Nov dec newsletter 2016

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Nov/Dec 2016

Be Seen And Heard In The Spokes

Indian Summer Car Show at Sellers Story By: John Berzsenyi

Around The Hub Indian Summer Car Show

1, 4-5



My 2 Cents


Bruce Annett


Motor City Club News 7-9 Bob Lutz Article


2017 Convention


1952 Pontiac Statin Wagon


Photos by: Jessica Lynn & Ray Santo

September 18th, 2017 was the date for the Sellers Indina Summer Car Show in Farmington Hills, MI. A group of Motor City POCI members were to meet at Bakers restaurant at 7 AM. Les Gyori, Art & Carol Bonkoski, Ken Galdes, myself and Kathy Wilson gathered there in the fog of the early morning. After a bit of banter we proceeded to Farmington Hills for the show. We traveled Grand River Ave, we were not in a hurry, and as the morning lingered the fog was lifting nicely. I enjoyed a top down cruise not only to the meeting spot but to the show as well, there is nothing like the openness of a convertible to get the full experience of driving on such a fine day. Arrival at our destination was upon us and we all pulled into the dealership lot where we were directed to go to the service bay. Here we received our registration packets which included a famous Sellers shirt and hat and various other goodies. We were early and plenty of parking was available and we had a total

Proudly Sponsored By:

Continued on page 4

Events Schedule of Events 

1/19/17-Motor City POCI Car Show Meeting @ 6pm and Regular Club Meeting @ 7 pm

JANUARY 2017 Sun






































Welcome! Mark Egerer, Kurt & Anne Marie Schulze Our newest Motor City members Schedule of Events




































2/16/17-Motor City POCI Car Show Meeting @ 6pm and Regular Club Meeting @ 7 pm

2/24-26-Autorama Cobo Hall Detroit, MI

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Cents… By: John Berzsenyi

People come in and out of your life… As you go through your life people enter in and out randomly, sometimes good, sometimes bad. I will focus on the good ones here. Mom & Dad, they didn’t exactly come into my life but rather just the opposite. But they still come into play throughout your life and both of mine have been there for me at all stages. In short, I don’t know what my life would have been like without their presence. Love them to pieces and I could never pay them back for everything they have given and done for me.

My wife Dawn, I’ve now been with her longer than I was with my parents and she makes my life whole. It’s immeasurable the love and friendship that she willingly gives me. She supports me in all aspects of my life and props me up when I need it. Just for instance, this newsletter. She has from the beginning, proofread each issue for all my grammar mistakes and sentences that sometimes don’t make any sense (plenty I must say). The newsletter you graciously compliment me for would not be what it is without her. Friends, you can’t have too many friends they say and I have my fair share of very good ones. Too many to list but hopefully they know who they are. As for life experiences, my life is peppered with so many fond memories with friends, I couldn’t even begin to tell the stories. Pontiac & GMC friends, to be sure they have a special place in my heart as we share a common bond. I have gained many new skills due to this club and many new acquaintances. I have heard stories from the bowels of Pontiac lore that I would have never heard if not for this club and its association with all the Pontiac greats. Monetarily I’m not a rich man, but in terms of life, family, friends and experiences I am so blessed and so very rich. I am very grateful for everything I have and everyone I know. Life is very, very good!

Motor City Chapter Executive Board & Chairpersons President : Gains McDonald -

Vice President: John Berzsenyi -

Secretary: Lori Woods -

Treasurer: Lori Woods -

Director: Jeff Denison -

Director: John Berzsenyi -

Webmaster: Mike Erickson -

Activity Coordinator Chair: Dan Aldrich -(248) 681-9025

Please submit stories, pictures and ideas to the Editor: John Berzsenyi - or call (248) 467-9476

This newsletter is ours, the Motor City Chapter of the POCI. Lets make this the best newsletter we can by all of us contributing to its content.

