August 29, 2024 TM

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August 29, 2024

August 29, 2024

In this edition . . .


August Birthdays

Video Message from the General Presbyter, Rev. John Molina-Moore - September Presbytery Meeting and Discussion around Overtures

From the Desk of Rev. David Baer, Stated Clerk – More about the Discussion around Overtures

From the Desk of Rev. Tara Spuhler McCabe, Director Congregational Development & Mission –Modeling the Results of the Landscape

From the Desk of Heather Deacon, Director of Business Affairs – Hospitality at In-person Meetings

Ally Training

September 10-11 – via Zoom

Understanding Gaza: Political Context and Theological Challenges w/ Rev. Mitri Raheb

September 10 – New York Avenue Presbyterian Church

Presbyterian Women Fall Gathering: Mental Health of Youth

September 14 – Saint Mark Presbyterian Church

Missional Incubator Events

September 19 – Who – Ridgetop Coffee and Tea, Sterling VA

October 21 – Why - Ridgetop Coffee and Tea, Sterling VA

November 16 – What - Ridgetop Coffee and Tea, Sterling VA

January 29-31 – Missional Entrepreneurship Immersion – Riverside Presbyterian Church / Ridgetop Coffee and Tea, Sterling VA

Stewardship Kaleidoscope – Real Tools for Real Ministry

September 23-25 –Portland, OR

Affordable Senior LGBTQ+ Affirming Housing Panel Discussion

September 25 – Clarendon Presbyterian Church

Global Mission Network Partnership Grants Proposal Deadline

September 30

Healthy Boundaries Training

October 9 – National Presbyterian Church

Celebrate Dr. Laddie Bell’s 30 Years of Music Ministry

October 13 – Northeastern Presbyterian Church

Next TM Deadline – Monday, September 9

Upcoming Presbytery Meeting – September 24, 2024

• IN-PERSON meeting at National Presbyterian Church, Washington DC with stream option

• Schedule:

o 3:00 PM (doors open at 2:30 PM) – Discussion regarding GA Amendments

o 5:00 PM – Business Meeting begins (see NCP staff messages in this TM regarding the meeting)

• Registration will open one week prior to the meeting on September 17.

• Packet will be posted no later than Friday, September 20.

• Check the Presbytery Meeting page for updates – (may be found in the “green” box from the front page of the NCP website)

You are invited to the Presbytery-wide Installation Service AND State of the Denomination (Panel with OGA’s Stated Clerk, Rev. Jihyuh Oh) – October 19 - See Flyer Invitation

From the Committee on Ministry (COM):

• The 2025 Pastor Compensation Policy has been posted on the NCP website under Documents > Committee on Ministry (COM) Documents > Compensation. In response to the Board of Pensions approval of a new medical dues structure which will take effect in 2025, NCP updated their policy. Within the policy document, look for "Appendix 1: Medical Benefits." This same appendix is also posted separately and titled, "Theological and Practical Guidance for Benefits Decision-Making."

To help with this transition, NCP’s Committee on Ministry and NCP staff have scheduled Q&A Zoom sessions with the last one on Thursday, September 12, 5:00 p.m.

The Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 886 1543 8133

Passcode: 869584

For questions, please contact COM's administrative assistant, Rebekah Givens at

• ATTENTION NCP Minister Members (NEW and SEASONED)! Teaching Elders of NCP are required to take two trainings: Ally Training and Healthy Boundaries Training (for HB - renewed every three years). REGISTER TODAY for both!

Ally Training: The Dismantling Racism Team of NCP invites Teaching Elders and members of NCP congregations, communities and friends for Ally Training on Tuesday, September 10 & Wednesday, September 11 from 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM (VIRTUAL on Zoom). Click HERE to register.

