Wenonah Yearbook - 1939

Page 107

Lo, in Missis>sîppi's wafers, Blue fhe eternal sky;

In our hearts, O Alma Mater, Clear thy spirit highl

Lift the chorus

Send it ringing

Far o'er hill and vale!

Hail to thee, O Alma Mater!

Hail, Winona, hail!

Noble hills watch o'er the valley

Where thy dwelling lies; Steadfast hearts, O Alma Mater, Guard thy destinies.

Ever shall tomorrow better

What today hath won;

Lead thy children, Alma Mater, On, forever on!

I i \ i i


by the Graduating Classes of WinonaState Teachers College Winona, Minnesota


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s. Davidson, M. Bosshardf, N. Fjetland, O. Joneson, C. Fuller, R. Anderson, A. Andrejek, M. Finkeinburg, M. Meyer. c. Fuller, Business Manager; R. Anderson, Editor-in-Chief; N. Fjetland, Associate Editor.


Included in John Dewey's philosophy of education is the thought that education is life. It is to capture the ideals and spirit of life at Winona State Teachers College that the Wenonah staff attempts to record in manuscript and pictures a cross section of the college activities in order that the Wenonah of 1939 will serve as a lasting reminder of a worthwhile and pleasant part of life.




The graduating classes of the Winona State Teachers College do hereby respectfully dedicate this yearbook to the memory of their late friend and counselor, Dr, Guy Everett Maxwell.

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Well over half of President Maxwell's sixty-eight years of life were given to the college which stands as his handiwork, material and spiritual. Thirty-five of these thirty-nine years were given to the service of the presidency. And it was lavish giving!

Buildings the conspicuous, material embodiment of the college were planned, secured from the legislature, and erected. The campus was extended by purchase and benefaction. Equipment was multiplied, and rich gifts of organ and objects of art were received and installed. The curriculum was expanded, the faculty doubled, and the student body enlarged in number and improved, as a group, in quality.

The name of Winona, to which clings the spiritual meaning and import of our college, was enhanced in prestige. How zealously he guarded that name as he taught by example the idealism that is ours! How c!early he emphasized his beÜef in the consecration of the teacher to her work when he wrote and proposed an oath for workers in education, reminiscent of the ancient vow for physicians proposed by Hippocrates! How eager!y he sought and we!comed the promising varient in procedure that might conceivab!y make for improvement, for, as he so often said, "The best way of doing a thing has not yet been found." How untiring!y he carried on during the crisis of the fire! How loyaHy, in the interest of students yet unborn, he gave of himse!f for scholarships in the 70th year of the college! How efficiently he handled the multitude of details of a busy office, wHh never the need of an apology for a delay, while he kept it democratic and open How faithfully he attended college activities of all kinds, true to the trust that he believed to be his, to see that all was worthy and not a departure from fundamental purpose! And then, how carefuHy he husbanded his strength after his infirmity had been revealed, by denial of athletic interests, and by shortened social evenings that he might have energy for the demands that held his first allegiance!

These wi!l suggest the manifold ways through which in unfailing devotion he built the name of Winona as his spiritual handiwork.

But achievements alone, beautiful and bountiful though they may be, leave unrevealed much that we loved in our leader and friend.

By the Beaver River, in a happy August week, I saw his fine consideration when with initiative and kindliness he took a leading part in all the duties of a camp. Even simple tasks claimed his interest and cooperation.

He was eager to learn here as everywhere in whatever was new, and often questioned with a courteous deference a method or a phenomenon out-of-the-ordinary. We traced one day across the solid rock bed of the river for many rods a

formation which seemed to have followed in molten form a crack in the basic structure. His observation was close and his interpretations penetrating.

I see him now in a rustic seat which hadbeen built on a bridge suspended by cables above the stream. In the shade of lovely pines, while the bass and treble notes were flowing endlessly below, he spent hours with books and solitude.

He loved nature and reverenced its Author. The words and tone of his grace before a meal touched one with their simplicity and sincerity, and proclaimed the source of his power and his purpose.

Recognition of his inherent strength and integrity and of the worth of his leadership explains contributions, just tor the asking, running to many thousands of dollars; and many more were made entirely unsought, because the one who to all! How earnestly he guarded the need for consecutive, dependable hours of work, that the college he guided might be in truth "an institution of learning"! would put them to use was trusted.

As a speaker, he was vital, clear and convincing and his point of view sane, lofty, far-seeing, and practical. He seemed at his best in the more informal gatherings of faculty and alumni, at reunions and round-ups. Then spontaneous humor and good fellowship welded all into a happy, loyal unit. His speed of perception was remarkable, and a story recently told by his sister indicated that this quality appeared very early. When but three or tour years old he approached his mother toward the close of a day with a wistful note in the question, "Mother, have I been a good boy today?"

"No, I can't say that you have, Guy. You know you drove a nail into the kitchen floor, and you pulled the cat's tail, and ."

"Don't talk any more," was the prompt interruption.

His loyalty to his mother was touching. He drove through stormy weather in the brief respite of his last Thanksgiving recess to give part of his time to her.

One who had not known him in his home lacked of necessity impressions of his ways and nature, of the sweetest and most revealing kind.

His chivalry and quiet, perceiving courtesy, always in evidence, told of the affection on which the home was based. The warmth of his smile, the gentle quality of his tone, the quick twinkle of humor, the generous consideration for the guest, the tenderness toward Mrs. Maxwell, all served to supplement the impression of fineness and nobility which had unfolded through the years.

Rarely is it given to one to touch so many lives through so long a time, and much more rarely to touch them in ways so beneficiently influential. He was a friend to mankind because he was a friend of little children, and he was a friend of little children because for so many years he gave his full energy of intellect, body, and heart that they might be blessed by nobler teaching.


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As we pay tribute to our late president and friend, we are reminded on every hand of the tangible landmarks which were the products of his purposeful life. We are reminded that not only we, but the future students of this college, will feel andbe affected by the immortal thoughts and ideals of this dynamic personality. Some one has said that "High ideals are life-like portraits in advance." If we examine the ideals of President Maxwell, we will paint for ourselves the portrait of a self-made colossus.

One of President Maxwell's ideals which aided him in accomplishing many of the things he did accomplish was his unquestioned professional attitude. From the very outset his associates found that he was absolutely sure of the place he held in society and under no condition would he overstep those boundaries.

Undoubtedly his most apparent and inspiring characteristic was his possession of a specific purpose and his tenacity to that purpose at all times. That, coupled with his length and breadth of vision, helped him to accomplish things which to many would have been unquestionably impossible. We have only to look back to the time when the possibility of having a new library was only a vague dream. How many difficulties and disappointments were encountered. And yet, through it all. President Maxwell worked diligently to actuate the powers that be so that

hîs vision might be culminated. When we mention Maxwell Field, Somsen Hall, and the memorial organ, we realize that he had a breadth of influence and vision which was bringing our college to the forefront as an educational institution.

Perhaps the one thing which impressed the students most was President Maxwell's friendliness and understanding of students' problems. He knew all of his students by name andhad an individual interest in each one of them. Under his guidance this college was truly the students' school, for any of their needs were carefully examined and cared for if it were at all possible.

Mentally President Maxwell never grew old. He was much admired by the students for his youthful and fresh point of view upon life, which, coupled with his fine sense of humor, made him a welcome figure on any occasion. Whenever he lead the student body, he did so with a grace and kindly charm that always called for the finest spirit of cooperation and fellowship. Through his leadership, the students were instilled with the idea that the finest purpose for life was service to mankind and that they as teachers entertained unlimited opportunity for it.

If we, the students of Winona State Teachers College, make a worthy contribution to society and help to make our communities better places in which to live, much of our success will be due to the inspiration of President Maxwell. As we pay this humble tribute we dedicate ourselves anew to the role which we are to play in life, never unmindful that in death he did not die but rose to a glorious immortality which Winona State Teachers College and the world can never forget.




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Front row: Mr. W. A. Owens, Mr. R. J. Scarborough, Miss B. Redmond, Dr. N. Minne, Dr. E. S. Selle. Back row: Dr. M. R. Raymond, Dr. R. B. Toiler, Mr. M. E. MacDonald, Mr. R. R. Reed. Front row: Dr. G. E. Lynch, Mr. W. E. Boots, Miss F. L, Richards, Mr. W. Grimm, Miss M. Davis, Middle row: Miss C. Crossman, Mr. H. R. Jackson, Dr. G. E. Galligan, Miss V. Jeffrey. Back row: Miss A. Bard, Mr. C. Fisk, Mr. S, J. Pawelek,


Front row: Miss E. M. Taylor, Miss A. B. Grannis, Mr. C. L, Simmers, Miss C. Cramer, Miss E. O. Christensen. Middle row: Miss O. L. Foster, Miss M. E, Dallman, Miss J. S. Brouillette, Miss E. C. Clark, Miss L. Gage. Back row: Miss M. Bartsch, Miss E. R. Leake, Mr. G. E. Fishbaugher, Miss B. Schwable, Miss L. C. Sutherland. Front row: Miss M. L. Engstrom, Miss M. Zimmerman, Miss R. Voelker. Back row: Miss H. Pritchard, Miss H. M. Muhle, Miss M, B. Miller, Miss A. Sielaff. mm Raymond E. Anderson Otaf Anfinson Dorothy Baker Edward Barskî Catherine Brookner Arden Burleigh Bernard Busse Marie Bruegger Gwendolyn Engler+h Mary B. Enqstrom Clark Fuller Walter Grimm Harold Grudem Kathryn Haas Norma Jacobson Nevada Jenîa Lois L. Jensen Neva M. King Harry Johnson Kathryn Junkins Philip Knopp Mary Koren Viola Kurzweg Rosa L. Moehring Harlem Moen Verbenia Mosing Avis Nordquis-I- Evelyn Ogrosky Robert G. Ostrom Leslie O+tman Libby Prusow Virginia Robb Robert Rowell Dorothy Ruhnau Evelyn Rutherford Oletha Schell Lois Simons Garld Smith
Èk ^ mi.'
Audrey Thurow Helen L. Smith Caryl Spriestersbach Betty Washburn Mildred Sundquist Elaine Wildgrube Rose Wolfe Mervale Wolverton


Virginia, Minnesota

Maiors; Science, Mathematics. Virginia Junior College, I, 2; Science Club 3, 4; President 4; Wenonah Players 4; Dieno-mo 4; Rangers Club 3, 4; Wenonah staff 3, 4, associate-editor 3, editor 4; Intramurais 3.


Whalan, Minnesota

Major: Science. Minors: Social Science, History. Boy Scouts of America, I, 2, 3, 4; Apollo Club, 1, 2; Science Club, 3, 4; Country Life Club, I, 2; .International Relations Club, 4; Men's Club, I, 2.


Fountain, Minnesota

Major: Kindergarten-Primary. Minor: English.

Primary Club, 2,3, 4, President 4; Kindergarten Club 3, 4; International Relations, 4; Art Club, 4; W. A. A., 2; Y. W. C. A., 4; Winonan, 3, 4, Literary Editor; Co-social Chairman of Morey Hall, 3.


Thorp, Wisconsin

Majors: Industial Arts, Physical Education.

Minor: Social Science.

Men’s Club, I, 2, 3, 4, President 3, 4; DIe-no-mo, 3, 4; W Club, I, 2, 3, 4; Kappa Delta Pi, 3, 4; Football, I, 2, 3, 4; Baseball, I, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Track, I, 2; Winonan Staff, 2, 3; Intra-Murals, I, 2,3, 4; Senior Class Vice President.


Faribault, Minnesota

Major: Social Science. Minors: Science, Art, English. Art Club, 2, 3,4, President 4; Kappa Delta Pi, 3, 4; Science Club, 3, 4; High School Club, 2; Annual, Art Editor, I, 2, 3, 4; Prom, Decorations Chairman, 1,2, 3, 4.


Stewartville, Minnesota

Majors: Kindergarten Primary. Elementary Education. Minor: Speech. Kindergarten Club, I, 2, 3, 4, Vice President, 4; Primary Club, 4; Wenonah Players, 3, 4; League of Women Voters, 4; Y. W. C. A., I, 2, 3; Winonan Staff.


Wabasha, Minnesota

Major: Education—Primary-Intermediate. Minors: English, History.

Y. W. C. A., I, 2, 3; Art Club, 3, 4, work chairman, 4; Intermediate, I, 2, 3, 4; Primary Club, 4; Winonan Staff, 3, 4.


Hawley, Minnesota

Major: Industrial Arts. Minors: Fine Arts, Physical Science, Mathematics. Apollo Club, I, 2, 4; Art Club, I, 2; Wenonah Players, 2, 3.


Winona, Minnesota

Majors: Science, Music. Minors: English, Soclal Studies.

Die-no-mo, 2, 3, 4; Apollo Club, 3; Mixed Chorus, 2, 3; Band, I, 2, 3, 4, Assistant Director, 2, 3, President 3, Director 4; Orchestra, I, 2, 3, President, 2; International Relations, 2, 3; Mason Music, I, 2, 3, Secretary, 2; Men's Club, I, 2, 3; Newman Club, I, 2, 3, 4, Secretary-Treasurer, 3; Sophomore class president. Junior class vice-president; Representative Council, 2; Finance Committee, 2.


Farmington, Minnesota

Major: Industrial Arts. Minors: Physical Education, Social Science.

Men's Club, I, 2,3, 4; W Club, I, 2,3, 4; International Relations Club, 4; Apollo Club, 4; Track, I, 2, 3, 4; Intra-mural, I, 2, 3, 4; Winonan Staff, 4.