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of eight members that were to show here today. We all parked together and one by one we took care of the business of preparing our cars for the show. Being a Pontiac group and this being a Pontiac show many acquaintances have been made over the years and it was good to see old friend and rivals. I say rivals loosely as this is a friendly competition. Its far more important that the gathering be amongst friends, it’s great to trade stories and discuss new projects and figure out issues we are having with our cars. The awards are a bonus. They were serving breakfast inside the dealership at their café, Kathy Wilson and myself sat and enjoyed a meal together and discussed Keith Wilsons affiliation with Sellers. Keith was instrumental in first starting this show some 28 years ago. Kathy had beee invited to be there and bring Keith’s beloved 71 Formula which Kathy gladly accepted. Doug Cook, fellow friend to Kathy and Keith and the promoter of this show came by and said hello to both of us. Kathy was very happy to see Doug. I had traded email with Doug concerning our own show but never had the pleasure to meet face to face, it was nice to put a face to the name. Doug and the Sellers dealership have been a big supporter of our show since

inception and we are very grateful for his participation. The day was about perfect, weather wise you couldn’t ask for much better in September. We walked in the this wonderful sunshine, the field of cars to place our votes on our favorites. All the while taking a few moments to talk with all the participants. Listen to their stories about their cars, how they came to own it, why they found theirs so interesting, what neat tidbits they had about their cars. So interesting to take that time, not just pass the day with just looking at these works of art. Some of these vehicles have been in the family since new and handed down to sons and daughters and to come back again and be restored back to better than new. Some were their first car, some were that same car their parents drove when they were young. Every story was interesting and made my day worth spending a this car show. Our group of eight gathered in smaller groups and talked the afternoon away with each other and other participants. Kathy Wilson’s granddaughter and great granddaughter showed up later in the day and gave great delight to Kathy. Jess, as Kathy referred to her granddaughter, took to photographing the field of all the beautiful examples of Pontiac’s, Buick’s and GMC’s. Jess is a budding photographer and has quite an eye for her craft. We asked Jess to photo the group individually and together as a group. I also requested her to photo Kathy and myself at our cars. I will always cherish this photo and the time we were able to spend at the show reminiscing about good times with Keith. It was very special. Page 4

During the awards they made special note of Kathy and Keith, played a special song that Keith so loved and it once more was an emotional moment. Doug Cook officiated the awards and class by class the awards were handed out. All members of Motor City POCI won awards in their classes, it was a banner day for all of us. As the awards ended the announcement was made that we would be cruising to Bakers of Milford following the end of the show. Space was reserved for us once we arrived and quite a few from the show participated in the invitation to cruise. At Bakers we found the venue to be very full. The Milford car show, which took place the very same day, also cruised to Bakers as well. Chris Baker was there and appeared to be quite happy at the numbers of vehicles and participants that came out to celebrate one of the last cruises of the season.

What a great outing for the club. Speaking of outings. We did talk with Doug Cook about being a host club for the South Lyon monthly car cruise on the third Wednesday night of each month. We have not decided on which month we will be the host club but we will announce it when we nail down the details.

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Bruce Annett’s 1950 Pontiac Wagon

A watercolor

of my 1950 Pontiac wagon's hood ornament was selected for inclusion in this summer's and Detroit Institute of Arts public art project. The original is by artist Marty Plevel. The poster is mounted in downtown Pontiac on a Saginaw St. building that, coincidentlly, is owned by an LTU alumnus. Small world! The painting is mounted on the north side of a building that houses: DASI Solutions 31 Oakland Avenue, Suite 100 Pontiac, MI 48342 A photo of Bruce’s 1950 Pontiac Wagon. Bruce is currently working on this and hopes to bring it out someday

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September 2016 Monthly Meeting Highlights

Motor City Club News

Motor City POCI Car Show/General Membership Meeting – September 15, 2016 Members Present: Lor i Woods, Ray Santo, Ray Golota, J ohn Ber zsenyi, Br ian Dougherty, Tom Lange, Bill Klausing, Al Houtman, Will Houtman, Jake Houtman, Glen Waineo, Les Gyori, Kevin Yash, Mark Egerer Guests Present: Mar y Dougher ty and Kevin’s mom Summer Round Up Follow Up Meeting:

