA Title:Ka’Mala How did you come up: with the concept for your business? The concept stems from the name Ka ‘ Mala, broken down; The Ka is the spirit, the God body that resonates within us all. When the Ka is uplifted all is well both spiritually and materially. Mala , often associated with mala beads ;meaning to focus. It just made sense to me to embody this title Ka ‘ Mala. Not only is it my name when put together, but it illuminates my purpose in what I’m striving for in my business to be a catalyst for trends and movements.
Can you describe the type of services you offer with your business? I offer cultivation, my client’s both in hair and fashion leave with a sense of spiritual growth. there’s nothing like walking in somewhere and then leaving out feeling amazing. not only do you look good, the conversation was good,the energy was good, the experience in a whole was uplifting. What makes your company or product different (special)? What makes my company different is I don’t create with the now in mind, I create with the future in mind. How can people find out more about your product? My website ( ) is currently under works and will be launching late July along with a new collection celebrating the launch. The website will incorporate Natural Hair, Fashion and Life Styling from an Afrofuturist perspective. It’s exciting, you can also find me on Insagram at ( _Kamala ) and on Facebook at ( Kamala Bhagat Couture ). What motivates you and what three words would you use to describe your personal style or mantra? I would describe my style as bohemian flow (2 words), I dress my spirit. what motivates me, well as a new mother my daughter definitely motovates me. as I watch her continued evolution and growth it definitely pushes me to do the same.
Fanta Celah
Fanta Celah Creations Boutiques that carry my designs: Locale, 410 Marcus Garvey, Brooklyn, NY 11216; The Silver Room, 1506 e 53rd st, chicago, IL 60615; the Dusable Museum gift shop, 740 e 56th place, Chicago, IL 60637; Brown Sugar Gh, Accra, Ghana Title: Creator, CEO, Artist How did you come up with the concept for your business? The original name of my jewelry line says it all, the Supreme self love collection. My mission to heal through all of my artistic talents. As well as inspire others to master their gifts. I had been an artist so long, there is nothing else I would rather do, then create art in its many forms. Can you describe the type of services you offer with your business?
Fanta celah creations consists of didn’t art forms and services that’s I create/render. I offer fine crystal jewelry, iconic fine art (commissioned portraiture), vocal jazz/ reggae/ world music, henna tattoos, modeling, & acting*. *I’m starring in my first movie role as Hathor, the Egyptian/kemetic goddess, in the afro-futuristic film, ‘Bar Star City’. What makes your company or product different (special)? I put my heart and soul into my work. Each jewelry piece is one of a kind, exquisitely elegant, and/or a sculptural masterpieces. My portraits look 3-d, and I continue to take the art world to the next level. My henna consists of original designs from the soul, carrying the tradition on from ancient Kemet. My voice and musical content are so pure and real, that you are bound to open up your higher awareness. People say that I’m the only reiki practioner that they can really feel. How can people find out more about your product? You can visit my website, Or follow me on social media @fantacelah. What motivates you and what three words would you use to describe your personal style or mantra? The creative force within is infinite. I intend to experience its full capacity and manifestation. Natural spirit manifestation.
Lucretia Jones
House of Lukaya, Location: Washington DC Title: artisan/herbalist How did you come up with the concept for your business? After my father’s transcendence and the World Trade Center tragedies occurred within days of each other, I began seeking more autonomy. I began looking even more critically at the contents of foods and products going in and on my body. I set out to create simple, plant based products with minimal, yet essential, ingredients. Can you describe the type of services you offer with your business?
more intimately involved with each ingredient in our products. Also, our products are perfect for those with sensitivities, children, and pregnant women because I use generally less than five ingredients per item, reducing the potential for allergic reactions. For those clients with extra special needs, I happily make custom blends. In addition, I only use essential oils by request, due to the amount of plant material required for these oils and to avoid their physiological effects when overused.
I am an herbalist in the Wise Woman Tradition, which means I combine lifestyle choices, food and local plants for optimal health. I offer sliding scale consultations, and from this comes my line of body care, incense, and candles, all handcrafted in small batches.
How can people find out more about your product?
What makes your company or product different (special)?
What motivates you and what three words would you use to describe your personal style or mantra?
My business is different because it goes beyond current trends and is what I call SuperNatural Skincare. More than a blend of pre-made oils, I utilize fresh plants by gathering and infusing them for weeks at a time. A lengthy process but worth the wait for the nutrient rich oils produced. We wildcraft and grow most of the plants we use. It’s a life goal to become even
More information can be found at, and I can be contacted by email or call me at 804.482.0585 .
