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Vietnam of rights guaranteed to the citizen in the constitution and the reality are far apart. The following are some of the rights of citizens provided for in Vietnam’s 1992 constitution:

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Freedom of belief and of religion

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The right and the duty to work

The right and the duty to receive training and instruction

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Entitlement to health protection

Equality before the law The right to vote at age 18 and the right to stand for election to the National Assembly and the People’s Councils at age 21

The right of ownership with income, savings, housing, chattel, means of production, funds, and other possessions . . . as regulated by provisions Articles 17 and 18 of the Constitution (these sections allow for state claims to property by law). This means they cannot be owned by citizens of the country if the government wishes otherwise.

Freedom of movement

On paper, these rights may sound good, but it is clear that they are not always protected in daily life. Many of the provisions in the constitution are qualified by phrases such as that mentioned previously: “in accordance with the provisions of the law.” This phrasing allows the government to put limits on constitutional protections by simply implementing new laws; thus restrictions on the freedom of speech, press, and assembly are much broader than they appear in the constitution.

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