Bellows W. S. B e l lows C o n s t ru c t i o n C o r p o r at i o n
Byline S p r i n g 2012
In This Issue Asia Society Texas Center
Recognizing Asia’s growing importance on the world stage and the need to link Texas with that vital region, a group of visionary Houstonians led by former First Lady Barbara Bush and former Ambassador Roy M. Huffington, founded Asia Society Texas.
Our People Invest
Your Purpose
What do The Rise School, Wortham Theater Center, and Asia Society Texas Center have in common?
Employee Spotlight
Norm Molen began his career as his neighbor’s carpenter’s assistant at the age of 16 and hasn’t stopped building since.
EOG Resources, headquartered in Houston, is constructing a new office building for their Midland Division.
Asia Society Texas Center
Asia Society of Texas
Aker Photography Nash Baker Photography Hester + Hardaway Photography Skyworks Photography
B ellows B yline | S pring 2012
Handled with Care, Delivered on Time Over the past 98 years, Bellows has earned a reputation for carefully delivering projects with quality craftsmanship to the complete satisfaction of our clients, and for taking care of our clients’ needs first and foremost. That reputation has been built by our dedicated, expert personnel who are the bedrock of our company. Our clients know that they can entrust our skilled personnel to build even the most difficult, challenging projects with precision at a fair price. We are not just coordinators of subcontractors -- we know how to build and self-perform as required. Our building experience also contributes to expert value-engineering, anticipating project issues and being problemsolvers. Continuous, careful communication and teamwork among our clients, their design team and our building team contributes to our success. We take great pride in the repeat business we gain from most clients and the close relationships we develop with them and their design teams. The complexity and attention to detail involved in building our most recent projects, the Asia Society Texas Center and Texas Children’s Pavilion for Women, were challenges met with determination and care. At Bellows, we consider it a personal pledge to meet our clients’ goals of quality projects finished on time, on budget, and to stand by our work.
Laura Bellows, Chairman of the Board
Jim Stevenson, Chief Executive Officer
Lisa Gray, from her “Minimally Elegant” article about the Asia Society Texas Center | Houston Chronicle, January 22, 2012 “...My inner architecture nerd is duly impressed by the way that those panels (of Jura limestone) are “floated” on the walls, without any fixative showing between the panels, the way that mortar or grout does. The effect is lovely, and so wicked hard to pull off that American architects rarely dare to specify it for fear that their contractors will screw it up. So here’s to you, W. S. Bellows Construction. I didn’t notice any crooked panels or distracting goop. The wall was free to disappear.”
S pring 2012 | B ellows B yline
Asia Society Texas Center Recognizing Asia’s growing importance on the world stage and the need to link Texas with that vital region, a group of visionary Houstonians led by former First Lady Barbara Bush and former Ambassador Roy M. Huffington, founded Asia Society Texas in 1979 as a branch of New
The Asia Society Texas Center
York-headquartered Asia Society.
includes a geothermal system,
In following years, Asia Society
a unique energy-efficient
Texas hosted programs spanning
heating and cooling system.
business, policy, arts and culture at venues across the city. But by
of The Museum of Modern Art
This is the first use of such
1995 it had become obvious to
in New York City. The Center
a system in a commercial
the Asia Society Texas Board of
features the 4,000-square-foot
Directors that if the organization
Louisa Stude Sarofim Gallery, the
was to thrive it needed a home
Brown Foundation Performing
cooling the water system and
of its own. The search began
Arts Theater, the Edward Rudge
heat pump units, it allows for
for property in Houston’s high-
Allen III Education Center, store
an energy-efficient transfer of
profile Museum District and for
and café, and other amenities.
an internationally recognized
Mr. Taniguchi is known for his
architect who could realize
meticulous attention to detail and
and heating loads within the
the Board’s ambitious vision.
his commitment to the highest
building. ASTC’s geothermal
Construction began in January
standards of craftsmanship
2010 and was complete by the
and materials. Graceful design
end of summer 2011.
combines with stunningly beautiful
building in Houston. By
heat to the earth for cooling
heating and cooling provides a 15 to 20 percent energy savings compared to a conventional system.
The 38,000-square-foot, $48.4 million Asia Society Texas Center was designed by the distinguished architect Yoshio Taniguchi, known for his recent expansion
B ellows B yline | S pring 2012
stone, wood and glass to give Asia Society Texas Center its distinctive character. The facility serves as a public meeting place for the city’s diverse communities, especially Asian American groups.
Graceful design, distinctive character
Architect Taniguchi and Associates
Architect of Record Kendall/Heaton Associates
Civil Engineer
Asia Society Texas celebrated the Center’s Grand Opening April 12-15, 2012 with an inaugural exhibition from the Rockefeller
Walter P. Moore
Structural Engineer Ingenium, Inc.
