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L A N G F O R D ’ S S TA R T I N G P H O T O G R A P H Y

n. Wrong flash sync speed If only a slit of your image is well exposed and the rest of the frame is blank and you have been shooting with a flash the problem is an incorrectly set shutter speed. All cameras have a recommended synchronization speed that is the fastest shutter speed that can be used whilst operating a flash. Check your camera manual for details. If you shoot with faster than the recommended speed then only a portion of the frame will be exposed. Unexposed areas can occur horizontally or vertically depending on the type of shutter mechanism your camera employs (see Figure 48.14). Fault prevention: Double check to ensure that

Figure 48.14 Incorrectly selected shutter speed coupled with flash can cause a portion of the frame to be correctly exposed and the rest underexposed.

you are using the correct sync speed for your camera when working with flash.

o. Multiple exposure If your film frame appears to contain more than one image, or if you are unable to make out spaces between frames, then your film has received some form of multiple exposure. This can occur if you accidentally reshoot a film that has already been used, if there is a problem with your film advance mechanism or if you have accidentally activated a multiple exposure option on your camera (see Figure 48.15). Fault prevention: To avoid this problem make sure that you check your camera’s manual, label and process your films promptly, and if the problem

Figure 48.15 Multi-exposed film frame.

persists have your camera checked by a service agent.

p. Unloading film Another very common error is to open the camera before you have rewound your exposed film back into its light-proof cassette. Single-use cameras avoid these problems by having the film ready loaded and sealed in (see Figure 48.16). Fault prevention: Always double check that you have wound back your film before opening the camera back. Figure 48.16 Negative film completely black due to opening the camera back whilst the film was still loaded.


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