John provided a hand out with comments/suggestions for future shows. I have recreated it below so we can keep it with the minutes. Discussion followed with no action being taken but a request that all members consider the status of the show and provide any comments/ suggestions for improving the show and attendance. As requested, the secretary brought a copy of the Chapter Constitution and read for those in attendance the “Purpose”: Article 2: Purpose The Motor City Chapter is a chapter of car enthusiasts that: Promote the preservation, enjoyment and restoration of Pontiac, Oakland and GMC Vehicles Promote membership in POCI Assist members with technical and parts search Encourage communications and social events Publish a bi-monthly newsletter “The Spokes” containing news, articles and pictures about Pontiac, Oakland and GMC vehicles Will assist and cooperate with similar clubs and POCI Will own and/or lease real or personal property for the benefit of the organization Will do any and all things necessary and proper for the accomplishment of the above purposes. The group again discussed the option of sending separate invitations to other Pontiac, Oakland, GMC groups (Wide Trackers, Fiero, etc.) inviting them to enjoy a reduced rate ($10) if they preregister. The group discussed including t-shirts and/or hats in the show goodie bags. It was requested that we try to include a swap meet area again in future shows. John explained that we would need someone to “chair” or organize this. Les offered to take this.

John received pricing on the commemorative coins and the group agreed to move forward using these instead of dash plaques for next year’s show. Details as follows: A 1.75” diameter X 3mm nickel plated brass coin with stamped design on both sides. 1 color fill on the front and 4 color fill on the back. The front to have an offset printed image and clear epoxy coating. 1 per PVC coin envelope *100 pcs ……….$4.56 each *200 pcs ……….$3.75 each *300 pcs ……….$2.95 each *500 pcs ………. $2.67 each

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Plus a one-time set up fee of $80 and shipping from Mount Vernon, NY.

Ken Galdes talked to Mark Harrington and Al Cabadas about the change in direction regarding the entertainment for next year’s show. We are all set for the DJ at a cost of $300 for the 2017 show. Since we will not being advertising in the Cruisin’ News next year, John asked that the group help ensure promotion beyond the internet and show flyers. Discussion regarding capping the model year for GMC since they are still in production. The group agreed that the cutoff will be 25 years or older. As discussed during the wrap up meeting, we will have pens and sharpies to distribute to show participants at future shows. It was determined to have the club logo and website address printed on them to help promote the club to future members. Ray Santo and Les Gyori agreed to investigate and work to get this accomplished. We will start at approximately 300 pens, 150 sharpies.

Tom Lange will work again to get pricing on club apparel. Members will pay for their own this time. Ray Golota is working to get more information on voting ballots and to structure the voting system with perforated ballots and drop boxes or coffee cans. (Note that there are free applications on line where you can customize and print your own coffee can labels). Guest Mary Dougherty offered to create a “thermometer” poster/graphic to show dollar$ collected by Motor City POCI and donated to CMN for next year’s show. ============================================================================== Thought starters from John B. regarding the car show: “I want to introduce a thought about our car show or for that matter all car shows.

Do you feel that car shows in general are going down in attendance? Our show has, over the last three car shows, gone down in attendance. Is the weather the only factor that has limited our attendance? What could we do different to up our attendance? Free car show? Meet and Greet? Advertise as a fund raiser vs car show? What could we offer that would spark interest in attending our show? Personally, I’ve been shying away from car shows and moving towards cruises. Most shows are attended by the same folks yearly and it seems the same folks win the awards each year too. So what incentive does someone have to attend any show if this is the case? I just recently attended a show that I have been going to for quite a few years. I pay my $15 and enjoyed the day only to go home empty handed--mostly due to the buddy system. While my expectations at any show are not to go home with a trophy, it would be nice to entertain the idea at least. The other thing that irked me about this particular show was the fact they were doing a 50/50 and had a bucket with the CMN on it and assumed they were collecting for CMN. Nope! It was for the chamber of commerce. I was appalled. My point I am trying to drive is do we continue to do a car show with low attendance or do we take a hard look at what we could do differently to still have an event and generate money for CMN”