Winona, Minnesota

Major: English. Minors: Fine Arts, Social Science.

Wenonah Players, I, 2, 4; Die-no-mo, I, 2, 4; Art Club, I, 2, 4; Primary Club, I, 2, 4; International Relations, 4; Wenonah, 2, 4; Coart editor, 4; Wenonan, I, 2; L. S. A., 4; Representative Council, 4; Vice-President, 4.


Preston, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education. Minors: History, English.

Intermediate Grade Club, 2, 3, 4; President, 4; Primary Club, 4; Y. W. C. A., 3; International Relations Club, 3, 4, Treasurer, 4; Winonan, 3, 4; Wenonah, 3; L. S. A., 3; Kappa Delta Pi, 3, 4.


Winona, Minnesota

Major: Elernentary Education. Minors: History. Geography, English.

VV. A. A., 2, Intermediate Club, 3; Rural Life, I; Wenonah, 4; Winonan, 4.


Winona, Minnesota

Major: English, Social Science.

W. A. A., I; Y. W. C. A., I; Die-no-mo, 3, 4; Mendelssohn, 4 Treasurer; Phy. Ed. Club, I; Band, 3; Mixed Chorus, 4; W. A. A. Board, I, 2; Winonan Staff, 2, 3.; Wenonah Staff, 2; Vice President Junior Class; Sophomore Class Secretary; Alumni Relations Committee.


Canton, Minnesota

Major: Science. Minors: Social Science, Mathematics.

Die-no-mo, 4; W Club, I, 2, 3, 4; Men's Club, I, 2; Intramurals, I, 2,3, 4; Track, I, 2, 3, 4; Track Captain, 4; Basketball, 1^.


Rollingstone, Minnesota

Majors; Physical Science, Social Science.

Minor: Mathematics.

Wenonah Players, 2, 3, 4; Die-no-mo, 4; Science Club, 2, 3; Men's Club, I, 2, 3, 4; W Club, 2, 3, 4; International Relations, 4; Intramural Board, 4; Wenonah, 2, 3, 4, Business Manager, 4; Winonan, Editorial Staff, 4; West Lodge Preceptor, 4; Social Committee, 4; Football, 2, 3.


Winona, Minnesota

Major: Music. Minors: History, Physical


Wenonah Players, 2, 3, 4; Mason Music Club, 3,4, President, 4; Men's Club, I; Apollo Club, I; Football, I; Track, I, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra, I, 2, 3, 4; Band, I, 2, 3, 4; Special Chorus, 4.


Zumbrota, Minnesota

Major: Science. Minors: Mathematics, Physical Education.

Men's Club, I, 2,3, 4; W Club, I, 2,3, 4; Die-no-mo Club, 2,3, 4; Science Club, 2, 3; Basketball, I, 2, 3, 4; Track, 1, 2, 3 4; Intramural Board, 3.


St. Paul, Minnesota

Major: Elementary-Kindergarten. Minors: Speech.

V/enonah Players, 2, 3, 4; Secretary, 3, 4; Art Club, 2, 3, 4; Kindergarten Club, 2, 3, 4, Vice President, 3; Kappa Delta Pi, 3, 4; Primary Club, 2, 3; Die-No-Mo Club, 4; Y. W. C. A., 2, 3; Newman Club, 2, 3, 4.


Lanesboro, Minnesota

Major: Elementary, Minors: English, History. Intermediate Grade Club, 2, 3, 4; L. S. A., 3; W. A. A., 2, 3; Y. W. C. A., 3; Kappa Delta Pi, 3, 4; Secretary-treasurer, 4; International Relations Club, 4; Primary Club, 4; Winonan, 3, 4; Wenonah, 3; Morey Hall President, 3.


Virginia, Minnesota

Major: English. Minors: History, French, Social Science.

Kappa Delta Pi, 3, 4; Arrowhead Rangers, 3, 4; Die-No-Mo, 4; Newman Club, 3, 4; Winonan, 3, 4; Wenonah, 4; Orchestra, 3, 4.


Rose Creek, Minnesota

Majors: Music, Elementary Education. Minors: Social Science.

Mendelssohn, 3; Wenonah Players, 4; Guard, 4; Die-No-Mo, 3; Voltage, 3; Kappa Delta Pi, 2; Wenonah Staff, I; International Relations, I; Purple Key.


Hartland, Minnesota

Major: Education. Minor; English. Primary Club, 3, 4; Vice President, 4; Kindergarten Club, 3, 4; Y. W. C. A., 4; League of Women Voters, 4; Preceptress of Morey Hall, 4.


Spring Valley, Minnesota

Major: Education. Minors: Music and English.

Intermediate Grade Club, 2, 3, 4; Y. W. C. A., 1, 2, 3, 4; Primary Club, 4; League of Women Voters, 4.


Winona, Minnesota

Majors: Industrial Arts, Science. Minor: Music. Industrial Arts Club, I, 2, 3; Mason Music Club, I, 2, 3; Men's Club, I, 2, 3.


Winona, Minnesota

Major: History. Minors: Social Science, Engllsh, Speech.

Wenonah Players, 2, 3, 4; Corresponding Secretary, 4: International Relations, 2, 3, 4; Wenonah Staff, 4; L. S. A., 3, 4.


Minneapolis, Minnesota

Maior: Elementary Education. Minor: English. Kindergarten Club, 4; Primary Club, 4; Art Club, 4; Winonan, 4; League of Women Voters, 4; The Wenonah Staff.


Major: Industrial Arts. Minors: Physical Education. History.

Mens Club, I, 4; Die-No-Mo, 4; Industrial Arts, 3; "W” Club, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Basketball, I, 2, 3, 4; Captain, I, 2, 3; Intramural Badminton, 3, 4; Intramural Volleyball, 2,3, 4: Track, I, 2, 3, 4; Football, 2, 3, 4.


Cochrane, Wisconsin

Majors: Physical Education, Science. Minor:


Physical Education, I, 2, 3, 4; W. A. A. Board, 3; Vice President, 3; Y. W. C. A., 3, 4, President, 4; Science Club, 2, 3, 4, Secretary and Treasurer, 4: International Relations, 3; Circulation Staff of Winonan, 3, Wenonah, 3; Publie Relations Committee, 2.


St. Charles, Minnesota

Major: Mathematics. Minors: English, History.


Virginia, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education. Minor: English.

Intermediate Grade Club, 3, 4; Primary Club 4. Ranqers' Club, 3, 4, Secretary-treasurer, 4; Y. W. C. A., 3, 4; Kappa Delta Pi, 4; Winonan Staff, 4.


Plato, Minnesota

Majors: Mathematics, Social Science. Minor: Science.

Art Club, 3, 4, Treasurer, 4; League of Women Voters, 4, President, 4; Winonan Staff, 2, 3, 4; Science Club, 3, 4; Y. W. C. A., 4; International Relations Club, 4; L. S. A., 3, 4; Kappa Delta Pi, 3, 4.


Milan, Minnesota

Majors: |ylusic. History. Minors: English, Social Science.

Orchestra, 2, 3, 4; Band, 2,3, 4; String Quartet, 2, 3; Mixed, 2,3, 4; Mason Music Club, 3, 4; International Relations Club, 4; Die-No-Mo Club, 3, 4; Apollo Club, 2; Men's Club, 2, 3; President, 3, 4; President of Representative Council.


Rochester, Minnesota

Major: English. Minors: Science, French, Social Science, History. Y. W. C. A., I; Country Life Club, I; International Relations Club, 3, 4, Secretary, 4; Science Club; Winonan, 3, 4; Wenonah, 4.


Montevideo, Minnesota

Majors: Music, English. Minor: Speech. Mendelssohn Club, 2, 3, 4; Wenonah Players, 2, 3, 4, Vice President 3, D!e-No-Mo Club, 2 3, 4; Mason Music Club, 2, 3, 4; Chorus, President 4, Band, 2, 3; Kappa Delta Pi, 3, 4; The Winonan Staff, 2.


Stockton, Minnesota

Major: English. Minors: Public Speaking, Mathematics.

Wenonah Players I, 2, 4, Secretary 2, 4; Kappa Delta Pi, 2, 4; Purple Key, 2, 4; Jr. Hi Club, I, 4; Secretary, I; Y. W. C. A. I, 2, President 2; W. A. A. I, 2, President, 2; DieNo-Mo, Wenonah.


Winona, Minnesota

Majors: Music, History.

Band, Orchestra 2, 3, 4, President 3, 4; Wenonah Players, 2, 3, 4; Mason Music Club, 3, 4.


Lanesboro, Minnesota

Majors: Music, Social Science. Minor: Physical Education.

Apollo Club, I, 2, 3, 4; Mason Music, 4; DieNo-Mo, 4; International Relations Club, 4; "W" Club, 3, 4- Men's Club, I, 2, 3, 4; Band, 2, 3, 4; Mixed Chorus, I, 2, 4; Wenonah, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Board 3; Basketball, I, 2, 3; Track, I, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Volleyball, Badminton and Basketball.


Marshfield, Wisconsin

Majors: Elementary, History. Minor: English.

Y. W. C. A., 2, 3; W. A. A., I, 2, 3; League of Women Voters, 4; Intermediate Club, 4.


Winona, Minnesota

Majors: Physical Education, Elementary Education. Minor: English. Physical Education Club, 2, 3, 4; Secretarytreasurer, 4; W. A. A., I, 2, 3, 4; Board, 2, 3; Intermediate Grade Club, I, 2, 3, 4; International Relations Club, 3, 4; Winonan, I, 2; Wenonah, 3, 4; Editor for Women's Athletics.


Winona, Minnesota

Majors: Science, Industrial Arts.

Men's Club, I, 2,3, 4; Science Club, 3; Boy Scouts of America, I, 2,3, 4; Football, 4; Intramural Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton, I, 2, 3, 4.


St. Paul, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education. Minors: Engllsh. Music.

Y. W. C. A., I, 2, 3, 4; Country Life Club, 2, 3, 4, President; Intermediate Club, 3, 4; W.A. A., 2, 3; Physical Education, 3, 4; Morey Hall Vice President, 3.


Virginia, Minnesota

Major: Elementary. Minors: History, English. Rangers' Club, 3, 4; Intermediate Grade Club, 3, 4; Die-No-Mo Club 3, Co-Chairman Social Committee at Morey Hall, 4.


Minneiska, Minnesota

Major: Education, Elementary. Minors: Social Studies, Music.

Intermediate Grade Club, 4; Primary Club, 4; Newman Club, I, 4.


St. Charles, Minnesota

Majors: English, Education. Minor: Social Science.

Country Life Club I, Y. W. C. A., I, 2, 3, 4; Wenonah, 2, 3; Primary Club, 4, Secretary, Intermediate Club 4; W. A. A., I, 2, 3; L. S. A.


Marshall, Minnesota Majors: Physical Education, Mathematics. Minors: Science.

Y. W. C. A. I, 2,3, 4, Secretary I, 4; W. A. A. I, 2, 3, 4, President 3; Physical Education Club 1, 2, 3, 4; President 2; DIe-No-Mo Club, 2, 3, 4; Science Club, 4; International Relations Club, 2, 3; Mendelssohn, 3, 4; Band, Orchestra, 2, 3; Winonan 3, Wenonah 4; Kappa Delta Pi 3, 4, Vice President 4; Representative Council 2; Finance Committee 2; Purple Key 2,3, 4; Shepard Hall, President 4.


St. Charles, Minnesota

Major: Mathematics. Minors: Physical Education and History.

Kappa Delta Pi, 3, 4; International Relations, 3, 4; President, 4; Men's Club, I, 2, 3, 4; Band, I, 2; "W' Club, 2, 3, 4; Die-No-Mo, 4; Football, 2, 3; Basketball, 2; Baseball, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals, I, 2, 3, 4; Captain, 2, 3, 4; FInance Committee, 4; A Cappella.


Cottonwood, Minnesota

Majors: English, Music. Minor: History.

Wenonah Players, I, 2, 3, 4; Guard, 3, 4; Mendelssohn, I, 2, 3, 4; Mason Music, 3, 4;

Die-No-Mo 2, 3, 4, Vice President 4; Wenonah, 2; Winonan, 2, 3; Y. W. C. A., I, 2.


Pine Island, Minnesota

Major: English. Minors: Speech, Music, Science.

Wenonah Players 2, 3, 4, President, 3, 4; Kappa Delta Pi, 3, 4; Band, 3; Apollo Club, 3;

Die-No-Mo, 3, 4; Mixed Chorus, 2, 3, 4; Wenonah, 2, 3; Winonan, 4; Purple Key, 3, 4; Scoutmaster, 3, 4.


Eveleth, Minnesota

Majors: Chemistry, Zoology. Minors: Music, English, Philosophy.

Die-No-Mo 4, Assistant Director, 4; Band, 4; Orchestra, 4; Rangers' Club, 4.


Eveleth, Minnesota

Major: Education. Minors: English, Music.

Orchestra, 3, 4; Intermediate Grade Club, 3, 4; Winonan Staff, 3, 4; Mason Music 3, Wenonah, 3; Rangers' Club, 3, 4.


Virginia, Minnesota

Maior; Elementary Education. Minors: History, English. Ranaers' Club 3, 4, President, 3, 4; Intermediate Grade Club, 3, 4 Kappa Delta Pi, 3, 4; Morey Hall Vice President, 4.


Winona, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education. Minors: Physical Education, Social Science.

