Inland Port Feasibility Analysis

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2.0 Inland Port Typology 2.1 WHAT IS AN INLAND PORT? There is not a consistent or formal global definition of the term “inland port”. In some parts of the world a term of art used to describe inland logistics hubs is “dry port”. Particularly in the United States, the term “inland port” is typically used to describe a (typically maritime-connected) logistics market that is located at a non-maritime inland location. Inland ports are typically planned around rail intermodal facilities, but not all intermodal locations are inland ports. Though there isn’t a common definition of the term, the key shared points of meaning to the term are4: 

Having a direct connection to major seaport via Class I railroad

Access to major transportation infrastructure usually, rail, but also interstate highway or inland waterway

Access to large consumption market; 10M+ people within 300 miles

Including significant industrial property with abundance of Class A warehouse and distribution space

Including a large, affordable and trained labor pool

Local or state economic development policies providing Free Trade Zone (FTZ) and tax incentives

2.2 WHERE ARE EXISTING INLAND PORTS? There are not many examples of inland ports in the US, and those that do exist are generally facilities whose primary purpose is to provide logistics support to inbound containerized cargo moving inland from a load-center seaport. In these examples, principle partners are seaports, railroad companies and in some cases, property development partners. The first objectives of these investment hubs are to manage inbound movements of consumer goods and the repositioning of equipment, meaning directing empty containers back to costal seaports for return to overseas markets. A corollary objective of the inland port will be to support retail distribution and at the inland port complex there will be substantial warehouse or distribution centers.

Inland Port Types When referring to inland ports in the US, there are generally two types: 1. Seaport Owned or Seaport as a Partner


Virginia; Port of Virginia VIP

South Carolina; Greer

Source: GLDPartners, CBRE Inland Port Logistics Annual Report 2016

Cambridge Systematics, Inc.


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