MEP Engineer CHPA Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Collection of Asian Art. The new Center marks a transformational moment in the life of the organization. Asia Society Texas Center stands poised to play a vital role in linking Houston and Texas to the fastest-growing “Architects sometimes talk about
region of the globe. Recognizing
‘hundred-year’ buildings: Buildings
Houston’s growing stature as an
made to outlast their builders,
Asia Pacific city, the Center brings
buildings that aim to make our
together policy experts, cultural
grandchildren proud. The Asia Society
luminaries and members of the
Texas Center is definitely one of
public to explore issues shaping
those.” – Lisa Gray, Houston Chronicle
the U.S.-Asia relationship.
B ellows B yline | S pring 2012
Our People Invest in Your Purpose What do The Rise School, Wortham
Special purpose projects are
Theater Center, and Asia Society
typically unique projects with
Texas Center have in common?
specialized circumstances. Project
They are just a few of the projects
funds are most often raised via
that make up Bellows’ extensive
private donors, and the project
portfolio of not-for-profit/special
requirements are highly specific
purpose projects. These projects
to meet the focused needs of an
have become a staple of our
organization and the people it
business, contributing heavily to our
serves. These projects demand
reputation as a contractor that cares
a straight forward, honest, high-
just as much about how a building
integrity contractor who will invest in
commitment to treating clients fairly.
will function as we do about how
the purpose of the project and help
Our reputation is built on getting
it will respond to the purpose for
clients leverage the full potential of
things done and resolving problems
which it is built.
their new facility.
efficiently. We take every opportunity
Bellows’ service philosophy is a perfect fit for special purpose projects because of our commitment to the following principles: n
The organizations we serve have a high degree of obligation to donors to demonstrate that funds are being used wisely and appropriately. Bellows projects are an “open book.” We pride ourselves on maintaining proper and thorough accounting and we are relentless in our
B ellows B yline | SBpring 95 th A nniversary yline 2012 | S pring 2009
to help our clients assure donors their money is being maximized toward the highest possible benefit of the organization. n
Special purpose projects are one-of-a-kind facilities that are reliant on fundraising. Clients often choose distinguished architects resulting in a unique and sometimes complex design. Bellows has the sophistication and experience to fulfill the design and strategy presented by these renowned architects. In addition, the fundraising process can be very lengthy. We remain flexible throughout to accommodate scope
Bellows’service philosophy: honesty, flexibility and partnership changes based on fundraising
donor tours and fundraising events,
developments. We understand the
giving potential donors a firsthand
fluid nature of this process, and our
glimpse of the project. We work
clients trust us to be present at every
closely with the client to provide
turn, providing solutions to make the
a safe and successful experience.
most of their fundraising dollars.
We have also installed web-cams
We partner with our clients throughout the fundraising process,
that stream real-time progress so that donors can follow the project’s progress.
offering tools to strengthen their
The culmination of these principles
efforts. We accommodate on-site
represents Bellows’ true investment in more than just constructing a building. We capture the personal element and embrace the purpose which drives the organization whether it be helping the families of special needs children or enriching Houston’s cultural landscape.
Employee Spotlight Norm Molen began his career as his neighbor’s carpenter’s assistant at the age of 16 and hasn’t stopped building since. After becoming a professional carpenter and working as a subcontractor, Norm joined Bellows in 1994. He started as a carpenter foreman and after one year was elevated to general foreman. A few years later he was elevated, yet again, to general superintendent and has built some of Bellows’ most notable projects including the Byzantine Chapel, the Rienzi Museum and most recently he completed the Asia Society Texas Center. The Asia Society Texas Center holds a very special place in Norm’s heart as it was the last project that Tom Bellows assigned to him. “I wanted, more than anything, to know when the project was complete that Tom would have been extremely proud of what we accomplished. This project was extremely high-profile and I wanted our work to reflect attention to detail and ultimate craftsmanship. I know Tom would be very pleased with the result,” Norm mentioned. Norm is a self-proclaimed “perfectionist” and that is one of many reasons he has been assigned to such notable projects. “Norm’s enthusiasm and above-andbeyond dedication to our clients’ projects and goals matches that of our clients, often leading to a special rapport. For Norm and all of us at Bellows, it’s personal,” stated Laura Bellows.
S pring 2012 | B ellows B yline S pring 2009 | 95 th A nniversary
W. S. Bellows Construction Corporation Post Office Box 2132
Houston, Texas 77252-2132
Project in Progress EOG New Office Building
EOG Resources, headquartered in Houston, is constructing a new office building for their Midland Division. The project will include a 3-story office building with approximately 86,000 square feet and a structured parking garage. EOG implemented a true design-build process with Morris Architects and Bellows, charging the team to achieve three
key objectives - construct a building that is low-maintenance and efficient with potential for later sale, while working within the fixed budget. The new facility may serve as a prototype for future EOG office developments in other locations.