The COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter issue is a 2020 collaboration between four undergraduate-run publications: the Yale Global Health Review, the Yale Journal of Medicine and Law, the Yale Literary Review, and the Yale Scientific Magazine. We sent out a call to voices all over the world affected in various ways by the syndemic of racism and COVID-19 and received a striking response. This issue features work from those living in Singapore to Brazil to Jordan to South Korea to the Philippines to right here in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. We hear the personal story of a family stripped of loved ones by a faceless disease, and we encounter the heartbreaking poetry of those bearing the emotional burden of justice deferred. We learn about the nuances of non-routine vaccine development, and we see the beautiful resilience of healthcare workers striving to heal in the face of the unimaginable. We are honored to have the privilege to share with you a piece of history in the making through this publication.