Y. W. C. A., 2, 3, 4; Physical Education Club, 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary-Treasurer 3, President, 4; Intermediate Grade^Club, 3, 4; Band, 3; W. A. A., 2, 4; Board, 4.


Minneiska, Minnesota

Major: Elementary Education. Minor: Engllsh.

Y. W. C. A. I, 2, 3,4, President 2; International Relations Club, Intermediate Grade Club, 4; Women's Physical Education, 3; Country Life Club, I; Winonan Staff, 2, 3, 4; Purple ''“V, 2, 3, 4.


Winona, Minnesota

Major: Education. Minors: Music, Art, Geography. Kindergarten Club, I, 2, 3, 4; President, 3, 4; Primary Club 2, 3, 4, Vice President, 4; Y. W. C. A., I, 2; Art, 2, 3, 4; Die-No-Mo 2, 3, 4, Secretary-Treasurer, 3; Kappa Delta Pi, 3, 4.


Kellogg, Minnesota

Major: Elementary. Minors; English, History. Intermediate Grade Club, I, 2; Y. W. C. A., I, 2; Newman Club, I, 2, 3.


Redwood Falls, Minnesota

Majors: Mathematics, Physical Education. Minors: Science.

Men's Club, I, 2, 3, 4; "W" Club, I, 2,3, 4; Vice President 2, Secretary-Treasurer 3, President 4; Die-No-Mo, 3, 4; Kappa Delta Pi, 3, 4; International Relations Club, 3, 4; Apollo 4, Winonan Staff, 3, 4; Football I, 2, 3, 4, Co-

Captain, 3; Captain, 4; All Conference, 3, 4; Track, 2,3, 4; Intramurals, I, 2, 3, 4.


Browerville, Minnesota

Majors; English, History. Minor: Speech. Art Club, 2; Winonan Staff, 2, 3; Wenonah Players, 3, 4; International Relations, 3, 4; Wenonah Staff, 3; Kappa Delta Pi, 3, 4.

Frances Anderson Sybil Anderson Mayme Aus+enson Edna Blair Clarice Brink Eileen Brodin Marjorie Buggs Gwendolyn Chapel Dorothy Cotton Florence Engelrup Goldie Fawcett Evelyn Germundson Glenda Hanson nson Betty L. Messenger Beatrice Johnson Ida M. Johnson Gladys Keller Margaret Keller Margaret Kelly Harriet Kjome Edna Kropîdloski Eleanor Kumm Margaret Larson Naomi Lee Sybil Lee Benora Legvold Jean Lehnertz Edna Meri Helen Mills Edna Moechnig Lyla Onstad Eileen Rouze Lylah Sanden Louise Schnebli Bette Schulz Olga M, Scott Dorothy Skalîcky Regina Spencer Jean Springer Louise Stagner Irene Stransky Delilah Tentis Dorothy Thonnpson


Worthington, Minnesota

Kindergarten, Primary.

Kindergarten Club, I, 2, Treasurer, 1; Y. W. C. A., I, 2; A Cappella, 2; L. S. A.; Basketball. Tennis; Golf.


Houston, Minnesota


Intermediate Grade Club, I, 2; Y. W. C. A., 1; Country Life Club, I, 2.


Preston, Minnesota


Art, 2; Y. W. C. A., 2; Primary Club, 2, Treasurer, 2; L. S. A., 2, Secretary, 2.


St. Charles, Minnesota


Art Club, 2; Winonan Staff, 2; A Cappella, 2.


Canton, Minnesota


Kindergarten Club, I, 2; Y. W. C. A., I; Country Life Club, I; W. A. A., I, 2; A Cappella, 2.


Colcato, Minnesota


Art Club, 2; Primary Club, 2.


LaMoille, Minnesota

Intermediate. Intermediate Grade Club, I, 2.


Rochester, Minnesota

Intermediate. Country Life Club, 2, Secretary, 2.


Houston, Minnesota


Intermediate Grade Club, 2; Y. W. C. A., 2.


Lake City, Minnesota


Intermediate Club, I, 2.


Harmony, Minnesota


Mendelssohn Club, I, 2; Kindergarten Club, I, 2, Treasurer, 2; Newman Club, I, 2.


La Moille, Minnesota


Country Life Club, I, 2.


Northfieid, Minnesota


Country Life Club, I, 2, Secretary and Treasurer, 2.


Douglas, Minnesota


Country Life, I, 2; Y. W. C. A., 2.


Cornell, Minnesota

Intermediate. Intermediate Club, I; Country Life, 2; A Cappella, 2.


Kenyon, Minnesota

I ntermediate. Y. W. C. A., I; Intermediate Club, I; L. S. A.


Hokah, Minnesota

Kindergarten-Primary. Kindergarten Club, I, 2; Y. W. C. A., I; Primary Club, I; Country Life Club. I; W. A. A., 1.


Kinbrae, Minnesota

Intermediate. Art Club, 2; Intermediate Grade Club, 2; Newman Club, 2.


Brownsville, Minnesota


Mendelssohn, I, 2; Primary Club, I, 2; Country Life Club, I, 2, Secretary and Treasurer, I, President, 2.


Blooming Prairie, Minnesota


Country Life Club, 2.


Elkton, Minnesota

Rural-1 ntermediate. Country Life Club, I, 2; Y. W. C. A., I, 2; Intermediate, I, 2; Winonan, 2.


Hokah, Minnesota

Kindergarten-Primary. Kindergarten Club, I, 2; Primary Club, I; Country Life Club, I.

Irene Thompson Vernice Ursella Clarrene Wilke


Virginia, Minnesota


Rangers' Club, I, 2; Primary Club, I; Representative Council, I, 2; Newman Club, I, 2.


Cannon Falls, Minnesota


Y. W. C. A., 2; Intermediate Grade Club, 2.


Delhi, Minnesota


Y. W. C. A., 2; Intermediate Grade Club, 2


Stillwater, Minnesota


Intermediate Grade Club, I; W. A. A., 2; Y W. C. A., 2; League of Women Voters, I.


Austin, Minnesota

I ntermediate.

Y. W. C. A., I, 2; Physical Education Club, I, 2; Newman Club, I, 2; Intermediate Club, I, 2: The W. A. A. Board, 2.


Spring Grove, Minnesota


Art Club, 2; Y. W. C. A., 2, Treasurer, 2; Primary, 2, Secretary, 2.


Winona, Minnesota


Newman Club, I, 2; Y. W. C. A., 2; Intermediate Grade Club, 2.


Houston, Minnesota


Primary Club, I, 2; Y. W. C. A., I.


Lake City, Minnesota


Primary Club, I, 2.


Spring Grove, Minnesota

Intermediate Grades.

Y. W. C. A., 2; Intermediate Grade Club, 2.


Rochester, Minnesota

Primary. Country Life Club, 2; Primary Club, 2; L. S. A., 2.


Peterson, Minnesota


Intermediate Grade Club, 2.


Plainview, Minnesota

I ntermediate.

Mendelssohn, l,%2; Intermediate Grade Club, I; Y. W. C. A., 1; Mired Chorus, I.


Stockton, Minnesota


Primary Club, I, 2; Country Life Club, I; League of Women Voters, I, 2.


Kinney, Minnesota


Intermediate Grade Club, I, 2; Country Life Club, I, 2; Y. W. C. A., 1; Rangers' Club, I, 2.


McGregor, Iowa

Kindergarten-Pri mary.

Kindergarten Club, I, 2; Wenonah Players, I, 2; Newman Club, I; Y. W. C. A., I.


Lake City, Minnesota


Intermediate Grade Club, I; Country Life Club, 2; W. A. A., I.


Spring Grove, Minnesota


Y. W. C. A., I, 2; Country Life Club, I, 2, Vice President, 2; Intermediate Grade Club, 2.


Spring Grove, Minnesota


Country Life Club, I, 2, President, I; Y. W. C. A., I, 2; Intermediate Grade Club, 2.


Winona, Minnesota


Primary Club, I, 2.


Chatfield, Minnesota


W. A. A., I; Country Life Club, 2; Primary Club, I, 2.


Austin, Minnesota


Y. W. C. A., 2; Country Life Club, 2; Intermediate Grade Club, 2.


Houston, Minnesota


Intermediate Grade Club, I, 2; Y. W. C. A., I; Country Life Club, I, 2; A Cappella, 2; L. S. A., I, 2; "The Frogs," play.


Kasson, Minnesota


Intermediate Grade Club, I; Band, I.


North St. Paul, Minnesota

Art Club, I, 2; Y. W. C. A., I.


Rushford, Minnesota


Kindergarten Club, I, 2; Primary Club, I; A Cappella, I; W. A. A., I.


Owatonna, Minnesota


Kindergarten Club, I, 2; Primary Club, I; Art Club, I, 2; Die-No-Mo, 2; Newman Club, I, 2; Orchestra, I.


Rochester, Minnesota

Primary. Primary Club, 2; League of Women Voters, 2; Newman Club, 2; Winonan, 2.


Plainview, Minnesota

Kindergarten Club, I, 2.


Wabasha, Minnesota

Primary. Primary Club, I, 2; Y. W. C. A., I.


Owatonna, Minnesota


Y. W. C. A., 2; Country Life Club, 2; Intermediate Club, 2; A Cappella, 2.


Kellogg, Minnesota

I ntermediate.

Intermediate, I, 2; Newman Club, I, 2; Country Life Club, I.


Peterson, Minnesota


Intermediate Club, I, 2; Band, I, 2.


Utica, Minnesota


Kindergarten Club, I, 2, Social Chairman; Primary Club, I.


Red Wing, Minnesota


Primary Club, I, 2, Treasurer, 2, Vice President, 2; Y. W. C. A., I; Winonan Staff.


Kasson, Minnesota


Intermediate Club, I; L. S. A., I.



F t ■
^ > m
Front row: D. Kohnke, C. Dornfeld, G. Graham, N. Fjetland, J. Lerstad, A. Bremer, H. Eifealdt. Middle row: A. Massinger, M. Donehower, A. Davis, G, Johnson, C. Kelm, D. Hein, E. Knutson. Back row: M. Meyer, J. Davidson, R. Mogren, C. Jackson, M. Finkeinburg, O. Joneson, K. Grimm. Front row: M. Rohde, J. Patterson, D. Vitali, D. Lumovich, M. Thill. Middle row: L. Nadeau, A. Sundby, B. Sunde, Mrs. A. Randall, L. Olds, L. Whitman.
WW JW ^■1 W ■ |l V L
Back row: E. Baringer, R. Johnson, D. Zimmerli.

First row: E. McSherry, L. Johnston, R. Johnson, C. Bard, R. Ahern, C. Mandt, R. Kinney, H. Joslyn,

Second row: B. Kissling, C. Duncanson, B. Bowen, W. Laabs, M. Busse, F. Heyer, C. Bierce, L. King,

L. Lampe, J. Carlson.

Third row: R. Kottshade, M. Martin, E. Anderson, R. Hassig, J. Kompelien, L. Meyer, C. Anderson,

Z. Churchward, R. Eastin, E. Anderson.

Fourth row: J. Chadbourne, M. Meincke, E. Kemp, K. Boucher, M. Cauldwell, E. Jordan, M. Herrick, E. Baker, H. Denison, E. Johnson, D. Cummings, J. Lang, A. Krismer.

J. Miller, E. Berrum, E. Bucher, D. Bates, L. Halstenrud, L. Johnson.

Fifth row: R. Fakler, R. Ditlavson, D. Buselrneier, M. Little, F. Brakke, R. Darringtor, R. Burrington, M. Burt,

M. Harvey, J. Campbell, M. Hanson, A. Cooper.

Sixth row: J. Clawson, R. Foss, J. Flynn, R. Moen, E. Brandt, B. Baesler, D. Boyum, F. Hatfield, C. Balcer, J. Flannigan, T. Anderson, D. Srimm.


One of the largest junior classes in the history of the college, this group upholds the standards of the college

In 6v©ry wây. Mâny rânk hiçh in scholârship, oth©rs âr© active participants in dramatics, athletics, and literary work. It is the aim of the class in all their activities to be truly representative of the college spirit and ideals.

M. Stanek, D. Meyer, L. Oison.

E. Sohn, R. Sandly, L. Turner, E. Stoehr, A. Nelson.

C. Blâud, L. Robinson.

Third row: C. Shannon, M. Sibila, R. Rosenow, I. Sackett, D. Vermilya, T. Siirila, M. Perrault, B. Nash,

J. Zimdars, A. Rheingans, M. Schlesselman.

First row: M. Roschen, R. Stephenson, M. Sumner, H. Nipp, A. Storlie, C. Sulack, J. Polley, J. Trisch,

Fourth row: R. Story, D. Stenehjen, M. Wiliams, R. Steffes, H. Torgerson, D. Neumann, A. Ueland,

Second row: M. Potter, C. Scande, M. Taylor, M. Wehrenberg, V. Richter, D. Schones, D. Sheehan,


The freshman class made itself known more because of the achieve-

ments of its particular members than through group projects.

astically. Some of the more husky men have exhibited their athletic ability

Quite a number of them have applied themselves to their books

in football and basketball, and bid fair to do well in track and base-

and earned honorgrades. The results of the intelligencetesting gave

ball. A great many more have participated in the intramural pro-

this class a very high rating so great things can be expected schol-

gram of sports. Athletics have also attracted many of the women

surpass the work of the past.

who have the opportunity to participate in the splendid varied pro-

gram of women'ssports. With the progress so far made the group promises to equal or


The number of non-graduatingsophomores indicate the increasing interest in the four year degree course as well as the present trend in enrollment.Changing conditions in the teaching field call for a longer, ncher background of experience and training.Realizingthis,students have enrolled in the degree course in increasingnumbers. Not only active in school affairs, sophomore classmen rankhighscholastically as well.