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Motor City Club News

October 2016 Monthly Meeting Highlights Motor City POCI Car Show/General Membership Meeting – October 20, 2016 Members Present: Lori Woods, Barb Woods, Dave Woods, John Berzsenyi, Gains McDonald, Brian Dougherty, Ray Golota, Art Bonkoski, Carol Bonkoski, Les Gyori, Ray Santo, Tom Lange, Marge Sawruk, Bill Klausing, Kevin Yash, Al Houtman, Glenn Waineo, Mark Egerer, Jeff Denison Guests Present: Les’s mom

Summer Round Up Meeting: John provided more thought starters regarding improving attendance. Suggested to have a promotion to include one or both shows (Widetrackers Dust Off and Sellers Indian Summer) beyond ours and have a punch ticket method. If participants attend all three shows, have a special Pontiac related gift presented. Marge to provide Widetrackers contact. John to contact John Cook at Sellers to determine interest. Voting Update: Ray Golota brought sample of perforated ballet ($83 per 200 or 300 plus $60 set up fee). Already have cans. Lori advised there is an online template for coffee can labels. Les suggested using stick on letters for each class. T-Shirt Update: Tom Lange provided a brochure/book with available options. Discussion regarding type/color printing specs (vehicle, dates, etc.). It was suggested members bring mock ups to the November meeting for consideration. Tom Lange brought sample “Save the Date” cards for consideration/discussion. Parking Lot Update: John advised that the club parking for future shows should be in the main lot area instead of along the tree line. Also suggested the club could park around the Pontiac Arrowhead balloon or around the DJ. Ray/John created a new registration form with flyer and registration form. John suggested again that we come up with an addendum to the Motor City By-Laws to include member requirements and expectations for the annual car shows and other club events. John brought sample Thank You Plaque and requested assistance in getting the wood, paint, etc. finished for distribution to our Sponsors of $150 and greateer. General Membership Meeting (7:20 PM): Gains again brought up nominations of officers for election. It is time for a change in the elected leadership of the club.

Gains also requested members look for parking options for club parking for the Woodward Dream Cruise. Discussion about Motor City POCI hosting South Lyon Cruise In next summer. Initial determination regarding our annual Holiday dinner was to meet at Baker’s of Milford to show Chris our support/business. Meeting adjourned 8:20 PM

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Interesting article from Car & Driver talking to Bob Lutz. Very candid!

MOTOR CITY POCI Dedicated to the Preservation, Restoration, and Enjoyment of Oakland, Pontiac & GMC Vehicles Today’s Date____________________ Primary Member:________________________________ Birth Date:______________ Spouse or Associate Member:____________________________ Birth Date:_____________ Address:_____________________________________________ Phone #_________________________ City & State__________________________________ Zip Code__________ E-Mail:_________________________@___________________________ POCI# (optional)____________________________ Signature:_______________________________________________ Children:___________________________________________________________________ Birth Date:______________Birth Date: ________________Birth Date:_________________ Classic Cars Owned: Year, Make, *Style #, # of Cylinders 1. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________ *Located on firewall Body Tag. If unavailable give description of model. Membership dues due for The Motor City Chapter are $20.00 per year. Dues are to be paid the first day of each May. If joining for the first time, dues will be pro rated at $1.70 per month if not during the month of May. Please pay by cash or check made out to: THE MOTOR CITY CHAPTER Return This Application and Dues to: MOTOR CITY POCI 3005 Beaumont Dr. Highland, MI 48356 E-mail: Below for office use only YEAR:____________________ New Member______________ Renewal_______________