Healthy Boundaries Training: The Ministry Relations Team (MRT) of the Committee on Ministry (COM) has scheduled the next training (IN-PERSON) for Wednesday, October 9, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at National Presbyterian Church (4101 Nebraska Ave NW, Washington, DC). Teaching Elders are required to take a healthy boundaries training AND renew every three years. Click HERE to register.

From the CDC and MCC:

Save the Date! NCP will be hosting a Presbytery-wide Youth Gathering on Sunday, October 27, 2024 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church. Open to 8th – 12th graders with NCP staff, Rev. John Molina-Moore and Rev. Tara Spuhler McCabe Let our youth see one another and play an epic Scavenger Hunt. Engage as a presbytery in Rise Against Hunger. Share some sacred time on being faithcentered youth. AND enjoy pizza together! Register HERE so that we may get an accurate headcount for food.

Welcome to National Capital Presbytery!

Rev. Amanda Kemery is a second career pastor, becoming an ordained minister in the PCUSA after a career teaching Special Education in both public and private schools. Prior to ordination, her call to ministry led her to serve in several roles and capacities including as a pastoral assistant, children's and youth director, and chaplain intern at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. Most recently, she has served for the last 5 years as an Associate Pastor at Morningside Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, GA focusing on community engagement and family ministries.

Amanda is an Atlanta native and grew up attending Shallowford Presbyterian Church. After attending the College of Charleston for undergrad and living and working in SC for about 10 years, she returned to Atlanta to attend Candler School of Theology at Emory University where she received her MDiv in 2016. She is excited to join the National Capital Presbytery and serve as the Pastor of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Purcellville, VA beginning September 10. 2024. Amanda made the move with her husband TJ and 3-year-old daughter, Emmie. While she is a self-proclaimed "city girl," Amanda is eager to enjoy the beauty of northern VA and all of the outdoor activities the area has to offer. She is minimally skilled but exceptionally enthusiastic about hiking, paddleboarding, and biking around the area with her family.

From the National Office

The General Assembly in Brief is available for download for use. The following is available to include in church correspondence as a bulletin insert or in newsletters.

For printed bulletins (booklet-style) - 0538-COM-GA Wrap-up.indd ( For online - ga226_inbrief_lettersized_08092024.pdf (

The National Office sends a newsletter every so often called, “Mid-Council Relations.” There’s a helpful article, “Caution! The Danger of Borrowing from the Internet” - PC(USA) General Counsel Mike Kirk has provided advice about posting images copied from the Internet in your own publications. (The bottom line: be very careful, or don’t!) Be sure to read to the end for a related warning against identifying minors in photos that you have taken yourself. To subscribe to the newsletter , click HERE.

From Camp Hanover

Come to the Waters Women's Retreat October 4-5

Step out of your usual routine and gather near Camp Hanover’s lake this fall. Reflect on the gift and responsibility of water in connection to the places in our lives where we feel parched and distressed, and the places we find nourishment and refreshment. We’ll find time to rest and recreate, connect and be quiet, pray and play.

This weekend of faith and fellowship in the beautiful setting of Camp Hanover helps women get away from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life. We take care of the details, so you can relax and enjoy time away. Come alone, or with friends!

MVP Internship Program

Apply now to become a Camp Hanover MVP! MVP stands for mission, vocation, and practice. MVPs are paid interns who live and work at Camp Hanover for nine to twelve months while developing skills to help in their futures. Applications are being accepted now for the 2024-2025 year.

Clerk’s Corner

August 29, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

At this year’s meeting of the General Assembly, commissioners approved a number of amendments to the Book of Order for consideration by the presbyteries of the PCUSA. Each of these amendments requires the affirmative votes of a majority of the presbyteries, and so the work of discerning the will of Christ for the PCUSA continues, as NCP and other presbyteries take up the proposed amendments.

Two related amendments touch on how we describe the diversity of the church’s membership, and how we examine candidates for church office ministers, ruling elders, and deacons. (These proposed amendments are adapted from an overture originating in Olympia Presbytery, and if you came across any discussion of them before General Assembly, you may have heard them referred to as the “Olympia Overture.”)

