Yachts Croatia No. 54 ENG & CRO

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Perfect Escape U austrijskim termama održavaju se raznovrsne aktivnosti za djecu i roditelje tijekom cijele godine The Sonnentherme offers a full program of activities for children and parents throughout the year

Sunny Bunny, a u središtu hotela je vrtni paviljon s pravim zečevima. Djeca ovdje mogu hraniti zečeve, ili ubrati začine iz vrta i potom sudjelovati u pripremi obroka. U vrtnom paviljonu djeca se mogu i voziti na go kart autićima, a pokrivena terasa idealna je za lagane zalogaje - u blizini je buffet s odličnim kolačima, kavom i pićem. Ako vam nedostaje zabave, do vodenog parka Sonnentherme vodi hodnik. Tu je najveća atrakcija novi tobogan XXL Monster, dužine 270 metara. Riječ je o najdužem pokrivenom toboganu u Austriji koji mogu koristiti čak tri osobe s kolutom za plivanje. Tobogan Speedy je najbrži i na kraju ima slobodan pad, a jednako zanimljiv je i Twister, kao i bazen s ogromnim valovima. Na vanjskom dijelu je sportski bazen te splash bazen u kojem će ljubitelji skokova doći na svoje. Djeca mogu skakati na tornjevima od jedan, dva ili tri metra, a mali penjači mogu isprobati tri metra visok zid za penjanje s kojeg se pada - u bazen. U školi plivanja Sunnyja Bunnyja bebe se navikavaju na vodu, dok se za malo starije organiziraju tečajevi učenja plivanja, a sve s namjerom da se djeca opuste i nauče kretati u vodi. I to u dva posebna bazena i pod vodstvom specijaliziranih učitelja plivanja. Osim obuke plivanja, u Sonnenthermama

the centre of the hotel there is a garden pavilion with real rabbits. Children can feed rabbits here or pick up spices from the garden and then participate in preparing meals. In the garden pavilion children can go kart racing, and the covered terrace is ideal for light snacks - which there are plenty of because there is a buffet with excellent cakes, coffee and drinks nearby. If you want to continue having fun, you can reach Sonnentherme by passing through a hall. The biggest attraction is the new 270-metre XXL Monster Ride water slide. It is the longest indoor slide in Austria that can be used by up to three people with a swim ring. Speedy is the fastest slide ending in a free fall, and Twister is equally interesting, as is a huge wave pool. Outside there is a sports pool and a splash pool where fans of diving will have the time of their lives. Children can dive from one, two or three-meter towers, and small climbers can try a three-metre-high climbing with an overhand above the water. Sunny Bunny swim academy is there so that babies can learn how to get used to water while swimming lessons are organised for older children, with the intention to let kids relax and learn to move in the water. There are two separate pools with specialized swimming instructors. In addition to swimming lessons, you

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