Front row: J. Haug, L Walsh, G. Peterson, K. Campion, L. Hadler, W. Welts, A. Grier. Middle row: M. Brightman, M. Deters, D. Millar, E. Morrison, E. Einhorn, E. Meyer, E. Becker, F. Walsh. Back row: E. Siebold, D. Molloy, G. Weber, D. Johnson, H. Duel, S. Snyder, E. Schoenrock.
I i


ing the college in carrying out its affairs. Among the duties of the council are the nomination of students to

To the representative council is given the responsibility of represent-

the following joint committees;athletic,finance, alumni relations, as-

of women; Dr. Murphy; Mr. MacDonald, dean of men; Mr. Boots; and

and revision of these committees; receiving application for the

organization of new clubs;enforcement of the rule governingeligibil-

sembly and commencementexercises,publicrelations; the supervision

Dr. Raymond. Representatives from the various classes are: seniors,

ity for offices in organizations; and acts as a board of review in stu-

dent affairs. Faculty members of the council are Miss Richards, dean

Massinger, HenryDuel;freshmen, Fred Heyer.

Harlem Moen, president; Sylvia Davidson, vice president; juniors,

Eleanor Knutson, secretary; James Davidson;sophomores, Betty Lou

Front row: E. Knutson, B. Hassenger, H. Moen, Miss Richards, S. Davidson. Second row: J. Davidson, H. Duel, Mr. MacDonald, Mr. Boots, Dr. Raymond.



Betty Washburn

Clark Fuller, Caryl Spriestersbach

- Dorothy Baker

William Kaczrowski

Editorial Staff

Make-up StaffAlice Ebert, Norma Jacobson, Eleanor Knutson, Oscar Joneson

James Davidson

Copy Editor

Sports Editor

Business Manager

Karen Grimm, Anita Sundby,ShirleyRosenblatt

ExchangeEditor .......... Allen Davis

Distribution Staff -

Reporters—ClintonDornfeldt, Hazel Hansen, Glenn Johnson, Elnora Jordan,Verbenia

Mosing,NortonOnstad,Jean Polley,VerniceUrsella,EvelynAnderson, Marie Bruegger, GenevieveCressey, Marie Gernes, Nevada Jenia, MaryKoren, RubyMogren, Marion Schultz, Mildred Sundquist, Shirley Mae Snyder, LaVerne Arns, Howard Brokken, Willard Carlson, Mervale Wolverton.


Typists—Charles Baker, Edna Blaire, Violet Hanke, Myrtle Jenia, Mayme Maki, Rosa

Moehring, Alvina Ueland.

Front row: Dr. Murphy, C. Dornfeldt, M. Koren, C. Fuller, E. Blaire, G. Johnson, B. Washburn. Second row: E. Knutson, M. Sundquist, A. Sundby, M. Maki, M. Bruegger, D. Baker, V. Hanke, R. Mogren, M. Jenia. Third row: O. Joneson, R. Spencer, N. Jacobson, E. Jordon, S. Scheider, R. Hoehring, A. Ebert, L. Arns Fourth row: J. Davidson, M. Wolverton, N. Onstad, H. Brokken, A. Davis, C. Spriestersbach, W. Kaczrowski.

First row: N. Fjetland, E. Ogrosky, R, Anderson, D. Vitali, G. Johnson, M. Bosshardt.

Third row: N.Jenia, V. Robb, A. Andrejek, D.Yennie, H. Rosencranz.

Second row: G. Englerth, O. Joneson, L. Simons, M. Meyer, S. Davidson, R. Koenig.

Editor-m-Chief Associate Editor Business Manager - Assistant BusinessManagers Art Editors- Assistant Art Editors - LiteraryEditor-AssistantLiteraryEditors -

Feature Editor-Assistant Feature Editors

Sports EditorsAssistant

Snapshot Editors -

Sports Editors

Characterization Editors


Raynnond Anderson



Fjet'andClark Fuller

Marion Bosshardt, Sylvia Davidson

Carol Bard,MaryKoren, Donitza Lumovich

Nevada Jenia, DeloresTheissen,Dorothy Yennie




Oscar Joneson

Duncanson, Leslie Ottman, Ethel Meyer

Howard Rosencranz, Glenn Johnson ArthurAndrejek,Virginia Robb

Finkeinburg, Verbenia

Lois Simons, Ruth Koenig



Knowledge, duty, power-.—the true objectives of every student in the field of education—are embodied in the Greek letters Kappa, Delta, and Pi. Members in Kappa Delta Pi strive toward attaining these aims and in promoting a high esteem for teaching as a profession. Among the activities of the organization this year were the holding of several joint meetings with other clubs, featuring an illustrated talk on Mexico by Miss Crossman, art instructor, and a lecture on modern Russia by Miss Miller, college nurse. The members of Kappa Delta Pi also sponsored a tea for educators attending the curriculum conference in January. At the December meeting, Mr. Simmers presented a paper on Federal Aid to Students.

Officers of the club are: Dorwin Zappe, president; Lois Simons, vice president: Norma Jacobson, secretary-treasurer. Mr. Simmers is the sponsor.

Ha«* L. Je»'*®"’ % Jacobson, ^‘^-^ons. Ur ^ •YV,orson. »^- ^ber^- «VÍ- 0-^®’'’rv; H. J®'"®'. R Moebr''''3' Seco"*^ ^ G -ri.-.,A ro'W- RarsVt.


To those students who offer the greatest promise of fulfilling the ideals of their profession is given the highest honor of the college, membership in the Purple Key. Elections are held annually to name the ten students who have been outstanding in scholarship, extra-curricular activities, and service rendered to the college. They must have participated in one quarter each of four extra-curricular activities prior to their election.


Wenonah Players, as the dramatic organization of the college, has the high purpose of giving along with dramatic experience, social contacts and personaldevelopment. The fall production, "The First Lady," was exceptionally fine; its Christmas play inspired the true holiday spirit. The one act play and reading contests for high school students were also sponsored bythe Players. Guard membership is awarded those having shown outstanding service as leaders and directors.

First row: J. Davidson, O. Joneson, E. Ogrosicy, W. Laabs, R. Koenig, C. Snriestersbach, K. Haas. Second row: S. Davidson, D. Lumovich, C. Fuller, L. Jensen, R.Anderson, A. Bremer,J. Polley,G.Johnson, L. Hadler, M. Schlesselman. Third row: M. Gernes, R. Ostrom, A. Grier, N. Onstad, E. Long, E. Einhorn, H. Rosencrani, O. Rue, D. Zappe, H. Mills. Fourth row: H. Duel, M. Deters, B. Sunde, H. Smith, D. Hein, C. Balcer, A. Nordquîst, D. Giehler, L. Whitman, N. Deters.

First row: D, Christensen, D. Lumovich, J. Polley,Miss Crossman, M. Austenson.

Second row: A. Sundby, K. Haas, M. Bruegger, B. Coe, E. Brodin, M. Bosshardt, S. Davidson.

Third row: D. Molloy, R. Moehring, M. Koren, H. Kjome, E. Green, D. Kohnke, M. Thill.


colored the life at the college. Especially at the seasonal events is the touch of the club seen and

"As the sun colors flowers, so does art color life." The Art Club has

felt. It is responsible for the helping to instill the proper spirit. At

Homecoming the decorations nodded a welcome; at Christmas the

windows of the Art Club room depicting Nativity scenes seemed

especially to radiate Christmas cheer. Probably the gayest event of

the year is the annual Prom forwhich the Art Clubdeserveslaurels.

A rosy innovation was made in the form of a style show. The clothes

young women hints on how to dress. The club gave a practicalcontribution to the college when they re-

modeled were fromArdath'sshop,andArdathherself gavethecollege

modeled the bulletinboards. Individual members of the club also worked on various handicrafts at

treasurer. Miss Crossman is the club sponsor.

meetings which were work rather than business meetings. The officers of the club are: Marian Bosshardt, president; Beverly

Coe, vice president; Donitza Lumovich, secretary; Rosa Moehring,


With many grun+s and rumbles coupled with throat-clearings the Apollo Club began practices last fall. Under the direction of Mr. Langum,eveningrehearsals were held twiceeachweek.

On April 12th,theclubwent on a week'stour,featuringHarlemMoen, violinist. Towns included in the itinerary were: Sherburn, Jackson, Pipestone,Balaton,Russel, Redwood Falls, Montevideo,Olivia, Milan, Motley,Staples, and Verndale.

The spring concert was given at the college on April 21. This year the organization is headed byOscarJoneson. Otherofficers included: Robert Johnson, vice president; Glenn Weber, librarian; LeslieOttman,businessmanager.

First row: L Ottman, C. Libby, M. Brightman, Mr. Langum, G. Johnson. Second row: C. Mandt, M. Wolverfon, R. Moen, R. Johnson, W. Carlson, O. Joneson. Third row: G Weber, R. Walters, E. Morrison, A. Burleigh, E. Baringer, E. Coyle, D. Grimm.

A. Clayton.

First row: D. Stenehjem, L. Jensen, H. Eifealdt, Mr. Grimm, M. Busse, K. Crotty, G. Graham.

Second row: A. Bard, M. Engstrom, J. Lehnertz, D. Busse, A. Grier, L. Hadler, J. Haug, E. Johnson.

Third row: K. Grimm, B. Coe, B. Sunde, I. Sackett, C. Grimm, A. Nordquist, J. Kompelien, L. Simons,

Fourth row: P. Lang, H. Smith, M. Schultz, B. Kissling, E. Sohn, B. Nash, J. Foster, V. Hanke.

"Music is said to be the speech of angels."


angelicunderthe direction of Mr. Grimm. Two of the outstanding activities of the club are the annual spring

concertin thecollegeauditorium, andthe appearance with DickLong

The music of the thirty-

four young women comprising the Mendelssohn Club is very nearly

during theCandlelighthour. Duringthe yeartheclub sang forthefacultywives'tea,fortheRotary

Officers of the club are: president, Helen Mae Eifealdt; vice presi-

Club at Winona and also at St. Paul.At Christmastheysang carols at

dent, GayleGraham;correspondingsecretary, Janet Foster; record-

the hospitals. On theirspring tripstheyappeared in schools in Owa-

tonna,Waseca,Faribault, and St. Paul.

ing secretary, Karen Grimm, and treasurer, Mary Engstrom.

'4 r


The Mixed Chorus includes members of the Mendelssohn and Apollo Clubs, and other students who are interested in singing. The chorus of fifty-twomembers is underthe direction of Mr. Grimm. The Mixed Chorus made several chapel appearances, one of which was the Memorial service for Dr. Maxwell. The chorus also sang for the Rotary Club of Winona. Officers of the club are: Avis Nordquist, president; RobertJohnson, vice president; Delores Busse, secretary and treasurer; Barbara Kissling, BettyJane Nash, and CharlesMandt,librarians.

First row: C Libby, ©. Graham, L. Ottman, M. Busse, H, Moen, L. Hadler, Mr. Grimm. Second row: K. Grimm, C. Mandt, J. Haug, M. Engsirom, H. Eifealdt, D. Busse, J. Lehnerti, C. Bard, E. Baringer, A. Clayton. Third row: C. Spriestersbach, A. Bard, B. Kissling, B. Nash, R. Johnson, M. Schulti, E, Sohn, I. Sackett, O. Joneson. Fourth row: B. Coe, R. Walters, P. Lang, M. Wolverton, W. Carlson, V. Hanke, G. Weber, E. Johnson.


To those who make the lower region of the practice hall a habitat,

the jumbled tuning of stringed instruments is but a preliminary to a

the masters. The orchestra has been part of the musical growth of the college in

realm of enjoyment. Under the direction of Mr. Grimm, musically

pastyears. Besidesgiving concertsduring the year, the orchestra has

minded students gather several times a week to play the works of

"FirstLady."Officersduring the year were: President

assisted in school programs, among which was the fall production of

Vice President



Robert Ostrom


Millicent Busse

Harlen Moen

First row: H. Moen, F. McKnight, P. Lang, R. Kottschade, R. Walters, D. Storti, C. Bard, B. Kissling. Second row: G, Johnson, N. Jenia, J. Flanigan, J. LeMay, S. Wehrenberg, M. Herrick, O. Joneson, A. Selness, N. Deters, D. Stenehjem, R. Ostrom. Standing: M. Busse, D. Vital!, Mr. Grimm.


"There's something about a band" and there's something exceptionally fine about the college band this year. Under the direction of Bernard Busse, the band has initiated and is carrying out a five point program which includes band participation,sectionalrehearsals, ensemble playing, private lessons, and solo playing. The marching band is composed of about thirty-two members, the concert band including thirteen other members. The band makes on the average one public appearance a week in the form of football games, basketball games, radio broadcasts, and concerts at the college and neighboring towns. During the spring quarter a beginner's band was organized to give collegestudents an opportunity to learn something about an instrument. All types of music were played and demonstration lessons on teachingapplied music were given. Mr. Busse is aided in his work by two assistant directors, Dewey Storti and Alice Selness. Officers of the band are: Alice Selness, president: Glenn Johnson, vice president; and secretary-treasurer, WinstonWells.