At an NCP gathering to be held at National Presbyterian Church at 3:00 PM on September 24, before the Stated Meeting, there will be an opportunity to discuss these proposals. The presbytery will not be voting on these amendments in September. The purpose of this gathering is to offer a time for discernment in community well in advance of any action by the Presbytery. All members of the Presbytery community are welcome to participate.

In this Clerk’s Corner, I thought I would provide an introduction to the content of the proposed amendments, as well as how NCP would implement their provisions, should they be adopted and incorporated into the Book of Order.

The Proposed Amendments

The first amendment adds to the text of F-1.0403, “Unity in Diversity” (additions marked below in bold italics):

The unity of believers in Christ is reflected in the rich diversity of the Church’s membership. In Christ, by the power of the Spirit, God unites persons through baptism, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, geography, or theological conviction. There is therefore no place in the life of the Church for discrimination against any person. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) shall guarantee full participation and representation in its worship, governance, and emerging life to all persons or groups within its membership. No member shall be denied participation or representation for any reason other than those stated in this Constitution.

The first thing to note about F-1.0403 as it currently stands, and as it will remain, is that when it speaks of the “Church” (with a capital C), it makes a claim not just about the PCUSA, but about the universal Church of Jesus Christ. To be sure, these claims are put forward by Presbyterians! But they seek to capture what we understand about the nature of the whole Church, and not only our relatively small corner of it.

Within a larger section addressing the church’s openness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, F1.0403 points to the diversity of the Church’s membership as a sign of the unity in Christ brought about by the power of the Holy Spirit and lists a number of conditions and aspects of individual identity, in order to illustrate this diversity. The proposed amendment would add gender identity and sexual orientation to this list. The existing language of F-1.0403 goes on to state that there is no place for discrimination in the Church, and that within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), participation and representation may be denied only in accordance with the express provisions of the Constitution.

The second amendment adds to the text of G -2.0104b:

Standards for ordained service reflect the church’s desire to submit joyfully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life (F-1.02). The council responsible for ordination and/or installation (G-2.0402; G-2.0607; G-3.0306) shall examine each candidate’s calling, gifts, preparation, and suitability for the responsibilities of ordered ministry. The examination shall include, but not be limited to, a determination of the candidate’s ability and commitment to fulfill all requirements as expressed in the constitutional questions for ordination and installation (W-4.0404), the Historic Principles of Church Order (F-3.01), and in the principles of participation and representation found in F-1.0403. Councils shall be guided by Scripture and the confessions in applying standards to individual candidates.

When persons are chosen to serve in ordained positions, they are to be examined. In the case of elders and deacons, the session conducts the examination. In the case of ministers, the presbytery does this.

As G-2.0104b currently stands, the minimum standard for such an examination is that it address the requirements for ordained service as expressed in the constitutional questions that are asked in the service of ordination or installation. The examination may also address the candidate’s qualifications in other ways.

The proposed amendment would add two new requirements to this standard. In addition to the ordination questions, the examination would need to cover F-1.0403, discussed above, and also the Historic Principles of Church Order expressed in F-3.01.

How would NCP implement these amendments?

NCP has entrusted to the Commission on Ministry (COM) the responsibility of conducting and (with some exceptions) approving the examination of persons for ordination to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament or for enrollment as minister members of the Presbytery. The examination process is spelled out in a policy document approved by COM, and includes five free-response questions for which candidates are asked to give written answers. These answers are reviewed by the COM’s Examinations Team, which then conducts a live interview of the candidate. All candidates are asked the same free-response questions, so that it is clear in advance what subjects will be covered, and so that the process of examination is uniform and consistent.

If the proposed amendments are adopted and incorporated into the Book of Order, the COM will need to revise its Examinations Policy to address the two new mandatory subjects to be covered. I

expect that these subjects would be covered by the free-response questions in a way that is consistent for all candidates for ordination or membership, and that we would continue to make these questions publicly available as part of the policy document on our website.

