Writer's Ezine - Volume VI September 2014 Issue

Page 129

*** I watched from my observation deck, disguised in an oversized T-shirt and glares. After days of peering into the blue waters of the Konkan coastline, I was finally granted my reward- I spotted him. I rushed inside my makeshift beach-shack and returned with my giant pair of binoculars. I fiddled with the lenses till I could focus on him. He wore a yellow T-shirt, wet with the calciferous sprays of the waves that crashed against the shore that stuck to his chiseled body and honored the hours he would spend pumping weights at the gym. He had his arms around a couple of tourists in string bikinis. I threw the binoculars in my duffel bag and started the engine of my red hatchback. I was heading home. I cursed the traffic as I honked incessantly with frustration. I was angry. And disappointed. At myself. What a waste of an evening! I should have gone for my usual jog instead. The world looked so happy as I perspired in an ugly T-shirt. My feet ached with every extra minute of maintaining the fine clutch-brake balance on the upward slope. And then I remembered to switch on the air conditioner. But how much would that help? How would the AC Writer’s Ezine | Volume VI September 2014 Issue

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