First row: A. Selness, F. Heyer, M. Martin, Q. Sabotta, \^ Ray, J. Haug, M. Herrick, R. Ostrom, D. Stenehjen. Second row: N. Deters, E. Meyer, R. Walters, R. Rosenow, S. Wehrenberg, C. Whitlock, D. Thompson, D. Sheehan, M.Wehrenberg, O. Joneson, J. Flannigan, A. Mcirtin, M. Waldo, D. Boyum. Third row: W. Wells, M. Busse, L. Johnston, E. McSherry, D. Busse, C. Jackson, G. Weber, G. Hunn, D. Vitali, Conductor B. Busse.

First row: D. Busse, L. Ottman, M. Busse, W. Grimm, D. Stenehjem, H. Moen, B. Kissling.

Second row: P. Lang, R. Mogren, A. Nordquist, C. Bard, J. Haug, H. Smith, M. Rohde, B. Coe.

Third row: H. Eifealdt, D. Vitali, G. Weber, J. LeMay, R. Ostrom, H. Duel, G. Graham, K. Grimm.


The Mason MusicClubthis year has featured noon luncheons at which

phases of school music were discussed.Students who are majoring or

are interested in music are accepted as associatemembers.

As in former years the Mason MusicClub has sponsored bus trips to

minoring in music are activemembers ofthe club while all others who

neighboring cities to give the students of the college an opportunity

to attend otherconcerts than those in Winona. Officers of the club are: President, Walter Grimm; vice president,

HenryDuel; and secretary-treasurer, Lorraine Hadler.


"Science is for those who learn." To satisfy the thirst for knowledge the science club has included an extensive program for the year. A uniquefeature ofthe club is the answering ofroll call with a science news item. Various projects were undertaken bythe club members, among them photography,home products,and slide making.

Severalfield trips were madebythe club, one of them to the soil conservation project at Gilmore Valley. Another trip was made to Rochester where the transparent man was seen at the medical museum, and to the observatory at Carleton in Northfield. Officers of the club are: president, RaymondAnderson; vice president, Cedric Dettloff; secretary and treasurer, Viola Kurzweg. Drs Minne and Raymond are the club sponsors.

Firjt row: Dr. Minne, N. Fjetland, R. Anderson, C. Dornfeldt, Dr. Raymond. Second row: M. Bosshardt, J. Davidson, G. Allen, M. Meyer, V, Kuriweg. Third row: L. Simons, R. Westfall, C. Libby, A. Massinger, A. Sundby. Fourth row: G. Peterson, H. Capron, E. Einhorn, A. Davis, O. Anfinson, R. Moehring.

Sundquist, B. Washburn.

First row: R. Moehring, C. Fuller, V. Robb, A. Bremer, D. Lumovich, S. Smith, A. Ebert.

Fourth row: R. Moen, L. Ottman, N. Mindrun, A. Davis.

Second row: E. Knutson, R. Koenig, N. Jacobson, W. Kaczrowski, J. Davidson, D.Theisen, M. Meyer, M.

Third row: S. Davidson, D. Baker, C. Dornfeldt, J. McVey, H. Moen, O. Anfinson, Dr. Selle, D. Zappe.


The International Relations Club has as its purpose the promotion of

peace by furthering discussion of internationalproblems to give its

Americanforeignpolicy. During March a convention at Omaha, Nebraska, was attended by

members an understanding of world affairs. In carrying out its purpose the clubarrangedprograms whichincluded


a speechby Rev. Norenberg on "EuropeToday"; a talk on Russia by

MissMiller; a discussionofprinciplesunderlying"ism" governmentsby

GarldSmithandAdolphBremer,whoreported on it at a latermeeting.

Dr. Tozier; a discussion of the Jewish problem, and another of the


The work of this club beginsearlyin the year with theelection of new members. This yeartwenty-six new members were elected which gave the club a total membership of fifty. The freshmen men learned of the work of the club whenthey were made to wear those little purple "button” caps during freshmen week. When Homecoming came around the Men's Club took charge of the pepfest, bonfire, snake danceand decoration ofthefootballfield. On January 14,theysponsored theirannualall-collegedancingparty. The club's officers are: Edward Barski, president; Howard Brokken, vice president;Charles Libby,secretary-treasurer, and Mr. MacDonaid, sponsor.

First row: C. Fuller, M. Wolverton, R. Eastin, N. Fjetland, H. Srudem, M. Roelofs, L. Walsh, L Ottman, E. Barski. Second row: G. Peterson, R. Westfall, S. Kraft, S. Smith, E. Einhorn, J. McVey, T. Siirila, D. Grimm, D. Zimmerli. Third row: D. Rich, H. Capron, E. Brandt, W. Kacirowski, C. Sulack, D. Johnson, F. Hatfield, H. Torgerson. Fourth row: R. Johnson, J. Stamschror, R. Denier, C. Libby, C. Duncanson, R. RoweH, C. Dornfeldt, L. Arns. Fifth row: E. Siebold, J. Carlson, H. Brokken, N. Mindrum, A. Andrejek, C. Mandt, A. Massinger.

First row: W. Carlson, R. Spencer, L. Ottman, H. Gruden, A. Andrejek, Dr. G. E. Gailigan, W. Franzman.

Second row: L. Schnnidt, R. Foss, G. Kraft, M. Wolverton, C. Dettloff, W. Kaczrowski, H. Johnson, L. Arns.

H. Brokken, L. Walker.

Back row: E. Spencer, T. Siirila, D. Johnson, J. Flynn, G. Smith, J. Clawson.

Front row: D. Vitali, V. Thorson, R. Anderson, D. Lumovich, N. Jenia.

Second row: M.Jenia, L. Nadeau, M. Brousseau, B. Hassenger, M. Sundquist.

Back row: E. Meri, J. Lerstad, L. Olds.

Third row: C. Whitlock, J. Kalbrener, C. Libby, C. Sulack, M. Roelots, K. Campion, C. Duncanson,


The "W" Club was founded upon two principles; to create a great-

er interest in the various sports, and to promote the true ideals

of an athlete and sportsman. Each athlete or sportsman who has won

a purple "W" for having successfully completed a season in one

of the major sports automatically becomes a member of this club.

This year the club assumed the responsibility for the decorations at

Maxwell Field for the annual college homecoming. As in previous

years, the football season was closed with a banquet at the Winona

sponsor. Dr. S. E. Gailigan.

periods similar to those sponsored by the W.A.A.

The officers of the club are: president, Mervale Wolverton; vice

Hotel. During the year plans were also made for extra activity

president, Milton Roelofs; secretary-treasurer, Arthur Andrejek; and


The League of Women Voters has as its purposepromoting more interest in political situations among women and preparing them to be good voters. Membership is open to all women of the college interested in correct politicalproblems. Topicsdiscussed at the monthlymeetingsduring the year were: "Social Securityfor Old Age and DependentChildren,""Federal Aid to Education,""RequirementsforTeachers,Teachers'Tenure and Teachers' Retirement." The club sent the Misses Mary Koren, Rosa Moehring, and Kathryn Junkins to the annual state convention of CollegeLeague of Women Voters at Northfield. Miss Rosa Moehring also attended the winter meetingofthe LeagueofWomenVotersBoard at HamlineUniversity. Officers of the club are: Rosa Moehring,president;JeanetteCampbell, vice president; Kathryn Einhorn, secretary-treasurer; and Miss FlorenceRichards,advisor.

jr *-V^., ÿ-i -V '■■■ Í J,.,, V- !* ■>' '-f"'S>,"3' -■■ '-'■■i'.-., L.j'>
First row: R. Moehring, J. Campbell, Miss Richards, K, Junkins, K. Einhorn. Second row: N. King, R. Spencer, S. Sievers, Mrs. Mademon, M. Thill, Mrs. Randall.


son, M. Finklenburg.

First row; L. Hadler, Mr. Jederman, E. Ogrosky, Mr. French, L. Jensen, Dr. Selle, G. Graham.

Wolverton, J. Foster.

Second row: S. Davidson, J. Haug, H. Eifealdt, B. Busse, Dr. Minne, E. Wildgrube, D. Busse, K. Haas.

Third row: K. Grimm, Mr. Reed, N. Jenia, A. Hassenger, J. Duel, G. Smith, H. Smith, R. Schuh, D.

Fourth row: L. Simons, E. Meyers, E. Barski, G. Kraft, C, Fuller, G. Johnson, C. Spriestersbach, J. David-

Fifth row: E. Siebold, O. Joneson, A. Nordquist, C. Jackson, R. Anderson, H. Moen, B. Sunde, M.


est in school affairs. Five cheerleaders selected by the club members assisted at athletic

Thatfamiliar cry of "Your pep! Your pep!" may we!! be the byword

of the Die-No-Mo Club as it fostersschoolspirit and promotes inter-

contestsduring the year. The clubsponsored the Homecoming activi-

Officersofthe club are: President (High Voltage)

Vice President(Voltage)

ties with its bonfire and pepfest, chapel program, and dance. The

Secretary-Treasurer (Brush)

Chairman ofPepCommittee(Spark)

Die-No-Mo show revealed the versatile talent of the student body.

Sponsors(Insulators) Messrs. French, Selle, Reed, Jederman, Minne

Arther Andrejek

Helen S.mith

Glenn Johnson



This organization of students from northern Minnesota is primarily social in function. The Arrowhead Range Club aims to keep a common bond of friendship and develop lasting relations among those collegestudents who live on the iron range.

The club holds several social functions during the school year. This spring Mr. Reed, club adviser,entertained members of the organization at his home. Officers this year were: Virginia Thorson, president; Nevada Jenia, vice president; Mayme Maki, secretary-treasurer.

Front row: D. Vitali, V. Thorson, R. Anderson, D. Lumovich, N. Jenia. Second row: M. Jenia, L Nadeau, M. Brousseau, B. Hassenger, M. Sundquist. Back row: E. Meri, J. Lerstad, L. Olds.


who acts as supervisor. The purpose of an intramural program according to the intramural

Themen'sIntramuralBoard is a groupcomposed ofone representative from each class, the basketballcaptain, and the director of athletics,

board is to provide a large variety of activities for all men of the

college. In other words the intramural program exists primarily for

of the studentbody. The program set up by the intramuralboard this year includedtourna-

those who haven't the necessary skill to take part in varsityathletics.

ments in basketball,volleyball, badminton and ping pong.

We can point with pride to the fact that at Winona provisions are

The intramuralboard,indeed,renders a vital service to thecollege.

made to afford recreation, relaxation, and competition for the mass

First row: L. Anns, R. Steffes, A. Andrejek, Dr. Salligan, W. Kaczrowski, C. Fuller.

First row: M. Harvey, R. Stevenson, E. Wildgrube, K. Junkins, M. Koren, C. Brink, L. Olds.

Second row: D. Bates, D. Theisen, J. Foster, L. Glissendorf, I. Scheitel, J. Springer, D. Baker, S. Pekkala,

Third row: L. Nadeau, C. Shannon, O. Scott, K. Brookner, E. Kemp, A. Cooper, M. Peters.

Fourth row,: H. Joslyn, F. Anderson, R. Story, P. Lee, M. Perrault, A. Ueland, K. Haas.

Fifth row: M. Hendricksen, D. Vermilya, B. Hartman, K. Crotty, V. Booth, D. Skalicky, D. Thompson.


The Kindergarten room holds many memories for those Kindergarten Clubmemberswho meetthereeach month.Thisclubalwayswelcomes new members with a halloween tea. Soon after, the annual Christmas card sale to raise money for the KindergartenScholarship Fund is started. Probablythe most pleasantmemory is the "ChristmasSing" where carols are sung by candlelight and Miss Sutherland tells a Christmas story.Otherinterestingmeetingsfollow.

The club's officers are Elaine Wildgrube,president;Cathrine Brookner, firstvice president; IreneThompson,second vice president; Ethel Kamp,third vice president; Helen Joslyn,secretary; Lucille Benedict, treasurer;and MissesSutherland and Schwable,sponsors.

J. Harris.


Front row: D. Baker, E. Wildgrube. J. Brouillette, K. Junkins, L. Gage, M. Austenson, N. King, O. Schell.

Second row: L. Lampe, M. Little, M. Rodgers, M. Koren, J. Risser, E. Buslemeier,-M. Roschen, E. Kumm,

Fourth row: D. Skalicky, S. Lee, V. Hanke, E. Brodin, Mrs. Randall.

Third row: E. Anderson, M. Taylor, B, Coe, R. Hassig, M. Wehrenberg, R. Spencer, E. Bucher, Z.


studentsinterested in the primarydepartment. The Septembermeeting was of the usual get-acquaintedtype. There

A friendly club is the Primary Club whose membership is open to all

followed a supper meeting, the Christmas party in December, Miss

Pritchard'slecture on her Balticcruise, a Valentineparty, and the an-

tary; and Miss Gage,sponsor.

nualpicnic in May. All these activities were under the leadership of DorothyBaker,presi-

dent; KathrynJunkins, first vice president; Elaine Wildgrube, second

vice president; Vernice Ursella, treasurer; MargueriteSeeling, secre-

First row: M. Sundquist, D. Lumovich, G. Rauk, B. Lewold, J. Lerstad, L. Prusow, E. Green, G. Chapel, O. Schell.

Second row: E. Rutherford, M. Maki, I. Johnson, F. Brakke, N. Jacobson, L. Sanden, A. Ebert, S.

Anderson, A. Thurow, L. Whitman.

Third row: D. Cummings, M. Buggs, E. Germundson, A. Nelson, D. Ruhnau, M. Bruegger, E. Rouze, M.

Thill, L. Johnston, N. King, D. Tentis.

