New topics – keeping abreast of a changing world the following world maps have been added to the atlas: child employment, internet users, foreign direct investment, food production, and energy flows A visual guide to global issues – easy-to-read graphical presentation with every topic being presented by clear world maps, tables, graphs, and photographs Country comparisons – understand key development indicators, including economic growth, life expectancy, infant mortality, safe water, population, poverty, and energy use Authoritative statistics – from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators "This is an excellent, up-to-date source book which will be invaluable for students of, and staff teaching, higher levels of geography .... a clear, concise, easily-accessible, and well-illustrated volume."
Atlas of Global development second edition
Second edition of this comprehensive guide to the most critical issues facing the world.
Atlasof Global Development second edition
geographical association, united kingdom
ISBN 978-0-8213-7603-4
9 780821 376034 Cover image: Bill Ross/corbis
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A visual guide to the world’s greatest challenges (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank