Making Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Work (Part 2)

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for communication and advocacy, 231 in data management process, 253 in evaluation and research, 409 joint missions/trips and, 139–40 in M&E systems, 5, 32, 40 for results improvement, 417, 430–33 in routine monitoring, 257–58 for supportive supervision visits, 356–57 for surveys, 306–7 workshops for, 264 research and evaluation. See evaluation and research Research Ethics Training Curriculum, 376 resistors of M&E system. See counterreformers Resnik, D., 374 resource allocation, 42 resource gaps, 213–14 resource mobilization for advocacy work, 242 costed work plans and, 200–201, 202, 213–15 for database development, 339 for evaluation and research, 380, 383–84 M&E plans and, 163, 167 responsibility, organizational, 62, 63, 148–49, 205, 208 results chains, 154, 154f, 156, 238t results frameworks, 147, 153, 169–75 results improvement, 21, 413–69 background, 416–22, 418f benefits of, 423–26, 425f definitions, 416–22 knowledge and skills, 413, 449–50 learning activities for, 450–64 decision making case study, 450–51 graphical display of data, 451–55 program implementation, 458–64 real-time decision making, 456–57 overview, 415 qualitative data analysis, 437–38, 466–69 quantitative data analysis, 434–36, 465 results for this component, 422–23 routine monitoring for, 458–64 strategies to promote, 426–34 addressing problems, 426–27 data management processes and quality assurance, 429–30 end-users in, 430


professional development, 428–29 reporting and presenting information, 430–33 standardized information product formats, 433–34 supportive leadership and organizational culture, 427–28, 428t visual presentation of data, 431–32f, 431–33, 439–49, 440–49f, 451–55 rights of refusal, 352 Rist, Ray C., 4, 30, 31, 234 Rossi, P.H., 365 routine monitoring, 20, 247–86 background, 250–54, 252t benefits of, 255–56, 256t, 291 definitions, 250–54, 252t designing new system for, 265–71 buy-in for, 265 data collection and data flow for, 267–68, 276–81 data identification, 267 data management process, 268, 272, 285–86 guidelines for, 268–70, 269–70t implementation preparation for, 270–71 inventory for, 266–67, 274–75 launching system, 271 M&E TWG involvement in, 266 forms for, 282–84 implementation issues, 256–65, 270–71 capacity building, 258 data collection for, 256–59, 259f linking agencies’ systems, 263–64 planning process linkage, 260–63 qualitative and quantitative data, 265 reporting rates, 257–58 sample surveys and, 264 supply and demand, 259 knowledge and skills, 247, 271 learning activities for, 272–73, 458–64 overview, 249–50 results from this component, 254–55 supportive supervision and data auditing and, 349–50, 354–55


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