Fourth row: E. Mari, H. Fleming, Miss Clark, V. Robb, B. Johnson, N. Lee, M. Keller, G. Englerth, R. Sandlie, D. Thomson.


"The world has need of those who work,"exemplifiesthe spirit of the Intermediate Grade Club. Perhapstheir largest bit of work was done whentheysponsoredthe all-collegeparty in November. In addition to this the club had several Interesting meetings during the year consisting of the Christmas tea, a lecture by Mr. Owens, and a picnic in May. Officers of the club are: Alice Ebert, president;Shirley5ievers, vice president: Fyrn Carrigan, secretary-treasurer. Miss Ella Clark is the club sponsor.


First row: V. Ray, D, Ruhnau, S. Raulc, H. Pfeilsticker, M, Carlson, M. Rodgers, R. Jaastad.

Second row: Miss Bartsch, D. Cummings, M. Taylor, A. Krismer, L. Johnston, A. Nelson, V. Hanke, F.

Third row: E. Meri, L. Olson, L. Sanden, A. Brink, I. Davis, G. Hanson, G. Englerth.

Fourth row: E. Rouze, S. Anderson, G. Fawcett, D. Elstad, E. Moechnig, D. Johnson.


conditions of teaching may be bettered. This club also enters into the social life of the college. One of the

The Country Life Club provides an opportunity for students inter-

features of the social year being the all-college party sponsored by

ested in rural teaching to come together in an organized group to

talk over the problems related to that field of education so that

the Country Life Club in April. Old time dances were featured at

and Bartsch, sponsors.

this party.Officers of the club are: Lois Welch, president; Lylah Onstad, vice

president; Dorothy Elstad, secretary-treasurer; Misses Christensen


With the carrying out of its three-fold purpose—religious, educational, and social—the Newman Club has banded together a large group of college students.

The variety of activities sponsored by the club has aroused the interest of the Catholic students of the college. Each quarter the Newman Club holds a communion breakfast with well-known men of Winona as guest speakers. A picnic to acquaint new members with the old was held in the early part of the school year and was followed by several other social meetings, including a Christmas party. The annual sleigh ride was one of the outstanding successes.

The Newman snapbook is an interesting record of the club's many activities.

Officers of the club are: president, William Kaczrowski; vice president, Delores Busse; secretary, Arlene Fahey; treasurer, Joe Flynn; sponsor. Miss Clark.

First row: N. Jenia, D. Meyer, D, Vitali, W. Kaczrowski, M. Busse, K. Crotty, S, Snyder.

Second row: K. Boucher, K. Haas, D. Tentis, R. Spencer, D, Skalicky, E. Knutson, Mrs. Randall, M. Jenia.

Third row: D. Molloy, R. Ahern, D. Busse, J. Flynn, B. Berrum, R. Johnson.

Fourth row: C. Mandt, R. Kenney, J. McVey, A. Andrejek, L. Walsh, L. Shaffer, Mr. Galligan.

J. Campbell.

Second row: V. Kurzweg, E. Knutson, L. Johnson, E. Sermundson, F. Anderson, H. Joslyn, C. Shannon.

First row: M. Sumner, M. Austenson, J, Lerstad, H. Kjome, G. Peterson, C. Brink, R. Stephenson,

Third row: A. Sunby, L. Sanden, L. Simons, I. Rouze, D. Baker, A. Thurow, M. Rohde, M. Maki, A. Fahey.

Fourth row: D. Cummings, L. Glissendorf, D. Millar, S. Anderson, E. Kropidloski, L. Kumm.

Fifth row: D. Ruhnau, F. Brakke, M. Little, M. Larson, G.Chapel, R. Moering, L. Robinson.

With the traditional services rendered by the "Big Sisters" and the

early.The Y.W.C.A. is principally a service club. In the fall old members

annual "Friendship Day" program, Y.W.C.A. activities were begun

of friendship. At Christmas time the girls made toys for the children at the Mar-

are given "Big Sister" duties to help new girls become acquainted.

At the annual "Friendship Day" program Miss Sutherland spoke to

garetSimpson Home and sang Christmascarols at the county home.

the assembly and the Y.W.C.A. girls distributed flowers as tokens

was continued this year with great success. Officersforthis year are: Viola Kurzweg, president; Gerda Peterson,

The social programs of having stickers—anonymous club friends—

vice president; Lois Simons, secretary; Harriet Kjome, treasurer.

Miss Richards and Miss Cramer are the facultyadvisers.



The Womens Athletic Board supervises the athletic program for all women of the college. The board aims to make the college woman acquainted with the sport program. In accord with this a watermelon fete was held early in the fall. A tea was given at the end of the fall quarter. To carry out a plan for the seasons and for every interest, soccer is played in the fall, basketball in the winter, and volleyball, badminton and baseball in the spring quarter.

First row: E. Kemp, A. Thurow, E- Meyer, S. Snyder, Miss Talbot. Second row: L. Simons, D. Kissling, L Whitman.



This season's record is as follows:






It is a pleasure this year not to begin a resume of the football season by saying, although not outstanding in the victory column, the football season did have itsmerits. This year we can proudly say we did have a good football team, and an analysis of the team's record more than substantiates this.

At the outset of the season. Coach Jackson was faced with a difficult task of replacing such men as Arns, Jorris, H. Schmidt, J. Eifeldt, W. Hanson and others. However, Coach Jackson was not without a nucleus on which to build. Among the outstanding veterans returning were Captain Wolverton, all-conference guard the previous year, R. Spencer, E. Spencer, Andrejek, Kraft, Barski, Kaczrowski, Dettloff, and Roelofs. Among the outstanding freshmen were Clawson, Sulack, Moynihan, and N. Johnson. Four Warriors, three backfield men and one lineman, were selected by the coaches' poll as members of the all-conference team. They were Wolverton at guard, R. Spencer at fullback, E. Spencer at halfback, and Art Andrejek at quarterback. Sulack was placed on the all-conference second team at tackle.


First row: M. Wolverton, N. Johnson, C. Sulack, A. Andrejek, E. Barski, W. Kaczrowski, E. Spencer.

Second row: H. Torgerson, J. Clauson, J, Flynn, R. Johnson, L Walsh, C. Libby, L. Schmidt, S. Kraft.

Third row: C. Dettloff, F. Moynihan, M. Roelofs, A. Thurley, K. Campion, R. Eastin, D. Gardner, T. Siiria.

Fourth row: R. Dahlman, V. Wood, R. Darrington, R. Rowell, E. Einhorn, C. Duncanson, H. Grudem, E. Brandt.

Fifth row: H. Brokken, J. Kalbrener, A. Flint, Asst. Coach Fisk, Coach Jackson, R. Spencer, R. Steffes.

yê iià f - HJ 1 Ji ^ b9 MPH^ar im

First row: W. Kacirowski, R. Spencer, B. Baesler, H. Srudem, A. Andrejek, C. Duncanson, H. Brokken, L. Walker.

Second row: G. Peterson, E. Spencer, V. Wood, M. Roelofs, R. Eastln, L. Arns, Coach Fisk. Third row: D. Johnson, R. Foss.


Without a doubt the surprise team of the year was the championship basketball team. Through the skillful coaching of Charles Fisk, the boys before they realized it were championship contenders. It was their cooperation and competitive spirit that made this possible. The fact that three games in conference play were won in overtime periods seem to be prima-facie evidence of the fighting spirit of the team.

It is true the Warriors lost the city championship to St. Mary's but they were beaten by a truly great team. In conference play the Warriors had seven wins in eight games, losing only to Mankato.

The ten men who won varsity letters were: Captain Andrejek, Grudem, R. Spencer, Kaczrowski, Duncansón, Baesler, Walker, Brokken, E. Spencer, and Arns.

Art Andrejek was placed at forward and Ralph Spencer at guard by the coaches who picked the N.T.C.A.C. All-Conference team. H. Grudem and Kaczrowski received honorable mention.

As a result of winning the conference championship, the Warriors were again invited to attend the National Basketball Tournament at Kansas City, Mo Although losing in the first game, the Warriors made a respectable showing.

The following are the results of the season:

Winona 41 LaCrosse 48 Winona 39 Bemidji 40 Winona 37 St. Cloud 31 Winona 59 Alumni 36 Winona 38 Mankato 45 Winona 39 Stout 40 Winona 26 St. Mary's 47 Winona 40 Stout 48 Winona 53 Mankato 52 Winona 49 Moorhead 44 Winona 42 Duluth 36 Winona 33 Rochester 24 Winona 46 La Crosse 33 Winona 43 St. Cloud 38 Winona 42 Moorhead 37 Winona 32 St. Mary's 45 Winona 28 Nibbing 36 ♦Winona 40 Culver-Stockton 53 *Post-season game.


This year's baseball team was one of the best since baseball was introduced in the college as a majorsport due to the return of many veterans and a promising crop of freshmen. The team'scaptain was Ed. Barski, a fighter if there ever was one. Other outstanding returning lettermen were R. Spencer,catcher; Kaczrowski,shortstop; E. Spencer and G. Smith, outfielders; D. Johnson, first base; and LaVerne Arns, pitcher. Some of the outstanding newcomers were Jozwiak and Weber, pitchers; Brandt, catcher; Wood, second base; Flynn, third base; and R. Johnson, Baesler, Eastin, and Peterson, outfielders. The line-drive hits of Barski and Spencer, the sharp-breaking curves of Arns, the errorless fielding of Kaczrowski, and the consistenthitting of D. Johnson were some of the highlights of this year'steam. A schedule of 14 games was played with LaCrosse, Eau Claire, St. Mary's, Mankato, and St. Cloud.

Front row: L. Arns, R. Spencer, J. Joswiak, E. Barski, R. Johnson, W, Kacirowski, E. Spencer, Coach S. J. Pawelek. Back row: B. Baesler, D. Johnson, E. Brandt, R. Eastin, G. Smith, J. Flynn, V. Wood.



Galligan's call. The team will be led by Captain Stuart Farmer, holder of the state record in the

Track for the past two seasons appeared to be on a decline, but this year there was a

revival of interest in this ancient sport. A large group of men responded to Coach


discus and the outstanding weight man on the team. Besides Farmer, other returning

lettermen and their specialties are: Wolverton, pole vault and shot; Dettloff, 220 and

440; Ottman, high fump; Grudem, mile and two mile; and Grimm, javelin.

Among the large number of newcomers and last year's non-lettermen are several

outstanding prospects who although lacking in experience should develop into out-

standingtrackmen in a year or two. Those who have caught Coach Galligan's eye are

and Brokken and Andrejek in the pole vault and broadjump. The schedule of meets was as follows:

Davidson and J. Carlson in the hurdles; Rich, Westfall, Steffes, Sulack, Kalbrener,

April 28

Schmidt and Roelofs in the running events; Duncanson and Thurley in the weights;

May 5

May 19

May 26

Dragon Relays at Moorhead.

State meet at St. Cloud.

Triangular meet at Winona,GustavusAdolphus,LaCrosse andWinona.

Triangular meet at Winona, Mankato, LaCrosse and Winona.

First row: Coach G. E. Salligan, D. Rich, C. Sulacit, H. Srudem, S. Farmer, C. Duncanson, H. Brokken, J. Davidson. row; J. Carlson, R. Steffes, J. Kalbrener, A. Thurley, M. Roelofs, T. Siirila, R. Westfall. row: J. Trisch, L. Schmidt, R. Ahern, E. Einhorn, W. Smith, L. King,


Interest in tennis this year seemed to be on the upward swing. Althoughthe number of veteransreturning were few in number, a large number of newcomers with unusual promisereported to Coach Fisk. The lettermenreturning were H. Johnson,Schoenrock, and Whitlock, who filled in the first three positions.Newcomers who made a good impression were Kochendoerfer, Foss, Bremer, Walker, Siebold, J. Carlson, and Rosenow. In addition to the state tournament at St. Cloud, meets were held with St. Mary's, Eau Claire, LaCrosse, and Mankato.

E. Schoenrock, R. Rosenow, R. Foss, H. Kochendorfer, C. Whitlock, E. Siebold, J. Carlson.


out is not due to a lack of interest, but is due to other activities as basketball which

keep many away. Mervale Wolverton, a classy boxer and good punisher, was again in charge of the

for bodybuilding and sportsmanship. The reason for the rather small number who turn

Althoughboxing is not as popular as some ofthe othersports, if the number who turn

boxing class. During the first half of the quarter most of the time was spent on learn-

out is an indication of popularity, it still has its merits. It providesexcellentopportunity

ing fundamentals such as the various punches and the technique of footwork. During

champions is as follows:

boys attempted to apply their learning in active boxing.

The climax of the course was the annual all-college boxing tournament. The bouts

the remainder of the quarter the class was divided into the various divisions and the

consisted of two rounds of boxing and a third if necessary to determine the winner.

This year four college champions in the various divisions were crowned. The list of

135 pounds

145 pounds 165 pounds 175 pounds

Fronf row: R. Johnson, C. Fuller, S. Farmer, K. Campion, M. Wolverton, coach. Back row: W. Carlson, R. Steffes, J. Ollom.


Volleyball is without a doubt one of the most popular intramural sports as is evidenced by the large number of students that take part in this spring activity.

All those who desire to take part are divided into teams of apparently equal ability by the intramural board. The tournament is then run off in round-robin fashion, i.e., each team playing each other once.

A team composed of faculty members was also in the tournament; and we must admit that without that lâam, something would have been lacking.

This year's tournament was run off smoothly and efficiently, and as far as the boys were concerned, it ended all too soon.