I am motivated by the interrelatedness of all life. Working with local plants, cooking meals with food we have grown ourselves, and sharing remedies and knowledge with each other are all simple ways to increase this awareness. Whole. Plants. Heal.
What makes your company or product different (special)? I didn’t realize it until several people pointed it out to me (smile)..... There aren’t many ladies who coach (in the sport of boxing) Its an empowering feeling working with amateur, collegiate, and professional athletes (past and present). I’ve used each experience to build everything thereafter. Many of the drills that I have designed incorporate boxing conditioning/ techniques.
Kimberly Nicole Jackson
K.Nicole Fitness L.L.C. Owner/Trainer USA Boxing Coach Certified Personal Trainer Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant Certified Sports Nutrition Consultant Maryland/ D.C. Area How did you come up with the concept for your business? After the passing of my Grandmother from Pancreatic Cancer in 2010 and the major health concerns of my Mother, I felt the need to direct my career down a different path. My major in college was Fashion Design, (don’t worry, the degree will be used soon). ((Smile)) My logo is essentially an orange (favorite color) being unzipped (fashion concept) to reveal a purple (color for Pancreatic Cancer awareness) stability ball.
How can people find out more about your product? Contact We are also on Facebook- K.Nicole Instagram- KNICOLEFITNESS What motivates you and what three words would you use to describe your personal style or mantra? Motivation- Simply..... Life Personal mantra“Fitness+Nutrition=Lifestyle”-K.Nicole
Can you describe the type of services you offer with your business? K.Nicole Fitness offers a variety of services from Personal Training, Small Group Training, Boxing Conditioning/Skills Training, Corporate Fitness Events, Nutrition and Meal Preparation Programs. Programs are tailored to fit the client’s individual goals/ needs. The duality of Fitness and Nutrition are the major components of K.Nicole Fitness. You can’t have one without the other. Add them together to create a positive Lifestyle. SAFI (PURE) MAGAZINE JULY/AUGUST 2015
Akua Soadwa
Let’s Pursue You Brooklyn and New Haven, CT Action Coach, Empowerment Activist How did you come up with the concept for your business? The biggest turning point for me that really shifted the direction of my business was after I had a conversation with a workshop leader who told me that I didn’t love myself because I was running myself ragged, and I wasn’t taking care of myself. I sat with this for a few days, and then I launched a self-love movement. Learning how to take care of myself rather than just taking action, action, and more action, allowed me to really see and understand the power of my gifts. I merged self-love + action and have since been on a mission to support people with getting that the only purpose we have on this planet is to listen to, nurture and honor our spirits.
Can you describe the type of services you offer with your business? I offer one-on-one coaching; unreasonable action marathons which support participants with taking actions that changes the game in whatever area of their lives they are challenged with; keynotes; workshops; group trainings for organizations (leadership in action); VIP days (one and two day strategy sessions).
How can people find out more about your product? Visit and schedule a 1 on 1 with me to see how I can support you!
What makes your company or product different (special)?
What motivates you and what three words would you use to describe your personal style or mantra?
I am clear that in order for my clients to win, I have to also be playing a big game in my life. If I am supporting a client with his/her health, then I make it a matter of my business to have a breakthrough in health also. I am not interested in simple results, I am interested in transformative, life changing results. I know this is possible when I also do the work alongside my client. What makes me different is that I am literally on the court with my clients, not just telling them what actions to take. In addition, I am not just about action. I am about sustainable action, so my coaching is grounded in self-care first, and then action.
What motivates me is the mere thought of who I must be that God, spirit, and my ancestors, have gifted me with the unique opportunity to support people with getting in action while honoring their self-care rituals. This is an honor and how I show gratitude for this gift is honoring when my spirit calls me to do things. My two personal mantras -1) you are just one conversation and one action away from having everything you want and 2) listen to, nurture and honor your spirit. When you do this, all will always and in all ways be perfect.
Dana A. Smith
Spiritual Essence Yoga & Wellness, 5020 Brown Station Road #130, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772 ERYT, Owner, and Creative Director. How did you come up with the concept for your business? When I first began my business in 2003 there was no yoga studios or offerings in the area. I wanted to offer a safe and nurturing environment for people of all ages, abilities and beliefs could practice.