As someone who recently underwent examination by the Presbytery myself, and who in my role as stated clerk has seen number of examinations of candidates representing the rich diversity of those called to ministry in the PCUSA, I can attest to the value of our examination process. It helps us get to know new colleagues and begin to understand what gifts they bring to our shared work as a presbytery. It encourages us to engage with our sense of call and the confessional tradition of our denomination, and to bring these things into dialogue with our practice of ministry.

I look forward to being an interpreter and guide for you, my colleagues, as you begin a time of dialogue and discernment about these and other proposed amendments.

Grace and Peace,

Greetings People,


August 27, 2024


These three concepts are what matter in being a TRANSFORMATIONAL Presbytery system. Your participation in the LANDSCAPE in the Spring has provided our mirror in where we are with energy and satisfaction with these three concepts!

1. There is sense of CLARITY in our shared vision as a Presbytery as we organize through our mission statement and respond to the needs of our pastors and congregations along with our decision-making processes

2. There is a sense of COMMUNICATION among our leaders within the Presbytery from our volunteers on Presbytery committees, Clerks of Session, and Minister Members of National Capital Presbytery, and commissioners when decisions need to be made.

3. There is a sense of CONNECTIONAL(ism) as a Presbytery among leaders of your congregations and pastors as we continue to respond to needs and opportunities for our congregations, so they can grow!

The results from your participation in the Landscape informs Presbytery Staff, Leadership Council, and Presbytery Committees that as a Presbytery, in the past ten years, we have responded to the needs very positively AND we need to keep doing this as a TRANSFORMATIONAL Presbytery.

In fact, we will continue to strengthen our best practices of CLARITY, COMMUNICATION, and being CONNETIONAL in several ways at our September Presbytery Meeting on Tuesday, September 24th Beginning at 3:00 PM, prior to the business meeting, we will model our three Cs in a discernment discussion regarding recent General Assembly overture, POL-0102 (parts 1 and 2). During the meeting, we will hold brief table discussions in response to the positive Landscape report AND follow up from the Dismantling Racism Team survey. WE are CONNECTIONAL!

Look forward to seeing you in September!

Peace and Courage,

Rev. Tara Spuhler McCabe

August 29, 2024


Despite what the temperature outside says, fall is coming! Don’t get me wrong, summer is great –but fall, fall is my favorite. Fall ushers in cozy scents, sweatshirts and football. It also welcomes a return to our routines – and that familiar hum of a good routine is music to my ears. I know I can’t be the only one, right?

As the Presbytery gears up for a new program year, there are many new things being tucked into our routines: The first round of Missional Incubator cohorts are starting up, taking up Book of Order amendments, planning for a new presbytery office, new committee structures, and the list keeps going. It’s an exciting time in the life of National Capital Presbytery!

One new thing that we are excited to roll out is the opportunity for churches to host hospitality at our in-person Presbytery meetings. I’m sure it comes as no surprise to you, but Presbyterians love to eat and there is never a shortage of comments on the meeting evaluations about the snacks offered when we gather in person! We believe we’ve finally cracked the code, but we’d like your help in making that sustainable!

That sounds great, Heather - What does hosting look like?

Each meeting costs about $500 for fresh refreshments. The hosting congregation would sponsor that cost and would be acknowledged during the meeting and signage on the table. If members of your congregation would like to come and help with set up and replenishment, that would be wonderful as well. Presbytery staff will continue to place the orders and transport the refreshments.

If you are interested in hosting the September meeting, please reach out to me or Dina Bickel.

Blessings on the start to a wonderful program year!


• Required training for Teaching Elders and those who need itas an ordination requirement.

• Renewed everythreeyears.