This year's intramural basketball race ran true to tradition. The scores were close; pre-season favorites did not win; interest was keen; and fun was had by all. In other words, all the factors necessary for a successful tournament were present.

As usual the members who took part were limited to non-varsity players. To enable those who worked on Saturdays to take part, this year, instead of playing the games on Saturday mornings, the games were played twice a week after school.

The highlight of the tournament was the championship drive by the Ford V8's captained by G. Peterson. The V8's starting slowly won 7 out of 9 games to cop the championship. Individual scoring honors went to Cedric Dettloff who scored 90 points in 7 games.

The all-star teams were as follows:

The standings of the teams were as follows:

TEAM CAPTAIN POINTS Tigers Kraft 207 Yanks Arns 193 Bees Flint 187 White Sox Schmidt 187 Reds Einhorn 164 Faculty Galligan 160 Cubs Davidson 154 Giants Weber 130
At the close of the season the teams ranked as follows:
FIRST TEAM POSITION SECOND TEAM J. Carlson F Flynn Siebold F Wolverton Farmer C Darrington Kalbrenner G G. Smith Dettloff G G. Peterson
TEAM CAPTAIN W L % Ford V8 G. Peterson 7 2 778 Austin S. Farmer 6 3 667 Oldsmobile C. Dettloff 5 4 556 International M. Wolverton 5 4 556 Dodge E. Barski 4 4 500 Packard W. Carlson 4 4 500 Model T N. Fjetland 4 5 444 Chevrolet G. Smith 3 5 375 Pontiac N. Mindrum x 3 5 375 Plymouth L. Ottman 2 7 223

Snicker with us tor awhile, Leave us with a hearty smile, And the work this book has made Will be very well repaid.

Dear Friends:

Under the new F. L. I. L R. S. (Federal Law for Issuing Licenses to Radio Stations) a new radio station must publish a bulletin containing sample programs of what it will present on the air. The N. C. F. 1. N. R. S. (National Committee for Investigating New Radio Stations) will study the bulletin to determine whether or not the applicant should receive a license. In making its decision, the committee will also consider comments from the public.

It is the hope of W. S. T. C. that they will receive a license to operate a radio station, and they issue this bulletin for public inspection. If you like the programs, write to the N. C. F. I. N. R. S., box 7,854,239.4, Washington, D. C. If you do not like them, write to us in care of W. S. T. C., Winona, Minnesota.


Schedule of Programs

1. UNCLE SAESOP'S TALES; sponsors, the Queen Quilt Co.

2. THE AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF THE ETHER; sponsors, the Tootsie Wootsie Baby Garment Co.

3. THE COLLEGE HOUR; sponsors, the U Wreck Urn, We Fix Urn Fresh Air Tire Repair Shop.

4. W. S. T. C. NEWS—ON AND OFF THE CAMPUS, furnished by the Nosey Rag.

5. FOR MEN ONLY; sponsors, the Lavender Talcum Co.

6. LOONEY VALLEY, presented by Station W. S. T. C.

The Queen Quilt Company presents UNCLE SAESOP'S TALES. Don't shoot that bed partner of yours! Get him a new Queen Quilt with a snore muffler attached. This device that slips over the head like a night cap muffles snores so they will not disturb anyone in the room and yet provides the sleeper with plenty of fresh air. It is so comfortable you will not know you have it on. You can get a Queen Quilt with one snore muffler for a single bed or with two snore mufflers for a double bed. Go to your nearest Queen Quilt dealer and ask to try a new Queen Quilt with a snore muffler attached.

And now, here is Uncle Adolph Saesop with a fable for you:

"Once upon a time there was a frivolous Grasshopper, who spent the summer months in singing and dancing and never even thought of working. Near him lived an industrious Ant, who toiled from dawn till dark every day storing wealth for the long winter. Upon the approach of inclement weather, the Grasshopper went to the Ant and said, 'Please, Mr. Ant, can you let me have a little food for this winter's consumption? I thought I had plenty of time to lay by a store for myself, but the snow and the cold weather came upon me unexpectedly. If you will let me have a little food now, I will gladly work hard and pay you back next summer.'

"But the Ant replied, 'While I was working all day long to lay aside enough to care for me this winter, you were wasting your time, and you even laughed at my industry. If you had had some backbone and had thought of the future, you would not now have to ask for help but would be prepared for winter as I am. Therefore, Mr. Grasshopper, go your way and don't bother me.'

"Whereupon the Ant went to his room and read in the newspaper that the bank in which he had stored his wealth had gone bankrupt.

"The Moral: So why work?"

Uncle Adolph Saesop will be a regular weekly program, brought to you each Monday by the makers of Queen Quilts. We hope you will have many hours of enjoyable sleep with your Queen Quilt.

This is the AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF THE ETHER, brought to you each week by the Tootsie Wootsie Baby Garment Company. On this program, talks will be given by notable people from all over the country. If you want to show us your appreciation, buy Tootsie Wootsie Garments for those little tots. Tootsie Wootsie Baby Garments are leaders in style and in quality.

The first lecture presented on this program will be given by Doctor Duck of the Quack Quack Clinic, located at Hoboachen, Wisconsin. His topic will be "How to Plan Your Day to Get the Maximum Health Benefits" and will be addressed especially to the students of the Winona State Teachers College. Doctor Duck

"The subject of health is one which is extremely important to every one of us, but it is alarming to realize how tew people, especially college students, know how to plan a day's activities in such a way that they can best protect their health. It is my purpose, therefore, to outline for you the daily road to good health.

"The first thing you should do, after waking up, of course, is to arise. The next step varies with different individuals. Some people like to exercise as soon as they get out of bed, while others prefer to exercise just before retiring. You ail know that exercising uses up energy. It is all right to exercise either at the beginning or at the end of the day, but you should not burn your candles at both ends.

"Whether or not exercise is taken, you should eat a hearty breakfast. There is a limit to the heartiness, however. The breakfast should not exceed six eggs, four bowls of cereal, five cups of coffee, and two pieces of pie.

"After breakfast is over you are ready for school. The morning should not be a period of hard exercise. Your breakfast will give you only so much energy, and you must conserve that energy so it will last until noon. On the way to school you should walk leisurely. If you start for school immediatey after breakfast, there is no reason for you to hurry. When you are in school, relax in your classes! Be at easel Take an occasional note, so your teacher will know you're awake, but don't force yourself. If the circumstances become such that it is necessary for you to recite, stand up to do it, but do not use unnecessarily vigorous motions.

"There is no limit on your noon meal other than that imposed by your pocketbook, your landlady, or the dormitory. When the meal is over, lie on your bed or relax in an easy chair for fifteen minutes.

"You are now ready tor the most strenuous part of your day. In the afternoon you will have both physical and mental exercise. Two good ways to get the physical exercise are:

(I) to walk to school more briskly than you did in the mbrning, and

(2) to go from your locker to the third floor and back at least three times during the afternoon. If you find that you have to go to the library for some reason, that trip may be substituted for one journey to the top floor of the main building. The mental exercise consists of studying your lessons or working a good cross-word puzzle. After such strenuous exercise you should relax. Read something light—something unimportant—something that will not tax your mind. The funny papers are fine for this.

"Supper—or dinner, if you prefer to call it that—is another big meal. You don't have to be at all particular about what you eat. If you can't eat just any old thing, your health is not good, and you should see your doctor immediately.

"The evening is for recreation. The type of recreation depends entirely upon the amount of energy left from the afternoon. A hard afternoon will mean a lazy evening, and vice versa.

"When you go to bed, you should fall asleep instantly and sleep soundly, because it is during this period of sleep that your body restores the energy you have used during the day. If you can't sleep, get up and eat a bag of peanuts and drink a pint of milk. I won't guarantee what kind of dreams you'll have, but you'll sleep."

Next week the Tootsie Wootsie Baby Garment Company will present Sergeant Huntum Downe of the Drowsie Detective Agency of New York, who will discuss the subject, "How to Capture a Burglar in Your Parlor in Ten Easy Steps."


A good Samaritan, passing an apartment house in the small hours of the morning, noticed a man leaning limply against the doorway.

"What's the matter?" he asked. "Drunk?"


"Do you live in this house?"


"Do you want me to help you upstairs?"


With much difficulty he half dragged, half carried the drooping figure up the stairway to the second floor.

"What floor do you live on?" he asked. "Is this it?"


Rather than face an irate wife who might, perhaps, take him for a companion more at fault than her spouse, he opened the first door he came to and pushed the limp figure in.

The good Samaritan groped his way downstairs again. As he was passing through the vestibule he was able to make out the dim outlines of another man, apparently in worse condition than the first one.

"What's the matter?" he asked. "Are you drunk, too?"

"Yep," was the feeble reply.

"Do you live in this house, too?"


"Shall I help you upstairs?"

IIV l> Yep.

"The good Samaritan pushed, pulled, and carried him to the second floor, where this man also said he lived. He opened the same door and pushed him in.

As he reached the front door he discerned the shadow of a third man, evidently worse off than either of the other two. He was about to approach him when the object of his solicitude lurched out into the street and threw himself into the arms of a passing policeman.

"For Heaven's sake, off'cer," he gasped, "protect me from that man. He's done nothing ail night long but carry me upstairs 'n' throw me down th' elevator shaf."

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. How glad you must be to have THE COLLEGE HOUR again on the air. This fifteen minute program is sponsored by the "U Wreck Um, We Fix Um Fresh Air Tire Repair Shop," which specializes in fixing flats. Ladies and gentlemen, no matter what goes flat—from your party to your pocketbook—call the "U Wreck Um, We Fix Um Fresh Air Tire Repair Shop" and get rounded out. Hours are from 9:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m.; but if you desperately need aid outside the regular hours, a bill of permission and a license may be granted to one of our master mechanics to come to you in your dire distress.

But now for our program. Today the cast will present a model initiation according to the way any faculty would want it. In the main hall of Wildcat College we find a number of calm sophomores initiating a mob of bewildered freshmen. One sophomore. Wiggle Waggle Wumpster, is taking the floor (where, I don't know)! A group of dignified faculty members are reclining in the rear of the hall watching the proceedings with grave concern. Listen while Wiggle Wumpster says

"Now, Fellow Searchers after Supreme Knowledge, we invite you to partake in what we call our annual Flop. You see, we wish to get the most activity out of the least possible movement, as it is a tradition in this institution that sophomores be lazy. First of all, let's sing the Alma Mater. You stand, but we won't. If you don't know the song yet, you may use the books." (Mad stampede toward the pile of books, followed by the singing of the Alma Mater.)

"Mr. Iwishu Goodnight, our beloved professor of Boatraceology, a stocky man who has a beaming smile for even a failure student, will now give the annual welcome address as a representative of the faculty."

"Ahem—young men and women, future teachers of this great universe, we, the faculty of Wildcat College, wish to express our welcome to you in the simplest manner possible. Therefore, I won't speak but a minute.

"We hope sincerely that you find the college friendly and helpful to you in anything .it.d everything you undertake, and we hope you undertake a great deal. Let us hope, however, that you all don't become literally undertakers, heh, heh.

"We have great traditions at Wildcat College which must be upheld. Again we must produce a champion chess star, an accomplished dominoes player, a good cross-word puzzle fiend, a candid cameraman, and an artistic pick-pocket. And after looking into the faces of these freshmen. I'm sure it will be an easy job.

"Thank you for allowing me these few minutes of your time, and I will now turn the initiation proceedings back to Mr. Wumpster."

"Thank you, Mr. Goodnight. Now, dear fellow students, we will adjourn to the gymnasium for social entertainment. We want each of you to adopt the following resolution: 'I resolve to become very well acquainted with some member of my class this evening.' To further this resolution, we wish that the young women would line up on thenorth side of the hall and the young men on the south side. As you leave the room by the west door, you will do so in couples. May many a budding romance result."

Announcer: And that, friends, was the result when the faculty of Wildcat College took down the bars and let the students have an initiation. Your sponsors are the "U Wreck Um, We Fix Um Fresh Air Tire Repair Shop."

How do you do, ladies and gentlemen? We bring you "W.S.T.C. NEWS—ON AND OFF THE CAMPUS."

First a new development in regard to the library situation. The location of the new library building has brought about many tardy cases among the student body. Several individuals find it impossible to take a book to the library and get back to the main building in time for class. The solution suggested by one far-sighted person is simply this: an NYA crew will be employed to check books in at Somsen Hall and to transport them to the library later in the day. The school authorities feel certain that the NYA students will fulfill their task willingly and will not strike for higher wages when cold weather comes next winter.

Now news of activities in a sister college. Last fall we were informed that every Tuesday night was proclaimed "ladies' night" at this college. On this "night of nights" the female species would ask the gentlemen for dates, and would treat them accordingly all evening. Oddly enough, there were no complaints from the men. In fact, they relished the idea, especially when thinking of financial embodiment.

However, when things are carried too far, results are often disastrous. A follow-up report tells us that two men recently have suffered nervous collapses caused by fretting over their "wall flower inertia" (not being asked). There have been fifteen failures in credits as a result of the over-popularity of certain males; and, worst of all, there have been two marriages. The girls popped the question, of course.

A flash has just come over the wires from southern Iowa. Two young farmer boys climbed a corn stalk to see what the sky and clouds look like, and now the stalk is growing faster than they can climb down. There is grave danger that they will starve to death unless they can be brought to the ground soon. So far they have subsisted wholly on green corn and have already thrown down nine bushels of cobs. Á crew of six men has taken a contract to chop the stalk down with axes, but it is growing so fast they can't hit the same place twice. Aside from the danger of starvation, there is likelihood that in a few days the two boys will reach such a high altitude that they will freeze to death. There has been some talk of attempting their rescue with a balloon.