The DFW Marriott host hotel (with its adjoining golf course) is directly across from TMS. Look for a detailed description of day-by-day convention events in future editions of Smoke Signals. Texas Motor Speedway is a mere 18 miles north of downtown and the broader Tarrant County metro area, and home to very familiar corporate names like American Airlines, Bell Helicopter, Lockheed-Martin, General Motors Arlington, Radio Shack and, from the sports world, the Dallas Cowboys and Texas Rangers! In the meantime, we’ve cruised the internet and, with the help of the Fort Worth Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, have assembled a checklist of some great places to visit during the week of July 11-15, 2017. Most are free and self-guided, and we’re lining up tour buses for such hot spots as the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, the GM Arlington Assembly Plant, Dallas Cowboys Stadium, Ft. Worth Stockyards, Sundance Square, and the JFK 6th Floor Museum (in downtown Dallas).

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Top Ten Local Attractions to See While at the Convention 10. Dallas Cowboys’ AT&T Stadium: Mor e than just the home of the Dallas Cowboys, it’s a world of facts and figures with seating for 80,000 fans. AT&T Stadium offers daily tours that appeal to all people of all ages. Why not take an afternoon to throw the ball on the field? Tours are available daily. 9. American Airlines’ C.R. Smith Museum: Located at the souther n end of DFW International Airport, the museum proudly shows its lovingly-restored 1940 Douglas DC-3, the Flagship Knoxville. Visitors can get a real sense of what air travel was like in the 1940s when the DC-3 revolutionized commercial air travel. This hands-on museum is open Tuesday-Saturday from 9:00am5:00pm. 8. Molly the Trolley: This vintage-style trolley offers free, quick and convenient travel throughout the downtown area. Its route runs between the Fort Worth Convention Center and Sundance Square, and makes stops near downtown hotels, landmarks, restaurants, shops and entertainment venues. Molly runs every 15 minutes, seven days a week, from 10:00am-10:00pm. 7. Fort Worth Water Gardens: This r efr eshing haven can be found in the center of downtown. With various pools of water and green spaces, the water gardens are both breathtaking and relaxing at the same time. The active water pool wows, while the aerated pool entertains and the quiet water pool calms. The gardens, across from the Convention Center, are open from 7:00am-10pm daily. 6. Sundance Square: Rated the Number 1 Downtown in Amer ica, Sundance Square spans 35 blocks and offers the perfect place to stroll, window shop or even splash around. From live music to family movies, you can enjoy the Sundance Square year ‘round! 5. Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District: Once a major supply stop along the Chisholm Trail, the stockyard saw millions of livestock sold in its heyday. This historic district is a “must-see,” decked out with western saloons, cowboys on horseback and so much more. Visitors will enjoy the world’s only twice-daily cattle drive at 11:30am and 4:00pm, presented by the Fort Worth Herd. 4. Amon Carter Museum of American Art: Known for an assor ted collection that links visitors to American history through art, visitors can re-live a piece of America’s past as they walk through sculptures, illustrated books and photographs. The museum is open Tuesday - Thursday from 10:00am-5:00pm, and from Noon5:00pm on Sunday. 3. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing: One of the only two such printing facilities in the nation, visitors are able to see American money printed at the place where over half of the nation’s currency is ordered. With a suspended walkway, visitors literally walk above billions of dollars! Free tours are conducted Tuesday Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm. 2. Fort Worth Botanic Gardens: This 110-acre oasis is home to over 2,500 species of exotic and native plants. The gardens provide beautiful scenery for an afternoon walk with an added bonus of environmental education. The gardens are open daily from Dawn to Dusk. 1. The Texas Rangers’ Globe Life Park: See the most exciting behind-the-scenes areas of the ballpark including batting cages, the press box, the City of Arlington Suite, the dugout and much more. Ballpark tours are held Monday – Saturday from 9:00am2:00pm

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1952 Pontiac Station Wagon

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