Structure & Ornament Studio Jewelry: 1900 to the Present 12 February 2020

Page 121

WENDY RAMSH AW Beginning with her colorful folded-paper jewelry

the movement of objects in space and the challenge

of the 1960s, Wendy Ramshaw became a pioneer

of finding order in complexity. The Orbit series

of bringing “self-assembly”—an idea which had

features necklaces that, over the years, built up

caught on in many areas of postwar design,

and then took away elements; the present lot comes

to jewelry. Ramshaw creates works that are made

at the middle of the series and marks the peak

of parts and sections, “so that the owner can share

of its intricacy. Ramshaw’s ringsets, which she

in the way the piece is worn”. Much of her jewelry,

began creating in the early 1970s, have become

as well as her many large-scale architectural

emblematic of her ever-evolving output.

commissions, use motifs relating to cosmology,

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