For further details, read the Nosey Rag.

"FOR MEN ONLY"—the program which women go for In a big way. But listen, men, shoo the women away from the radio tonight, for you will receive excellent advice on a very delicate procedure. Surely you. don't want the women to know all your secrets, do you?

This absorbing weekly program is sponsored by the Lavender Talcum Company, the company which has put men on an equal basis with women—when it comes to talcs. You men all remember the days when there WAS no Lavender talcum powder, and you remember how snooty the women used to be because of their flowery odor. But today, men, you no longer need to feel inferior, for Lavender Talcum can do for you what no other powder can. It actually attracts women! It makes you alluring in a rustic sort of way. Buy Lavender and be attractive!

And now for our program. Here is Mr. Robert Seatly, who will discuss "How to Prepare for a College Prom." Mr. Seatly.

"Good evening, men. Tonight I shall talk on a subject for which I have received numerous requests. With spring in the air and graduation in the offing, our topic is very timely.

"In preparing for a college prom there are essential elements to be considered. The first of these is the suit. As you all know, it really should be pressed. Of course, you CAN go in baggy pants; but be sure and dance only in the dark corners, so no one will be the wiser. If you do send your blue serge to the cleaners, have it delivered at least sixty minutes before you plan to depart for the affair. If your shining armor arrives late, you will be sure to tear something trying to get into it in a hurry.

"Then there's the shoes proposition. Wear good, hard leather shoes, preferably with steel toes. These proms are always stamping parties! Steel cleats reveal subtle discrimination in your choice of foot-gear, too, as 'revenge is sweet.' It is not necessary to get the shoes shined, unless you lead the grand march or plan to say hello to the chaperones.

"The tie is essential to your outfit. An open neck is not acceptable, for nowadays hair insists on growing high on a man's chest. (Ain't it the truth?) Always choose your cravat to blend with the color scheme of your partner's gown. Nevery worry about your own appearanee. After all, who do you think you are?

"In selecting a shirt, choose one without a back, sleeves, or even a collar. Then you needn't feel as though you were suffocating. What you want is ventilation, and that's what you get when you wear this type of chest coverer.

"The pocket handkerchief should add color. The best standard hues for men are coral pink, sea green, and deep purple. You MAY use gentian blue if you like. Have this dashing bit of silk (or linen) peeping over the edge of the pocket. This helps you to acquire that shy demeanor.

"Finally comes the flower. Choose one of the masculine kinds—honeysuckle, sunflower, or hollyhock. It should be worn on your right shoulder; but if it's too burdensome there, you may hook it around your neck. Oh, I forgot—if you sport a pocket handkerchief, you shouldn't use a boutonnaire. Oh, well, at a prom you can do things up proper. Good night."

You have been listening to the "FOR MEN ONLY" program sponsored by the Lavender Talcum Company. Remember Lavender—it's like lavender and lace, that story—or that poem by Amy Lowell. No, let me see that was "Patterns." But whatever it's like, don't forget it. Adiós.

Each evening Station W.S.T.C. will present a program entitled LOONEY VALLEY, which will consist of poetry read to the accompaniment of appropriate music. Since this is a bulletin and we therefore will not be able to play music for you, we suggest you have a friend hum or sing soft music while you read the following gems:

There was a man who fancied that By driving good and fast He'd get his car across the track Before the train came past. He'd miss the engine by an inch And make the train hands sore. There was a man who fancied this— There isn't any more.

Kissing spreads germs, so 'tis stated, But kiss me, kid; I'm vaccinated.

Fate hit me very hard one day. I cried, "What is my fault? What have I done? What causes, pray. This unprovoked assault?"

She paused, then said, "Darned if I know; I really can't explain."

Then ¡ust before she turned to go She whacked me once again!

Maud Muller, on a summer night. Turned down the only parlor light. The judge, beside her, whispered things Of wedding bells and diamond rings. He spoke his love in burning phrase. And acted foolish forty ways. When he had gone Maud gave a laugh And then turned off the dictagraph.

There was a young lady named Hannah, Who slipped on a peel of banana. More stars she espied As she lay on her side Than are found in the Star Spangled Banner. A gentleman sprang to assist her; He picked up her glove and her wrister; "Did you fall Ma'am?" he cried; "Did you think," she replied, "I sat down for the fun of it. Mister?"

Yes, life's like poker, sure enough; It pays to know just when to bluff.

1. Bill's "Makes you want to dive" dive—

2. Bernard "C" Busse without his pipe

3. Lucas Lodge

4. The front row at the boat-races!

5. Ha, Ha

6. What! an empty davenport?

7. People Want Attention

8. Why, Mr. Reed

9. No. 8's twin

10. Experts on "How to stay in love"

I I. Yoo hoo. Bunny, bet cha can't make it—

12. We want an olive, too

13. A study in expression

14. "I'm bashful"—We wonder—

15. How do you do, Mr. French


16. Doughskî, Rayski, Meeski—

17. Rah-Rahlogy

18. Geeeee—

19. Time Marches on

20. "That's great! I think we can use you"

21. Moonbeam Trio

22. Mr. and Mrs. Walker

23. One of the college's recreational centers

24. "Books and Wisdom—"

25. Library dedication

26. Gotta new girl, Veir?

27. Five little snow-maids

28. Bats

29. Hung on a clothes line—

30. The Journal at night—

31. Napoleon, as I live and breathe—

32. Our door man, Friday—

33. Phooey, to you—

34. Co-ed-ucational activities

35. Peelc-a-boo, Darwin—

36. Do you SMOKE, Ray?

37. Love in the winter—

38. We're sittin' high on a hilltop—

39. Ahhhh—

40. Library dedication

41. I wonder who's kissing her now?

42. A nice talk. Miss Sutherland—

43. You just know they're freshmen by the way they study—

44. It's a good thing this isn't Rochester—

45. This room is NOT for studying—

46. Rah-Rah-Rah!

47. Three guesses—what is it?

48. Incense burner

49. Ever-faithful-to-his-girl—Schuh

50. Me

51. Tin pan alley

52. Mrs. Duel

53. Isn't it heavenly?

54. The vacant bench

* ^ ^1If-M

55. Eddie

56. Another freshman

57. Ho Hum

58. Two little girls from school are we—

59. Morey Hallers

60. Our boy from Stockton

61. Prize winning legs

62. Cleaning women

63. Whoops, my dear!

64. We are the boys from the Institute-

65. Mr. Reed and his family

66. Winonan Editor

67. What's in the bottle?

68. More Morey Hallers

69. Wonder who he's got out tonight?

70. The east door

71. Bicyclists

72. Personality smile

73. Adolph

74. Why, Evie—

75. Out of Shepard Hall window

76. From old Mexico

77. Mammie and Margie—

78. Studious Dorothy

79. Mahatma—ha, ha!

80. Ride 'em cowboy—

81. Slugs

82. Smile pretty

83. On a Sunday afternoon—

84. Brothers and Sisters—we are gathered together—

85. On the top of the world—

86. We knew her, when—

87. All alone on the steps 88. Anatomy class 89. And more anatomy class 90. On the dam 91. Yum, yum— 92. West Lodge 93. The forgotten men 94. Atlas and his world 95. Lake Winona 96. Pillar maids 97. Extremes 98. Dead but not forgotten 99. Social room
Dead but forgotten
Mr. Scarborough's travels

I 10. Freshmen Initiation

111. Ohooooo—

112. Concentration

I 13. This is the way we study our lessons, study our lessons

I 14. Small town boy makes good—

I 15. Industrious Jean

116. I tall down and go boom!

103. Men at work
104. Young Spence
105. More and more Morey Hallers 106. Sunfish and Peg
107. All's right with the world
108. Girls
109. Betty-Lou

I 17. Moonlight Sonata

I 18. The bedtime thinkers

I 19. I see you—

120. Wonder what he's doing—

121. Coach

122. West Lodge

123. The Indians are coming—Yipee

124. The dorm waitresses

125. Swinging in the swing

126. Three on a porch

127. Somebody framed Dewey

128. Tarzan Fjetland

129. Chanticler's tale

130. West Lodge's handsome brutes

131. Stew

132. My, what big feet you have, grandma

133. More men at work—

134. The inseparable Rich's

135. Greta Garbo

136. "Kertzie"

137. Three little gals all in a row—

138. Co-eds

(39. All on a summer's day—

140. The cornerstone—

141. Ann

143. Why You—!

144. A fencer drawing—

145. A beheadin!

146. Hello

147. West end rats

148. More library dedication

149. Affection

150. Is it an airyplane?


We wish to extend our sincere thanks to the business men of Winona whose generous patronage has helped make the publication of the 1939 Wenonah possible.



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Manufacturers of Windov/ and Door Frames, Packing Boxes and Craies, Quality Mill Work

St. C. J. McVey, Prop.
and Wilson WINONA, MINN. Phone 3552 Winona, Minn. Compliments of COMPLIMENTS OF A FRIEND Mississippi Valley Public Service Co. R. D. CONE COMPANY RELIABLE INSURANCE WHOLESALE and RETAIL HARDWARE 66-70 East Second Street Winona Insurance Agency Phone 4052 Since 1855 E'(change Building Phone 2875 Compliments of A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE F. W. WOOLWORTH CO. COMPLIMENTS OF THE HOTEL WINONA and the PARK HOTEL

The 80 yard run, the senior class play, sodas at the Greek’s, the roommate’s tie collection, the Physics prof it is the purpose of the school annual to graphically portray and preserve these pleasurable memories a nd it is within the province of Harrison & Smith Co. first, to aid in the designing of an annual with a purpose, and second, to produce a care and skill born of long experience, '^distinctive annual.

Ô' U ^^(jood Printers Since 1871 520 Washington Avenue North MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.
Special Rates on Application Pictures
Opposite Library ★ Compliments of THE STAR Shoe Repair Shop Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing 174 Main St. Shoe B&D Store "Let us fit your feet" Compliments of SPANTON’S dl licensed orti SANITONE ° 2175 CLEANER L. 3rd Home of Taylor-Made Ice Cream Complete Fountain Service—Lunches Winona Cleaning Works 159 West King St. Phone 4515 Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Hatters Compliments of GEO. H. PLETKE WINONA THEATER CO. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES We carry a complete STATE WINONA AVON line of FINEST FROSTED FOODS HHfcSHll Williams Book & Stationery BAKER'S SHEAFFER FOUNTAIN PENS Family Shoe Store 50c to $10 77 E. 3rd St. Winona, Minn. KEWPEE HAMBURGER SHOP FROM FASHION-CONSCIOUS ALUMNAE TO A FASHION-CONSCIOUS COLLEGE 5c HAMBURGERS 5c GREETINGS 126 E. 3rd St. Winona, Minn. Ardath 160 Main St.
Studios G. E. Griffin
yy^INGOLQ FLOUR BAY STATE MILLING CO. WINONA, MINN. COMPLIMENTS OF WINONA CLEARING HOUSE ASSOCIATION FIRST NATIONAL BANK MERCHANTS BANK WINONA NATIONAL AND SAVINGS BANK Master Cleaners and Dyers Schaffer CLEANING WORKS Phone 3030 68-70 East Fourth St. The George Hillyer Furniture Co. Established 1870—Incorporated 1910 "The store where you find the nationally advertised lines" FURNITURE. RUGS. LINOLEUMS, CHINA. GLASSWARE, PICTURES, MIRRORS. BABY CARRIAGES. LAMPS AND SHADES 166-168 Center St. Winona, Minn.


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SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS AT—CHOATE'S Building for Tomorrow on the Foundations of Today

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PELZER GATE CITY CUSTOM TAILORING LAUNDRY Pressing, Repairing and Alterations 164 West Third Phone 2888
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Food Products Will satisfy your particular appearance
by LATSCH & SON COMPANY Winona, Minn.
appreciate your business"
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PAINT GLASS JEWELER 59 West Second Street Winona, Minn.
IN WINONA EAT AND SLEEP at the ECONOMY TIRE SHOP SKELLY GAS, OIL—U. S. TIRES, TUBES WILLIAMS HOTEL & CAFE Frank and John Williams, Props. Greasing, Tire and Tube Repairing, Washing Phone 2192 A. A. Johnson, Mgr. Excellent Food at New Low Prices 4th & Lafayette Winona, Minn.
A. BROWN STEVENSON'S Prescription Druggist The Rexall Store A Friendly Store to Shop for College Togs, Formais and Everything Smart for School and Campus KODAKS KODAK SUPPLIES 1 17 W. Third St.
it's new you'll find it here" COURTESY SERVICE


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Neville's Men's Wear

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Royal Taxi Qualify Fur Shop

Super Cleaning Works

Bill's Barber Shop

Steak Shop

Lindsay Studio

Salet's Dept. Store

Dotty Dunn Hat Shop

Haddad's Dry Cleaners

'The following firms have contributed to the financial success of this issue of the Wenonah. We appreciate your

Lo, in Missis-sippi's wafers, Blue fhe efernal sky; In our hearts, O Alma Mater, Clear thy spirit high!

Lift the chorus

Send it ringing

Far o'er hill and vale!

Hail to thee, O Alma Mater!

Hail, Winona, hail!

Noble hills watch o'er the valley Where thy dwelling lies; Steadfast hearts, O Alma Mater, Gyard thy destinies.

Ever shall tomorrow better

What today hath won; Lead thy children, Alma Mater, On, forever on!

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