• Connectwithcolleagues to form relationships and learnbest practices


Wed, January 29, 4:00 PM - Fri, Jan 31, 11:00 AM

Riverside PC/ Ridgetop Coffee and Tea, Sterling, VA

This is deep dive into repurposing your facility for mission, hosted by the Missional Incubator of the National Capital Presbytery and Fresh Expressions US.

What if the best way to connect with people in a diverse and rapidly changing world is not with another church program or better preaching?

Churches just like yours are opening missional businesses, such as workout studios, produce markets, surf shops, indoor play areas, ice cream fountains, game cafes, coffee shops, and more-not just as income-producing businesses, but also to connect and build meaningful relationships in an increasingly disconnected world.

Churches just like yours are repurposing their properties to leverage them, not just for monetization, but also for greater mission impact with a vision for new forms of faith community to emerge. From tiny-home villages to art studios, to day care centers, to nonprofit hubs, and more...your church can shift from a one-day-a-week gathering place for a few church members to a hub of relational connections and new faith communities.

Join us for an immersion experience at Riverside Presbyterian Church. Enjoy coffee and conversation in their coffee shop, Ridgetop Coffee and Tea, and experience for yourself what can happen when a facility becomes a community hub. Learn from leaders who have navigated this shift in their own congregations, and dive into deep discussions with peers who are captivated by this possibility. Take advantage of breakout sessions around the practicalities of this entrepreneurial approach to ministry. Explore Biblical foundations for the mission and engage in whole-hearted worship to reconnect with God's purpose for your life, your leadership, and your church.

Details: Cost: $225 until Jan 6 (price increase to $250). For the first 40 members of the National Capital Presbytery that register the cost is $115 if you use the code "Missionalincubator" when you enroll from the registration page httP-,s://,reneurshiR-immersion-tickets962039936347

For those who would like to stay overnight, there is a special hotel rate at the Hyatt Place Dulles South, 4994 Westone Plaza, Chantilly, VA 20151, ph. (703} 961 - 8160 of $119 per night plus taxes. Price expires 12/31/24 Click HERE to make a reservation

Youareinvited tothe

Saturday, October 19, 2024

at3:00 PM

Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church

610 S. Frederick Avenue

Gaithersburg, MD 20877


The Rev. Jihyun Oh

Stated Clerk of the General Assembly

Presbytery-wide Choir (see sign up)

Renewal of Ordination Vows

Receptiontofollow RSVPby


On: Saturday, September 14, 2024

10 am to 1pm – including lunch At: Saint Mark Presbyterian Church 10701 Old Georgetown Road North Bethesda, MD 20852 Vno2toFn4OSTqQfImQ2IPwWyef8b4ju3Gw/viewform

Join us for the Matthew 25 Mid-Atlantic Summit on October 26th!

The Dismantling Racism Teams of National Capital Presbytery and the Presbytery of Baltimore are partnering to host the Matthew 25 Mid-Atlantic Summit on October 26th at First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland. Sponsored by the Presbytery of Baltimore with additional support from the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic, this Summit will be a transformative gathering that merges inspiration with action!

Join us for worship, 2 plenaries, and 9 workshops that will help inspire and equip congregations to live into the vision of Matthew 25 and its call for us to make a meaningful impact on the world around us. Rev. Jermaine Ross-Allam (Director, PC(USA) Center for the Repair of Historic Harms) and Amanda Tyler (Executive Director, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty) will deliver the two keynote addresses; and the General Presbyters of both Presbyteries, Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Taylor and Rev. John Molina-Moore, will share in the program. All we need is YOU!

Register today to secure your spot! For more information, see the event flyer for the schedule of speakers and workshops. If you have questions, contact Miriam Dewhurst (571-228-9551) or Pat Jackson (301-658-4457).

Global Mission Network

Partnership Grants Proposals Deadline

The Global Mission Network (GMN) is soliciting applications for the National Capital Presbytery (NCP) Global Partnership Grants program from congregations for new cooperative initiatives between congregations and their global mission partners. The next deadline for grant applications is September 30, 2024.

