Assessing Sector Performance and Inequality in Education

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Gini coefficient for years of schooling by age, 118 Theil index for years of schooling by age, 118 school data and ADePT Edu software development, 5–12 school participation indicator tables, 88–103, 89f, 94f, 96f, 99f–101f education inequality assessment, 143–44 global disparities in participation, 152–54, 153f–154f gross attendance rate postsecondary education, 93 primary school, 88, 90 secondary school, 91 gross intake rate, to grade 1, 93–94, 94f net attendance rate primary school, 90 secondary school, 92 net intake rate, gross intake rate, 94–95 on-time percentage primary education, 95–97, 96f by single grade, 98 out-of-school children. See under outof-school children, proportion of over-age percentage grade 1 students older than official grade 1 age, 94–95, 94f primary school, 97 by single grade, 98 percentage of student-age population, attendance by age, 99, 99f–101f school attendance ratios and out of school, by level, 88–93, 89f survival rate to grade 5, 94–95, 94f under-age percentage primary school, 97 by single grade, 98 school progression tables, 103–11, 104f, 109f, 112f completion rate primary school, 106 secondary school, 107–8 dropout rate primary school, 105–6 secondary school, 107

education inequality assessment, 143–44 global disparities in, 154–55, 155f promotion rate primary school, 105 secondary school, 106 regional disparities, 164–67, 165f–166f repetition rate postsecondary education, 108 primary school, 105 secondary school, 107 transition rate, primary to secondary, 108 secondary school education attainment inequality and attendance rates, 152–53, 153f educational expenditure indicators, 119, 120f, 121 participation indicators gross attendance rate, 91 net attendance rate, 92 out-of-school children, proportion of, 92 primary school transition to, 108, 164–67, 169, 169f, 172 progression indicators, 107–8, 111, 112f regional disparities attendance rates, 159–60, 159f, 172 completion rates, 166–68, 167f–168f primary school transition to, 108, 164–67, 169, 169f, 172 sector-based employment indicators, 125, 126f, 127 settings adjustments, ADePT Edu software, 67–69, 68f–70f simulations, ADePT Edu software applications, 66–67 single grade participation indicators, 98 single grade progression indicators primary school, 108–11, 109f secondary education, 111, 112f Social Protection module, 51–53 SPSS (.sav) datasets ADePT Edu data loading, 42–44, 43f–44f education inequality assessment, 10


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