Can you describe the type of services you offer with your business? We offer yoga classes suitable for all ages, body types and abilities as well as Thai Yoga Massage and Reiki. What makes your company or product different (special)? Classes at Spiritual Essence Yoga are designed to encourage students to accept and appreciate where they are and move towards their optimal health. All of our teachers have been trained under the Jiivana Yoga style created by me and Jiivana is the Sanskrit word for Life. I have broken the word into an acronym meaning Living Inspired and Fearless Everyday. The practice of yoga is not just for the mat but a tool to enrich students lives off the mat. How can people find out more about your product? They can find us online atwww.spiritualessenceyoga. com on Facebook at SpiritualEssenceYoga or on Instagram @ YESYogaHasCurves.
What motivates you and what three words would you use to describe your personal style or mantra? I am motivated by the pursuit of unconditional happiness and the power to heal. I have been through a lot in my 39 years and yoga has been my saving grace. My personal mantra is happiness, health and healing is just one breath away. Love and light.
Wellness Stories KIRAN AND SHANNON Written in Their Own Words Photo Courtesy of Kiran Bhagat and Shannon Pecora
THE GODDESS MINDSET Yoga teacher Kiran Bhagat shares how she stays aware of her own self being and care through regular yoga practice and a positve outlook.
The wellness experience began for me
when I stopped looking for happiness outside of myself and began reaching deep within myself to find true well-being and soul searching from within. I begin my day with gratitude and thanks for life. I begin each morning acknowledging the life force energy that flows through out my entire being. I like to think that I am rising with the Gods and Goddesses as I step outside at dawn on my front porch for a breath of fresh air.
The air is at its purest between the hours of 4am to 6am in the morning, I’m happy to greet the day. I pull out my yoga mat and prepare my Mind, Body and Spirit for 30mins of meditation or positive thinking, followed by one hour of Hatha Flow Yoga.
After my practice, I nourish my spirit with fresh juice, fruits and grains. I pay close attention to my thinking through out the day making sure my thoughts are positive and nurturing to my soul. My parents inspire me to remain health conscious. I admire my parents for their conscious change in lifestyle before I was born. I was raised as a vegetarian and was taught the value of maintaining a healthy aura inside and out, through the foods I eat and products used daily on my skin and hair. Love and good energy also contributes to the well-being of my conscious state of mind when it comes to my health. My dream wellness experience would be an all exclusive 30 day island retreat with family and friends. Family and friends would enjoy beautiful scenery, natural springs, beaches and gorgeous camp sites. This wellness adventure would include yoga, meditation, spa treatments, drumming , dancing and the most exquisite all you can eat vegan and vegetarian buffet as well as 24hr anytime wellness for the Mind, Body and Spirit. My daily mantra that I live by is “I love myself and thats all that matters�.
A Mother’s Journey: Modeling Self-Care
Shannon Pecora shares how she balances being a mother of two and keeping her fitness schedule while modeling for her children how to be healthy and have fun at the same time.
I’ve always been a “jock,” so I would say this has been a life-long journey! I really began to seek out solo exercise time in earnest when I became a mom. It’s how I get “me time,” and I hope it also models healthy self-care for my kids! Running is always my base, my default. But life dictates how much I can get in.
MAKING GOALS There are weeks when I’ll run six days, sometimes 10 or more miles on a weekend day. I might get 120 miles in a month. On the other hand, there might be weeks when I only get in 3-5 miles on Saturday and Sunday. I fill in the “gaps” with so many other activities, depending on what I can squeeze in. Kickboxing. Jogging with my son. Walking the dog. Hand weights. Simple stretches. Anything to get me in touch with my heart, muscles, and joints as close to every single day as possible! FINDING BALANCE My only rules for eating are getting plenty of water and eating fruits and/or veggies at every meal. I will say that I adore peanut butter for the fat, protein, and fatty acids it provides. It’s my super food! My kids and my sanity! I need my body to get through each day, so I need to take care of it. And I want my kids to understand that about life, too! SAFI (PURE) MAGAZINE JULY/AUGUST 2015
“I fill in the “gaps” with so many other activities...”
NEVER GIVE UP When I win my age group or earn an overall place in a road race, I get to take home hardware! I’ve won medals! As an adult hahaha! And my kids and hubby tell me they’re proud of me. That feels amazing! My daily mantra that I live by is: I know that as soon as I get out of bed each day, it’s like I’m being fired out of a cannon. I say that A LOT. I work and have a family, and it’s no secret how challenging that can be. So when I’m in the middle of a million things to do each day with so many people counting on me, I just remind myself that I’m lucky enough to have a soft comfy bed to catch me at the end of every day. I guess that isn’t a mantra, but it gets me through!