The program supports interactive, hands-on global mission projects with impact on the community. Preference will be given to new initiatives; applications may be submitted for continued funding in years two and three of a given project. Some preliminary work should be done to assess feasibility before applying, so that the project has a reasonable chance of success and some way to measure when success has been attained. Priority will be given to projects where there is an established relationship and a high level of confidence in the incountry team and where there is a plan for project sustainability. Projects with Presbyterian ecumenical partners are encouraged, but this is not a requirement.

This is a matching grant program; the contribution of your congregation toward the project in both money and labor will be considered. A congregation may submit only one application each year. Travel costs will not be considered, nor will reimbursement grants. Grant proposals requesting up to $5,000 will be considered, for $5,000 in matching funds.

A written report and presentation will be required in the year following the award outlining how the funds were spent, the progress of the project to date including impact on the community and plans for the future. Partnerships with grant awards will be required to provide information to be included in the NCP Global Mission Partnerships Directory, available for download on the NCP GMN webpage at

Proposals are due to NCP by email by September 30, 2024 to Judith Dahmann ( using the NCP standard application (download from NCP Common Grants & Scholarships | National Capital Presbytery ( and addressing specific questions for Global Partnership Grants (part 2)

For more information contact Judith Dahmann (

Understanding Gaza: Political Context and Theological Challenges With

Rev. Mitri Raheb

A prominent Palestinian Pastor and Author


September 10,

Rev Mitri Raheb, a Lutheran pastor who is the Founder and President of Dar al-Kalima University in Bethlehem, will provide background and insight about the current situation in Gaza and offer suggestions about how people of faith should respond. After his presentation, there will be a time for questions and discussion.

2024 at 6 pm EDT

Reception with beverages and snacks at 5:30 pm in the Sanctuary.

1313 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20005

Register to attend in person:

Register to attend the webinar:

Sponsored by the McClendon Scholar Program of New York Avenue Presbyterian Church

For more information call 240 393-7246

Save the Date: Sept 25 Affordable Senior LGBT+ Affirming Housing PANEL DISCUSSION

Housing with Pride: The Case for Creating Aordable LGBTQ+ Welcoming Senior Housing in Arlington

Reception: 6:45 pm | Panel Discussion: 7:30 p m

September 25, 2024 Clarendon Presbyterian Church

1305 N Jackson St , Arlington, VA 22201 | Clarendon Metro Station | Parking 1308 N Irving Street

Join us for an insightful panel discussion on the challenges and solutions for creating aordable, LGBTQ+ welcoming senior housing in Arlington.

Clarendon Presbyterian Church, in partnership with Arlington Partnership for Aordable Housing (APAH), proposes to redevelop its property to provide aordable senior housing that warmly welcomes LGBTQ individuals. This initiative aligns with the church's mission since the 1970s to support aordable housing and create an inclusive community for LGBTQ+ people

Key Discussion Points:

Challenges faced by LGBTQ+ elders including discrimination in some retirement communities

Lower rates of home ownership among LGBTQ+ elders and higher levels of poverty

A high portion of LGBTQ+ elders living without family support

A regional and national lack of LGBTQ+ welcoming aordable housing and how we can address it

Personal stories of potential residents of this proposed community

Distinguished Panelists:

Jay Fisette (he/him)- Former County Board Member (Moderator)

Jane Haskell (she/her)- Director, SAGE National LGBTQ+ Housing Initiative

Alice Tewell (she/her)- Pastor, Clarendon Presbyterian Church

Carmen Romero (she/her)- CEO, Arlington Partnership for Aordable Housing

Tom Villa (he/him) - Potential Resident - IMPACTO LGBT Director of Operations

Potential Resident - To Be Announced

Let us know if you can come! Scan the QR code below. Thank you!

Massanetta Springs

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